When B44! Cornes WIHA T a joy to mother's heart when baby cornes! What a relief after months -of anxiety and nerve strain! Mother 'is happy and ex- ptssoon to be strong and weii again. But' frequentiy reaction sets in, and when the excite- ment is over she iq ieft xv eak 'm d Ump an~d does rot se<em tbuild up the way she should. Fortunate tne wïbrv'ho, fias at hard the or attentiv', 'cýri iviiihelp hcr -f ~ -pce of " b1ood-'k) nnvm- atinq. tre.afmont, and these requ;ren.ts are ndmirably met by Dr. Chase's Nerve Fooid. Mrs. Wm. Woods,, Cold- water, Ont., writes: "After the -birth of my baby 1 was run down, nervous and could not eat ýor sieep, jumping at the least noise.- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food buit me up and made me strong and weIi ,again." Mss. David Logan, Thor- bun NS., writes: " friend of mine whom 1 went to see after baby was born' toid me she us-d Dr. Çhase'ý Nev ood -,ill±hrough thec e'7'ctut nriod qrd attri- hre er Qýood condition and sPiuýýdd baby to its use" Dr. cýîqse'%s N(rv(oPnnd. .5A PIrn-~son Btes ~<! '(.. Toronto. Look £or ror- Chase, M., tbho fqmop, P ceinot Book author, on the box you buy. CAN,%*%& FLoURZ I SUFFERED« FIVE YEAIRS Finally Was, Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Paris, Ont. -"Fr five years I'suf- fered from painscaused y dispia-e- ment of my organs andin my back. AU of ts ime I was unfit for work and was taking different medîcines that 1 thought were good. 1 sa, the advertise- ment in the papers Compound and took .nowinperfeef health and'd my owýn work. I recommend a::cand2 opermiÎs n and in the newspapers as a testimonial. "f -. D. CÂSSADY, Box 461, Paris, Ont. Wywomen wiil continue to sufer so ln smore than we can understand, %vhen they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta'ble Compound! For forty years it has been the stand- mneas displacements, inflammation, irîceration, irregularities, etc. ý fyou want specçial advlce write to ydaE. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dentia), Lvnn. Mass. Your letter wilI ST In Ye Olden Time hoop skirts were worn by those who first asked the druggist for, and insisted on having the geauine Favorite Pro- scription put up by Dotor Pierce over fifty years ago. Dress bas changed very Blucb silce i ains th and (Iercnae ioo peautbdle dsupn eath Wrysepen ss ihs haahs iTinty a enin hr-erl hr ati brin j-tedi yte co' ase "the hagard ok dop shouldears agdo fatrgsep Tod nvreotain e apeacof yut y ou ut reeans heat. Isedo lotins, dpowders and peins skoua drist lot Donnechraiere'saFavort PUie rn, 'liek.-" eDotoe rce's ail,1 othe megdicloofaid Te omei doctodrscound tdo notingfor'ep.I PbiIPENd tosk.- Dr. Pir Pip~ ercie- I 10 ou no.iw I hl BO WMAN VILLE, MAY 26th., 1921. fied in bearing,-fiuent -rhletorieai recovery from the injury. It is also _______________________ lin language-eioquent and magnetie an excellent remeau. for ail mLnner of H~STRY F SOINA in speech and realiy had few rivais as cuts, bruises and sprains, as weii as HÏSTRY F SOINA an orator. His speech-brought peni- for reiievîng the pains .riin from du tents to the altar the first night. He inflammation of varjous kinds. A Reminiscences of Eà'wly Days in i spoke again the fellowing evening, bottie in the house and stable saves Darlington. and so on for several evenings, until many a doctor's and veterinary'ys fee. By Cas.M. BceLawer, envrie seemed to have the sinners of the Methodist Church Sunday School By has M.Bi. c, Lwyr, envrwhole neigjhborhood repentant and Anniversary, Sunday, May l5th., was Colo. thronging the altar. successful beyond ail expectation. He was lionized by theminister, as The church was filled aimost to its J Among the farmers of sixty odd a very godly man, and hie roomed at full capacity. 11ev. J. E. Griffith, years ago, surrounding Solina, are this time at the home of Stephen M. A., a former pastor,. was the i ywbao, achieved famne as suc- Washington, aiso a- minister, until preacher. In the afternoon an in- one day the pastor received a tele- teresting programn was giyen hy the cessfui agriculturalists, but it will be gram from some place in New York, scholars and a very excellent black- impossible to give the naines Of al fuliy describing the man-a very easy board taik by 11ev. Mr. Griffith. Sun- of that class in the prescribed limits thing to do, as hie had reddish hair, day School choir occupied the or- a of' this letter. There were then man a swarthy complexion, and was a littie chestra. The financial standing of ha model farms with elegant stone and bald, with a large wen or tumor on the school as presented by the Treas- orq brick ýdwellings, and beautiful and the top of his head, etc., and request- urer, Mr. T. Smith, showed it to be commodious out buildings, where ed the pastor to arrest him at once. in a healthy condition. $150 was be1 were perfectly constructed board fen- The pastor, in his innocence, could asked for and neariy $200 was piaced - ces, well kept lawns and roads, not believe that hie was the person on the plates. beautiful fiower ,gardens and walks, wanted for fraud and crimes in New ________________ kept with great care and circum- York, and was indiscreet enough to spection by tihe justiy proud pro- show the telegram Èe had recie, S Amog teseI wuldmention, that,, of course, it could not refer RAZ-MAi though not exhaustive of the subject, t lsc eotmn h the elegant homes and farmns of stranger in reply, admitted the de- NO bmking-U, spomiw-b mu Anthony Washington, Mr. William scription happenwd to fit hlmi pretty just SwaIIw a âs Annis, Mr. Abram Varnum,' Mr. well, but said, "You know, it cannot RAZ-MfHa Guafratoedý Hlenry Abrahams, Mr. James ýHeatle, mean me". But before xnorning te esor normul breatuina mo Mr. Edward Pascoe, Mr. James the stranger had "struck the trail", atefglheb .9kf =11.7, Colton, Mr. William Lammiman, Mr. as we cail it in the West, and was mât«îge1it f e bo'- comt va John VanNest, Mr. George WiLshing- neyer seen afterwards in the neigh- kQ 0-mndu.8.0terr4 ton, Messrs. Stephen and Daniel borhood, and could not be found. e'&'rr fu 1u xat B4« T r Hogarth,.Mr. John Mason, Mr. Wmn. The crimes he was charged with in TUPl -,1 8 iag W..T'numts,. Elod r. Eber Milison, and a host the telegramn, are not fit for public of étes that added so materially print, and we omit themn, but hîs ILocal Agents Jury &. Lovell'a Drug to the fame, and caused the laudatory fieeing in the night sbowed gilt. Store. praises of ail visitors. Query. Hoîr was it the Hoiy SpiritL A f ew wil1l doubtless remember- could act through such a debased Mr. Ben F. Perry, a £armer by oc- medium, wbere the'uprigbt and god- G. AX BRIETHEN cupation who then lived on the farm iy pastor had failed? The writer will f now occupied 'by Reeve Thomas welcome any expianation or informa- AUCTIONEER Baker, but a politician and speculator tion, that wili clear up this problem, t of the mbst extensive ambitions. and give consequent peace tio his NOR'WOOD..-ONTiO It was he who bought the old perplexed mind. swamp land on the north side of Denver, May 2lst., 1921. W Hampton, near the Scugog rond, and The man with Asthma aimost longs Having secured a License forsa devised the scheme of diverting the for death to end' his suffering. H1e Bowmanville District I will hoSa creek by canais to drive the immense sees abead only years of endless tor- 1 dtcoutyur sl milîs of various sorts, hie was go- ment with intervals of rest which are Pe0asadt odc or sl ing to erect at that place, themseives fraught witb neyer ceas- REASONABLE RATES- Write As an apparent uncontemplated in- ing fear of renewed attacks. Let for date. cident of, his scheme, but in reaîity him turn to Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asth- 50-t the real object of it, hie platted most nma Remedy and know what complete of the area into town lots with wide relief it can give. Let him use it g streets and aileys as an addition to faithfuily adle wil fnd îs asma * * the village of Hampton, and hie suc- greatly benefitted.A ceeded in selling most of the -lots, at- enormous profits-to Mr. Perry. It ORONO The Double Track Route is needless to say that after hie un- loaded his lots,'-the interest of Mr. (From The News) betweenj -Perry in his miii project soon began Miss Hattie Williamson is homie Montreal to wane, and because of the anger of from the city.. Toronto the dupes hie induced to purchase lots Mr. Francis Awde is recovering Detroit when they discovered the fraud, Mr. from his severe iliness.& Pery fun itconenenttoemi- Miss W. Baliagh bas returned formn Chicago w grate' to Minnesota, where hie soon a visit with.1riends in Toroýnt'o. Uecle i gcrsrie biossomed into a fulI fledged politi el AlnOsaw ubic S ee dning ca ihrarie.n cian piledged to save his hewly adoptl MissBelAlnOsaa Pbi Sepngcronihtrisad ed country. Sehool teaching'staff, has been home Parlor cars on the principal day trains sick. Full information from any Grand There was but one other large Miss Agatha Stapies, New York Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning scheme to "'get rich quick" that I City, is visiting hier father, Mr. Wm. District Passenger Agent, Toronto.g recail of early days- and that was Staples. the "salting" as miners caîl it, of a Mrs. S. Purser, Toronto, is visiting J. H. H. JURY, Agent so called coal shaft sunk on the Bates bier niece, Mrs. (11ev.) A. K. Edmis- phone 8 oma*il farm close to the west side of Bow- on, at the Parsonage. 7 omnil manville. I distinctly remember tbe To have tbe children sound and excitement the alleged discovery Of bealthy is the first care of a mother. h coal occasioned at that time, s0 near They cannot be healtby if troubled C i'-JVac LIC Bowmanville, and how 1 visited the with worms. Use Mother Graves' (pnlAjsmns ground, and peered in' the dep o Etriar.(inlAjsmt) dark shaft, and inspect thepWom xtrmnaor pile of coeted the p litedt i Misses Kathleen Staples and Viola Remove the Cause of Disease, pil e f ca at othe op alle e ilfilian are home from Toronto1 Un- without Medicine or Kilife. Chir- low bu catedthee fom ore îersty or ummr vcaton opractors have remarkable suc- lobtcre hr rmsiecoal iest o ume aain ceas in removing the cause of yard. I was too young then to pro be, Wolverhampton Lodge, S. 0. E. B. Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, the extent to which this fraud led. S., NO. 128, hold their annual churcb Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame or how much loss it occasioned to in- service in Methodîst Church on Sun- Back, Constipation, Piles, Female vestors in land nearby, but the fraud day evening. Diseases, Stomach and Kidney was soon discovered, and laid bare It Bids Pain Begone-When fleur- Troubles. Nervousness in manyJ la il ts nority agia racks the nerves or lumbago forms respon.d regdily to Chiro- i l ts no 5 eay, n. wudtbncripples the back is the time to test practic. It s nt s eay, ne ,oud tinkthe virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eciectric to "salt" a coal mine as it is a mine i.Wi ube ni ;l tl b Examination Free at Office.Ph of pecius etas, or heyaresel1 pain and produce a sensation of ease D .S.M ON S dom found in their native state, but and rest. A trial of itDR.iS. estabNEs. generally in cbemlical combination 1faiiluiin it. twl sals 86 Sim ,aeSt. N. Oshawa with' other substantNs. It is not Poe24 difficuit to sprinkle a little. goid dust Miss Christine Waddeli is home ïoe24 in the heaps of broken rock so that fromn the cîty having graduated as a the assays wil1l" ;un up into the Dental Nurse from the Royal. Coi- thousands of dollars per ton, of the lege of Dental Surgeons.T e P ' ' h k rock. Henc "satii~g gol and Mrs. Jas, Lunney and Mr. St. Car silver mines is quite a profession, of the Goodyear Hotel, Bowmanville, For Oves- 70 Yearsg among a certain class in this coun- and lady friends of Akron, Obio ,were for digestive disordershas been try; and it is much the samne with visitors at the Roipb flouse. Beecham'sPilis.Youcanhavecon- diamonds, as the celebrated diamondý Do not allow worms to sap the fidence in this remedy for bilious- fraud in New Mexico, a f ew years vitaiity of your children. If not at- ness, headaches, flatulency, con. ago, wiil attest. tended to, worms may work irrepar- $,tpto.Su;s ogn r But to return to the farmers, 1 able harma to the constitution of the stimuîated and the whole system may say that about the only diver-! infant. The little suif erers cannot beetedy sion young people had from bard i-voice tbeir aliment, but there are etiedy toil, were the numerous "protracted1 many signs by which mothers are meetings" generally held by the var- made aware tbat a dose of Miller's ious churches durîng the eveîg fWr odr is necessary. These winter months. These were usually1 powders act quickly and wîll expel weil attended by tbe youths of both Jworms from the system without any In boxes.SIeey sexes, but 1 apprehend, with motives'inconvenience to the chiid. 2c.50r. as variant as the youths who at-i As we go to press the family andca" tended,. and generally not wîth re- 1 friends of Mr. C. G. Armstrong are ligious sentiments uppermost. El-! mucb concerned over bis condition.1 dad church neyer failed to have its 1GC G. who appearçd much improved periodicai meetings of this cla ss, and,1 in bealth.had spent most of the week they we-e-usual- iy elpto i b1i te it_ oi-yov-txig i CoC7l - 4è .fere Yom,5 dEHv«IGH VALLEY COAL Mgoney invested in our coal is cash conscient- usly expended. Here you will get your mo'ney's orth'of coat. ,Helre you receive a full ton plus, 4 ;isfactory service. John A. Ilolgate &\.Son een and Division Sts. Bo0wmrnatvý il Ile BE :>ARTtCUL(qR' You cannot be too particular about the insuranceè you choose. The 40 dom- panies we represent will stand. the acid, o test of investigation. Firo- Losses dealt with very liberally and pai -i up with as little delay as possible. YOU GET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE WII7H LJ. MASO'N &SON Real Estate and Insurance 'Brokers one 50 Bowmanville ~ream Wanted Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to cali on you We would appreciate a phone eall or Write us.' Orono Creainry Co., ORONO A£GMTFICENT STEAMERS 3 a h~SEE qD .-3tlTY0F RIE"-*CITY 0F BUFFALO"ý UFFAL~Diiy, Ma lut--zNv. l5th - CLEVELMND W e B F7 : 8 0 O F .A . 1 . 5 T VNA s1 T M E r v e S U P P A L O 9 :0 0 . I L 9:00P. . Lmaw leArveBcU"Aw T .sl i. jiae es you eeIIng Gom x ~ He orEe Dyepoqmnejy Loss dff npePfpiiTo a ~~~~~' reiètdlia ee l ed to d-' the Heart, Failing Memort. Price $2 pu. box, 6 dress the meeting. Permission was, for $5, SoId by aIIdruggists, or mailed iIn plai redl ie, n esoc ot.H k. nrcito rç.Ne ipli ak g.-was very Lyacious ini manner, digni- free.THE WOOc~o.oRt~, j EN 826 saf ar finer f1avýur than that of any Japan China Green Te&? -Send for a sample and convinced. Addres'-Salada, Toronto. imTM o ýR maummI'q