'Voi. LXVII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARJO, JUNE 2, 1921 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copi. N.2 G,,randl Display of HousecleéaninigHelps At this season of the year you are always looking for something to brighten up the home, or one paricular room. can show you some of the finest materials just for that purpose- BUNGALOW NETS Suitable for any room ia the houe.. They come lna number of pretty floral and block designs, in white and creani. Prices 60e to $1Ê50. CURTAIN SCRIMS With hemstitched insertion and lace edges. Reasonably priced, 25e ta $1.50. MADRAS These ceme la cream, aise beauti- fui designs la different colers. Suit- able for curtains and ovemdrapes. Prices 75c ta $2;0ê. ART SATEENS, CRETONNES AND CHINTZ Very useful for over-curtains and uphoistering. These, come lnaa beautiful range cf floral and bird de- signs, 27 te 50 inches wide. Friced, 40c ta $1.75 per yard. We FLOOR COVERINGS LIn fancy block design, suitable for kitchen, pantry, halls and bedrooms, Engiish and Scotch Linoleums, 2, 2 and 4 yds. wide. LADIES' ATTENTION We are stili showing a fine range of Ladies' Spriag Cents and Suite at very attractive prices. Make your selection new.- *BEAUTIFUL VOILE S Voiles ln wonderful assortmeat, petty tinted effects, splendid range cf new ideas la celer biending. Un- deubtedly this lu the finest stock of voiles ever shown and at such values. MEN'S SUITS $17.50 Beady-to-wear froni $17,50 up. Men"s ordemed Suits made te measure from $25.00 and up.- No better value aaywhere. Couch, Johnstoni & Crydermant BdWmanvllle Phone 104 Limftea N. B.-AI1 stores in Bowmanville wilI be closed Wednesday after- noons in 1921, except during December. RKeductions in Chocolates We are sole agents for Willard's and Liggett's Chocolates. Our stock is f resh and the prices on ail package goods reduced to f ormer prices, now that the tax is re- moved. Al the well-known boxes such as Vineyard, IPeacemaker, etc., $1.00. JURY & ÉOVELL KODAK ,r.SERVICE The Pleasure of Photography Is In The Taking Not, The Making. Amateur photographers' are interested -primarily in obtaining good snap shots. And even where there's an inclination to complete the work-the element of time mnust be considered.1 If you wish to have your photos finished as carefully as they are taken , let us do the Developing and Printing. Our store is equipped for finest work and we pro- vide a twenty-fourehour service-Perfect pictures guar- anteed- We are agents for Genuine Kodaks and Cam- eras. GENUINE KODAKS AND CAMERAS JURY & LOVELL YOUR EYES For 30 years-we have been making a special studyý of Eye Tobe People corne long distances to consuit us and hun- dreds of hîghly delighted customers send their friends tO us. Cali up phone 78 and make an appointment, or cali any time when passing. When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Jury&LveI Two Graduate Optometrists at your Service. (Chicago Ophthialmie College Gautsof' New York School of Opties Detroit Optical, College Canadian .-Ptical College This Week's Specials CHOCOLATE BARS-Big variety only 5c at Jury & Loveh'a. DISTILLED WATEB for your auto. Pure and fmesh, la sealed bottles. Jury & Lovel]. RIT SOAP DYE-Makes your old clothes look like new and cleans whie 1t colors. Jury & Lovell. HAT CREAM for Pananla and Straw Hats-makes them lock like new, LOc te 50c. Jury & Loveil. Keep youm vitality at maximum by taking BEXALL BEEF, WINE ANDJ IRON, $1.25, large bottie. Jury & Loveli. At this season of the year keep yoam hands soft and smooth with eur CREAM 0F VIOLETS. Big bottie 25e at Jury & Lovell's. Its wmong, decidedly dangerous to rua risks with yeur eyes. WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PRO- PERLY. Jury & Lovell. SNAPSHOT ALBUMS-Keep a KODAK stcmy of the baby lnaa beautifal looseleaf Album, Big as- sortment from 15e up at Jury & Lovell's. STOCK FOOD, POULTRY FOOD, etc. Ail the best uines. Our Stock Foods are carefully selected and your money is cheerfuily retumned if me- sults are net satisfnctory. Jury & Level. TOILET CREAMS OR POWDERS -Face Lotions and hot weather toilet articles of al kinds are la great demand just new. Our stock con- tains the finest the market 'produces. Jury & Lov'eil. SPRING ENERGY. At this sens- on it is weil te take a geod tonle, one that will renew your vital force. Rex- ail Compound Syrup of Hypophosp- hites wili suppiy new energy and i- crense your appetite. Large hostie $1.00 at Jury & Lovehl's. Why not goS that KODAK this week? Every day ycu delay means lest pleasure., Our assortment is very complote now and we give ful instructions for takiag pictures that wiii give you groat pleasure la years te corne., Jury & LoYeU. M GOOD ROADS PROBLEM TOWN PARK DISCUSSED WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ELECTION GO TO HEAR MRS. BLUET'T ________ncpliiesAeDon. A UBLCMETN Mrs. W. B. Poîlard the New President1 A special meeting of Bowmanvifle Oshawa Council will submit y By actual count 20 citizens were Women's Institute will be held onI lawte atpayrsforther ancio sufficiently interested in the Town The annual meeting of Bowman- Tuesday afternoon June 7 at the lawtoraepyer fr her sncio iPark proposition to attend the meet- ville Women's Institute was held ait home of Mrs.. T, C. Jewell, Ontario-st,. to resurface King and Simcoe-stý8 ing called by Mayor Quinn for Frn- the home of Mrs. John Morris, Beech instead of in the Council Room, to be with a 2 inch asphait covening.i day night. The only alibi reason- Avenue, on Friday afternoon. addressed by Mrs.C.KBueto MayorSaceyotimatescost0o0tow offered for the absence of ail other Newly elected officers are: "The Part the Institute plays in the citizens, was that they were enj oyiag President-Mrs. W. B. Pollard.- makîng of an ideal Community". iDundas has passed a by-law to pave "Aunt Susan's Visit" in St. Paul's Vice do-Mrs. Frank Jackman. Music will be furaished and a very its main street, contract being award- Curhtht'vnig 2nd Vice do-Miss E. E. llaycraft. interestîng meeting is expecteil. Al $122t50Warren isingwas oadefo 1Maor Quinn explained how the' Secretary-Treasurer-Mrs, J. J. ladies are invited to attend. boro12 12,500 foisom the mank of town had secured a lease on the flats Lord. ________ I bomrce at162,500prmctenofee at $1 .00 a year for 25 years. He Directors-Mrs. Geo. H Bickell, OF FRVAC VR Csofrc this 1/ok.peraceng t theeiha called the meeting to see if the Mrs. Geo. Gilbert, Mrs. J. T. ilooper, OFF _ORANCOVER figuref the sio n igt ese:cîtizens wished to improve the land Mrs. W. G. Mutton, Mrs. E. R. Boun- figs atgh eesitor a luxuryked acquired for park purposes and also sali.- Miss E. E. Hayc-raft, the associate Is suggestea that a soldrers' memoria1 editress of thîs great family journal, Cobur ha rceiedtwotedes might be erected thereon. ere l Organist-Mrs. J. T. Hooper. leaves to-day on the excursion of the forpavngits main street, the differ- was availabie about $1,300 whic'h had Auditors-Mrs. E. R. Bounsail, Canadian Weekly Newspapers As- ence in the tenders being between been ýraised for patriotic purposesMisEthWes.ocaonttePcfendwlex $3,000 and $4,000-total eost around which might be used for a park i District Director-Mrs. T. C. Jew-1 pect to see many of our readers- $100,000. Council iaassed resolution Some objection1 was raised toe the ell. girls and boys from the-Homeland of expressîng desire to'pave King-st but town not securing an option on the'. Representatives to the annual meet-. Durham at the various cities and neither tender will be accepe ni property and it was suggested that ing at Solina on Tuesday, June 14-1 towns at which, the special excursion Government states what shar fcs council secure this before any îm- Mrs. W. B. Pollard, Mrs. J. J. Lord, train will stop enroute. it will bear. provements are made. Mrs. F. Jackman, Mrs. J.' T. Hooper, Country correspondents and citi- Cobourg Wfinanciahly shennoTown- reactoni twyfof a vg olntaryMrs LAlex lor n rdazuen4.as n of orth, ill confrh av oriem of Cobourg Wornld That cn-lra atoni the Towof - vThear Nextregular meeting at home of of news of public interest, person- dition to contribute to the paving of, pick and shovel gang on the job to , lx alro rdy ue2.alads ot, ilcne a King Street, is, or should be a well'level off the knolls, etc.,- was awarded July program to be used. on the editors by sending sameinto recognized fact With the rate 42, to A. M. Williams, chief pick wielder, Treasurer's report was as follows. the office as early la the week as mills on the dollar and unforeseen ex-' M. A. Neal, time clerk, Geo. L. Hall, possible so that the news standard of penditure, it dosen"t seemi reasonabie'paymaster, and a committee of store Receipts tis paper may be well maintained. or fair to ask the generai ratepayer, and office helpers who know as much, Balance on hand ............ $10.14 to pay, orhelp to pays, for the paving'about handling a pick and shovel as a Memorial Fund ............. 75.00 of King Street If the ratepayers of baby does about stringing a violin.; Fees...................... 12.50 LET CITIZENS WHO PAY King Street want to pave their street It is expected the most of the work Goverament grant.......... 3.00 HAVE A CHANCE TO SAY they should be willîng to pay the will be done by neighboring farmers Rest £und ................. 63.65 whole expense, after the goverament and their teams who will be honored'b Miscellaneous: collections $28.85; Ia another columa of thîs issue we 'grant has been deducted. with invitations to off er their ser- brthday collection $22.55; sale of publish editorial comments and ex- Whtb Gzete an Croice~vices gratuitously. Farniers with home-made cooking $20.05ý chicken tracts £rom council reports 'of other Somidbt isetertnd C as ile tractors may receive honorariums for pie supper $275.32; bean contest municipalities on the good roads wheter oute contrtineof40per serv ices rendered. Work days-'! $1.55; civic holiday booth $59.75; problem. Bowmanville is also vit- whehertheconribtio of'40perWednesday and Saturday afternoons.' Canadian Home Journal subs. $9.00; ally interested in this subject as the cent of the centre 20(1f eet of a per-1 Interest $6.40.' council has advertised for tenders for mianent roadway, conitributted by the 1 t is expected another meeting Total' Receipts $587.76 paving King-st., which no doubt will iGoverament, would be accepted by, will be called shortly when the com- be considered at meeting of town property owners along Dundas Street mittee appointed will present,,more Expenditure's council Monday night next. Stormn as a sufficient grant to warrant the details about the park. Expenses for hall $5.00; officers sewers have already been placed on laying of the pavemen,-it. The petit-i salaries, etc., $15.00; pninting and our main street la readiness for pav- ion asking for the pave ment was siga- MONEY IN TEXTILES advertising $9.35; postage and sta- ing it. ed on the understandinïg that the De-j tionery $2,84; delegates expenses to Mr. P. F. Newhouse, Town Engin- partmnent would make a grant equal Dominion textiles Raise Dividend tai Provincial Convention $10.60; mis- eer, has estimated the cost of this to 60 per cent of the centre 20 feet. 12 per cent--Outlook for Textiles cellaneous-Hoine Journals $9.00; work to be around $79,000.00, of TeMýniJsteýr of Public Highways' is Good. W rois oly40pe en. n- Mnyofou eaer i1 Linoleum, dresser, etc., for Bow man- which the goverament pays about 1oherometiioaon40prn ts ne- vileand vociniy wîll ersi owa-ville Hospital $318.93; Navy League $*23,000. As the work will be done intresed 10.0; hilrens Seltr~ ortunder the Local Improvement plan, standing will probably have to be sub- ini the announcement that the Domin-, Hope $5.00; charity $10.00; expenses property owners on King-st will pay, mitted to the Tow.-n Counceil,, before ion Textile Co. has declareçi a divid- for supper, booths, etc., -$43.32. 70 per cent on their frontage and they would feel justified in taking any enid of 12 per cent. The Textile! Total expenditures $4.39.04- Bal- the ratepayers in gen'Iral are taxed definite action, business la Canada is reported to be'ance on hand $148.72, (includîng for the balance. Thus, takiag into Cobourg Sentinel Star says: On w1c xetoal elh odtin$50 o eoilFn n consideration that the streets inter- the counties ronds very little con- ie adds furtiher assurance and $63.e~5 for Rest Fund.) sections, etc., are chargeable to the struction is being done this -yer confidence for those who are invest-_____ town the cost will be about' equally eaing in the Thomison Knitting Co. of divided. the only work of tItis. uîne being the'Bowmanville, which stock is being GO-TO.SUNDAY-SCHOOL CELE- Amjrtyothpretywes finishing of the six miles on the off ered as an 8 per cent preereABATO A OWANVLL o in-t ofhave ptoned the on- Campbellford-Myersburg rond, where security.rfre RTO T BWAVLE o igs. aepttoe h on it is expected work will be finished y.1 METHODIST C14URCH cil to pave this street and the balance about July lst. On account of the Tuesday's Mail & Empire contain- large sum of money the counties ed the following despatch:! Appropriate Sermons, Excellent Sing- of the ratepayers not living on King- wîll have to refund the provincial Montreal, Que., May 30-At thei ing, Orchestra Music and Reciting. 8t., who have to pay, about half the govrnmntno arg costrctin metig o th Bord f Drecors The specially arranged order of' eost of saine have no say whatever igoernent nolare cnstuctonmeeingof he oar ofDirctos'in the matter. Many la the latter work will be undertaken by the -of the Dominion Textile Company,'ý service in keepiag with the praise- class object to the high handed way L counties this year, owing to the big. Limited, the dividend of the comn- worthy effort la Sunday School 11f e la which the council !s'forcing this expenditure for bridges and on ac- pany's common stock was raised to 12 consisting of suitable music, ably sup- rpsto hog hnsc count of the provincial highway. It per cent. per anaum. This is ila une ported as usual by the S. S.* Orchest- paroepositionthrugh wholesuch a was thought advisable to have a sup- with Street expectations, and repre- ra, responsive readings, etc", was car- first submitting it to a vote of the piementary estimate of $50,000 pas- sents an increase la the dividend rate ried out on Sunday afternoon before people. sed at the June session, but this, we on the common stock of 2 per cent. a fair attendance of the respective Thtoacstfthswrinu- understand, wîll not be asked for by per annum. The dîvîdend increase classes.Thtoa s fti wrinl- Ythe rond commissioners for economit adds another constr uction step to h The patriotîc section-an address ing interest on the money, spread reasns. iviend istry o th comays of exhortation to the night kind of over a term'of 20 years la debentur- Refrnngto hepaingcotrcicommon stock. The rate was ln a triotism _was clearly given by es will amount to about $ 100,000. r Rferingte;thepavng ontaelcreased froni 6 te> 7 per cent, for the Master Reid Peara and the definition Aitho' the council is acting within i Dundas The Star snys: The' quarte r ending June 30 1917, and to of the sym*bols portrayed by our its nights la 'proceediag with this Councîl -passed the paviag by-iaw 8 per cent.,o h uatreda National and Christian fiag was ex- work, does not the exceptionaliy large wichs clesar u te lsof the ponrcd-June 30, 1918, and to 10 per cent fori cellentiy recited by Miss' Beatrîce expenditure warrant them in first ursncsaybfoetecnrc the quarter endiag June 30, 1920. CrydermAt. Mrs. (Dr.) C. W. submitting the question to a vote of can be signed. As yet, however, this Thus the dividend policy of the com Siemon and Mr. E. W Edmunds, B. the ratepayers who have to pay for b as not been done, and even though pany la the past five years has been a A,~ had taken much pains over the it? We are of this opinion and very Couacil may be firmi in its determina- consitn ncîiaigi h rehearsai of this part of theý pro- strongly. tio t g o wth or tisyerpresent iees.gram. Master Ross Pooley made a ________ there is no necessity for haste in crae good leader in the other part of the - signing the contract. The street is The dividend declaration at to- exercises.MISTR AN CH CE. being tomn up for gas and waterworks day's meeting was for 3 per cent., Miss Hilda Curtis came into pro- IITR N HRHS connections. Though, the towný en- payable July 1, to shareholders of mineace once more by quite an artis- Bey. E. A. Tonkin will prench la gineer and the provincial enier recodJn15 tic renderîag cf "That Sweet StorY the Disciple Church Sunday morning may think that it is safe to lny the Sir Charles Gordon, president of of OId" sung to an arrangement of and Rey. W. C. Washington la the pavement this year, su soon after the'the company, referred briefiy but la- the wellknown melody "Believe me evening. street has been tomn up, particularly terestingly to the general cotton sit- if ail thÎose Endearing -Young as the company which will lay the nation and the outlook. Hesaid, la Chnrms", The National Anthem and BSt. alsChamch, Bey. D. W. pavement will have to guarnntee' it part: Ia England, stocks of cotton are a good march by the orchestra made Bs, minister. il a., m.-"The f or a period of five years, the fact re- very small, while, as a matter of fact, a fitting ending to the interesting Biowing of Trumipets" 7 P. M.- Smains that when it is such' a costiy retailers' stocks of- goods la England, afteraoon's program. "Between two Wonld's. 12-1 Sun- *job no chances should be taken ina the United States and- Canada are The itapressive and helpful mcmn- day Schù-ol and Bible Classes. this regard. If the Coancil gets nlvery small at the preseat time. Dur- ing and eveniag services -conducted Methodist Church, Rev. S. C. these connections done at once, comn-! ing- the boom peniod India ad China by Pastor Moore were 'not without Moore, B. A., B, D., pStowl pleesthirneotaten wththe were heavily overstocked, however. their musical interest owing to what preach at both services. Morning vanicas companies hnving poles on In Canada, the siuation is healthy, we may termi the chmonic loyalty of subject-"The Hidden Life"; evening ithe streets, and then lets the road genemal stocks are' smnll, and prices the choir which readered well the de- -"The Christian Four-Sqaare'".Sun-, *stand until next spring when an are the lowest in some yenrs, although votional setting of Myles-B. Poster te day Sehool at the usual hour. early start could be made n great wnges here are not as low as they 'the words "Oh for a Closer Wnlk> deal of time would not likely be lest, have been. No wage cuts have been With God", Miss Reta R. Cole, who Friends of Bey. J. S. I. Wilson, and there could then be no question brought into effeet up to the preseat neyer fails, taking-the solo obligato. pastor Methodist Church, Cobourg, about the condition cf the, rond. timie, althoagh the mîlls are secuning Inl the evening the choir had the as- wili be delighted to hear hie 's recov- Unless everyoae is mistaken in the a greater degree cf efficiency from sistance of two visitiag vocalists of ering from his recent ilînesHe un- 7trend of the times being townrd lower their operatives." I note-Miss, Irene H. Bray cf St. derwent an oôperation la Toronto and prices, if new tenders were asked _________Pnul's Methodist Choir, Toronto, who 's progressing very favornbly. 'He for nextý spning, their decreased inl good voîce and keen musical in- has returned te Cobourg. amount would pay for, this year's re- CANNINGTON DISTRICT W. M. S. sight gave an inspiriag renderiag cf Fniends of Bey. J. S . MeMallen, pairs te the rond, and mean a coasid- Dehe , cfiablton"cald Revo Ryh.atrsk-re it in tstthatchis , wko erable saving besides-. Why then net Cirlegs fmom 14 Auxiliaries, 4te ffcaîvoc,ald sol o y tH.ars frer pashitreonTyrone iriOn let the building of the roud wait until Crls and 5 Bands 0f-the Women's ard who took the bass solo la the Cannnifton circuit is being highly suc- aext spring? Missionary Society of Cnnnington anthem la which, too, Mrs. W. J. Mor- cessful. Neanly 70 members have District met at Onkwood on May 25. rison again proved herself n pillar cf been added, a series cf cottage ser- Miss Coone, Manilia Dist. Supt. pre- strength from among Mr. Nicholsoa's vices resulted la several conversions. CENSUS ENUMERATORS sided-at both sessions. Fine reports band o optn ocss h iacshv envr aifcoy ________ camefrom aIlcthe£-elds-show-g __- seoecto mD" e tedt Me"' rendee iig emsin nfu er n y ab Iý«âm J'. nieugr, mocrolary. î4ppc44r OU T'au De prv»UTý la%" JJU&YVOW wý4Wý