VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE YETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nght Calis Promptly Âttended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone M.A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO ,EUROPE-Canadian PNelle, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- 1can. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowxanville. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. BIARRiSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan on Farm and Town Proerty. Royal, Bank Building,. Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mortgage Loans Aasanged. Bonds for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Resi- dence 178 J., Bleakley Block, Bow- manvîlle. 45-t MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. 'Gold Medalist of Triýity University 1:oronto. "Four years Attending Phy- ~iician and Surgeon at M t. Carmel IRozpital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Reýa-dence, Wellington Street, Bow- mtanville. Phone 108. 86 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., GËraduate--of Trinîty Medical College, Toronto,, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, for-mer residence on Church-st., Bow- menAnvlle. Phone 259. 44-t~ DR. V.H. STOREY ~Graduate Tor"sto University, year and haîf resident physician and sur- .geon Toronto General Hospital (six months Burnside Maternity) two And- haif years Military, Hospital. ,Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- m anville. Phone 143w. 10-lyr.* DENTAL -0R. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto Uiniverdity. Graduate of ýtheRoyall College of Dental Surgeons of nt- arlo. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phonéêNO. House phono 22. YI 3 . (C. DEVITTr <arduate oi Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st East, Bow-n -f anville. Office hours 9 a. m. -to- 6 in.. daily except Sunday. Phone fûa. House phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F.'F. MORRIS CO. Afost complete equipment. Sundayf 4nd night calîs promptly attended to. Bowmanville phones 10O and 834. ~Branceh at Orono. JUNK DEALERS ;'OULTRY .and JUNK-A. Dillick,t Duke-st., just opposite Cannings F'actory, pays highests cash prices for *ail kinds of poultry and junk. Phono 299 or caîl at his residence. 5-tif. NOTICE TO PUBLIC lI have taken out a license in Bow-1 ýinanville to buy ail kinds of Junk andt Poultry. Will pay the highest price.t Apply by phono 289 or eaul on Mr'.E !Pike, Ontario-et. FI Ts1 Stinson's home treatment for epilepsy. 'Twenty year' success. Thousands of testimionials. No case should be çonsld- ered hopeless. Free bookiet. Wïr%.Stin-E nson Rernedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Yos'gec S8treet, Toronto, Ontario. 6-lyr MERCHANTS CASUALTVy COMPANY. Speclallsts In Health and Aceluent Insurance. 'PoicIes Ilberal and unrestrlcted. Over $1,000,000 pald in lossos. Exceptionai opportunitiez for local agents. $04 Royal Bank Bldg. Toronlto, Ont. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OS HAWA. 'Our -wTter term commences Jranuary a.1 'Siokkeeping, Shorthand, Typewnttlng, Complete Commercial and Complets Stenographie courses. King Street Chambers, Oshawa. Phnone' 917 1tf Yongfe & Charles Streets, Toronto 15 WELL KNOWN THROUGH- OUT CANADA FOR HIGH GRADE WORK. Accountancy, stenography, typewritting and general improvement courses; much personal attention given to students; graduates readily obtain exnpoyment;,open ahl year; write to-day for prospectus; enter any tiine. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Going to tr'vel1 C. P. R? Thon g t your ticket from C. B-. ent at PsoOffice. 7ndoubâffly the finest di play of vbilles ever shown is now on sale at Couch, Johnston -& Crydermian's. Mr. J. J. Kelso of Chilren's Aid Society, Toronto, is responsible for the statement that tlhere are 100 youths 17 to 18 years old in Kingston Éeniteiitiary. By ail ineans practiees thrif t, bLut dntfeed youir mnd and tlhe id of othiers on pessimi-ismr. It isnj't heath nd t smoe ikely to big. -about hasrd timies than to .ýprvent, theml. Why not look on the bright side? H1ouse Furniaiing-scrims, nots, chintz, linoleums, %pecial to-day< at. ,0kuch, Johnstoa & Cr BE AN'4 'rIMISTi~ It is-simple enough te repeat state-, ments m~ade by others and thereby magnify the appearance of thîngs be- yond their truc value. We should in this glorious year of 1921 immediately become the apost- les eftihoperather than gloom. This country is tee mueh of a sueeess, as the world admits, for any group ef men representing any organization te make an effort te have it redoubled. When a man tells yen something' which te him indicates indefinite de- prsinin business, you tell him emtig te indicate improvqment. For instance: That the automotive industry has resumed mass production and the demand for some models so far eceeds supply that 9 shortage bas developed. If your own experience dees net previde you with <other ex- amples, a perusal of the iîèwspapers will. One year ago everybody admîtted that a rcadjustment period weuld ab- solutely take place. It was recoguized that it would be a good thing in the long run. nîtho possibly painf1u1L tea, certain extent during the process. Should we net, then, congratulate ourselres that the expected has hap- pened, and th e general eff ects, of it have already been largely diseounted? Is it net better te be eoming eut ef the tunnel into the light again rather than te be entcring it at the ýother end? Altho the storni has net etrl subsided its strength seems now te be largely known, and none but chronie pessimists -or "reds" doubt that the "ship of business" will ride it saf ely thru. If we will talk about that in our dealings with people înstead of, comparinig notes te arrive at an agree- ment that "things are badOwe will ahl feel j)etter and conditions will contin- ue te impreve more rapidly. DURHAM FRUIT GROWERS HAD SUCCE SSFUL YEAR Thirty-fou'r ThousaLnd Dollars Worth of Apples Disposed of Last Year. The annual meeting ef the Durham Fruit Growers' Association was held at Port Hope,*May 2lst. There was a large attendance and alI expres- sed themselres as highly pleased with the year's operatiens. The total receipts from apples sold in barrels was $34, 616.00. The sale of cul apples and pears netted $1471.00 and the receipts erom barrels sold was $4128.00. The price, reeeived by the Association fer their apples was e'o. 1 Spy and King, $6.50 per bar- rel; No. 1 Baldwin, Greenings, Starks, Russets and good red winter rarieties $5.50; Bens, Falls, Bellflowers and earlry apples $5.00 Domestie Dons and Gano, $4.25; ah rvarieties $3,60. Mr. John Pratt of Hope township, had his first yield of Ben Davis. The orchard is 14 years old and the crop brought hini the tidy sum of $1,438. Mr. John Howard's splendid orchard had a record yield last year receivîng check for $1,410.00. i1 Officers elected for ensuing year: Presid et-F. R. Currelley; Vice-do -S. O. Taylor; MLnager and Sec- retary-W. J. Oke; Directors-Jon Uglow, Charles Brown, W. G. Bickle; Auditors-W. A. Meadows, W._,H. Symons. In semne constituencies la dies have been appoînted enumerators te take the census. M1r. Wý. J.- B. Davidson, chief census enumerator for Durham, has appointed returned soldiers where they are available. Appointees have not been confined te eue political party cither, Editor Moore et the Deserouto Post Must be à courageous-nman -when he inserts the followhrig item on the front-Page of his paper eacti weeki- "Every copy (if JIhe Poest costs the ~publisher soniethitig. If -your naine is on Dur liSt we expeet you to set' le 'pi'oïptly. Thbére are no mor @~e 'copies of The Post, so-don',t get The reports on membershîp and finances were very encouraging. The total membership now stands at 5,182 being an increase of 151 for the year. Total in Young People's So- cieties 1,789-an increase of 260, in Sunday Sehools 6,781-an increase of 690. Monieýs raised for, ail purposes dur- ing the year amounts to the grand to- tal of $1 12,992.00. There was a sub- stantial increase in Missionary giv- ings of $1,179.00. There are twelve circuits in the District containîng 32 preaching ap- pointments. At the close of the., meeting a strong and touchîng resolution was brought in concerning the departure of Rev. 'Capt. John Gidrbutt of Simcoe, Street Churcli, who lias aceepted an invitation from a prominent Londoni Church, and soon wilI be severing his' relations as a brother minister of the Bay of Quinte Conference. Rev. Mr. Garbutt is concluding on unus-j ually long pastorate-,of six years ini Simcoe Street Church. H1e spoke' feelingly in reply to the resolution, expressing his own regrets at leaving the Conference and severing the happy relations of many years. It was decided to hold the next an- nual district meeting in Newcastle. Reference must be made to the kiiAdly miniotrations of the ladies who spread in one of the sehool rooms of the church most abundantly, with good things to eat f or dinner and supper, and an enjoyable hour was spent upon both occasions in social INSTURANCE Ail lines of: FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE, GLASS, GUARANTEE BONDS, AUTOMOBILE, covering against fire, lî gh tning, theft, property damage, injuries to the public, collision; insure against the carelessness of the driver of the car you are meeting. Mrs. Edith V. Scobel Phone 189 Agent Bowmanville Lavaliere Exqillitely gemmeýd with -genuine pearis and peridots in 14L,, A gift that wiilbe prized for the ricli- ies andF uniqute6s lfiot Bros. Jewelers Oshawa li I. I. i -inI There is more sunshine than raja,' more joy than pain, more-smiles than tears in the world. Those who say to the contrary we would flot choose for our companions. The good heart, the tender feelings, and pleasant disposition make smiles, love and sunshine everywhere. A word spoken pleasantly is a large spot of sunshine on the sad heart, and who has not seen its eff ects? INVESTMENTS, F OR MAY FUNDS Victory Bonds Bought, Soîd and Quoted. PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO 6 PER CENT BONDS Due 1936 At ý9912 and interest. To yield over. 6.05 per cent. CITY 0F TORONTO 6 PER CENT BONDS Due 1928-1937 Price: to yield ......................6 per cent City 0F REGINA 6'2 PER CENT 13ONDS Due 1931 and 1951 Price: to yield ...................6½/ per cent Full particulars on request. JOS. PATTINSON BowmanVille Telephone 257J. Ontario Now on Sale New "lis Master's Voice" Records, for June A N invitatisi extended to everyone tohear these new play themn for you and wiIl also be pleased to gire -you an illustrated bookiet describing these new records. DANCE NUMBERS Number Sse Price Lnderneath Hawafian Skies'-Medley Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and hi, Orchestra 18744 10 81.00 *S p pS Shore-Medley One Step pi'1cbMeý-FUox Trot Ail Star Trio and their Orchestra 18750 10 1.00 Round thse Town-Fox Trot Ail Star Trio Ail For You-Happlness Mediley Fox Trot Pau l iteman and hi, Orchestral 35708 12 1.65 Moonbeam-Plning-Medley Fox Trot Ail Star Trio and theirOrhtai WiI4 Rose-One Step Diamnnd Tri. 216300 10 1.00 Do Anotber Break-Fox Trot Harry Thomas Trio f VOCAL SELECTIONS, Somebody's Motber (Maie Ot.) , Peerless Quarteti 18746 10 1.00 1 Found a Rose in the Devi's Garden Sterling Trio Nestie ln Vour Daddy's.Arms (Maie Qt.) Amnerican Qoartet 185 10 .0 I'as Missln' Mammry's Kissin' (Maie Qt.) Peeriess Quartet!1711010 Absent (Tenor) Hughes lin 1216301 010 A Rose, a Kiss and You (Tenor) Hughes 5:ckiin~ 010 Jlack and the Beanstalk (Monologue) Frank Orr ý163Gà 10 1.00 Tihe Thsee Little Pigs (Monologue) Frank, Orr INSTRUMENTAL On thse Campus-March Sousa's BandX 18752 010 BuIIetý.ahd Bayonets-March Sousas Bandj 010 BLUE SEAL RECORD Darling (Tenor) > Lambert Murphy1424 10 1.25 Love in Lllac Time (Tenor) Lambert Murphyl RED SEAL RECORDS, (a) La"Fille aux cheveux de lin (h) Ménestrels (Piano) Alre4 Cortot 64956 10 1.25 Don Carias--O Cario, ascolta -Giuseppe de Luca '64957 10 1.25 Last Rose of Sunmmer (Violin) Miseha Elman 64958 10 1 .25 Andrea Chénier-Son sessant'annl Titta auffo 87325 10 1.25 Sometime We'l1 Unrderstand Schumann-Heink 81326 '10 1.25 Samne Od, Dear Oid Place Sophie Brasiau 74681 12 2.00 Song Witut Words (Violonceiio) Hans Kindier 74682 12 3.00 ZztOmio piccolo tavole Ingomibrato Martinelli 74683 12 2.00 Walktre-Tlae Ride ai thse Valkyries Philadeiphii Orch. 74684,12 2.00 CaprSccso valse (Violin) Erika Morini 74686 1.2 2.00 Nazze di Figaro-Deis vieni, non tardar? Lucrezia Boni 88633 le 2.00 Messe Solennielle-Domine Deus . *nnico Caruso 88629 12 2.00 Msk to hecu' them played on the At Any "Hs ase'soie dealers 21232 >fanufcetured biyER Fi ve Dollars. and- worth it! BOWMANV1ILE, JUNE 2nd., 1921. METHODIST DISTÎRICT MEETINGý Splendid Attendance and Very Satis- TEACH CHILDREN MUSIC factory Reports- FromAs i Depart. Erery child should be taught music mesofCuc Wrk in public school. Our eql friend Dr. Ana etn o omnil A. S. Vogt, Toronto, Who is one 0f Ditrit as ein oSime Stre the judges for the Saskatoon Musical DMethiwst hrchon Tsday, Mayee Festival, is a firm belierer in the de- 19. RerS C. Mohore, B.dA., B.aD. velopment of a more melodious rcuce19 e.SC.MoB.A,.D, majritofChairman, Bowmanville, was in than is possessed by the maduit genf charge. Rev. A. M. Irwin, B. A., Canadians of the present autgn B. D., Oshawa, Financial Secretary, eration. H1e seys: was in charge. of financial returus. "Observation teaches me, and par- Al l elds on the District were fully tieularly observation of the unusual represented by ministers and their .development of child singing in thei lay delegates.' Canadian west, that we eau entirely The meeting openSd- at 10 o'clock. discount the tradition that there are After election of Rer.,G. T. McKenzie limatie reasons for the strident as Journal Secretary, the regular toues that se often grate on the car business of the Ministerial, Session of visitors from the old lands. For was taken up. The uâual questions that reasen I beliere that one of the concerning minîsters and probation- greatest things w e eau do is to cdu- ers were asked by the Chairman and ente our children's roices. They re- ail were answered farorably. spond most readily to teaching and NoPbaiercmeutoer- the esuts ae srpriifl." ommendled fbr ordi'natton., Harold B. Neal, a probationer of PEN MIGHTIER THAN SCISSORS four years standing, was recommend- ed to be sent to college. Sehool of Journalism for country Wm. C. Parsons, a probationer of editors is to be conducted at Toronto good standing sent in his resignatien Unirersity this summer. if it 'Will from the. work of the ministry. On teach some of the boys that the peu motion At was recommended that bis is mightier than the sissors it will eintob gaedadth c- do them a whole: lot of good as weî resîgtisof ndn be gdau that ire as conferring a faror on their read- hie should again express a desire to ers. Giving credit where credit is return te the ministry, the way wouldf due is apother lesson wbîch should bej be clear for him te do se. burned into the cosmos of b rainy Tegnrlssio ftem writers who purloin editorial para- Th- eealssin ftemeting graphs and articles and pass themopene t13 .mRr .C off as their own. Give credit mylMoore in the chair. brothers, and take ne credit to your- The case of the funeral expenses selves that ye are net justly entitled iof the late Rer. Frederiek Woodgeri te -Belilerille Initellîgencer. W iâýrçfeX e tet fvrbeCon- A wide field ef opportunity awaits side -4ion ef the- Contingent Fund the teaching staff of the S. of J. for Commttee., mest members of the honorable A request from CarÈtwright Circuit Fourth Estate have, like Topsy just for' authority te scîl the parsônage in growed up" in the editorial commun- Blaekstock was referred te the Coum- ion, without any expert or profession- mittee -on Church Property for its. al training, We shaîl expeet bene- favorable consideration. fiial results and hope it will bc well Rer. A. M. Irwin, B. A., B. D., was patronized. elced te the Stationing Coittee, _____________ with Rer. W T. Wickett, Tyrone, as -. ,,reserre. intercourses. Statement of Financial Receipts: General Missionary ........ $11,261 Educational .................857 Evangclism and Social Service 842 Woman's Missionary......... 3,149 National Campaign raised since IsfN. of May, 1920. . 16,019 Sunday Sehools raised..... . .9,222 Epworth Leagues....... ... 1,117 Ladies' Aids.............. 5,163 Trustee Boards....... .... 38,173 Salaries paid........... 20.423 Laymen eieetcea ns tsonrerenee aci- egates: Bowmanville-J. A. Holgate, M.v~ A. James, A. Mitchell. Oshawa-J. W. Borsberry, A. R.- Goyne, John Bale.' Newcastle-Thos. Couch.' Orono-C. J. Hughson. Tyrone-A. E. Clemens. Kendall-J. W. Stewart. Eldad, Hlampton R. R. 1-A. L. Pascoe. Burketon-R. Philp. Oshawa-W. E. Dyer. Enfielce-A. Campbell, Bethesda-J. R. Cole. Zidfn-J. G. Langmaid. Ebenezr-A. B. Werry. Blackstok-R, Suggitt. Oshawa-E. L. Viekery. Reserves Bowmanvlle-H. L .Quinn, J. G, Rickard. Oshawa-E .A. Author, W. E. iSouch, Maple Grove-J. D. Stevens. Cadmus-R. W. Philp AUTQSTROP SAPE"Y aAZOR CO., Llmlted, Toronto, Canada To Investors aPprecate the advisability of hv1 n yur banker D soerve = matters pertaining to Iavetmets. 1 The Bank'is always ln direct end constant touch with the. investment markets and is w.Il equipped to securo sound a4attractive semuiltl. or to place any bonds you may 1111iý to dispose oL At :y branch of the Standard you can obtala accommodation owoe 20 reaive te iay.atments. TUIE _ STANDR'j% BÂKKO TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Bowmaavilie Branch: . Geo. L. Hall, Manager.,, Blackstock Branch: . ..E., A. Preston, Manager, GET"HE HAB",IT of buying y our regularly from HARRV ALLIN PRIONE 186 BOWMANVILLE It Pays To Deal- ,.,AT CHRISTIE'S We make it worth'your while to deal at our shop-first class -service, best quahity baking, choc-, olates, candy and ice cream. Watch our Windows each day for good things to eat. Keep the food costs down by patronizing- -CHRSTIE'S BAKERY- The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97, Bowmnanville 1 Thimbi: Agawam, Thimble Ber- ries, good strong canes, 5c each or 5Qç doz. Cuthbert Bernrzes.!!1 5c eachf 50c doz. j Ask for prices per 100 and over. S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists and.Grpwerý Phone 80 BowmanivilIe- More, thon a razor Chief Ruse has received the follow- 'g from Chief Jaryis, Bowmanville: Stolen from, this town on May 8, -1ý21, a Cadilîne automobile, black' painted, Ontario license No.74-, serîal No. 276-17. Warrant issued tor the arrest of Harry Marshall, charged witýIi the theft of the car. Description: 2G years of age, height 5 ft. 5 in., dark-eoilnplexion, dressed in, dark colored suit. jHe likely has in company Vernie Coon, à gir]. 16 years old, round 1ýace and ýbroYn hair; good looking.-Cobourg Sent-I inel Star. TJ- IGURE the cost of the separate and expensive .."stropping devices sold with an ordinary safety razor and you will 'find L4iýt th- 'e3lÉ-sréppng Valet AutoStrop I9r1 Fb ýi!ae! .cDolrs Ai gygi, \sijfi save more than Five Dollars in blades h-Zirtrst year. Your razor, a strep and a year's supply of blades are comprised in your first purchase. The yearly waste in blades with a non-stropping razor is greater than the total cost of a Valet AutoStrop Razor. You can buy a new Valet AutoStrop Razor every year wîth a portion of! "ur saviilg in biades. Razor, strop and 12 b)ades ini assortment of cases, $5,00 the set. Fane y sets up to $16.50. VALET e% Auto-&br>op Razor liarpens itse(f