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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1921, p. 4

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Early Morning Delivery Send in your meat order during afternoon and it will bedelivered to your, home befoýre 8 o' dock next morning. SPECIALS THIS WEEK 31b. Pail Lard ..... .................. 55c 5 lb. Pail Lard..... ................ 90c Picekled Picnic amlàb.................... ***'20c Smoked Pienie Hams, lb ......................22c -G. A. ]Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanville Barnet Refrige rato r SAVES: FOOD BILLS ICE BILLS DOCTOR'S BILLS WORK AND WORRY POINTS 0F BARNET SUPERIORITY Barnet is ventiiated Air circulates in Barnet Foods do not taint or con- Interior always bons dry taminate one another Has eleven walls of insula- Has no Drain.Pipe tion No foui odors Lowest temperature for ie No breeding place for germns consumed Easy to dlean Has adjustable shelves SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY WILLIAMS. & CANN Furniture Dealers Funeral Directors Phone ,58 or 159 Bowmanville Damage amounting to several Gen. John Hughes, spent thé hoIu- thousand dollars was caused in Osh- day at Dr. McAlpine's, Lindsay. awa by the heavy storm which broke. The editor's best thanks are due over the town Sunday afternoon1 to The Warden, F. W. Brown, Esq.,_ about two o'clock, the heaviest losers, for an invitation to accompany the being merchants along King and sim- i Counties Councillors on the anaual coe Streets, where cellars, owing to excursion to Rochester,,N. Y, on the backî-ng up of the Storm ses Wednesday, June 8, steamer leaving, înto the sanitary sewers were in some C obourg at 8 a.' m, returnngse instances flooded to the extent of twj eveniag leaving at 5.80oCIOck$ -or feet. 8.30 aeXt moraing. Fare $2.05 round trip. J3OWMANVILLE, JUNE 2nd., 1921.1 "BACK TO THE FARM" An Interesting Play Put on by New- castle Young People. If the young men of this country want to hear-some good strong arg- uments why they should stay on the farm and learn how to make the modemn farm pay they should hear Harry Jose of the Newcastle Leag- uers in his part in the presentation of the play "Back to the Farm", These young people visited Bowman- ville Leaguers on Monday evening and in the presentation displayed con- aiderable native talent la the -re- setv oles of farm hands, the busy housewife, the teacher and in var- ious other roles typical of farm if e, its activities and ambitions of the young people anxious to enjoy a fair share of-the pleasures of if e. The young people carried out their parts weli "in the three acts of the play. During the intermission solos were splendidly sung by Miss Dorothy Holland, Miss' Reta R. Cole, A. T. C. M., and Mr. Howard Allia-al being eitthusiastically encored. Mrs. Earl Fisher, Mrs. Howard Allun and Mr. D. Nicholson 'were 'the accom- paaists. The cast of characters is: Charles Merill Eraest Gilbank A farmer of the old School Merton Menul Harry Jose His Son Mrs. Menul Ethel Colwil 1The Farmer's Thrifty Wif e Rose Meade Lillian CoiwiIi The School Ma'am Gus Anderson Lawrence Cryderman The Hired Man Reuben Allen Barnett Harris A Neighbor Mr. Ashiey George Jones Lawyer and Real Estate Agent Robert Powell Ewart Clemence A senior in law Margerie Langdon Minnie Selby A promising Socîety Debutante -1 Hulda I1%a Gilbank The Maid At the close of the entertainment local Deaguers served refreshmats to the visitors and ail enjoyed a fine social time togethttr. Rev. S. C. Moore presided for the President, Miss Spargo, and extended a weicome to the visitors. AUNT SUSAN'S PLEASANT VISIT Greeted by a Veýry _Much 'Packed House. St. Paul'à School-room was packed to capacity and many stood thru the long program on Tuesday evening when the Women's Association pre- sented the play l'Aunt Susan from Pepper's Corners"-an amusing character sketch in f our acts. Pre- vîous to the presentation and be- tween acts Morrison's Orchestra f ur- nished pleasing selections. The play was a setting of fifty or more years ago and was full of interest from start to finish-not a duli min- ute. The oid costumes, the f ur- nishings 'and furniture were antiqueI in a very high degree and the char- acters of "ye olden time' furnished lots of amusement to the audience. Thethought of the play showed.that genuine goodness of heart and sou] is often found beneath plain-clothes and that homeiy actions may be of more use than society usages. The characters were weli chosen. Mrs. A. L. Nîchoils, who took the part, of "Aunt Susan" portrayed the noie exceptionally well and was fre- quentiy ajplauded. .Mr. Nichoils as John Thomas Tibbs and Mrs. Wm. Quick as! Mrs. Tibbs carried out their respective roies very creditably. Indeed, ail were worthy of special mention. The cast of characters is: Aunt Susan Mrs. A. L. Nichoils An Elderiy Lady Good-hearted but Eccentric John Thos. Tibbs Mr. A. L. Nicholis Aunt Susan's Nephew Mrs. John Thos. Tibbs Mrs. W. Quick, Ambitions for S ocial Distinction Rebecca Jane Miss Montgomery The Eider( Daughtof-Proud and 1Disdainful Mary Alice Miss Armstrong Sweet Little Younger Sister Hon. Samuel Smith Mr. W. Ferguson Courtly Gentleman Grey De Marchmont Coggs, Mr. Bert Bouasal An Admirer of Rebecca Mrs. Johnston Highborn Mrs. G. A. Gillespie A Lady of Weaith and Influence Mrs. Linda Suggs Mrs. Wm. Adams Mr. R. S. Caldwell, Port HOpe, father of Mrs. . M. Foster of this townwb cranking a Ford truck broke hig right arm at the wnist. 1BIRTïS HOOPER-In Bowmanville May -29, toi Mr'. and Mrs. Herschel Hooper, a son. SISSON-In Oshawa Hospital, May 13,1 to Dr. and Mrs. Elmo W. Sisson, Whit- by a daughter. FARRELL-Near Tyrone, May 20, toi Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrell, a daugbter,, (Mildred Susan.) CRYDERMAN-In Bowmanville Hos- pital, May 27, to Mr. and Mrs, Fred W. Cryderman, a dJaug'hter. MÀRRIAGES SMALLEY-THICKSON-At St, Marks Church, Port Hope, May 17, by Rev. Can- on Rigby,' Sarah J., second daughter of Mr. W. J. Tbickson and Truman A. 0. Smalley, Newtonville. DEATHS HLJGHSON-In Orono, May 28, Jerusha Dawson, reliet of late Richard Hughson, aged 94 years. McFEETERS-In Bowmanville, May 27, Charlotte Louise, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McFeeters, in her 3rd year. HUNTER-In Darlington, near-Tyrone Station, May 26, George M., son of Mr.- and Mrs. J. J. Hunter,-aged 2 years, 3 months. WI LSON-In Bowmanville, May 25th., Susan Frances, widow of the late Nathan- iel Wilson. aged 91 years. Mother of Mr. Frank Wilson, Edmonton, Alta., Mrs. R. M. Wilson, McLeod, .Ata., Mre. Duncan Beith and Mrs. B. C. Southey, Bowman- ville, Mrs John Waddeil, Chatham, and Mrs, Henry Waddell,',Port Lambton, IN MEMORIAM.' In loving memory of my dear brother, Pte. R. (Dick) Tait, who was kifled In the battle of Zillebeck, June 2, 1916. Not now, but in the coming year, It may be in the botter land, We'Il know the meaning of our tears, And then sometime, we'l1 understand. Deeply mourned by SIster, Bella,.' Brother-ln.Iaw, Jack Poulton, and Fami- I Iy. In loving memory of my dear father, Renry J. ]Bilanton, who departed this 1f e June 2, 1919. God knows how much- we miss hlm, He counts the tears we shed, And whispers 'R-ush" he only eleeps, Your loved one is not dead. 'Tis sweet to know we wili meet again, 1Wbere partlng is no more, And that the ones we loved so well, Rave only gone before Sadly missed by bis loving Daughter and son-in-law, Cela and DI,çk. Pte. Manley Grant Rice, 805319, 2lst. Batt., who died of wounds In the great flght for his King and Country on May 27th., 1917, in France. We little thouglit when we said good-bye That we parted forever, and you were to die, The grief we f elt words cannot tel For we could not be wîth you to bid you farewell. -You nobly answered-your duty's caîl, You gave your life for one and ýail, But the unknown is the bittérest blow- None but an aching beart can know.. Brotherv and Sisters. LOST LOST-In Bowmanville, some weeks ago, a pearl sunburst. Reward for return to The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 20-tf LOST-Pdarl Maple Leaf witb IK in gold with small besrt with "Niagara Falls", in Bowmanvilie on Sunday, M4ay 29. Finder leave at Statesman Office. 22-tf TO LET HOUSE TO RENT-% mile west of Bowmanvilie on Kingston Road. Âpply to R. R.-Stevens, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 175-r 3. il-tf TO RENT-Frame bouse 6 roins, 1/, acre land, possession June lst. Apply to Mrs. Edlth V. Scobeil, Insurance Agent, Bowmanville. 20-3w HELP WANTED AGENTS-Be independent. Act In your city and country introducing 25 lines fast sell9ng rubberized housebold apparrel. Make $15 a day up. Write 432 Welling- ton West, Toronto. WANýTED-At Bowmanvile Beach June lst., -%woman who can help cook and do general housework where summer gueste are kept. A good lively place for a good appearIng thrifty woman or girl. Appiy Mrs. W. J. Berry, Bowmanville. 19-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-Tbe bandsome and com- moûdious residence lately occupied by Major W. C. King, deceased. Price right. Apply to Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, Insurance Agent, Bowmanville. 20-3w FOR SALE OR TO RENT-Frame bouse, 5 rooms and kitchen, 13/4 acres dlay loam,. 30 apple trees, cherry, plum, pear, raspberry and strawberry. Apply to Mrs. Edith V. Scobeil, Insurance Agent, Bowmanville. 2-3 FOR SALE-To close an estate: House, Stable and 1/4 acre lot in Bowmanviile on the north-west corner of Church and Division Streets opposite the Methodist Church. For particulars apply to John Lyle, Town Rail, Bowmanville, Ontario. il-tf STRAYED STRAVED-Froni lot, 14, con. 4, Dar- lington, about May 24th., a year-old red steer. Send information to Howard CowIing, R. R. 6, Eowmranvrille, Phone 237-r6. 22-tf music MR. D. NICHOLSON undertakes to give definite and practical instruct- io 'n in the use of the voice for Sing- ing and also receives pupils for courses of ïnstruction in Piano Playing. Light and spacious studio on King Street (over Webster's Cloth- ing Store.) 22-3w Free DEMONSTRTION of HOSIERY MANUFACTURE THE THOMSON KNITTING CO. LIMITED- Have brought in mach-' ines and expert operators from their Toronto Factory. The public is invited to inspect the processes. This is an unusual edu- cational, opportunity for both children and their par- ,ents 'to see operations of 1a 'very important industry. Demonstrations-Continuous Saturdays 1-5 and 6.30 -9.30 ýWeek Days-8-12 and 1-5 2 Doors ,East- of- Statesman Office Bowmanville Wisconsin No, 7 Grant Mammoth ARTICLES FOR SALE Southern S-A FOR SALE-Durham Cow for sale, due to freshen Apply T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanville.. 20-t. Pride of Nis GLASS PORCH FOR SALE-About 8 x 8. For particulars apply to box 183 or phone 137, Bowmanviile. 22-1w j FOR SALE-Double seated buggy, Gray ontns Manufacture, rubber tire, in good con- dition. Appiy to W. H. Pearce, New. castie. Phone 3712. 21-2w; FOR SALE-Two Cows, Durham and Jersey, good milkers, aged 8 and 4 years O old. Apply to R., R. Bird, Grand Trunk u Station, Bowmanville. 22-tf FOR SALE-Gentlenian's Dress- Suit, size 38. Reason for.seiling too small for owner. Real bargain. Apply to B. R F., Drawer B, Bowmnanviiîe. 22-1v; Canadian Gi FOR SALE-Baby Grand Chevrolet, -' eTurn 1920 Model, bas been thoroughiyover: - ee r bauled and in splendid condition, spare tire and bumper, 475 Simcoe St. North Oshawa. ,, rishI King FOR SALE-Art Souvenir Reater. i'lo. Swede Turn 30, seiling because putting in furnace, first class condition, a bargain. Appiy to Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, Insurance Agent, Derby Bron2 OR SanlLE-Coce Sor 20-3w~ ORwmaviE. oc Sotorn Bull, Swede Turn roan in color, good Scotch breeding, splendid individual. Price very reason- able for quick sale. Chas. Ailin, R. R.4,1 Bowmanville, phone 136-12. 16-tf Yi FOR SALE-Four-piece Pjarlor Suite,H 1 four-hurner Gasoline Rangë,.with .ven, 1 wood or coal range with reservoir, No. 9; ýboth in good condition. Apply J. T. Hooper, 6 Liberty 'Place, Bowmanviile. 22-t FOR SA LE-Supreme Range, in good condition, bot water front, and tank, also warming oven, reason for selling-have electric stove. Apply P. F. Newhouse, Odeilst., Bowmanviiie, phone 14. 22-t FOR SALE-A quantity of lumber, dloors and windows, 1 glass porch in good condition, also 1 steel rag,, with ,-t-,; PHONE 83 condition, also 3 burner Coal 011i StoVeý with- oven, Gent's iccl.Aay person, requlriag same looki up C. Bagneli, King.l et., East, and get a bargain. 18-tf Areet sha Early AYear Ago You Paid $26.00, for 100 lbs. 'SUGAR TO-DAY FOR $26.00 YOU CAN BUY AT OUR STORE lOOlbs. Granulated Sugar ......................... .....$11.00 100 lbs. Potatoes................ 1...........80ec 3 dozen Oranges....... .................$1,00 22 lbs. Rolled Oats .............................. $1.00 3 lbs. Black Tea ......... ................................ $1.00 1 lb. Best Coffee........................... ..... 60e 4 packages Corn Flakes .........................i..........50C 4 IL Pail Pure Jam ........................................ 80C. 5 lb. Pail Syrup.............................................. 60c 3 lb. Pail Pure bard..................................60c 1 lb. Bacon............................. ... 45c 5 lbs. Best Rice.............................................. 50C 2 lbs. Tapioca................25c 6 tins Salmon................................................$100 4 dozen Eggs .............................................$L 6 lbs, White Beans......................................... 25e 3 lbs. Prunes ................................................. 25C 12 bars Soap ............................................... $1.00 4 tins Peaches ....... ....................$1.00 2 lbs Creamery Bute....................... 70c 4 tins- Corn ....... ........................................ ..-.50C 4 tins Peas.................................................... 60c 4 tins Tomatoes .............................................. 60c $26-0 SPECIAL IN OUR BUTCHER ,DEPARTMENT Home Renidered Lard per lb ................................20c C, M. C AW KJE R &SO""N BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE Um-m White Cap Yeloôw Dent limproved Leaming Golden Glow Silo King Golden Nuggett price is right on- the above vreis .un lip nhp ze Top nhp Leviathan Sugar Beet Jumbo Sugar Beet Giant YelIow Haif Long Intermediate Mangel eavy Yielder GARDEN SEEDS We have a big stock of the best garden seeds on the, market., Easily -Irvestéd PHONE 83 McMURTRY & Co. Seed Corn, and Redwoot- Seeds, It's better to be sure than- sor ry when select- field or garden seeds. Our Seed Corn grown from the best districts of Ontario and al very highn germinationi inÎ,,the following var- ieties:-

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