DOMINION PIANOS, ORGANS AND PHONOGRAPHS ANN OUN CEMEN T MR. F. J. MITCHELL ha.s been appointed Sales Agent for The Dominion Organ & Piano Co., for the counties. of 'Victoria Ontario, Northumberland and -Durham. THE DOMINION ORGAN, & PIANO. CO. LIMITED Bowê'manville, Ontario 1-lin If ~0Fashion's Favor __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _1921 COLORS-Brown will predominate, black i. always in demnand, with patents growing in favor, a few greys are being shown, and white will be in f ull force a littie later. OXFORD TIES are particularly popular at this time. We are showing a variety of models and mnaterials., Plain and brogue effects. STRAP SHOES the newest feature of the seabson is Strap Slip- pers--one andý two bars and cross straps. We have sev- era, styles in Black and Brown Kid and Caif. Why The Foley- Footwear ? THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHYl The absolute assurance of the season's best stl.from Canada's best shoemakers. The absolute assurance of foot comfort, correct ftting in size, length and width. The absolute assurance cf the lowest prevailing prices. Where "Satisfaction is the Guiding Rule" you can, shop with pleasure. WE EXTEND À CORDIAL INVITATION TO CALL WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. ON THE SUNNY SIDE BOWMANVILLE I Arthur-N. McMillan & C Investment Bankers Bowmanville, Ont. Representing THE DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION 1Toronto, Ontario. To our Clients: Ail who holdCanada War Bond Issues due--in 1922 and 1923-our advice is to change them into the War Bond Issue of 1934. This wili assure you a good safe rate of Interest for a long time. We wilil make the exehange for you without delay. We pay cash for Victory Bonds-No delay. Farmers Bring in your Sale Notes-We will cash thern. Bjeautyu &4Sevice are not always found in perfect combination, but when you use BEAVER VULCANITE ROOFING you have a combînation that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as toservice. We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Caîl and see this material before you cover your new buildingz or renew your old roof B OWMANVILLE, JUNE 2nd., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, Is 'Bowmanville to have open air band concerts this summer?, Mr. F. HI. Mason recently visited bis son, Mr. L. L. Màson, Orillia. Mr. E. W. Edmonds was- recent guest of Mr: Jas. A. Wilson, Nap- anee. Mrs. C. F. Rice and two sons are visiting relatives in Belleville an Corbyville. Mr. A. A. Gamsby, Orono,, was in Toronto recently visiting his brother, Mr.,D. A. Gamsby. Miss H. Burke has returned from visiting her niece Mrs. Byron Greene of Chatham. Vanstone's Mill will beclosed eachi Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. Mrs. F. J. Mitchell and Kenneth recently visited hier mother, Mrs. Dougal Sinclair, Lindsay. Mr. Harry Baskerville, Toronto, re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Maynard, Campbellford. Rev. Roy Hl. Rickard, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. J. G. Rickârd. Mrs. Jos. Fletcher, Church-st., vis- ited Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell, Torontà, over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus Jacobi, 71 Lloyd-st., Osh~awa, celebrated their Golden Wedding on Victoria Day. Mr. Thos. Whbite, Clerk and Treas- urer of Whitby for 30 years, died in Oshawa Hospital on Victoria Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clarke, Water- ous, Sask., were- recent guests of his cousins Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kersiake. Other post office staffs are given the midweek half holiday during the summer months. Why not Bow- manville? Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Anderson, Tor- onto, are holidaying at their uncle's, Mr. J.,D. Hoar, Providence, and with other relatives. Providence Sunday School anniver- sary next Sunday. Services at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. Oddfellows C#oir will f urnish music. Miss Mongomery, Cobourg, was guest of her sister, Miss N. E. Mont- gomery over the week-end and great- ly enjoyed "Aunt Susan's Visit'" at St. Paul's. Dr. F. H. S. Lowrey, Meat In- sp ection Division, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James over the week-end. Ladies are invited to attend a practical. demonstration of Mazola, the new salad and cooking oil, at Archie Tait's, on June 2, 3, 4.' Ask for free recipe book. Bethany vs. Oono baseball teams will play at Orono on the afternoon of June 1 5th. An informal dance will be 'held in the Armories in the evening. The circulation of The James Papers exceeds the combined circula- tions of the other papers of West Durham. They are the best and cheapest advertising medii. Miss Sadie Cameron and Mrs. E. G. Fitzgerald, Oakville, and Miss Evelyn Cameron, Flower, Ont.,- have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Camer- on, Elgin-St. The Imperial Oil CompAnies of Canada bought 100 International Motor Trucks last season, and have placed orders for 200 more this year, one of which has recently arrived in Bowmanville, which is driven by Mr. Albert Colwill, district agent. Mr. Ivan M. Law, Solina, picked two quarts of strawberries in bis garden on Tuesday, May 31. Now, who has a garden to beat that? May is a pretty early monith for ripe straw- -berries in Canada-the "Land of the Snows". Mrs. (Dr.) B. J. Hazlewood who went to the Pacifie Coast to nieet bier daughter, Miss Ethelda -IHAzlewood \vho spent the wînter in Hawaii Is- lands, guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Muir, bas returned home from a very pleasant trip. Orono Athletic Association, has formied a brass band of 14 members. They will make their debut at Ward- en Bowen's excursion to Rochester on June 8th. Officers are: Presi-1 dent-O. A. Gamsby; Manager-E. H. Hamm; Leader-Milton Tamblyn. Mrs. H M. Foster and daughter, Jean, Bowmanville, Sundayed with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Cald- well. At the mnorning serv:ice at St. Paul's, Mrs. Foster andMr.Vn Alstine delighted the conregto bounded bospitality accorded by Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Tinkat the Parsonage where a very happy hour was thoroly enjoyed before and after the pro- gram. Altogether it was a very de- lightful outing. Messrs. Norman James, Chas. H. Mason and Lorne Stevens in their cars conveyed the Company. 1 Mn, and Mrs. R. H. Westaway have been visiting Mr. and Mrs., Roger Fishleigh, Toronto. Mrs. Fred Roblin, Hamilton, visited bier mother, Mrs. Markus Mayer and other relatives bore., Mrs. Lynîl Conden is visiting frien iii St Catharines, Niagara Falls and New York State. Mrs, Allan of Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pincli. Mewsrs Herbent and Lawrence Gaud attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. J. S. Bessey at George- town. *Mrs. J. C. Miller, Charlevoix, Micb., is visiting bier aunts, Mrs. J. 0 LaBelle and Mrs. J. H. Brima- combe. Miss Maggie Trelford, Tara, is en- jeying a visit with ber cousins, Mrs. Milton Jamieson and Mrs. Herbent Jamieson. Miss Irene H.. Bray, Toronto, was guest of ber aunt and uncle, Mrs. and Mn. M. A. James, Lorne Villa, over the week-end. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will bold its regular monthly meeting in the Council Room, Fniday, June 3, at 3 3 0 p. m. Mn. Merchant, if you have a mes- sage for the people of Durham put it in Tbe James Papers, the news- papers wi th the circulation. Bowmanville football team now headsý the league. Tbey play in Brooklin Saturday night and have a home game Wednesday, June sth. Mrs. L. Paterson accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Todd, Oshawa, motoned to Newtonville on Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Geo. banc ock. Mrs. Rogers of Pont Arthur who was a delegate to the I. O. D. E.' Convention in Toronto, bas been guest of bier uncle and aunt Mn. W. T. and éMiss'Allen. Rev. E. A. Tonkin bas just receivedi the sad message from bis youngest'î son, Mn. W. H. Tonkin, Glentene, Montana, of the passing away cf bis young wife after one week's ilîness Mn. and Mrs. George Jackson and! daughter, Patricia, Port Perny, Mrs. Fred R.-Bettyand Miss Marie Ton-! kmn, 664 Spadina Ave., 'Toronto, spent 24th with their father, Rev. E. A.' Tonkin, Washington Avenue. The Globe says the most billiant, event of the week was the garden party at Government House on Thurs- day wbeni many tbousands were- cord- ially neceived by, their Excellencies the Governor-Genenal, the Ducbess of Devonshire, the Lieutenant-Governor and Mns. Lionel Clarke. The mem- ory of the occasion will live long with those who were fotunate enougb te spend it at the ganden party. It will ever bning a vision of the glow of cimson tulips in the flower beds, the ippling brook and the fragrance of masses of punple and yellow iris thatl grew in sucb profusion in the rock garden. The pipers played, and the Highlanders' Band under the baton of Capt. Slatter, gave deligbtful music. The brilliance of the scene was en- hanced by the glorious sunshine. So- ciety was eut for the occasion. Among guests invited in Bowman-, ville were Mn. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P.,1 and Mrs. Bragg, Editor and Mrs. M. A. James and John A. Holgate, Esquire. Several Durham Boys and girls living in Toronto were present., MR. D. M. TOD IS OFF FOR EDIN-i BURG Monday noon of this week 25 Osh- awa Rotanians informally assembled on the venandab of Mn., D. M. Tod's bouse to bld good-bye to 1otarian Dave Ted, who'sails from New York on Wednesday te attend the World Wîde Rotanian, Convention at Glas- gow, Scotland. Mn. Ted is the dele- gate appointed by the Oshawa Club and is ieining all other Canadian and, Ameican Rotanians who have chant- ered a steamer from New York te Glasgow. MYr. Ted expects, to bel gone about twe months.-Reformen. AWARDED HIGHEST PRIZE Mr. Herbert Conch Wins Governor General's Gold Medal at Toronto University. At the Convocation Exercises of the Univensity of -Toronto Schools held on Friday, May 2th., Mn. Herb- ent Coucb, son of Rev. Isaac Couch, M. A., B. D., pastor the Quebec Methodist Cbunch, was awanded the Governor-General's Gold Medal, the higbest prize in the gift of the in- stitution. Principal Crawford in presenting bis distinguisehd pupil for the honor, stated that ne person had ever won' this distinction without spendîng years of diligent application and bard work. HeIý refenred te Mn. Herbent Couch's remarkable collegiate career, spoke of him as the all-round student, strong in every departmnent, and one who alWays approached a subi ect witb the idea of mastening it. He expressed the hope that on the comn- pletien of bis academic course he would spend bis life in Queen's Park, this University centre, in the interests1 of higher education. Mr. Couch is a nephew of Mn. Wes- ley Couch cf this tewn, and cf Mns. Thos. Scott, Tyrone. 1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. W. T. Allen and sister recently visited Oshawa relatives. 1Mrs. Thos. Tod is visîting ber sîsten and other relatives at Beaverton. Mrs. W .Claude Ives and daughter Ruth, are visiting, relatives at Bloom-, field. Ex-Mayor T. H. Spry is in the hos- pital for trentment for bronchial trouble. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. Grant, Tor- onto, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell Miss Etbel Pruder, Wiarton, spent a fewýý days récently witb Mns, G. A. Gillispie. .Buy plants, -flowers, etc., direct fi'om the growers-S. J. Jackman & Sons, Phone 80. ,NOUTICE! Ail overdue or old accounts at Webster's if not paid by June 4th., 1921, must be paid to our solicitor, M. G. V. Gould, at his office. This is due to business reorgani- zation WEBSTER' S Phone 61 Bowmarnville Whitbýy Town-ship Spring Fair at Miss Kellue, Miss Campbell, Miss Brooklin on Mjay 24th wasgreatest Shand, Mise ceni and Mr. Wal- success on reco-rd. Hon. Peter lace Rutherford of 'Coiborne, were Smith, Provinicial Treasurer, officially recent guests of Mfr. and Mrs. G. A. opened the Fnb,!. Gillispie, Liberty-st. PIANOS FOR SALE 1 Dominion Square Grand Piano-'-$100 1 Steinway Square, Grand Piano--$100)( Both of above pianos -are in per- fect -working or- der. Good pract- ice pianos or suit- able for summer home. .Periodical payments plan-ned. F. J. MITCHELL 22-t Bowmanville a fThe Shop That Leads Straw Hat Time New Styles and Shapes now showing for the Warm iWeather IN PANAMAS, SAILORS Reasonably Priced FROM $3.00 to $4.25 If your Straw Hats want CLEANING, BLOCK- ING, BLEACHING, NEW SWEAT BAND, OR OUTSIDE BAND- WE DO IT, AND DO IT RIGHT MORE ATTRACTIVE VALUES. FOR THE LADIES THIS WEEK. Read over this list of speciai values and then corne to our store and see the goods where you will better appreciate the big values being off ered. SILK REMNANTS Remnants ýof Silks suitable for Waists or Skirts, while they last at exactly HALF PRICE CURTAIN MATERIALS Large assortment of CurtainMaterials in ail the newest de- smgs, specially priced for this week per. yd. from 35c to $1.50. SUITS AND COATS AT COST Only a few coats ahd Suits ieft. Get your§w whiie they last at COST PRICE Special Sale of CORSETS.' Here's a line of special corsets. "Canadian Lady" Which regularly selI for $2.75 and $3.00, ahl sizes, this week only you can buy thern for $1.75. WEDNESDAY MORNINGSPECIAL IN LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES. This is a genuine bargain that every woman should flot fail te grasp-Wednesday rnorninig we are placing on sale an attractive lune of House Dresses ail sizes and many patterns, clearing frorn $1.25 to $4.00. FINE DISPLAY NEW DRESSES Just arrived this week-a wonderful assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Dresses in Silks, SatinsTricolettes, Organdies and Voiles. Make your selections early- OTHER GOODS WHICH ARE NEW AND STYLISH We cannot begin to describe the many new materials for Sprihg and summer wear which now await your inspection. Corne in and we will be'pieased to, show them to you. s. W. M ason & Son Opposite the- Standard Bank, Bowmanville Phone 106 G.e N. TH uRSTON Bowmanville's Up-to-date lHàberdashery and Fur Shop. j 11