EOWMANVILLE, JUNE Znd., 1921. HISTORY 0F SOLINA, Dear Old Solina ! It is -%vrth whi t to tell its story. 1 arn glad that Rev. David Rogers-a distant cousin of mine-as is Mr. Geo. E. Gibbard who wrote about Tyrone-afld Charlie Bice, have started the good work. Charlie, as he says, was my, chief playmate. When we were boys we could defeat any-pair of inen.in ou-1r district pitching quoits. We had a pair of light quoits, and we played so regularly, that the 13 year old muscles in ou?ý arins learned the dist- ance between the posts so well that we could pitch nearly as well in the darkness as in the light. Every- body liked Charlie, and 1 am glad that our early friendship lias continued throiugh the years. 1 propose to add occasionally to the work of writing the history of Solina by finishing some points not, made quite clear by other writers. Both Rev. Mi. Rogers and Mr. Charies M. Bice, a distinguished law- yer in Denver, .referred to, the fact that, the naine of the village wasi originally Pilchardtown. It was known by this naine till 1858. Myî father the late John Hughes, was then the teacher in the village. H1e asked' a number of the lesding young.men of the village and neighborhood to meet in the schoolhouse one night and told thein he would like thein to help to make a new name for the vil- lage-not a naine chosen froin any of the British Isles, as, Tyrone and -En- niskillen had been named from Irish places, or the name of isome great mnan as in the case of Hampton. 11e wrote six letters on the blackboard, three consonants and three vowels, and asked eacb one present to make as many words as he could froin the six letters. The consonants were 1, n and s, and the vowels were, a, i and o. When the li sts were complete each name suggested was written-on the blackboard, and each man asked to write bis choice on a paper. After the first ballot nîl the naines, not voted f or were dropped, and finally -Solina was made the -unanimous choice. It was a good evening's work, and the naine Solina was ac- cepted as the naine of the villagze. Mr. Bice says, quite correctly, that Kit Mitchell bad humorously proposed the naine Pilcbardtowilh He des- cribes Kit as a most remiarkable and eccentric personage. The record of Christopher Mitchell should not be allowed to rest with this description. H1e was a man of "remarkable" power, pbysically lnnd intellectually. H1e was regarded as eccentric by two classes of men, The hotel keepers and the drinkers-the "wets"-of early days in Darlingten regarded hum as "eccentric" because he was one of the first temperance leaders in the township. The preachors of early days regarded hum as "eccentric" be- cause be did not belleve ail that they preached. Most of the preachers in the Solina Churcle Eldad, were local preachers. Th,'. were earnest wel~-meninS ienbut, the things they preached, and some of the thîngs they did, were far more "eccentric" than anything Kit did. 1One, of them circulated a petition, for instance, te prevent Hugh Toole, playing the violin not on Sunday alone, but on any day even,,in his own house. The saine good man cir- « culated a petition to have my father dismissed froin the school because he1 allowed me te read Dickens. They1 attacked Kit from the pulpit and caîl-_ ed hum an infidel, as they did me,1 wben 1 was thirteen. 11e did some1 f unny things in return. For some1 years he believed himself to be an 1nfidel. For four years 1 accepted bce title, and was an honest disbe- liever in several things the preachers preached. No one now believes the things Kit and I refused tubelieve more than sixty years ago. Kit hought se-called infidel books. I w rote and signed a pledge that I wiould be a truc man and do as much ý,ood as I coufld to make thie world better in order te show that infidels werc good men. If Kit and 4 had 'oninued to be infidels the men who rnwisely attaceked us would have been to blame. I tbink I arn the, only man wbo ý,nows that Kit Mitchell did not die- nn infidel. I was'fortunate in hear- n«,g Rev. George Lawrence, a Pros- byterian ministor in Clarke, whon I -'as a fariner oý the tewn line bo- týween Darlington and Clarke. 'His :rmon was the first sermon I ever c7ard that was truly logical and up- ifting. I reniained with sovon othors - or bis bible class, aind heard a great st~ ùhrhrcety 1 preach-- eli the fines infidel arguments'I ever t '3ard or read, and then he smiashed e iery argument to powder". I can't i swer hlm. Then I told m-y sin-i]ar- experierice with My. Lawrence, and ,.-e mutually congratulatled each When Kit leaped a roadside fonce HAMPTON (Received toc late for last issue.) Holiday visitorki: Mr .and Mrs. E. Ford and daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. F.! Pethick and Miss Ella, Mr. Carence' Martin and Miss Edwards visited Mr, and Mrs. .Wm. Frayne; Mr. F. J. Clarke, Watrous, Sask., with bis par- ents, Mm. and Mrs. T. J. Clarke; Miss Lottie Hern, Peterbero, at Mr. Chas. Horn's; Mrs. Jas. Hewson, Oshawa, at Mr. W. G. Doidgc's; Mm. and Mms. R. Wilbur and chldren, Mrs. F. Wilson and children, Mr Allia, Tom- ente, Mies L. Doidge, Mr. F. wibur, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas. G. Burns'; Mr. and Mms. W. W. Hora -and Walcg at M.J. B. Horn's, Peterboro; Mrs. J. Wilis and sons, Toronto, with lier parenits, Mr. and Mrs. Johin Colwill, sr; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bornanad son, Mr. and Mrs. C. Colwill and twins wlth friends ia Oshawa; Mr. M. Avemy and Miss Jean Doncaster, Bowmanville, at Mr. R. Avery's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Donsein, Mr. nand Mrs. Milton Wilcox, Bowmanville, at Mr. T. Wilcox's; Mr. Clarence Gay ,and friend, Mr. Albert Gay, Mrs. Young and chîldren, Toronto, with their par-, ents, Mr. and Mms. W. H. Gay. Citizens sympath ize with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frnyne in theo bec of their home -by fire on Wodnesday morning lnst. Through the herolo efforts cf neigbbors and friends meet cf thoný contents were saved. The cause of the fire is unknown. A number frein bore attonded the funemal cf Mrs., Henry Jeffroy, on Victoria Day, May 24th., buried at Bowmaaville.. Sympntby le extended te Mrs. John Ranton and Mrs. W. J. Virtue la the death of their son and brother, Mr. WàIl'ter Ranton, who died in Toronto aftoiý a_brief illness and was brouglit here for huril on Sunday, the, fun- oral being largely attended. Mr. Thos. Bill, Mr. W. Rantea, Miss McCullougb, Toronto, ttended the funeral of Mr. Walter Ranton on Sunday. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur, (ae Bilda Crydernan), who were quietly married at the Par- sonage on Wednosdny, Mny l8tb. and ran towards a group cf min as a commrade, bis heart did net stand the strain. Be drcpped dead. Fooligli mon said "God punished hlm". The death nost te ho desired is an ia- st4ntaneous passing te the beyond. Ho was buried la the gavoyard at Hampton, wbere the Methodist Church used te stand. Two yenrs ago I wrcte te, Th. Statesman off ering te start a sub- ecriptIon toeorect a stene at hie grave. No other subscriptions.were sont, ,so I have crdered a granite memorial fer bis grave on which I describo hin as "Temperance Lead- er; Indepondent Thinker; Lover of Truth; Fricad cf the Sorrowful." I gladly try te repay ny perpnal la- debtedness t e ue neory cf two cf the best men I knew lan y boyhcod and ycuth, by erecting mencrials te, Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Mitchell, 1 James L .Hughes. TOLE'S LIST, Milk is now 10Oc a quart-in Belle-1 Few motorists break the speed linit ville. i along King-st these days. There's a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Canadian Postniastcrs' Association, Teason. $3500 will buv 8 roomed brick house will appear before the Civil Service Campaign is boing inauguratcd to and office attached, opposite Town Hall. Commission with a request for better 1solicit funds for the rebuilding of $2800 wjli purchase 7 room trame bouse working conditions and salaries. the National Sanitarlum at Graven- on Church Street, water, sewer, electriO iei iio notretm:hrt light and furnace. that whi iich bas, whi hr teand shîc u ribt onodcnerain 8-roomed brick house on Ontarîo-st,1 htwihhs heiadwih Abe£bupondcnvrto: Bowmanville good lot, every convenience. will be.- Let us leara frein'the past Jones: "I don't believe in advertis- Will be sold reasonable for quîck sale. to profit in the present, and frein the ing". Peters: "Well, then~ old man, $3000 will purehase 2 story brick bouse prosent te live better in the future. you may know your ownt business, on concession Street, water, sowver, elect-, ric ligit, uc, garage and everyv con-ý The Many-Purpose OiL-Both ia but no one else will."1 venience.1 the lieuse and stable there are scores Sleep is tho great riourishor cf in- $7000 will purchase 170 acres, il con, cf uses of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011. fants, and without poaco-ful sleep the Township of Clarke fine buildings, weil Use tfrctbuss unsad hi wl otrve Tisant fenced and watered, about 3l miles east of itfrctrussbunsadcidwlnttrie Thscno Newcastle Wharf.1 the pains cf rheumnatisin and sciatica, be get if the infant be troubled with ..$6,700 will purchase 116 acres parts lotes Sre throat'aifd cbest. Herses are- werms. Miller's Worm Powdors will 5, con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known hiable very lar-gely-te similar aliments dostroy wornis and drive thoin from as the Bruce Farin, well fenced, sou dcay and misbaps as aficit mankind, and the systein. and afterwards the child's loai, goed buildings. Terme eq. Iaeal etebn-rs ilb nître, Tepw $20,000 will purehase tbe Somers Farm, are equally aeal oteha-rs ilb nitre. Tepw containing 150 acres, just outsidje the cor- j ng influence of thîs fine eold romedy ýders cannot injure the mest delîcate poration ýof the Town of Bowmranville, On which bas made tbousands cf firin baby, and there is notbing soe cfcct- county road, on which are erected an 8- friends during the past fif ty years. ivfersorgte heth c a r'comed brick lbouse commedieus eut-iefrisoig h elh o buildings, stone stabling for 40 head of ___________________worin-worn infant. cattie; tbe souis e a rich dlay boain, well_____________________ fenced andi watered; this ls considered one of the best farmse in the county. Termes ta suit the purchaser. MeauhinFrm cnisig f150 Nteril n a q& acres, Joins village of Tyrene-wltb threey I sa e* * stores, Blackemlth shop, schools, churchb . and grist miii ail withln hait a mile of r m L g Ï1eIS T eD ulT ac Rot lis over' three miles oftitîe drains. Th-,e SAC tells cf s.uffening and between l and le Leve! but roiiing, well f,'ncad, bifacyo e ue about 8 acres et hardwoed bush, nid One bif$oyo e ue acre ot good cedar. Geod tarin house !tead thiee two letters trern Sarahi D. Law. Mnta and barne wlth etene stabllng under- ence cf Itoebuck, Ontario. "f can't sleep et Toronto aeath. Over twenty-four hundred bush- nvght fromeinkulcers. i arin rpainm rnet te Detroit els cf grain threehed on it t1lsl year. turne. i have doctored but ne use. A lady trorn The first tenant on thie tarini made Winnipeg says that D. D. D. eured lier cf a bad & eneugli meney In five years te, purchase case et eczerna. That ber sores are al liealed. Chicago a tarin fer hinseif. This la one of the Can you belp me?" best bargaine in the County and muet'be Now a tew words fromn a later letter. «I have Unexcolled dining car service. dold te wlnd up Esfate. used D. D. D. as directed, and rny leg le cern- Sleeping cars on night train. and L. . W TO E, pîleey well.' Parlor cars on the principal day trains REL.ESA. .T A ET by fot be convinced and tr>' this temedY Full information fromn any Grand REL5-tfEAGNT today for any forrn et skin diseaseOne appli- 35tf Bownianville Phone 41. catimn and ttif chi3egone. Yeun oneybacl< Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning if relief doesn't corne tremn the-first bettle, District Pasener iAesnt. Trn. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunh Railway. Going East. Going West Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr 4.22 a.m.I Express 10.35 a.m'. Pass'ngr '7.06 a.m. Pass'ngr 1.14 p.m.'* Local 9.57 a.m* Pas..'Ngr .14 p.m.* Local 1.56 p.m.* Local 6.49 p.m*< Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m.* Local 7.21 p.m.'* Pass'ngr 8.16 p.m. Mail 9.58 p.m. *Daily except Sunday. 1 Flaggod. Canadian 1Pacific RailwAy Goiag East Going West -Express 10.20 a.m. Express 5.50 a.m. Express 1.50 p.m.*' Local 8.20 am.* Local 10.16 p.m.* Express 4.81 p.m. Express 12.20 a.m. Express 6.53 p.m.* *Daily except Sunday. * C. B. Kent, Town Agent. Canadian N*tionaI Railway. West Bouad East Bound *449 a.m. *815 a. m. *504 p. m. *Daily except Sunday. MILLIONS IN PROFITS are beîng paid te the share- helders cf Northern Ontario's Gold Mines. Are you getting your share ? P. S-It le riglit that I ebould stat that he ged ud entlmanwho The experience geined in 6if- teen years cf active connectien cnlled me had naines from the puupit wîh these mines wiIl help you -and nearly wamped my life by do- te participate in tisese splen- ing se, teld my brother Sir Sam te did profits. tell me "he wae sonry for the thîngs he said about ne whcn I was a boy", Complèe i nformaton on Requet and added, "The inystery c ylf bas been that nearly all the boysw H thought good turaed eut te, be ,:,es H MER L. GIBSON or bad, and narly evory boy we & CO& thcugbt hnd tumned eut to e ho ocd. 7345Bn fHmlo lg One cf the meet imprtant studios forto Bdg ministers le the study cf cbild life. TORONTO The ease with which corne and For yenrs Mother Graves' Wormi warts can ho removed by Holloway's Extemmninator bas ranked as a e- Cern Remever le its strengeet e- hiable worm prepamation and it ai- commeadation. It seldon fails. ways maintnins its roputatien. MÉ L-oon fo>r Sin Dtsease JURY & LOVELL DRUGGISTS BOWMANVILLE ToOk Yo cung, is -a valuable'asset te wornen in businè(ss, social and Privatel life. Nothing heips so rnuch as a good digestion. Poor elirnination causes one te look sickly and faded. B EECMMH A M S sweeteii the stornach, stirnulate the liver, pro- mote elirnination. This helps purify the blood, improve the complex- ion, bringthe roses back te the cheeks. To look and feel young-Beech- ar's Pis WIII HelIp Yo u Sold Everywhere in Canada. In boxes, 25c., 50c. Larsent Sale of ana' Medicine in the World DO LLMY BOUSE WORK Before 1 took Lydia E. Pink- hani's Vegetable Compound 1 could hardly get about. obourg, Ont. -"Fer many years I have had trouble with ny nerves and have been la a general rua down con- dition for gene tino. 1 could net do ny work half of the tino because cf the trouble with ny monthly sickaess. I was told cf Lydia E. Piakhan's Vege- table Conpound by fricadsanad adviscd te try it. It bas done me goed, and 1 stroagly reccmmead it. Since I have takea it I have been able te do ail my owa werk, and I aMo kaow frieads who have found it good. You can use these facts as a testimnaial. "-Mrs. ELLEN FLATTERS, Box 761, Cobourg, Ont. Whywill women continue te sufer se long le more than wo cau undcrstand, whcn they can find hcalth la Lydia E, Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound? For forty years this good old fash- ionied root and herb rcmedy, which contains ne narceties or h&mmful drugs, has been the standard remedy for fe- maue ills, and has restored the health cf thousanda cf woinen who have been .trcubled with such aliments as dispiace- monts, inflammation, ulceration, iîreg. ularities, etc. 4 à1f you want special advice write te Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential), Lyna, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answored by s *woman and hLý,d ila striat- confidence. W OD'5* PFOSPHODIN~ES -,,,-Fe Greai English Preparatian. ' Toues and invigoiates te whole in old Veins, Used for Nera'ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, DsndnLoss of Euergy, , Palpitation of i;e Heari, PaiIing Memer. Prce,$2ïpe.' box, a t for $5.>-SoSid by ail druggists, or tnailed in plain pkg on receipt et pric. New pamphWt mailedl free.91THE WOOD MEDICINE CO..3ORONTD;ONT. W5 nIIDNeP Niglanda imornïng. WIIIUUê..iHave Clean, Heclthy JJU Eyea. If tbey Tire, Itcb, Sinat or Bura, r-rCif Scie, irritated, In- VOU, L flaned orGranulated, useMuinieoften.SÏ hserse. Safefor Infant or Aduit, At ail Druggistm. Write JIl. H. JURtY, Agent Phone 78 Bewnauavll Chiropractic (Spinal Adjustmbnts) Remove the Cause of Diseane without Medicine or Knife. Chfr- opractors have remarkable sue- cess ia remibvlag the cau'se of Appendicitis, Deafaes's, Asthma, Rheiimatism,, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipat ion, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousness la many forins respond readily te Chiro- practic. Examination Froc at OffIýîo. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Sjmce St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. E VE RYï MO NTHr Sm A N YW O M E N Take ZUIO Tablets and are free -of the Griping Pain and Slck Headaches. Readwhat Mrs. Wright say s "I receîved your sample cf Zutoo Tab- lets, a d teck thein for severe pain (mont hly> and headache. At the end cf 30 minutes, I was entirely free cf pain and e;p&'rienced ne more throughout the perlcd I sufer a g reat deal at these times and feel grateful that I have a remedy whlch afords quick relief. Every womaa Ia the land should' knew about Zutea Tablets and what they will do." Mns. ALLEN WRIGHT, Fulflord, Que. TAKE ZUTOO RELIE VES DEAF'NESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES. Simply Rnb it Back cf the -Eare anld Insert ia Nostrils. Proof cf suc- cess will be given by the druggist. e, MADE IN CANADA à RTHUR SALES CO., Sales Agents, Toronto ' A.0. Leenard, lac., Mliv., 70 lii' Ave,,. Y. Cly For Sale in Bowmanville by JURY & LOVELL (Patented) r AL mAs hP'LLED <OibinTgare de- signed lu commfumity wtb tescience vof Anal am. Tfciv p atented lnVentlin wtlt rondino elastie Inside bell, gently snp- pot 7tbrale abdomen, and l vrsbenefleiai fo er al ster a eatin 1uol g an aiuabdoIion.ala efectvelure- Dtevin., lisse lica a/ 7ents frein whleh inaity nna ufer. fitling and self.mcasuremeut. res toton i'equvt. [t Ai wrIte s NQW fer vtl buta o -la ETalseI'mr IFRAGRANCE -The aromna of betokens thè perfection o! the leal. Famous for 50 years, Salada neyer varies the excellence o! its quality. LEHIGW VALLEY CQA L Money invested in our coal is cash conscient- lously expended., Here you will get your money's worth of coal. -Here you receive a full ton plus satisfactory service. John A. Holgate &, Son Queen and Division Sts. 130Wrnanvilile BE PARTI1C U LRRq You cannot be too particular about the insurance you choose.' The 40 com- panies we represent will stand, the acid, test of investigation. Fjrp Losses deait with very liberally and pa up with as littie delay as possible. YOU GET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH J. J. MASON& SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream, We Want Yours If we fail to cail on you we would appreciate a phone eall or write us, Orono Creaniery Co., ORONqOý!qm NTICENT STEAMERS 3 t Si S HE'f CT FEI" CITY 0F BUFFALO" UFF L « niyspiày lot to rNov. 15th - CLEVELA.ND Isae DWAO 900 P. M. LSTEPN Luve CIzvELJD m :0 .M Arrive C7zrnsen.J780 X A: M. tv1aenÀmm'lnsES 1Arrive BUISALO 780 A. m. iConneetions at (Cleveand for Cedar Point, Put-mn-Bay. Toledo Detroit and otherupinlts. Ralroad ticetsrealig etwen ofalosn (Sveandsregod fr rauotadon ou nvsteamers. Ask rorticket aig etorrst ege uff or Ckesvir dra C&BLnNToýioritAtmbiel.e OU0. Roundqg toij ist aysretfor tuitrck ts ecee&dBUn 2 le.cutblbae.Rte. mIstifoll' ord cecwtional Fen iaitet feorcant eShing 127 inchEE" eat eceio cive cents. Alsaikt or o 'lrge iceals4dcitvebo l ., a mp " trForty-F ive" M I7 ES, at rny age 1 sup- Nerve Food was recomrnd- pose I should expect ed to me by an aunt who used change in rny con- it while passing through dition. But I arn so nervous the change of life and was and irritable, so easil1v excit- completely buîit up by its ed and worried, that I can- use. From ry experience not understand what is as a wif e and mother I find wrong." that the rnajority cf users "I know just how yo are wornen, especially wo- feel, my dear, for I have men passing through the goethuh exactly wha change of life;, next by gen e erog , no young mothers to regain you re xperencng nw.' strength after baby cornes, "But you are net!nervous." and aise by rnothers for "'No, net now, but 1 was in-, their young daughters enter- a far worse condition than ing their wornanhood. Whiie y'ou are, when a friend ad- it is gocld for ail classes of vised the use of Dr. Chase's hurnanity, I arn sure it is es- Nerve Food. I need.,net tell pecially so for wornen, as you more, for you know how thcy seen to be troubled welI I have been for the Iast most by nervýous diseases." few years." Dr. Ghase's Nerve Food, 50 Mrs. Il. Alchomn, 23 Gcr- cents a box. AIl deaierg, or aid St., Charlottetown, P. E.' Edmanson, Bates & Co., I, writes - "Dr. Chase's Ltd., Toronto. ý J p