VOL. LXVII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVIlýLE, ONTARIO, JUNE 9, 1921 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.2 p g G-rand Display of Housecleaning Helps, At this season of the year you are always looking for something to brighten up the-home, or one particular room. can show you some of the finest materiats just for that purpose - We FLOOR COVERINGS HIGH SCHOOL MEMORiAL Bounsaîl, Grant Linton, Neil Worden,' WITH THE PRESS PARTY TABLET I4NVEILED Millan MacDonald, Harvey Mingeaud,' ______Robt. Dickinson, and our two soldier-1 By our own Correspondent., Presenteld to the Board by Former, girîs-Flossie Coulter and Dorothy' B. H. S. Pupîls. Saniderson. When hie retired from 1 When one contemplates a 5000 ______the principalship Bruce Berry anýd mile trip such as the representativ es An nteestng ereonytoo plceDay Warnica were entering, and in'of the- weekly newspapers of Canad at Bowmanville llîgh School on Fni-,,the school were Roger Bird, who had are' enjoying, you naturally take up day evening, June 3rd., when a beaut-, the honor of being the first to enlist the map and look at the spots indicat- iful bronze memorial tablet was -un- from the school, Lloyd Rice, Andrew ed on the itinerary or sched.ule pointe, veiled by Prof. A. T. DeLury of, Nichols, Cyril Souch, Wilton Ellîott, to be visited, along the proposed Toronto University. BRoy Warnica. Reginald Jolliffe and- route. The distances seem- short jNorman Reynolds. These and others but when you are on a train such as Mr. W. B. Couch, Chairman of the who came between, too numerous to the press party is being conveyed High School Board and arniember Of mention, are on that roll of honour' across this vast Canada of ours and t hargeboyfoter og ran hn as having served overseas. travel for bour after hour witli opening address hie said, some monthe Wa hud esyo hoewosaceyacag o cnr o agoou Hih chol oad mdeanwill neyer come back? Rupert naturally change your mind and sge ago ur ighSchol Bardmad anwhat a vast and glorious heritage appeal to our old boys and girls, ex-; Brooke's soldier sonnet contains a w aain ae pupils of the school, for contribu- thought which seemed peculiarly ap- w aain ae tion toenabe tem o plce me- Prprite:The Canadian National and Grand 1in oeal hmt paeamm ponae Trunk Pacific have left nothing un- orial tablet in the school, So gener- If 1 should die, think only this of me, done to provide for the comf ort of ai and so generous bas been the eesothCa- sposetl~t hecomitee avng That thereps sonie corner o r the13 representativeso' h aa charge tof tthe funds haeeen ableg eign field dian weekly newspapers of Canada. cr e of the f in aesbc-e ableThat i s forever England. There A train of five steel constructed cars, to secure one ofu the ietadhs ntat nich earth a richer dust diner and baggage car and powerful tablets of the kind which has been or siiaîî be egnwt pedd safo can a podued. Thi gaeroity concealed, officiais, trainnian, porters, etc., fully i9f es dust whom England bore- - cognizant-of the-va1ue-of the lives of HIGH'SCHOOL NOTES Mr. Allun F. Annis, son of Mr. A. W., Annis, Tyrone, a former student of Bowmanvile High Schael, has just graduated at Toronto University rankinig f ourth, in the honar lists in the departmient of Political ý'Eonomy. MTI. Job.hn Elliott, B. A. of Bowman- 'Ville High School had an interesting interview with aile of the real old boys of the sehool Mr. Peter Werry who thinks he and Mr, W. J. McMur- try, Toronto, are the last two of the boys who attended long ago when Dr. Kelly was principal, Lawyer James Rutledge, B. A., Principal Wm. Scott, B. A. of TorontQ Normal ,School and Dr. James W. ULybaughlin, ail passed away, were -among the boys of his period at the old Bowmanville Union School that stQod where- the Central Public School now stands. 57 YEARS IN BUSINESS Mr. Lewis Cornish Selis Jewelry Business to Mr. Alex. Elliot. hematitched insertion -andWeaeti hoi We are still showir