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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1921, p. 2

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STOCK ISSUE WANTED A reliablebrokernge bouse is in a -position to underwrite an issue of from $100,qOO to $1,000,000 of an ,estabiehed and growing Canadian Corporation. Communicate with us 1,Y wire or phone at our expense.1 CORPORATION &GENERAL IN. VESTMENTS, LIMITED, Investment Securities, 38 Ring-st. E., Toronto, Phone Main 5016-7. V ETERINÂRY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETEnINARY SURGEON. Day-or Nght Calîs Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Stateaman Block, Bowmanville, Phone 243. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO0 EUROPE-Canadian Pkclflc, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- Iean. Ask for information. Phone 43, Bowmanville. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. 3BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, -Uownianville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BAREe-ISTER, SOLICITOR, -NOTARY Mortgàge Loanls Arranged. Bonds for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Resi- ,,dence 178 J., Bieakley Block, Bow- manville. 45-t MEDICAL 9. J..HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Guld Medalist of Trinity University -3--onto. Four years Attending Phy- 'tanand Surgeon at Mi. Carmel, Ilujpftal, Pittsburg, Ka. Office and Renidence, Wellington Street, Bow-1 inanville. Phone 108. 86 Z W, SLEMON, M. D., C. M., -Graduate of Trînity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskilien. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manviiie. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H. STOREY Graduate Toronto University, year znd haf resident physician and sur-, ýzeon Toronto General Hospital six monithsa Burnside Maternity) two ý2nd haîf years Military H-1ospital. Ofice: Royal- Bank Building, Bow- rnanville. Phone 143w. 10-1vr.* DENTAL ~DR. 'G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto UTniversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ont-. ario. Office King-et., Bo'wmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT qCraduate of Royal Dental College, To_1ýronto. Office, Ring-st East, gow- 'm-anviUle. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 P, m. daily oxcept Sunday. Phonie 90Oa. House phone 90b. -F-1~RAL-DR£C-OR F. F. MORRIS CO. -Most coinplete equiprnent. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended to. Bowmnanville phones J O and 34. Branch at Orono. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Duke-st., just opposite Canning Factory, pays highest cash prices for ail kinds of poultry and junk. Phone 299 or caîl at bis residence. 5-tf, NOTICE TO PUBLIC 1 have taken out a license in Bow- manville to buy ail kinds of Junk and, Poultry. Willpay the highest price. Apply by phone 289 or caîl on Mr. Pike, Ontario-et. FITS Stlnson's home treatment for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of testimonials. No case should be consid. ered hopeless. Free booklet. Wm. Stin- son Remnedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Yonge ýStreet, Toronto, Ontario. -r flammiation of the mcu ebae Treatraent with Dr. Thomas' Eclect.. riec Oil will allay the )famto and in consequence the cIOgLi. willi cease. Try it and you w~ill be sat- iisfied.1 BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 9tb., 1921. .1HON. N. ' IThis Means THE EDITOR TALKS Speciai Deq Recently we referred to the bene- Ottawa, Jý 1fit that Divisions of Sons of Temper- tions from ance bave been in educating folk in yesterday br business proceedure, movîng and sec- W. Rowell, onding resolutions or motions, mak- J. A. Mabarý ing short speeches, debating, reciting, tbere are r reading, etc. As we sat and listen- federal hous cd 'tother evening to the Newcastle St.Antoine, young people in' their play "Back to ville and Me the Farma", we saw in the training ter only haý tb-ey were rcceiving to appear on the been set, n stage andact their respective roles The setting an important lesson that helped to will very iiký fit them better for acting on the great thie premier stage of if e. Sucb exercîses give Hon. N. V the actors confidence in themselves crîy the lcad 50 that the floor w'on't fiy up and Up- Ontario, ent set them when they arise some time ment in 191 to express an opinion on some quest- of the Priv- ion under debate ait a meeting. If time hie, rea we bad our way there would be reg- in debate ai ular weekly exercises in every eie- In July îast mcntary school in oral composition, erniment, aný reciting, and public speaking. More present sessi attention should be given in our ed his inteni normal schools to training teachers and of going to teach reading, elocution and pub- just a o lic speaking. Rightly or wrongly, with the Leo we believe that rcading is not as disposed of thoroly taught in the- public sehools in these times as it was in our schooi Ti days and teacbing days. In Durbar ______________f or some tii as the Liber, AN APPEAL TO FARMERS' obvious reas refrained fr4 Spriug bas passed and summner is until Mr. Ro, here. Witb it the caîl of nature baî ceived. Di become more insistent and those wbo cultural, but can are, ieavîng the city to go to the tres, It is coutry-so green, pure and wbole- Preston will some. There are thousands of the otber pý people wbo cannot afford to leave tbe C. Jonas Tbý city, hence tbe bot, dusty streets are tioned in coi crowded with littie chi îdren who are ers' ticket. doomed to spend an enervating sum-- mer in uuwbolesome city conditions. The Frcsh Air Exchange appeais RECITA. toithe farmers on bebaîf of tbese lit- tlé ones of the city, and asks that Pupils of Y~ those wbo lîve with a reasouable dis- Give a tance of Toronto open their bornes to two of the cildren for two weeks Alexandra or more. the elite of N~ Lest summer several enjoyed holi- gram, render( days given in this mariner. Due to E. J. Bale's1 the unemployment of iast wintcr, the eVeiing. Th jncomes' of many families bave been hibition of t 50 reduced that vacations are impos- donc by tea( sible for a much larger per cent of number was city dwellers than in other years. The does not go Neighborhood Workcrs' Association pecting pcrfe arranges for tbe paymeut of railway ing, but musi expenses, but cannot pay board. The the entire pi childreu are ahi thoroughly examincd Wc can hard by a doctor so that thcy wiîî not carry of the singin côntagious diseases to their new land wbo san friends.the Ncwcast fricns. , play "Back ti We fully realize that the ~addition solos werec of two to a family means added work recital. Mrs to the housewif c but in vic-w of the voice, too, ai great need of city children we ask i.Tepa that farmers who are iutercsted andp The p n would care to open their homes to will become such chîldren, communicate with Mr. But the pian F. N. Stapleford, General Sccretary cer, a f orme Neighborhood, Workers Association, Gordon Kete 189 Church Street, Toronto, giving and GladysJ particulars as to the age and sex of the ginls woi children who would be welcomed and phause. Mrs during what periods of the summer Igood epe the littie visitors might depart for Brother Sur their happy holiday lu the country. Mrs. H. Smi ini's "Wbisr At the dlo DURHAM OLD BOY congratulatei the work do. Dr. James L .Hughes, President of the Durham Old Boys Association,- Toronto, receivýed a cordial wclcomc Grand di to Oshaw,ýa. The Reformer says: helps-scri Strongly advocating the cultivation linoleums, et great essentials in the physical, ii. tellectual and moral devclopment of boys and girls .and compimenting made in this respect, Dr. Jas. Laugh- I S lin Hughes, one of Canada's foremost public speakers, eduentional 'leaders and writers, and for many years him- self a promonient athiete, deligbted a, 'll ine very1 large audience at Alexandraie Park ast nigbt with an addrss givenl ACCIDI at the concert to mark the opening of AT the new baud stand, just completed.~ PLAT Dr. Hughes is no stranger in Osh-G A1R awa, being born and brought rip neai U R Solina. UIe is a brother of General A Sir Sam Hughes, ex-minister of miii- ,A TO1N tia, and has held many important againsti positions in Canada. The speaker fp was introduced by Rlis Worship May- thef p or Stacey who said that Oshawa was inj-ri* highhy honored in reccivînig a visit coullso from Dr. Hughes, for it was not often Colsn that an opportunity came to hear a the carel speaker of bis standing. Dr. Hughes' ~e addrcss was on the value of sport., rvrO are meei SUNDAY'S ELECTRICAL STORM M s Mr. Lewis Buckley's Barns Burned M s With Contente Phone 189 Going to traWelC. P. R? Thon fîp get your ticket from C. B. EKent at post Office. UudouItedly thoe finest dlisplay of z,', voiles eveIC shown la nowy on sale at dwlr Courl, 3ohnstoin & Cry"derîan's. JwIes 1 exqwsie brooch. atched pearis of richeat tre,~ and oentred witt a ridot5 àt <ozis a duraning true Leart's choice. Ail Thir!g. Tr Wly Beauatihdt Neyer Grow OId Not Bros, î Oshawa W. ROWELL RESIGNS a By-Election ini Durham. ,patch to Toronto Star. June 2.-With the resiéna- the commons announced )y Mr. Speaker of Hon. N. ,M. P., f or Durham, and rg, M. P., for Maple Creek, now six vacancies in the îe. The other four are *, York, Leeds and Brock- edicine Hat. For the lat- is the date of by-election iamely for June 27 next. ýof dates for the otheërs. .ely be delayed iVntil after "s return from'England.1 WJ. Roweil, who was formn- 1er of the Liberal party in itered the Union Govern- [7, and became President vy Council. During the maicd lhe was prominent and proliflc in legisiation. h le rctired from the Gor- nd at the bëginning of the ion, however, hle intimat- tion of resigning bis seat ig back to private practice on as matters conncctcd igue of Nations had been 'by parliament. "ree ini Durham i,' W. T. R. Preston bas mne past been nominatedi ra standard bearer. For lons the governmcnt haýi rom selecting a candidate owell's resignation was re- urbam ie largely agi i- it witb a f ew cen- squite, likely that Mîr. 1be opposed by botb of arties. Tbe name of ornton of Orono is men- cnection witb the Faxm- LL AT NEWCASTLE Vre. Bale's Music Class aSplendid Program aHall ,,as well filled by Newcastle to hear tbe pro- eduby the pupils of Mrs. Musc Ciass on Tbursday 'e recitai was a fine ex-, the splendid work being icher and- pupils. Every ;vcry creditable. One to a musical. recital ex- ýction in singing or play- Sie loyers tboroly enjoyed )rogram on this occasion. ,diy avoid special mention ig of Miss5 Dorotby Hol- ,g so weil on the eve-ning le young folk gave the to the Farm". Rer vocal charmingly sung in this S. R. J. Bale bas a good ind knows bow to control nists all did fairiy good 1by fidelity to practice ýýacceptible musicians. no piaying of.'P.ercy Mer-1 er Bowman-ville boy, and bhum of the boy pupils, [ones and Elva Sharpe of n very welI-deserved ap-1 s. W. Jamieson sang witb, ssion "Good Morning, ishie-Liza Lehmann. .th sang nicely Piccoloma- jer and I shahl Hear." se Mrs. Bale was beartily ed on the excellence of me. bylber PyPils. îplay of bousecleanîng Le, nets, madras, chintz, :c., at Couch, Johnston & LRANCEi S of FIRE, ENT, SICKNESS, SGLASS, ý,NTEE BONDS, eOBILE, covering fire, lightning, )roperty damage, to the public, .i; insure against lessness of the d the car you Ling. dith- V. Scobeli ALLIN BOWMANVILLE fiom the *uu -mu - - - -Um- -U-m We Own and Offer tbe Unsold Balance cf ( noeImm ashes!. Rebuildig a buidn to rebu'ld li/Ves! ,ON November 3Oth last, Muskoka Free Hospital Consumptives w'as destroyed fire. On January 14, this year, Sir William Gage, founder of the insti- tution-the one mani who had con- tributed most Iargely to its support, Patron: Fls Exefleiy Tme Dmke o.f Dovcughire, K.G., G.C.M.G., Ete., Boyerior-General of Canada. Hlonorary. Oommttee: Eîs Honour Lionel HI. Clarke~, Idutenant-Governor o£ Ontario. Hon. E. C. Drury, Premier 91 Ontario. Ms Worship, T.1 L. Ckureh, Mayor of Toronto. Hon. W.Ï. Clharlton, Mý. 'W p, Thomson, Orillia. À. . ardy, Brokvillle. Holnorary Treasurer. Bi EmulldOsier Ontari o commfttel Vlecharma,i Secetary: and for twenty-five years the out- standing friend of needy consur-- tives-died. To-day, more than ever bef c poor, suffering consumptives n( your assistance. Give - give a you can - to the National Sanitarium Association's C;onsumptives' .Emerg«,ency Million Dollar Fund TMe Muakoka Froc Hospital Funds are urgently needed for become healthy mon and women. for Consumiptivez, destroyed by this work., 1 Funds are urgently needed to ire on November 3Oth lait, muet Again - adulte in advanced cover the cout oJ extensions. be replaced by buildings, larger stages must, be treated at the uiefn arugnt and fireproof. King Edw ard Sanatorium, on the Fthrfud aeugely bank ' c th Humer, ear needed to csry n the, work of Accommodation is needed at bWne ' t HuTrnar 'he Gage Institute in the City of the uekoa Fre Hspitl fo Weton. Exten-sionaz are neces- T 40e MsadueearHosptalesfor sary. Many of these patiente cn Tronto, xwhere the needy Poor 40 dlsi ay-saeof be saved. corne for free examinatièns, is. thedisesse. This will restàe 2,50 And again- little children- cluding X-ray, and for medical of thein to their bornes and Iov setih i tbte raddna d'nursing asisetance. oe -red.t e ema ndr W muet be cared for at the Queen Fifteen thousand needy con- be gratlybenefted.Mary Hospital for Consumptive suiriptives have beenrj ed r A few mnonths for each paitnt Children, near Westoni. 'Nineéty tu date utÉ the hospitais con-. soon means thousande ca-,red for. per cent. of these are saved tu ducted -b> the A.Sociation, NATIONAL SANITARIUM ASSO"CIATIO' N Headýrers: 46-48 King St. East, Toronto-Opposite King Edward Hotel Telephones: Main 411t8-4151-6353-4-5640 ' "cEvery Needy, Cons amptive Must Stili b. cared for" GREAT DURHAM COUNTY BOY English and Scotch Linoleums, 2, 3 and 4 yds. wide at Couch, Johnston & The great Admiral Sims who was Cryderman's. in charge of the United States navy Under an enactment passed by the in British waters during the war was session of the legisiature, just closed, 1born in Port Hope so is a Durham ail reni property transferred becomes county o. o adi nwrcçvn subjeet, to a provincial tax of two bis rewar nd itas he ineeone milis on the dollar, according to the mosrewhîs ingpatb s h cotch an ceîshvalue of the property in question. morehisEnglshScoch ad IishThis tax mnust be paid by the purchas- friends; as he chats with, King er when e seig his deed, which, George and Queen Mary; as be dines cannot n hrgisein ccpe b h in hgh lacs a guet o hoor;rgistrar. This new law cornes into bears Sinms lauded 'as 'fighter and operation on June 1, 1921. This friend, and, with the great Marsbal will mean a tax of $2.00 per $1,0001 Foc, receives an honorary degree on the sale pce of the property be-1 3from ancient Cambridge University. ing transferred. âITHE HABIT i3@'l of buying your Groceries regularly f rom King Edward Constr3'Iuction 8%é Preferred Stock Price, $100, and accrued' dividend, car- rying a bonus of 30%,' of Common Stock, making this investment yield i1I'% wit safety The dividend on the preferred stock is un- conditionally and irre'vocably guaranteed by the United Hotels Company of America. The dividend of 8% on the preferred and 10% on the comîîon stock are assured under the terma of the rea3e of the build- ing to the King Edward Hotel, Company, Limi*?ed.- Therefore to those who buy at these favorable terms This investment wil ield il/% 'Write for Descriptive Circular-Address W. A. MACKENZIE &CO. LIMITED Govrnaentand MDBICJPa1 BoDS, Corporation Securities 1 a a 1 HrIARRY PRIONE 18t

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