BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 9th., 1921.1 FORMER CITIZEN DEAD Walter Scott Rusisell of the OId Do- minion Organ & Piano C'o. Passed Away. By the thoughtful kindness of Mis. Neil Yellowlees of Centre-st., this town; we are permitted to publish this sketch of a former well-known and highly îespected citizen of Bow- manville-Lieut. Walter Scott Rus- sell who for several years was a mem- ber of the Dominion Organ & Piano Co., associated with Mi. John Wesley and Mr. Gèorge Piggott. It was Mi. Russell who built the beautiful resi- dence on Wellington Street now own- ed and occupied by Dr. B. J. Hazie- wood-one of the finest reaidences la Bowmanville. Oui older citîzens will remnember that Mi, Russell was a splendid rifle ahot and was on the Wimbledon Team of Canada for some yeais, holding the îank of Lieutenant la the 46th Durham Reg- iment. The East Rochestýer Realties of May 27 says:' Walteî S. Russell died at the home of his daughter, Mis. F. J. Winter- botham, East Commercial Street, May 26, aged 76 years, f ollowiag a week's ilînesa fîom pneumonin. Mi, Rus- sell had been a resident of East Rochester 16 years, duîing which time he was employed at the piano plant of the Foter Armstrong branch of the American Piano Co. Being of a coagenial, but ietiring disposition and well informed on current affaira, as Mr. Russell rend much and thus kept posted on the affairs of the day, those whïo weîe acquainted with hlm found hlm a 'pleasing coaversationa- iist, and hie enjoyed the friendship of ail who- knew him. Being musically înclined, Mr. Russell was a lover of good music, and during his enîlier yeaîs was a cornietist of considerable ability, having been conductor'of one of Canada's prominent brasa banda for more than 20 years, and also hiad coniderable experience in conduct- ing vocal music. Several yeaîs pie- vious to the time hie took uap his1 residence in Eat Rochester, Mi. Rus- eh aend family resided in Rochester, where hie followed the work of piano mnaking, being employed ln the Armi- strolng Co. Decensed la survived by his wife, two daughters, Mis'. F. J. Winterbotham, and Misa Anna Rus- sell, both of this place; one son, Walter, of Fort Smith, Ark., who ar- rived a few hours previous to his father's death. The funeral which was private, was held from the house Saturday nfternoon, interment ini Pittaf ord Cemetery. MAKING SPEECHES IN SCHOOL A generation ago Fîiday was look- ed forward to by the achool chldren with various feelings, for at that time there weie declamations, spelling matches., or Other exercise-may i üot say pastimes?-out of the usual routine. Some timid ones dreadedt "isayin' pieces", whîle others thought( * of the progiam with plensure; and( wxhile the greater number delighted ia the apelling conteat, a few, per- haps lacking confidence la themselves, regarded it with fear and trembling. Among the old-time favorites, for recitation may be mentioned fiast Mrs. Heman's "Casabianca", founded on an actual incident of the Battle of the Nule. If the truth were known, peihapa scoeres of' modern 0rators made their fiast effort with the poem beginning, "The boy stood on the burning deck", for it was well known as early as 1825. "4Bîngen on the Rhîne" la not lack- ing la menit as a poem, and was pop- ular as a recitation. Other poems of more or lesa menit which we mem- orized >ntd declaimed were "Lochiel'a Waining", usually spoken in asing- song way, "The Mafiner'a Dream", and Lord Ullin'a Daughter"e. eCur- f ew" became popular later. The foregoing were apoken by boys from ten to sixteen years of age. Small girls had a predilection for "Mary Had a Little Lamb." The boys of~ eight or ten years was 'vont to edify the audience and the c"_chool by reciting "Little Thinga- "Little dropeoof water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the beauteous land- a nd the no lesa popular poem: ~You'd scarce expect One of my age To speak la public on the stage". The fiast has been credited to more han one author-to Mrs. Julia A. 1 'ling effliiency. Ever since it wns f rast introduced it has growa steadily ,public favor, owing- entirely, to its anifold usefulness ln relieving and ,aliiig sickness. AS 8a speciflc for i-ts, burna, scalds, and various ia- fammatory pains its record la beyond 4,41HAVEbeen after you tVtry Dr. Ci'asle's Nerve Food an~d you aiways say it is intended more for women.", "Well, that is what Il always understood, for 1 hear' you women talking so much about usinLg it." "Don't you think, men have blood and nerves as well as vîomen ?Itf says heme thp.t Dr. Cham*'s Ne -ve Food forms new, ricl blood and nourishes t h e exhausted nierves back to health and vwgor" es. "Wteil, the doctor says it is your nerves that are re- sponsible for your indiges- tion and sleeplessness. Why not try some of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food? You know what it diëd for me." "I would Ii'ke to know of some men in my condition who used it." 1 DURHAM 15 ALL RIGHT Temperance For'ces Organizeý-Offi- cers Elected. A very representative and much alive gathering of the organized for- ces on behalf of Temperance regu- lations and their enforcement was held recently in Orono. Representatives were present from Port Hope, Newcastle, Bowmanville, Orono, and from Hope, Clarke and Darlington., Rev. J. W. Rae was elected Chair- man and Mr. Andrew Knox, Secre- tary. Mr. R .J. Rowe, President of the County, made a capital address and clearly outlined Vpresent conditions ln the counties of Durham and Nor- thumberland. He has been a keen and interested observer of the strength and weakness of the present conditions regarding the sale, and the supression of the sale of liquor. The County was organi±ed with R. J. Rowe, Chairman, A. J. Knox, Sec- retary and Mis. L. A. W. Tole, Treas- tirer. District Chairmen are these: Hope-W. J. Crohurst Port Hope-F. W. Galbraith Clarke Rev. J. W. Rae Newcastle-Thomas Moffatt Bowmanville-Willard Stevens Darling-ton-Kenneth Courtice Cartwright-W. C. Ferguson iManvers-Rev. C. S. Reddick Cavan-Thos. Melndoo Millbrook-R-ev. S. T. Tucker A profitable discussion took place re -liquor in ellars and the present inadequate methods of dealing with the matter. It was unanimously agreed that the piesent IÀcense Ynhpector for Northumberland and Durham has too large -a territory to be able to over- take the work effectively, and that President Rowe, be commisioned to appear bef oie the Board of License Commissioners and request that In- spector be appointed for Durham County. ,Many commendatory things were said regarding Inspector Goodirich but ail realized that tl* task is at present too- great for Qne man. ,èThe meeting was àflve one and the best of good will prevýailed from fiast to last. Words of appreciation were spoken of the Provincial Goverament at Tor- onto, because of their loyalty to the voice of the people and their deter- mination to stand behind temperance legialation. In former years complaints were made against politicians but these are aew and better days. EMPLOYEES GET HOLIDAYS Eighty-eight; employees at the Goodyear factory, will receive holi- days with pay this summer. This la abouit 50 per cent of ail the employ.. ees. These 88 wîll receive 132 weeks' vacation. Suppose we aay $20.00 a week is -the average earning, thea it will meau nhe ,m f $2,640, or over $30.00 for each mlfeié ceiving holîdays. The ioyalty of the holding fast to, their respective jobs during the waî period, the resuit la Bowmanville employees was shown in they are now reaping the benefit of1 doing so. Other benefits which the employees receive are also to be considered such as buying automobile tires and tubes, bicycle tires and tubes, garden hose, soles and heels, etc., at half the puice they purchased in the regu- lair way, We býelieve that the, em- 'ployees certainly appireciate Good- year policy-Wingfoot Clan. A. W. Foster, 178 Le Breton street, Ottaw'a, Ornt., -'c: 'i or a Y,- ù Uxubled with iC' t est ecîally --i rt-~l' .ain unabie to sleP ororsI was erssily Tht gu ci a nd very irr4nable. "',4A friend told me to try Dr. Chgss's Ner-ve IFood ', and before 1 had uséd the treai.- ment a week I was enj q,,ying a good night's rest évery niglit. I gained rapidly in evcry vay and rmy general health is very 'much im- provec.'" "That sounds ail right,"' "Yes. This -qtafFtemènt is vouched for by -Mr. E. M. Ahearn, the drugi'gist, and is no doubt correct." "Well, 1 will give it a try- out." Dr. Chse's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, ail deaiers, or Edmanson,, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. I i NESTLETON The June meeting of the Nestleton Woman's Institute was held Wednes- day, afternoon June lat., at the home Lof Mis. George Nesbitt, with an- at- tendance of 25. After singing and prayer the minutes of the May meet- iing were rend and ndopted. Unfin- ished business settled plans foi a garden party weue discussed and var- loua commîttees appointed. An ad- dresa entitled "The Farmer's Wif e of the Twentieth Century", was given by Mus. Geo. Proutt, which was f ol- Iowed by a discussion open to ail, the members. The meeting was closed by alI singing the National Anthem. A dainty luncheon -wns served by the hostesa and heu, daughter. The next meeting will be held Wednesday afteînoon, July 6th., at the home of Mrs. John Watson. Ail ladies are invited. SOME EDITORS' CHARACTERISTICS Ne-výsapper men of this district have an association for conference, counsel and'mutual help. Naturally and necessarîly they are an assoit- ed lot, vaiied in size and shape, and diverse la disposition and gifts. The tallest and handsomest ia Harvey, of Ne.wmarket Express-Herald. The most opulent (opulent, but flot up- pish) ià Dave Williams of Colling- wood Bulletin. The most dignîfied is McLaren, of Barrie Examiner, and the fatteat and moat comfortable- looking la Walls, of same paper. The expounder of law and ethici, re- lating to the craft la Elliott of Allia- ton Herald. Cave of the Beaverton Express looks most jike a Bishop, and his brother of the Midland Argus, it la whispered, has private means, and regards his newspaper work more as an avocation than a vocation. Most of the reat of us might readily pasà in a cuowd vAithout special notice- Orillia Packet. TOLE'S LIST RAILWAY TIME TABLEb FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Going East. Going West Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr 4.22 a.m.! Express 10.35 a.m. Pass'ngr 7.06 a.m. Pass'ngr 1.14 p.m.5 Local 9.57 a.m* Pass'ngr 8.14 p.m.* Local 15 .. Local 6.49 p.m* Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m.5 Local 7.21 p.m.* Pass'ngr 8.16 p.m. Mail 9.58 p.m. *Daily except Sunday. 1 Flagged. Canadian P acifie RailwAy Going Eat Going West Express 10.20 a.m. Express 5.50 a.m. Express 1.50 p.m.*' Local 8.20 a.m.* Local 10.16 pm.* Express 4.31 p.m. Express 12.20 a.m. Express 6.58 p.m.* *Dally except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. Canadian. ,National Railway. West Bound East Bound *4.49 -a.m. *8.15 a. m. *5.04 p. m. *Daily-except Sunday. Farmers' Attention GET YOUR SECTION BARS GROUND NOW AND BE READY FOR HAYING THE REPAIR SHOP Temperance-st., Bowmanville.' NO0TI1CE, 0F Closing of Roads Notice is hereby given that a By- law will be introduced at the meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Darlington, to take place on Saturday, June 25, 1921, at the Town Hall, Hampton, providing fori the closing up and sale of the aide- road between lots 34 and 35 in the î th concession of the Township of Darlington aforesaid. W. R. ALLIN, Township Clerk. Dated at Hlanpton this 28th day of May, 1921. 22-4i Town of Bowmanville Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is hereby given that the firsti sitting of the Court off Revision for the Town off Bowmanvil]e will lie heid at the Council Room in said Town off Bowman- ville on Tuesday, June 14, 1921, at 7.30 p. m., to hear and determine the severa complaints -of errors or omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipal- ify for the year 1921. Ail persons having business at the Court are reciuested to attend as afore- said. JOHN LYLE, Clerk off the Town off Bowmanville.1 t)ated at Bowmanville this 30th day off May 11 22-2 MILLIONS IN PROFITS4 are being peid ta the share- holders af Northern Ontaria's GoId Mines. Are you getting your share ? The experiencl gaine d in fif- teen yeers af active cannection with these mine wiII help you P-to participate in these spien- did profits, Camplte i nformation on Requ.. HOMER L. GIBSO & Co. O [ 703-4-5 Banàk af Hamnilton Bldg. -2 TORONTO PMSPHODINE" >W 05The Great English Preparation. I Toues and invigoroies the whaîe - neirvous system. makes newBIoa4 in old Veins. Used for Nervous De-bilit y, Mental and Brain Worry, evLass of Ener V, Palpitaton of the Heari, 7cailing Memory. 0iice $2 pete baox,3 j for $5*, Sold by ail druggists, or rnailed in plain plig. on receipt of priçç. New pamphlat maiied free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.JORIONTOONT. EeeýP ,-cr Fies cîean, Clear -and lealthy. Wirite for FreeEye Gare Book. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mus. T. E. Higginbotham writes on May 28rd: Please send The Statesman to us at Nelson, B. C., ln-1 stead of to Calgary, Alta., for, like t'll youî other readers, we cannot do without this weekly letter fîom the Homeland. CHANGE 0F BUSINESS Having purchased the Granite and1 Maîble Works carried on by my late brother, E. R .Bounsall, Bow;manville, 1 ani prepared to continue doing monumental work la its vaulous branch es. Phone 241 F. H. Bounsali. The Double' Track Route between Montroal Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains andI Parlor cars on the principal day trains Fullinitformation £rom any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto, J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phone 78 Bowmauvalla Doctors Give U Ris -Case of Ez Wondesrful recovry of a very aick mnan Thie la ane of the rnany striking stonies we are publishing ofwhatthe D. D. D. prescription is acconiplishing among Canadian sufferers. Cases from your own neighborhoogd will be sent Sn application. "I Ywas laid up all winter with weep- ing eczerna. 1 tried every doctar in reach. Bath hands, anus and legs to my knees were a sight. 1 have used several IlottIe of D. D. D. sud arn well off the teille disease. D. D. D. is certainly cheap after the doctors."-Peter ýder- cer, Ft. Burwell. Ont. !Yse llrst dropý of D'. D. D. and thee 6teh fa roue. Yourmroney bacS iftse first bottiedue., <not releve you. î.eo a bottle. Try D. D. 1) Soap, too. JURY & LOVELL DRUGGISTS BOWMAN VILLE THIS WOMANIS kftowsf Remarkable Restor-' Iative Power of Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compoundi. n ~lyont.-"BeforeusingLy.diaR. Plkhms Vegetable Compound I was a total wreck. I had terrible pains la pny aides and -was not regular. Pinally I, ot SO weak I could not go ap stafra ,wfbout s topping to reat haîf wayup ~e top. Itried two doctors but they ddmnagood. I saw your madicinç *dvertiaed la the newapapers and thought I would give it a trial. I took. fourbottles of the Vegetable Compoand Z~i was restored to health. I arn mai- 'd, arn the mother of two chiîdreni and do ail my housework, milk elght C ows ad do àhi red mn19 ok n Fioy the' beat of halth I a'lso ±o'~d Vegetable Compound a great -helpTfor my weak back before my babies were bora. I recommend it toalnl my frinds who are la need of medicine, and you may print this letter if you wiah. '- Mrs. H ENRY JÀNIÇE, R. R. No. 4, Ches- îey, Ontario. Lt hardlv seemas possible that tbere la a woman in this country who wlll con'- tinuxe to sufer withoat giving LdYdaEB Pinkharps'& Vegetable Cosmpound a tylal after all the evidence that la contlnually being publislrPd, proving beyond contra- diction that this grand old medicine has relieved more aufering among women than aay oth"'r medirine in the world. THE« "LTFTUP" (Patented> AU I iAS FILIED Cofits e, se de- ,sisued I n OninritY, with thse scencue off utiotony. The 'LiftupD' spaiented Invention wiih use-chu elastie lucide b1, .geutly su- orsthe abdomien. and la e ybenenclal fer use a! er, an opralion Iuvolvingsas abdominal Incision. AMest effective Iun e- .inn those physcal ailmenite (rom whilct meicY wosen sufer. Write us XOW. for useful hints on fltting sud seiff-meauzement. Fre* 5000 requesi. q2 n7azTàss'aSýr1klF3T SUPPOSE-JUST ONCE Suppose an editor shpuld, just for once, relieve his mmnd by printing ahl the news he happened to know at that minute ! Options would be throwa up, citizens arrested, families dis- iupted, flghts foaght on every street corner, candidates resigning, minis- ters leaving for distant parts, law- yers taking long vacations,' business men. turning thinga over to their cleuka for a season, hlred girls hunt- ing new jobs and so on down a long list of caaualties-and the editor would be so mnusaed up that his coipse ceouldn't be identifled by bis own family. A newspaper man dosen't know everything, but his work is such that he heara a lot that common sense, common deceacy and common prudence keep out of the paper.- Cornwall Freeholder. la always fresh and possesses that uniq ue ilavour of 'goodness' that has justly made it fanious. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Money învested in our coal is cash conscient- iously expended. Here you will get your money's worth of 'coal. Here you receive a full ton plus satisfactory service. Jûhn A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division St.s. l3owmanville - C-ream Wanted Prices of Cream -are higli. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Wlant Yours If we fail to cail on you wve Would appreciate a phone eall or Write us. Orono Creaniery Co., ORONO G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Having 'secured a License 2fou Bowmanv-ille District I will be pleased to conduct your sale REASONABLE RATES- Write for date. 60-t Run No Risks when aymptoms of indigestion occar. -Act quickly before these become obstinate. Beecham's Pille at mica. Inhnisny cases a few do,ýs vl bring relief. Their sceai tmcliver tand bowel i rdrsproves Ihe wortbof where iluiî Canada. 25c.,50-.i Chi'ropractic (Spinal Adjustments) Rernove the Cause of Discane without Medicine or Knife. Chur- opractous have remaukable nuc- ceas la iemoving the cause of Appendicitia, Deafaess, Asthmna, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervouanesa jn many forma respond readily to Chire- practic. Examination Free at Ofice, DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simca. St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. Ti ablets Axe used by thousands of good Canadians and relieve thousands, of bad headaches. ZUTOO s tops any Headache in 20'minutes. 25c a box, at dealers "Just Listen to T7.1713 IF -'c FRESH Tea-to be good-must be fresh PÉ-mm ----------- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $3500 will buy 8 roomefi brick house and office attached, opposite Town Hall. $2800 will parchase 7 room frame hause on Charch Street, water, sewer, electric light and furnace. 8-roomed brick hanse an Ontarla-at., Bowmanville good lot, every convenience. WiUl be sold reasonable for quick sale. $3000 wlllparchase 2 story brick hanse on Concession Street, water, sewer, eleot- ric liglit, furnace, garage and every con- venience. $7000 will purchase 170 acres, il con. Township off Clarke fine buildings, well- fencofi and watered, about 3 miles east of Newcastle Wharf. .$6,700 will purchase 119 acresparts lots 5, con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known as the Bruce Farm, well fenced, sou dcay loam, good buildings. Terme easy. $20.000 will parchase the Somers Earm, containing 150 acres, just auteide the cqr- poration off the Town af Bowmanvllle, oni county raad, on.which are erected an 8- roomed brick hanse commodioua ont-I buildings, atone atabllng for 40-head off cattle; the sali la a rich dlay 1 mWe fecdand watere.d this la co= derd one off the best farme iu the coun~y Terme ta suit the parchaser, MeLauglalin Parm, consisting of 150 acres. jains village af Tyrone wlth three stores, Blacksmlth shap, schools, church and grilot mill ail withln haif a mlle off farm. The soil le a rlch clay Iaam, there la over three miles off tule drains., The land le levsel but ralllng, well fenced, about 8 acres off hardwaad bush, and anc acre off gaod ceder. Goad faim hanse and barns wîth atone stabling under- ueath. Over twenty-faur huadred bush- eIs off grain threshed on It this yeaî. The fIret tenant on this faim made enough maaey la five years ta parchase a faim for hlmself. This leaone off the best bargains ln tIsa Ooanty and muet be oold ta wlnd ap UEstate. L. A. W. TOLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT' 85-tf Bowmanvilî, Phono 41.,