j- I., VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE -VETERtNýARY SURGEON. Day ori Nght Calîs Promptly Attended To. Office, King-nt., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 248. M. A. JAMES - STEAMSHIP TICKETS l'o EUROPE-Canadian' Ntcific, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- 1can. Ask for information. Phono 58, Bowmanville- LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A.,,.LLD. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Meyte boan ou Fanm and Town Plropo-rty. Royal Bank Building, Bowranville. Phono 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mo1,rtgage Loans Arranged. BRends for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Resi- Jouce 178 J, Bleakley Block, Bew- nianville. 45-t 4-- MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, Mi. D., C. M. ~GrOd Medalist -of Triniity University ,Koronto. Four years Attedigh- ianan-d Surgeon at Mt.C:arl ýý_icpta1, Pittaburg, K.. Office 2nd Rorngdence, Wellngton Street, Bow-j1 anville. Phone 108. 861 C. . SLEMVON, M. D., C. M. Grdaeof Trinity Medical Cliege,i Toronto, f ormnerly of Ennisllen.1 Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, foriner residence on Church-st., Bow- m~anville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H. STOREY Graduate Toronto University, year and half resident physician and--sur- geon Toronto General, Hospital (six montho Burnside Maternity) ,two andhaif years -Military --Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w. 10-1yr.* DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE L-onor graduate in Dentiotry Toronto Uràvermity. Graduate of the Royal C.ollege of Dental Surgeons of Ont-l Wanc. Office, King-st., Bowmanville. Officephone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st Eat, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. mi. to 6 p. m. daily except ,Sunday. -Phonie 90a. Ilouse phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Motcomplete equipmnent. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended to. Bowxnanville phones 10 and 84. iBranch at Orono. JUNK DEALERS P'OULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, fl)uke-st., just opposite Canning, Factory, pays highest cash prices for ail kinds of poultry and junk. Phone 20or caîl at his residence. 5-tif. NOTICE TO PUBLIC 1 have taken out a license ln Bow- 'manville to buy ail kinds cf Junk and Poultry. Will pay the highest price. Apply by phone 289 or caîl on Mr. Pike, Ontario-et. FI TS Stlnson's home treatment for epilepsy. 'Twenty year' success. Thousands of testimoniale. No case should ha consid- ered hopeless. Free bookiet. Wm. Stin- son Remedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. -lyr CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OSHAWA. Our winter term commences January 3. Erokkeeping, Shorthand, Typewritîng, Complete Commercial and Complets Stenographic courses. KIng Street, Chambers, Oshawa. Phone 917 1-tf Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OP TR-E ESTATE 0F WILLIAM CRICRMORE RING, De- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that ~all persons having any dlaims -r demands agàinst the late William Crickmore Ring, who died on or About the Ninith d-ay- of May, 1921, at the Town of Bowmnanviile, in the Province of O0ntario, arerequfred to send by post pre- ipaid or deliver to the, undersigned1. Solicit- or for Ethel Youinie Knowiton, Executor- lx under the asaid will, or to the said Ethel _Younne Knbewlton, 146 Wellesiy Crescent .Toronto, Ontario, their names and addresses and full particulars in writ- ing of tfieir claimis and statements of their accounts and thec nature of the sec- urities if any, held by them. AND TARENIE that after the first day of August, 1921, the said Ethel Toune Rnowlton wjll proceed to dis- tribute assets of the said deceased, a mong the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of wlihl she shall then have hAd notice, and that the saad Ethel Youie Rnowlton will not be hiable for the sa" ssets or any part- thereef to any person of whose dlaim shel shah lo t then have received ntice. DÂTED AT BOWMANVILLE this 7th day of June, 1921. m. G. V. Gouîd, 23-3 Solicitor for Ethel Vounile Knowlton. Yog C harlesý Streets, Toronto 1s noted for high gr-ade train- ing' We have positions to l uow at $85 to $100 per mionth. auàd we matne frgeî7atîtha 5'Pti cent of cur population is strlctly rura auid 65 peýr cent.. live lun commiunity ci, tieS of les-thain 10,000-and se thte vodtht errera cf surfa.ce opiuiorïj and get te tht heart cf thinga whlerE they find thie peanîs cf truth. "Tht weeklY Pressasua agreat ii sionen ad I belive it la fifiluing il Rt la helping net ouly te guide thÈ opnonf Cana4irdan, bt oCaa lanize- those who have left their nat- ive land and chosen this as the land of their adoption. The weekly news- paper editor is ne respecter of per- sous and his personal columns are open to the fifth and sixth hundred as well as the chosen four, for we hold eut a xelcome hand te ithe MR. ROWE LUS RETIREMENT ou state socialism, and this tendency toward paternal legislation frequent- ASalient Force in the CoalitioGn i ybrought hini to cross pur-poses with Government the governmeiit's follewers, intensoly ________individualistie la purpese. The leading Ottawa Daîly News Taken ail in ail, however, he was paper pays this high tribute te the a splenidid influence in public life, and worthy retiring meXiber in the flouse Canadians ofa.. pariesand ail who 1 i BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 23rd.,19. ArEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ARE GREAT COMMUNITY BUILDERS Sei-vice Performed by Publications -Described to Canadian Club by W. Rupert Uavîes--Voice 0Oiina--- of Large Percentage of Do- minion's Citizes-~.Personai Element la Great Factor. The DailyProvince, Vancouver', gave a capital report cf the a.ddress of Mr. W. Rupert Davies, President cf the Weekly NewspapOl'5 Association, before the Canadian Club lu Van- couver, freni which wo publish seme ,xcerpts that will interest our read- ers. Members cf -the Canadian weekly nowspaper party uew lu convéntiOn here were the guests cf the Canadian Club ut a luncheen teudered the visi- tors ut the flotel Vauvouver to-day. The chief speaker was Mr. W.,Rupert Davios of Reufrew, Ont., President cf the Canadian Weekiy News paper Association, who took for bis sub- ject the influence cf the weekly paper ou Canadian national life. f is renuarks were, isteued te wlth grout iuterest by the Canudian Club m-emnbers for Mn. Duvies gave a very citar iden of the-statua-cof the 'week-- ly journal lu the Domfin, how it covened its field and the influence it brought te heur ou national and coni- munty ehlbeîng. fie made ne ~îpcogio forthe Publications, -but oun thIe cenitrariy spoke with a toue cf pride cf thleir work and bis audience ,1f1 t ith au excellent compreheusien cf the vailue te Canada cf sncb jeuru- als as are repnoseuted by the editors now, lu convention. Mr. W. G. Murnin prelsided. lu bis epening remarks Mr. Davies declared that the western trip was a wonderful experionce. "We are net only',eeeing the West but--we-are-aiso-experiencing, the weuderful spirit cf eptimism aud -the gouerons hospitality that, seema te pervade yonir country. Vancouver, se fan, bas been a perfect 'revelation and wo are told that Our eyos have net yetËegnte beheid its glory. The power cf the weekly press ou the national 11f e cf Canada bas been for many years and la to-day far greator than, many cîty dweiiers have any idea cf. Those cf us who live in cities-aud up te twelve or fourteen years ugo I mysoîf was a city dIwel- er-find it bard te undenstaud how the iittle local weekly eau have any roui influence. We beceme se used te takiug our uews and our editenil opinion frem city press--which 1 am glad te say is cf 'a very high standard in Canada-that we very naturally begin te bolieve thut they are the ouly opinions that cont. The daily and weekly press are both very necessary te our national 11f e, and 1 eau thiuk cf ne botter simule than our vat railway systeni. There are' on our nailways fast express trains, that rush quickly from eue big centre te another. Their duty la te serve the big cities adequately, they eau net stop te serve aise the smal tôwns and villages along the lino. "But thore are local traips, or as thoy are very aptly called ln tht Old Country, 'stopping trains.' These trains .stop at the littie wayside- sta- tiens. Sometîmes they mun every day, sometimes three times a week, semoe- times enly twice a week. But they serve the Iterritory thrcugh wbich thoy rmn adequately. "Our daîly and weekly papers are lu much the same position. The city daîly hate deal with world affains. When we pick up the daiiy papor' we expeet te learu the uews cf the worid at a glauce. They have net; roem for the local affaira cf the smaller places. 1The weekly, ou the ether baud, pays littît attention te the affaira cf the worid, but a great deal cf attention te the local comnmuuity affaira. Lt deals .with intimate details of the 11f e cf its readers. And this is w,ýhere it geta its beld. Lt la welcomed te the homo net as a newspapor te be hurriedly read and cat aside-but us a frioud. Every word is read by every member c f the famiiy. ýt bas semething of lutereat te them ail. The littît boy cf 7 -watches f or bis name lu the monthiy sdhooi report. He kuows kwhut marks ho nmade, ho sets the rigbl marks in the paper and a confidence in thé' paper la, established that ,if cane is t'aken, is nover woakend, and whien ho grows up and mouds the opinion expressed iu the editorial columus on tht questions cf the day, .ho still bas confidence lu them. 1"1 migbt cite eue receut instance c 'f tht power cf tht weekly press ir tht province cf Ontario. Lat year, '1Premir Durysudoulydocdedtha Ontario A Message to Mayors, Reeves and Councillors T HE Directors of the Canadian'National Exhibition have agreed that Thursday, Septcrnber lat, shah be known as Music -Day at the ceming Exhibi tion. To make this day of special importance it will be deývoted te a fe-stival cf Music, oeeof the features being a competition open to the amateur bands throughoutthe Dominion,. A baud from every town is desired. No mnatter what ize, itwilli bc grouped with other similar bands. la Your Town Band Competing? It will bring the namne of the town it represents before thousands of people- and boost it as nothing cise could ever do. It wiil give the batidsmen thec opportunity cf winning a handsorne sur. from yithec $3150 in Cashi Prizes. Fuil particulars cf the Canadian National Exhibition Baud Coatest will gladly beý forwjarded te any municipality. W rý e l day ,, The Secretary Exhiîbition Band Cont est Comm ittee 145 Yonge Street - Toronto, Ont. lu. M LETTERS Of CREDIT 1- aur n war ar orus woanyu'a ýN travel, you can flnd money at your disposai byearryig a L.ter of Credit issued by the Banik of Montreal. Particulars nay b. obtaîrned (rom any branch of titis Banik. BANK of MONTREAL ESTABUSHIED OVER 100 YBARS Catl Paîd up e22,000,000 Ruet su.000 Total Âsets in Exceas of $500,000,00 p "His Master's Voice" Recordsf Now on sal e' H ERE is another wonderfui mid-mcnth list cf uew selections. Every eue a musical surprise. Be sure and heur Bîlly Joues sing "Peggy O'Neil" and Colemau's famous orchestra play the two lateat fox-trots-"Cherie" and "Moonlight." .3 VOCAL SELECTIONS Peggy O'Neil (Comie Song) Biiy Jones) There's OnIy O ne Pal Af ter Ail (leoer) 216281 Lewis James and Shannon Four) Rebecca (ComiirSong) Monroe Silver 18748 My Oid New Jersey Home (Cornice ~g) Bîlly Murray1 Pueker Up and Wh istle Cha ls Hart and Shannon F'our268 Moonlight and hloneyauckle Crescent Trio Iî~ Heid Fast ln a Bahy's Bands (Tenor) Charles H-arrison 1216283- l'Il Foràfbt You (Tenon Charles Hiarrisoni Alilons1OiscI, Daslile-sided Records $1.00 DANCE NUMIERS Cherie-Fox Trot coieman's Orche*tr&. 216279 Mello 'Ceiioý-Waltz ckensOci.r AUl By Myself- -ox Trot (Intro. "I Like It."){265 l Lost My lieart To You-Medley Fox Tro josepsh(c. Suiih2,d l1.1Orchetra 18745 Broken Moon-Wlthout You-Medley Fox, Trot Joseph C. Smith and Hie Om;11rchsra El Relicarie Th Charml Blue and Whiite Marinba Bd174 On-w-Tr Par-ele atz F-mer nd FranchiniP 4) TroddIe-Medle1y Fox Trot (intr. 'Mari") Mye B,,non Ocetaof Chicago176 MyMn MnHouu)FxTrot 475 Scandinavia-Fox Trot The Benson O0rchesýtra cof Chicgo Min't We Got Fun-Frox Trot 118751 Thse Bensýon Orchiestra Of Ciiagoi AU on 10-isola Dosblp-Si.ded Records $1.00 .4 A.ak to hear thtem played on the> v ictrola at any "His Master's Voice» dealers Vamuf«tured bu BarlinwGq.o ha ,Linî4tod, -Montreai 21235 heipim:e believe his coustituents and th-e te f eel happy and centented under people of Canada goueraily concurlwith feelings of profound regret- riew skies. in the Journal's estimate of his worth..1 Ottawa Journal. "The influence of the weekly press Hon. N. W. Rowell's resignation_________ may net be noticeuble but it is thero, from the flouse of Commous, an- and the great secret of it is ýthe per- nouncod by the Speaker, remnoves sonal touch. Wheu old 'Faithful fromn active polities a parliamentarian' Cerns cripple the feet and make Subscriber' comes in te pay for his whose abilities the public service eau walking a torture, yot sure relief lui paper for the fellowing year, hoe doos hardiy aff o& dte lose It is net tee much the shape cf Holleway's Cern. Ro- uet pay it te the clerk, who gives hlm te say that as leader of the Liberal mever is withiu reach of ahl. a receipt as a matter of routine and party lu Ontario, as moînher of the __________________ wishes hlm good-day, but te tho editor Unienists coalition, and as privato __________________ himself, and eften hie stays lhalf au member of the Commens, 1-r. Roweli heur chattîng about the wçather, the exhibited qualities ail tee, nîh-e'in the crops and the political situation, public men of these times, qualities The persoual tench dees more than which, ne matter, from what stand- ' learned editorial or seholarly articles point judged, placed hlm lu the very I SU rance- te wîu a man's confidence. forefrout of contemperary 'states- "The mon whoare behiud the manship in Canada. Te bis services- weekly newspapers of Canada are of the country duriug the war, history etarnest, sincere, God-fc4rinq mou. will, ne donbt, give their true value.- Is the most important They are not sanctimenieus kîhl-j oye, For the present it is sufficieut te suy but they know that righteousness ex- that ne public man sacrificed more accessory on an auto- alteth a nation and they, are always for the sake of bis country's cause lu Mobile. The owner of an te ho found supperting wholeheurt- the days of the war. Rad hoe cared, edly every progressive moral move- te stand aside, te put party before automobile cannot afford n-ment.prineiple, the-highLea-t-pr Â-ntiegift- to--carryhiS- own- rLsk- "The weekly press and the daily of the official Liberal party might . r each have their' soparate duties te have been his. fie was, and, lu- I have combined poli- perferni, and I think that they are deod, stîli is, the legical successer te cdes covering legal habil- tryiug te perforni them te the very Laurier. best ef their ability. We weekly As a member cf the coalition hoe ity for injuries to the per- mesa eno are prend cf the press was, uext te Sir Robert Borden, its son, 'or for property dam- of Canada, and we are prend cf the mest salient force. On the plat- as os~ mou and wemeu who are eeuue-ticted f erm ne veice was more eloquent or, age; it as covers ls f with it. They are rendering a big Ipeteut in 'premoting wýar effort, lu or damage to the automo- service te, the country, a service hat peintiug the uatiou's way along the ie those of us who know the inside work- hard path cf duty, whiie in the wolk bile insured, through fre ings,. the 'difficulties and disceurage- cf administration, and lu the flouse theft or collision. monts thut they have te conteud with, cf Commous lho rose te the full height know best hew' te apprediate it. But of bis responsibilities. 1 It is, the unexpected lun closing, 1 ask yen meu ôf the city fils gift Uf eloquence, his industryý that always happens. net te ferget the service reudered his earuostuesa, and, abev<' ail, Ius;1 by the little couutry weekiy. Iu it% extensive knowledge in, the wid er INSLJRE -ow-n quiet waI -- s rneig- ealm--of w-old-afairs, mado -him - a _ service to this country-net as notice- outstanding figure, and net the least ?W'ith able as that of the daîlies, but a 'ser- of his services, wore thes which hoe vice uevertheless. Our papers may reudered the Doiiin on the cou- l net be largo, but wo have mnany cf stitutional and extornal stage. , a a~i them and each lu its owu way try- 1 t was his misfortune, though it N. E. N I2ADIi ing te serve its community. was net aiways te bis discredit,' that "I wonld' like te louve with yen a hoe was net a popular figure in the thought from that sincero luterpreter flouse. A Gladstonian Liberal in Office: King St. Phono 48 cf nature, William Wordsworth, by bis foroigu outleok, bis libernlism in (Promises formerly occupied by' whoe grave 1 bad the priviiogo of domestic affairs was more cf the late T. N. Rickard) standing, a f ew weeks ugo: Goorgian type, frequently, bordering 1_________________ 'A smail service is truc service while___________________ it hasts, 0f humbiest friends, brîght creat- i uro, scorunet eue: The daisy,, by the shadow that it casta Protects iýe iugeriug dewdrops from the sun.' " l1 To Everyman ffr -Um- -m - w- - MM- R- -mur i King Edward LConstructilýon i1 I 8% Preferred Stocki I Price, $100 'and accrued dividend, car- rying a bom"s of 30%o of Common i Stock, making this investment yield I 1% with -safety i I The. dividend en the. preferred stock is un- coniditionaIly and irrevocabIy guaranteedI Ly the. United Hotels Comnpany of Asrierica. Thei divîdend of 8% on the pr.ferred andI i 10%o on the common stock are assured Lunder the. terme cf the. lease cf the build- ing te the Kinîg Edward>HoteI Company, Limited. Therefore te those wio buy at I these favorable ternisI I This investment will yield il1%1j I Write fpr Descriptive Circular-Addre.s I W.A. MACKENZIE& CO. I Governent and Municipal Bonds, Corporation Securitie -_42 King Street West, Toronto - - - - - -Um M,ý M MUmM u DISTRICT WOMEN'S INSTITUTÉ Encouraging Reports of Year's Work Given. West Duk-harn District Woinen's Institute Annual Convention was heid in Eidad Chiurch on Tuesday, June 14. Miss Edna Reynolds, District Presi- dent, presiding. Doiegates were pre-icnt from Nest- leton, Blackstock, Bowmanville, Or- one, Tyrone,, Hampton, Newtonviile and Solina Institutes. Ail the branches gave very en- ceuraging reports of thE work doue during the year. Splendid music was interspercod among the business contributed by Mrs. Jchu Baker and Miss Annie Wil- liams, solos and instrumental music by Misses Williams and VanNest. Thesî' officers were elected for the year: ,President-Miss Edna Reynolds, Solina; lst Vice-President-Miss Annie Swain, Blackstocki; 2nd Vice- President-Mrs. W. H. Moore, Ty- rone; Secrtary-Troasurer -Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orono. Board of Agriculture met in the hasemenrt at the samne time. Mr. C. Paterson, DisLrict Pepresentative,' was present and addressed the memn- bers. At the conclusion of the meetings tea was served in the, enclosed shed to over two hundred people by the Solina ladies and a very pleasant soc- ial' occasion was enjoyed by ahl. CHANGE 0F'BUSINESS Having purchased the Granite and Marble Works carried on by my late brother, E. R .Bounsall, Bowmanville, I amn propared to continue doing monumental work in its various branches. Phone 241 F. H. Bounsaill THÉ ij; ad rost îmflant M Sthat>of successfhz'business 1pgd finaizm on1e__ >~the formation of a eerFud A reserve ims not onj y Invaluable when g'M Sor aergenqies fais L,b àaate l,â STAOrb BANK871 TOTAL ASSETS OVJiR NINETY MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch: . .- Geo. L. Hall, Manager. Blackstock Branch: -. .E A. Preston, Manager, Investment Suggestions for, June Funds PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO 6 PER CENT BONDS DueMay 2nd., 1936 at 991/2_. Yielding over 6.05 per cent. PROVINCE 0F MANITOBA 6 PER CENT BOND Due June 1, 1941 at 98.29 yield over 6.15 per cent. CITY 0F LTORONTO 6 PER CENT BONDS Due March 1, 1939 at 99, yielding over 6.10 per cent. CITY 0F REGINA 6 & 61/2 PER CENT BONDS Due 1926 and 1951, yielding over 6.50 per cent. TOWN 0F SUDBU RY 6 PER CEN T BONDS Due 1923 to 1930 yielding over 7.00 per cent. VICTORY BONDS ýBOUGHT, SOLD, QUOTED 1 1 si ý1- -- - - . a - 0-6 -q l la ý 1 1 ý JOS. PATTINSON BoWmanville Telephone 257J.