h. j I - - LWAVV ->IDl-- -IN XI I LI a rOWMAIVll E, JUNF 23rd, 1921.1 LIBERAL CONSERVATIVES HOLD ANNUAL MNEETING' The Annual Mfeeting of the Libeýral Conservative Association for the West Riding of the Gounty of Durhamn was held in the Town Hall, Bowmrnanville,' Sa9turday afternoon, when the fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year. President-Dr. Vernon H-. Storey, Bowmanville; lst Vice do-Mrs. Levi Tole, 'Bowmanville; 2nd Vice, do- A. A.-Colvill, Newcastle; 3,4rd Vice do-Fred W. Bowen, Clarke Town- ship; Secretary-Tresurer-W. F. FWard, Bowmanville; Assistant do- Mrs. W. H. Martin, Bwavle Auditors-Archie Tait and P. C. FTrebilcock, Bowmanýville; Municipal Convenors: Cartwright-W. A. Van- Camï-p and Ms Nellie Taylor; Clarke -Fred Bowcn ,and -Miss-Watits; Dar- ington-Sam Snowden and Mrsý. A. Peters; Newcastle-J. E. Matchett and MYrs. Williapn Jamieson; Bow- ixtrea LockwooO oecame-th ri rîe o Fmanville-Milton J. Elliott and Mrs. Mr. George Chase of Bowmanvill1e.' (Dr-.> Johin Spencer. TIe ereony wasperformed in the Cabbage A FRESH MEAT DAILY FOR COUNTRY CUSTOMERS During the summer months we have made special provisionto supplly our country patrons with fresh meat daily. AHl you have to do is to send us your order a day ahead andf we will have it delivered next morning by aniy rural route going out from Bowmanville. FINE SU PPLY 0-F -CANNED GOODS,-- 1 THE EDITOR TALKS Sch-ool teachers are not likely to findf their 'boards wvilling to increasel their salaries in the face of the gen-, eral businiess depression now exist-I ing with thousands of people aIl over; the country out of work,. Pictoni's reply to, its teachers is the voice of other towns. Five teachers of thet Pictoni public school staff haverei- ed. The teachers had prevîously, applied for an increase in sailary, but! the feeling of the board was that the' town cannot afl'ord to grant the re- quested increase unless a larger pro- iinëiql gtrart eap hp obtained tham has been avaîlable in the past. JUNE WEDDING CHASE--LOCKWOOD It is a Imlo n te since Brightoni people hiave been moere- interested. and- pleased over a local wedding, than! the one of. last week, whenMiss Win- per do-zen 'I ARE YOU P"eROTECTED?l You carrying surance. are taking an unnecessary risk by not sufficient, protection in the way of In- We represent 40 of the best Insurance Com- -pallies doing business to-day.Losses- deait-with liberafly and paid promptly. ~yuc CAN GET-TH E ST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH Tomato Plants andV u- 1Oc ý