BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 23rd., 1021. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mliss aronMott, Toronto, l is- 1tig-hr aunt, Mrs. F. F. Morris. Miss Evelyn Joness, Normnal Scbool, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Mrs. W. J. Mainprize and family are visiting ber parents at Lawnsdale. Rev. J. M. White,' Bobeaygeoni, was guest of Mr, John A. Holgate Sun- day. We were pleased to receivé a call on Monday from Mr. Robt. Knox of Orono. Miss Carnie Cherry,'Toronto, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. R. Cherry. Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans, Janetville, 'were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cann. Miss Marion McDougall, Toronto, spent Sunday with ber sister, Mrs. J. De Carruthers. Mrs. Fred Hobbs and son Harold, spent the week-end in Osbawa, guests of Mrs. James Milis. Mr. and Mrs. Herbe Jamieson, sons Frank and Oscar, attended Kendal anniversary Sunday. Rev. F. E. Malott, B. A., B. De, of Peterboro, was guest of Mr. P. Treb- ilcock wile in town. --Mr.- and -Mrs.- Leo. Greenaway and- daughten Thelma, spent Sunday with relatives in Port Hope. Mnr.Harry Rice of the firm of Rice & Co., is progressing slowy fnom a severe attack of pleurîsy. Mr. Alex. Elliot, j eweler, wbo bas purcbased Mr. Lewis Cornis's store expects to occupy same about July son Jack, Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Tor- onto, spent the week-end at Mn. F. A. Haddy's., Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Hobbs while on --à noto-r tr-froru-ieve1and. -Olio-y- -Mr. Chris. Cole, Toronto, called on old fienids over the week-end. Mr. LyaillCorden is visiting rela- tives at Niagana Falls anid St. Catha.r- ines. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Chapman, Pet- erb)oro, spent Sunday wth Mns.. L. Morris. Miss Eva Duhnage of Carleton Place is visiting at the home of Mrs. W. W. Henderson. Mru. Grace Davies, Woodstock, is is in town owing to the death of ber sister, Mrus. M., Mayer, Mrs. Jos. Webber, Greenaway, Man., lu visiting ber niece, Miss Min- nie Webber, Liberty-st. Miss Beth McFadden and Miss W. Miner, Toronto, were guests of Miss Marjorie Bounsal over Sunday. Port Bowmanville Post Office lu again open f or' the holiday season wîtb Mn. Anchie Tait as postmauter. Prof. and Mrs. P. Gillespie and children, Toronto, were recent gueuts of bis brother, Mn. G. A. Gillespie. Mn. Frank Knight and sons Allin and Howard, Toronto, spent the week- end with is mother, Mrs. Thos. Knigbt. Mr. O. J. Henderson lef t Monday to commenzebis duties as Associate Examiner of Lower School Geognaphy at Toronto., Miss Nellie Pattinuon, Technical High- School, Toronto, As- spending -a f ew days witb ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Pattinson. Miss Laura Virtue, Hampton, upent the week-end with Miss Mldred Cole. Miss Majonie dble is home £rom Pet- erboro Normal School.t Mns. H. C. Mark and daughter Kathleen, of New Westminster, B. C., arevisiting ber sîster, Miss Bonathan,- and7-oter-mreattV __1 tsvettt -In a recent letter to this office from Mn. F. R. Graham of Graham, Sanson & Co., Investment Brokens, Toronto, be says: I hear Bowman- vilis o~ ha1ve iei uty.Mr Mrs. H. S. Fisbier and son, Tononto, are viîsîting ber Parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Edsall. W« A. Mf. Howard, Newcastle, has graduated from Royal Militany Col- lege, Kinigston. Mrs. M. A. Cruickâbank, Deaconess of West Pnesbyterian C hurch, Toron- to,~ ~ ý isgetoher ulten, Mrs.-A. L. Nîcholîs. Miss Flo. Rickand, Dietitian in the Y. W. C. A., Woodstock, is 'holidaying witb ber parents, Mr. and'Mns. J. G. Riekard. Foothal-Solina vs. Bowmanville at High Scbool Grounds, Saturday.- June 25, at 6.15 p. m. Admissi6n 25c. Ladies free. Mrs. G. A. Gillespie entertained a few friends on Friday at afternoon tea, in honor -of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Gillespie of Toronto. Adjt. Arnaud wbo bas been in charge of the Salvation Army Corps here f or the past f ew montbs is being transferred to Toronto. A new Whitby milk dealer started a sensation recently among tbe other denlers when he neduced the price of milk to 10 cents per quart. Mrs. W. B. Short, Mrs. (Dr.) A. S. Til ley and Mn. Philp Tilley have ne- turned from a very enjoyable trip toj Montreal and Quebec and the manyl attractive spots around these old hist- oric cities. ---Regulan meeting of Bowmanville Women'u ]nstitute will -be held at the home of Mrs. Alex. Taylor, Conces-1 sion-st., on Fiday, June 24.* Makte an eff ort to attend and see what is doing. We wene pleased to note in the an- nual report of Albert College, Belle- ville, that Mr. J. Grant Bunner, son of Rv. ad Mr. J.W. unner., general proficiency- in the Commer- cial Course. Mr.- Nicholîs Jeffrey died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Mns Alpha Pincb bas returned fnom visiting friends at Lindsay. Men's made-to-order suits $25 at Coucli. Jobnston & Crydermanps. Be sure to attend the Garden Party at St. George's Churcb, Newcastle, on Wednesday, June 29tb. Gerries' Orchestra and othen good talent will assist on program. -25-1 The Bowmianviile-- Financi al Cor- poration which was reently organîz- ed and bas made application to the Provincial Government for a charter is meeting with veny satisfactory re- suits in selling stock for the Thomson Knitting Co. The salesman who are selling Thomson Knitting Co. stock are employed by the Bowmanville Financial Corporation whose person- nel is composed 91 local merchantu, manufacturers ând financial men al of whom have invested in this new industry wbich is coming to Bowman- ville.- This Corporation is aiso negotiating for two other industries to locate here. PARISIAN Ty-AILOR Makens of high grade OR CLOTHING See Our latest styles WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED Our pices are moderate L. CO W ELL Uorsey Block Bowmanville Dr. Scholl's' foot Comfort Week -Ju-n--e20- to0----27 Tired Feet Make You Ache Ail Over Kv~iTooT uff~r hÔu1 1rde i er'l~ f ïbw- to have comfortable, feet. Modern scientific methods have overcome th~e need to bear foot dis- ' The Shop That Leads HOT WEATHER SPECIALS DELPARK ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR AT $2.00 BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS AT $1.50 TO $2.75 ARROW COLLARS IN ALL THE LOW SHAPES FOR WARM WEATHER' THE DANDY-GREYLOCK-HADDON- SPUR-DUNCAN OUTING SHIRTS VERY SPECIAL AT $1.75 AND $2.00 TROUSERS WHITE DUCK--CREAM SERGE-GREY FLANNEL $2.50 $5.25 $5.50 GN. THURSTONt Be wmanville' s Up-to-date Haberdashery and FurS$hop. ~II~ i~ ~1 WT 5,5 UMeil O r" I 1tiotim--i:ir-toyniiSaturclay-iniornngi - i tI 1 Am--g --1I1 S___ -. I IiL __ il it 1