ýOWMANV1LLE, JÛLY 7th., 1921' GOOD TIME NEXT BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA Tuesday, July 12 to Monday Jiuly l8th> PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS every afternoon and evnig çix.days' il ikh~~tk entertainment,-- interesting -and- instructive lectures---the__worl at your door. BSUY--SEASON TICKETS NOlWl LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Heat of first week in Jnly soared up lu the 90's. Miss Jennie Merchant is visiting Mrs. Gi, Ottawa. Mr. Geo. A. Stephens, Darlington, -eut--rye--mOfl ïy-4-- Miss Carnie L. Cherry spent the Week-end at home. Miss Dorothy M. James is visiting relatives in Toronto. Miss Lydia-Moore, Toronto,- is-visit-- ing lier sister, Mrs. Frank Jackman. Mr. Harold F. Clark, London, has heen visiting at Mr. W. H. Martin's. Misses Leta and Ruby Bragg are LOCAL AND-OTHERWISE 62 pupils wrote c", the Entrance Examinationio at High Schoof last week.4 This is a record attendance. Mr. Stuart R. James is taking a course at the Canadian Linotype Sehool, Toronto. Mrs. J. A. Cnvanagh and7so-n Wil- liams, Toronto, are visiting her nunt, Mrs. W. H. Williams. Mr . &.Bowden--is away, on -a- visit to friends iu Toronto, Oshawa and -Bowmanville.-Godericfr Star.-- We're moving. Ail Trimmed Hats must be sold this week-$2 to $5. Pick yours early. Dingman & Ed- m dstone. DOMINION'DAY VISITORS Miss Eva Curtis, Toronto, at home. Miss Clara Robbins, Toronto, at home. Miss Carnie 1. Painton,' Whitby, at home. - -Miss--Mabel--B-arie--Oshawa- home. 1Mr. H.' G. Thurston, Toronto, at home. Miss Annie Coulter, Toronto, at home. - Miss Lulu MeMullen, Oshawa, at home. Mr. Norman Bottreli, Toronto, at home. Catharines,- will holà its regular- maonthly meet- at home. -J Gat you tcietsý for Chautauqu& ing i:n hê-C ilRotvO ML1eols-uisTrto -pon--1---- Mr. an Mis. j.X'rien an~ Mr. Jack71 heri T-roiito,-aUf r -O Trimned Hats, -greatly Yedltced dauglitr arY, M3r. -and Mrs. Jamtes-T. C. Bragg'S. from $2 to $5 at Dingman & Edmond- Gariety, Toronto, recently visited Dr. -I. at-Mr-Lm avsad94 -9os -thâwek nd-MlVrs. -F. 'rý 'iglie. Toont, w o rnDavs n s Mrs. M. McGillivary and daugliter, Miss% Cutherine Warnica, Smilh- Trn, -swit fied. Wli, f - ý - -- - 1 io.atMr. Wyn. MeRevnolds. PINCH-In Bowmanville Hlospital, July 1, Dominion Day, to Mr.'~ and Mrs. Warren Pinch, a son. M4ILLIGAN-DUMAS-At the residence of the bride's parents, on June- 30, -by- Rev. D.W. -Best,-B . Mr. James Milligan, and. Adelaide Jean,-only daughter of Mr.-and-Mrs. - RomaineDumas, Bowmanville.. HOLDEN-ALLEN-On June 29, at Carlton Street Methodist Church, Toronto,, by Rev. G. Morris Grey, W. R., Allen, Orono, - anqi Gordon I iHolden, son tMr. Gog Iie) DEATHS WERRY-In Darlington, June 27, I UHenry-Jcén-Werry-, in hs5t-er-I Round and-rouird-tie-yardïin-and-out- the- huuo-seï-up- an&dowu- the beach, oh, the thousands of steps'the little feet are taking these--suinme-r-ays.--- Mr. and -- Lý , - -- - ' . - ýr -IT