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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1921, p. 1

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VLLXVII. M. K., JAMES& SONS, Publisher8. OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, JULY 14, 1921 $2.00 a, Year In Advance 5e a Cop. o.2 UMMER G000E We are -now showingero and mçaterials which express the latest vagaries of fashIon and at thesetieaepctal wearable and becoming and are exceptional good values as their prices will indicate. PORCH AND HOUSE DRESSES Another lot of, beautV'il Pore- l ise Dresses lias Sust been opened foir your approval. BLACK AND COL,ÔRED SILKS ---We-are- now-soigthe- wgget-asortmyent-and--best-vàlueW- in Black and Colored Silks we have been able to show for some years.W COATS AND- SUITS REDUCED Theç- balance of our Spring Coats and Suits are now being sold at greatly reduced prices. 0 CLEARING 0F SILK DRESSES About 20 silk dresses to be sold at 25 per cent discount. A1 ing. )S, BIG VALUES IN MEN'S ýýCLOT"ING big stock of the latest styles in Mehý Ready-to-Wear Cloth- No better values anywhere. DURHAM FEDERAL ELECTION RETURNED S?!, E~ APPOINTED Conservative newspapers in West' From a list of 20 applicants Mr. Durham seem to be kept in the dark Bruce L. Berry has been appointed regarding the party leaders' actions.' Custoyns Excise Examiner for Bow- Indeed, the East Durham Conser- manville having successfully, passed vatives are -working to, secure the the Civil Service Examinations. election of an eastern man. A des'-: -Bruce ïs- a -naihtFe of-Bowmnil and patch for Port Hope says:,1 attended the local public and high The General Organizer from. the! schols. Beîng well and favorably 'Government headquarters spent an 'known bis appointment is a popular evening this week with a few chosen one and he is receiving congratula- faithful and conveyed the informa- tion that the writs will likely be is- sued for an election in October. 11e also stated that no stone would be left unturned to secure the defeat of W. T. R. Preston, the Liberal nom- A very prominent Government supporter stated-that the Prime Min- ister will hold meetings la the ridiag. The Goverameat coùventieýa is cal- led--for July 29 at Oronoi. Among the mîmes of &e prospective candi- dates are: General John Hughes, Jonas Thoraton, ex-M. P., Warden Bowea, Thomas Underwo(ed, Joseph I Hicksori, J. D. Fall, onîft'ýrd Wil- son and D. H. Cbisbolmr, solicitor of 1Port Hpe UF.0. Man i Felà T he Ili F. 0. candidate, A. E. Reid, w tanoiiiiat pdLso ne time ago, as was- also the Liheral candidate, W. T. R. Preston. There is no question but '6ýiat party lines are very coniderably ýshattered. Tbe U. F. 0. candidate wiil naturaliy draw from hoth old political organizations, but no, clear estimate can he made yet as to the extent that this will be done. Mr. Preston has struck ont on a line of bis owa la regard to the aecessity of altered conditions la the marketing of Ontarlo roducts overseas, par- ticnlarly wQith respect to appies. NEWSPAPER COSTS (From the Brantf ord Expositor) The reason the newspaper morgue is so fullîl s showa hy an editor who bas been investigating the cause of soý many newspapers demises. H1e figures out that la 1907 wages were. at 178, and la 1921 the figure was 393. Newsprintf from 100, jumped! to 177 lai 1914, and to 623 la 1921. News-j tions £rom lus many'frîends. Altbougb under the military age Brucewas among the first to ealist with the 235th Battalion and was a valued member of tbe batalion band until the unit was broken u]p in Eng- land. He then took a sigaîaliing course before going to France where hie served for some months-with the 2Oth Battalion. Upon returning to Canada he took a vocational course in, chartered ac- countaacy at the Canada Business College, Oshawa, and after graduat- ing and receiviag bis diploma he was appointed district representative of this popular commercial institution. The government's iaterests should be maintained la an efficient manner -aad the public well served with two such capable officials in the local cu9toms and excise office as Mr. C. Arthur Cawker,--£llattor,-and--Mr-. B. L. Berry, Examiner. SUDDEN PASSING 0F MRS. DITCHBURN. The many frlends in this town and vicinity of the late Mrs. A. P. Ditch- hbuma were shocked to learn of ber sudden deatb whicb occurred on July 5, at Richmond, Virginia, wbere she was visiting. That moraing she had breakfast and assisted ber niece, Mrs. Bellwood with the dishes, and then went into the garden to rest owing to the extreme heat. Later she came in and lay on the couch, afterwards going upstairs to change ber drkss. Rer niece heard, ber walking arouad1 and then heard ber faîl. Rusbing upstairs she was found to be still breathing but before medical help could arrive she passed away. The interm-ent'to pIc hre Ys Ditchburn was well known here being1 a sister' of the late Jacob Pollard, King-st. She left herg early in the( 7yean-t-1ir eAne ýrU--- TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS GOODYEAR~ EMPLOYEES' PICNIC Promotion List. The local Goodyearites have dis- covered that the' Elliott Memoriai Jr. IV to Sr. IV, llonours-Mary Park at Hamptpn is an ideal spot Muirhead, Leland Berry, Lucy 011. for a picnic, ý1Wben the 4uestion -ver Lue-M~ rtr roty-J-m- ws b~giwp regarding the annual Jack Kent, Bernard Mitchell, Audrey picmce, Hampton Park was suggested, Trimble, Lawrence Goddard, Orville and this suggestion was backed by Williams. the vote of 75 per centof the em- Pass-Vera Colwell, Alex Cameron, ployees. Saturday, July 9, was the Fred, Ellegett, Frank Newhouse, Theo date picked and from aine o'clock Martyn, Donald Brown, Dorothy on the Goodyear jitney drivers were Plummer, Jack Cole, Sam Manning, kept busy conveying the pîcnickers Gordon Cowle, Norval Gives. to their destination. A heavy Recommended-Eleanor Murdoch. thunder storm breaking over Hamp-, ton, put a damper on the proposed Sr. III to Jr. IV, Honours-Doreen morning activities, but immediately Battle, Annie Cartwright, Helen Wil- after dinner, the fun commenced. latt. As a curtain raiser, the married Pass-Ireae, Shortridge, Earl Man- men played the single men in a game ners, Elsie Yeo, Gertrude Chenery, of basebaîl (soft hall), the married Annie Taylor, Marlon Roach, Wilfred men losing the contest, ,which was not Hamley, Gladys Hloooey, Greta Pol- SO one sided as the 18-7 score would lard, Douglas Carruthers, Dick Wid- indicate. A program of athletie decombe, Harry Osborne, George, eveats followed, which provided every Newhouse, Gregory Colmer, Edward one with an opportunity to test their Rundle, Lizzie Ciough, Gladys Lytle, stamina and skill. While this was, Gertrude Grant, Elwood Fenneil, il-inl progresa, after the malner of a da Hobbs, Reginald Taylor. three ring circus, an impromptu foot- Recommeded-Ruby Witheridge, hall game was being, staged, lan one Irene Halhnan, Eva Jackman, Lillian corner o:f the field, while la another Sutton,,Hester Moorcraft, Ivy Morris, more secluded corner, sorjie of the Harvey Brooks, 'Heloise Thickson, basebaîl artists who had turaed in a Lorne 1Villifimsy-Audrey-N-oke& r-,ather-inifferent--ganre were -seek~- Jr. III te Sr. III, Honours-John inig to improve their efficieacy in bit- James, Adeline Merritt, Harold Me- 'ting and catching the elusive sphere. whlnney. Others, less athletically iaclined, were Pass-TedMasn, Achi -Meon.content to sit in the shade and enjoy PassTedMasn, Achi Mcoa-the spectacle of their fellow-workers aid, Viola Callan, Rena Caverly, Fred exertiag themselves. Jackmian, Vera Wood, Neil McMuilen, Stuart Candier, Montagne Allin, 011f- Wîth commeadable foresight,_ the ford McMullen, Ethel Cox, Flora AI- commîttee had transported two row cumbrack, Isobel McMurtry, Greta boats to the pond, and these were 'Burns, John Alexander, Nellie Piper, kept busy ail afternoon. Nelson Jackman, Doris Pooley, Gouid Following the sports, the marrîed Thurstoa, James Devitt, Norman Hen- men took on the single men for a rings, Greta Mollon, Wîlfred Bennett, football game. It was some struggle, Alian Knight, Leola McMann. and it was oaly after an extra period Recommended-Helen Argue, Fred had been played, that C. A. Smith Howard, Nelson Barton, Fleeta turned the battie la, favor of tbç Greenfieid, Lena Dilling, Ernýest married men by kicking the winning Brown, Gertrude Allin, Elmer Ward, goal. Theima Greenaway, Helen Darch, Just before the supper bell rang, Harold Rice. Beralce Bagneil, Mary it was found that Benay King held Nys hta. the iuckyaumnber which entitied hlm Sr. Il to Jr. III, Hoaours--Nelda- to_carryhomea pair of-hoice.-Browii- Eyl, elie arel, arjorie Moore, Leghorns. After supper the people FlrenceIes, Ke'neth Luxýton No- amused themselves with hall games 'eld Berry, Mrgan LneFor until it was time to go home. ence Oliver. Tigeea pnioyw htit PasEn amHerbertMo - stsueeqfllaïa nn E Couch, Johnston & Cryderman., ab 1

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