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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1921, p. 3

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KEEP COOL BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE Very best Prunes, lb ................................20C Eýxtra good', lb .......-.................... 15C Good Prunes, 4 lbs-................, -........... 25c Finest quality Bulk Dates, 2 lbs-.............. 25c BulkSeedlless Raisins, per lb .................32c Best Rie, 3 lbs. for .................................25c 'Corni Starch, 2 lbs. for .............................25c" Salmon, small, 3 for ..................... .........25c Salmon, tall, 2 for ..................................2$ç Salmon, taîl, real good............. 19C Maple Leaf Salmon, extra quality ...........55c SPECIALS IN BULK TEA New Black Tea, 3 lbs. for ...................$1.00 Very Special ,Blaek Ceylon Tea lb ..........40c Extra Special, Black Tea, lb .................60e Fine Green Tea, lb .................................60c BERRY BOXES, CRATES, ALSO 6 AND l QUART BASKETS' ON HAN'D Grocer MILES ýKNOWLES Phone 36 Bowmanville 'Il WEDDING GIFTS A choice assortmnent of China suitable for Wedding Presents ranging in price from 75e upwards consisti»g of Bon Bon Fruit, Marmalade, Cheese, Biscuit, Spoon trays,. Pl ates ,Cream and Sugar, Saits and Peppers, Cups and Saucers, W.1T. ALLEN ~ Big 20,_ Bookstore Bowmanville I I BOWMNVILE, JLY 4th., 1921. DURHAM COUNTY ]BOYS. HonI. Jam-es Nevin after 3 years of aitfulserVice te the State of Wisconsin lias retired froni the State Conservation CommiÀssioni. H be- gan bis work ini fisb culture in the Newceastle Fishl atcliery undeh late Samnuel Wilmelt, the fathier of fish ieilfnrin Canada, here hlie werl<ed for 13 years befere going te Wvisconsin. Hon. -Mr. Nevin receivedi a very appreciative letter from ,iGev- ernior J.1J. Blaine oni receipt of bis letter of resignation. H lon. Mr. Neviri keeps in toudli witb Durhiam county affairs by reading the Bow-.. manville News. Hie was born near Leskçard, herce lis interest in Dur- limaffaira. YOUNG LADY- LOSES HER LIFE A very sad drowning accident ïwhieh lias cast a gloom e ver tlie wlile ommnijy eccuîrred at Cliap- 'lenu, Ont., 'on TuesdJa,July .5 at 7.30 p. mi., by whicli Ilarzel Dormne Vice ,second daugliter of Mrs. C. F. Vice, lest 1lier !if e. D)eceased wlio was in lier l9th year, was bath- ing witb a number of com-rpaniens in Cliapleau Lake, ata place mîucli fre- quented by bathers. Slie was net ;veryr far froni sbore wben, for 'seme reason scarcely known, she sank, and altheugli in tbe water only a f ew min- utes before the body was recovered, ah attempts at resu&citation preved unavailîng. Besides ber parents, the deceased leaves two sîsters, Mrs. C. Mathesoni and Lela, and two brethers, Lloyd and Rebert. The sorrow cf the -family is sbared by a large circle ef friends among wbom Dorne was very pepu- lar. *Mr. Vice, ler father, was fermerly a resident of Solina and lis numer- ens friends bereabouts sympathize witb bini in the grief that las cene t4â bis home. Throw -nd tet a Awag he HORN! Some îngenius person or persons put across a'new stunt on the mer- chant princes of King Street recent- ly. Some time between sun down and sunrise the windows were pla-1 carded, wlth medium sixed' stickers bearing this adviee: "Throw away thse1 ERanmer and Get a Horn. Buy and Boost". Somewba-t of a niystery surrounds this act and ne, eue appears te knew whe did the stiçking aitho' all sorts 1AUOTIONSALE ' 0F VALUABLE FARM Estate of William Deceased. Brown,1 I have received instructions frein the e-xecuter ef the will of William Brewn, deceased, te off er for sale by public auctien on the premises on 1WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1Oth, 1921, at 2 oeleck p. m., the nerth haîf of the seuth half and the south haîf of the nerth haîf of lot 14, concession 6, Darlington, which is said' te contain 100 acres, be the saine more or less. This is'a fine farm, in excellent cul- tivation, about 11/2 'Miles frem Hlamp- ton village, Churches and Scbôol, on, good roads. There is said te be a Y2~ storey frame bouse 24 x 36 with additions 20 x,23 with stone founda-, tien and cellar a ene-sterey frani kitchen attach 'ed, 18 x 22, and weod- shed 16 x 18. Outibuildings: a barn 36 x.54, withstene stabling under, ai driving shed 28 x 38'6, and open shed 124 x 30; a lien lieuse 10 x, 16 -anid an implenient slied 18 x 20.' It Éas about 4 acres of ercliard and about'8 acres of good lardwood bush, 'and about 85 acres of arable land. Watered by a living stream and wells. The lands will be effered subject te a reserved bid. Plow possession will be given this coming Autumn, and full possess-ion Aprîl 1, 1922. The vendor is neot te bie required te furnisli any abstract of titie, or title deeds net in lis possession. TERMS: 10 per cent te be paid bye purcliaser, on date of sale, and sign an agreement te cemplete purcliase and pay balance in 30 days., Furtlierparticulars and conditions of sale will be made known at sale but prier' te sam.e. Inquiries may be made of the un- dersigned Solicitor. L. A. W. TOLE, D. B SIMPSON, Auctieneer. Solicitor for Vender. Dated July 11, 1921. - 28-3 AUCTIO#4_SAUEI 0F DESIRAIBLE RESI- DENCE AND LAND Estat Dof eah ed.enes Estae oDHuhe Geenees I bave received instructions froný, the executor. of the will of Hugli Greenlees, deceased, te off er fer sale by public auction en tlie premises on THURSDAY, AUGUST Ilth, 1921, at 2 p. m., that valuable residence and about 3 acres of land, a part of lot 5 in the first concession of the said township of Darlington, said te con- in thei famaous Darlingtontwnip c harmingly situa-ted in the garden of, sa',id tenship, witb charming sur-1 rou-ndings beth as te locality and! neighbors. Plow possession next Autumnn and f uli po.ssession April 1, 1922. The place wiIl be off eredl subject to a reserved bld to be fixed by thke Solicitor furitme exeutor. The vendor is net to be bound to, furnisht any abstrac!t or titie or titie deeds not in hlis possession. TERMS: 10 per cent te be paid on sale, to the vendlor's Solicter, b y the purchaser, wvho -will sigri an menit te complete the purchase and' pay ilhe balance in 30 dayS. Further pairtie-ulars andcniin of sale will be made, knffwn at sale but prier te same. Iniquiries may be made of the undersignedSolicitor. L. A. W. TOLE, .D. B. SIMP'SON, Auctieneer. Venidor's Solicitor., 28- 3 Execu tors' Notice IN THE ESTATE 0F Annie Isa- bel Muir, late ef the Town of Bow- manville, Spinster, deceased. NOTICE is lereby given that thse creditors of Annie Isabel Muir, late of the~ Town of Bowmanville,- Spin- ster, deceased, wlio dîed on or about tlie l5tb day of May, 1921, and al others laving dlaims against or en- titled te share in lier Estate, aire bere- by notified pursuant te the Statutes in that behaîf made and provided, te send by post prepaid.or otlerwise de- liver te the unidersigned, the Ex- ecutors of the Estate,en or bef ore the l3th day of August, 1921, their cliristian and surnames, addresse's and descriptions, and full particulars, duly verified, of their dcaims, acceunts or interests, and the nature cf the se- curities, if any, held by tlem. Im- mediately after tlie said l3th day of August, 1921, the assets of the said Deceased will be dîstrîbuted ameng tlie parties entitled thereto, laving regard only te thse daims or inter ests ef which tlie said Executors shaî1l then -have -had- notice,and -ail- others- will be excluded frem tlie sai4 distri- bution., The Toronto General Tirusts, Corpor. ation, Executors, 83 Bay Street, Toronto, lMalone, ktalone &, Toronto, Solicit-ors. Dated July 6tli, 1921. 28-4 NE'nILSON'S ICE CREAM PURITY, ALWAYS PURITY The man«Y gallons of Neilson's Ice Creamn which. we seil every year only serve toi make us more and more mindful of our standard, "Absolute Purity", not only now and then but always. TAKE A BRICK HOME CHITInrE'S %BAKERYi Tbe Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville The itte S hatNeye FalsZ Countless millions oftme in a year, ten years, a lifltime, the'hi srn of your watch expands and cotatswthe pre- cision and perfect rythm whi h rnakes your watch 'k-eep lime. Why? Because it is trprdsteel made. especially for that purrc Just the sanie wfth thcthis- littke springs in, your Marshall Mattress-î.o majtý(er how they areý pressed upon, they always oneback toth.eir exact length. That is why a Marsha1IllVk.fress neyer sagsa, never becomes lunpy-why it açvays restfully supports every part of yotrr body, rlr igexery muscle, of ite work, causing perfect reaxation, giving nature, a chance to renew every worn tissue in the body- why you awake from a Marshall Mattress "like a, giant refreshed".i>11 See your dealer -ask hirn te show you a Marshiall. Marshall Sanitary Mattresses are guara nteed for jive years. TRADE M R L I I4 MARK F. F. MORRIS CO. Sole Agents for Bowma.nville

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