.4 missd etwefth - -------g rass pesture-growth eiosy Tiher were four generations of theSeauitsttye I______________________ Ceerto. He checked. Feu wheat--puomising 1f-mily present, I i1yle is Orange through and tbrough and biùt rpening too qicky. the Du Mrk nd rPsuewr . iltkeprintebgcebtingans, fair", 1alilshort in stra, present from Taft, Caliiornia, and AT RC! ('I 1XTPT Tw-%el" Ihere on Tue sda.-Guide.c Root-average 1drap. dl,%s aitfo hmenet aym" dg~~ Thmai avrydeen itizends maiir f rueubut need rein. Ap- Tàere have been iseveral familyA should be ïlu the list ai eligibes orpie'dvelpig satiefac2torily. T- picnîcs on this farm and it has 'been 1 Rorsey Bloc k Bwavle c K' the eamâing Federal electiorniSDur- p B eonati dalf tiscop u heac oenae lne188.Itwl. ha-dio. .S. ad it is tekine hold wel, bsHONEeenty&1-3sld BOWM'ÀNVILLE RINK Wf NS TROPHY/ WE'VE MOVED Early te bed And early te ruse,U.FO.NTC l 1 We take this oppo rtunity of ju Cut the weeds and swat the flues, Keen interest iis being ta*ken :omngortueeu usoes . Mmd your business and don"t tell Providence Farmers lbwilhl rs n the bowling competitions lies a meeting at Shaw'sSholoseo Liu the J.aL. , attam Chal- Bowmanville and vieinity that we Pay your debts-use enterprise, Tuesday, July 19 at8p .Go Burn per H ar estlenge .Trophy which started have nioved our Millinery business And buy ,froin those, who advertise, tedac who onaed he Toph iseas of r. Ire R.Foley's Shoe maae f the well known Shop. The store has bee opt- Indications point to a bountiftil harvest j iflmnOshogag&a Lytlesed- 1y renovated and freshly decoratedi menOshaa, s a ood il-making it a very at1trative fashionl m iCi ~ hs ea. Anticipating a big rudlvro ensotadshop for the ladies. It will be urM i-us forBiner Tine we avenow n hnd acara bowling eiithiZiast extra- aim and desire, as in the past, tai)ive N oi~dnar. Th copetiionoui' customers the most fashionable - 1.-ad of is open to rinks from Oshawa, and up-to-date millinery obtainable . Whitby, Bowmanville,, Port and et reasonable-prices.,____o pWn e Perry, Port Hope, Cobourg and Peterboro., Holder of Dingman & Edmondstene. Cü LD EDA I D R T I Etrophy must defend within 48 ________________ ~~IiOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE ~hours from time of winning Bih il oLanKitn IWhitby won the trophy from IrI %Wy % You'11 find no better o n' the market and ourOsaanduceglyd- NR Nqt fended it againstOshawa and odwrîgcnios. T s prie is right. Order now. Port Perry. On Thursday, Go okn odtos hsofri July 7, a Bowmanville rink open to twenty girls of, sixteen or over whv wn We also have a complete stock of Hay Forks, cansisting af Mesrss. J.J.to train for a hiLyh class occupation. Mason, L. B. Nichols, Jas: D. Ail lines of: FIRE, ]Ray Fork Ropes, Pulleys and Sling Ropes. CruhrJ .Wbtrvs ted Whitby and defeated Mr. ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, OUR OFFER Greenwood's irink, by 25-13 and broughteabvbaufutopyom PLATE GAS with them whielÎis now ondisplay in Mr. Webster's, windw LSThi' have decided to b in a d Bowmanville Club will defend the tàophy n Wedniesdy night when GUARANTEE BONDS, vance siopmen fKitnyahnsfrtan W. Vanstone's 1ink of Whitby will be here. An Oshawa rink has ai- A T M BLcoeigiroe sian girls meting Mouriresuir etswl C:DPPOS1TE POST OFFICE BOWMANVILLE ready challenged the winners. A T M BL,ëvrn ukss dgrsmeigorrqie against fire, lightning, e given a special course of training to fit te~ o - HAYDON, ANNIVERSARY, TOWN COUNCIL thet property damage, steady work. 'Another iaca uc& - s At the June meeting of Counceil injuries to the public, Special instructors Will be constantlyi t F $5n52l-00.s-Prc.d-Mayor Quinin and Counciliors trans- collision; insure. againsttedn . acted the town's businessin "mid- the carelessness of thetedn . A nother successful anniversary of dies". The heat was se intense thatca o Iur SbThe Schooi was held on Sun-I vnn that the Town Engineer wa driver of thecayo Get particulars of our plan at temporar ffc «t, f.wJ g~j,~j which was prettily decarated wt municipal gladiators. rKn-t,'et G ~ ' .ooa .lU flags, bunting, maple leaves and a Miss Bleakley asked permission ta & beautiful display,of plants and flow- cut down trees front af ber property. mris. Edith V. Scobeli n Sunirertime ers were placed around the platform ,Ta Roads and Streets Com. ta report. T o s n K ît ;Ç,0 j.which seemed ta say Gad is with us. ý Residents of Carlisle Ave., petit- Agent / At the afternoon session, Re~~v.G. R. ioned ta have pavement repaired .andPhn18BoavîeOWMNIE Carruthers, B. A., Blackstock, deiight-, weeds cut. Granted, GUrCTDOOR VWEfAJ5UNG ed his audience especially the child-) Resignation of J. D. Graham as ______________ _____________________________ if onren, when hie, in a very interesting steward of Fire Dept. was acceted. i Y~ V~ i I V ~ C r Ucet way addressed his discouirse ta them! Counties' Clerk notifledCrp- asdensrtgindfeent ways would require $7577.62 ta be raised. (/ j ~ ::f:. ai: Ie o ou-. how wordly things make it difficuli ete r rntroln National Sanitoriumi A ctýr lie ofout- for God ta draw his children ta Him.'fr e t adHdoElcfeAsoi ~~'! L~t. . Cxfords and ~The S. S., furnished excellent music et civdand filed. Eeti soi o t' re~ t, b oststi- Hstertiwas.fun n at.:1-2 ion for membership fee were re- RR Y bath services.n Tender for printing the Voters' ThrnList was awarded ta M. A .James & :to ieet every The committee-Mrs, heonSans. Mountjoy, Miss Eva Denike, Mrs. 0pg gemn ihWre rcaee.nL Earl Couiter, with Miss Vera Mount- 1-aeareen ihWre joy as, organist, deserve mention for Paving Ca., for construction, af pave - teir untirring efforts ta make the, ment on King-st was read and order- MI Colors W 'hite, Black and Brown musical part a real success. id sig wadpa M dyranigv.as yMn.o d by Mat-ayod r EU aiusA M "t ALL IZE FR M KDDIS T GRNDA At the evening service, Rev. Mr. exemptions ta 'farmi lands within( ALL IZESFROMKIDDES: O GR NDADCarruthers again pleased a -large audi- the corporation., ence vât his iively spirited address, Mayor was authorized to issue pro- LfBuyouting Sboes+t . ...... .... .. . ....and many of bis ideas and helpfui clamation declaring Manday,,August airoterNfr ea messages wili be remembered and lst as Civic Holiday, and comfort. 1PR1 ~ patcd Council adjourned ta meet Tues-S pcaSl e Liberal collections were received et day, July l9th at 8 p. m. OURPRIES REbath services. After , the meeting Mayor Quinn THE LOWEST Dominion Day, July îst, aur an-.entertained members of the CouncilOU SH E AL W IC ST TDLATSTRD Y W SAG NDS - niversary program was again contin- and press representative et WJ.O RS ESAEW IH T REDL T'A RAY A AG ued, with pleasant weathfer, just1 Bagneli's Ice Cream Parler., CESS, WE SENT AWAY DOZENS 0F MORÈ- THAN SATISFIED CUI O ES FrdR oe warin enough ta enjay and appreciate _______ thegret pledidmalestha sade 7WE HAVE HUNDREDS 0F PAIRS 0F GOOD SUQES YET TO BE SOL( Y U BOWMANVILLE >Jnao and se gracefuliy adorn the church Ontario ta-day bas exactly 599 SIZE I5 STILL HERE BUT DON'T DELAY YOUR PURCHASE. READ H FL lawn. For over flfty years have theyj newspapesadproiasa i O 'N IT witnessed thîs gr.and, celebration on classesdwh erea ieyeas 0egal'ereLST _______________ aur Do~minion Day, while 'the grand casw were5 ar cnitioneas and the__________________________________________ aid Union Jacks, waving in the gentie abnormal casts af production have breezes, seemed ta be praud ta have1 led ta the suspension of 146 papers., -- thishonor- of waving-over Canada -of Senatoa-R W.A.M-uloIJY--nd, o ,T-ERMS -OF--SALE-STRICTLY -CAS [-NO-APROaVAL-4iJ0 (EXCA NGS which we feel se praud. oe a oeo àbsns rpt During the afternoon, a very live- Heoe, B go. one bsess tnpeta ly, game of football was played byKlwe .C h eao x '- Ennîskilien vs. Haydon Intermediates, pects ta be absent for about thee * Score 2-1 in favar af Enniskiilen. wesanbisoArhrwohs 59C pair for Chldren's Sand- LOT NO. 1 'f ' At six o'clock e very interestin g been in British Columbia for same on vacant ots and evn tannglciy kid pI.uv - League game of football was piaye tmwi eun aPr oewt byGeealMtosofOsaa s E-and red feit bouse slippeérs, LADIES' OXFORDS -Y, 1 - nsienscr5-1 in favor of En- The prevaience of noxiaus weeds ~ " o1 aust ORCWhiie some were, enjaying the ballsret as been, noticed in, severai To CIear 59c pair Lace and button styles, a cream boaths and ther good tbings irc.*hitecae h _______________I or Black sies 21/2 to c found there, the ladies and getee euiring the samne ta be cut, e by- wrht inguprTetb eeenrett $Wortahor i.$3.00la of the S. S. weue busily engeged in iaw mare honored in the bueacb tbanToa9ca srving a most tempting and appetiz- in the observance. ing u $119 apair forChilren's decorated with flowers of varionsFetFotrni'soe kinds, filhing the air witb their ,frag- sie 9i '" T1 rance. During the supper hour s..e 4 to 9, i ht, Bac, Band rendered valuabie assistance in Tn 1 0vle O O" keeping the cuowd enteutained. The To Clear $1.19 pairLO NO2 waiters were kept busy serving theLA ISSH E good things whicb were se abundaiN otctoC nrctrl______________ %1provided. When lwa servedanNoieT ota or tables cleared a high cless concert wsgiven by Toronto artists. Mu. Pursuant -to the requiremients of the 111gh or low cut of fine'kd Charles Leslie the Beitone Soloist, Caniada EBjghways Act, separate seaIed $2.19 a pair for Men's Fleet box caif, lace and buto pleased eveuyane with his popular tenders marked "'Tender for Contract No Fo unn hewt rsyeas ht avs l selections. Mu.,Burt Lloyd the Coin- 444" will be received by the undersigned Fo unn h's iho ýls loW ieÇný edian, kept the crowd aiaused in bis untIl twelve o'clock noon on Tuesday, without heel, sizes 6 to 9, in sîzes in the lot ,values to$4 humorous selections praving bimseif August 2nd, 1921, for Concrete Structures Wht rvleT ' t<9 a capital entertainer and was most on the Provincial Highways, in the Town- W ieo Tan, $3.00 vaus oCear a $..1pi C' l JiU il '~ ) IT INII >V I flJ~ heartily applauded on eacb appeau- ship of Clarke. To Clear $2.19 a pair ~ U lU lu 11 IX I.'LJ I~1~ I I U j¶j~ nce.Miss Irene Robson, the popu.. Plans and Specifications rnay be seen onli _________________ and dramatic selections receiving rapt the office of the Resident Engineer, C. H. attention. She also reappeaued in Nelson, Whitby ,ontaro n tteofc O O interestin)g encores. Duuing the of the undersigned, ro n a h ficIO O tender,) cent ofâ t__he"l ý- 'I