Farm Attention GET, YOUR SECTION BARS GROUND NOW AND BE READY FOR HAYING THE REPAIR SHOP Temperance-st., eowmanville. C.C.J*Vi. B icycles are sold by ,harry Aluin Just west Royal Theatre REBUILT' BICYCLES FOR SALE BiSg Drop in Price of Auto Tires 'W. self best makes of Tires. Get Our Prices 1Tire Repair Experts Jamieson Bros. BOWMANVILLE: OSHAWA: Stateamian Block Jackson Garaoe S5ay "'Threaded Rubber Insulation" The MlUard Tbreaded Rub.- 'ber Battery is fimn=e to aul old-tisna wood-separator lUs Tueé plates are "nulatd-not amerely separated. 'Mo money out of your pocket for separator replacement, b- cause Willard Threaded Rubber InsuLation n either war-ps, cracks, carbonizses nor punmctw-res.. zutln.te the battery Plates.1 Ask ab3out the Willard 4~ieaedRubber Battery - the only battery with Tbxeaded Rubber Insuhation. ONTARîO BATTERY SERVICE SOLD IN 'BOWMANVILLE BY LUKE. BOYS & WEST END GARAGE BOWMANVILLE, JULY 14tli., 1921.1 NESTLETON WNednesday afternoon, July 6th Nestieton W«omen'ýs institute met at Mrs. John John Watson's---sîxteen preseat. Next meeting will ha lield Wednlýesday afternoon, August 3, at 3 o'clock lu pîcale form at Mrs. Robt. Jackson's. A hearty invitation is given to ail ladies of the community, members or not, te join- ln a social time. and l'et ns lioýe for cooler weatlier. Your Astlima, To o. The efficacy of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astlima Remedy is not somethîng that is merely to ha hoped for; it s to be expected. Itý seldoin f ails Vo bring relief, and lu. your own individuai case it will do the samne. So universailibas beau the success of this remedy that every one afflicted witli this disease owes it te himself to try it. Miss Vida Langmaid', Oshawa, at E. Monntjoy's. Miss Olive Brock visited at P. Van- stone's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy speut Sunday in Osliawa. Miss Olive Luke lias returnad home from St. Catharines. Mr, Chas. Fa]jrow, Toronto, at C. Benrett's.-Telegrami. 1Mr. and Mrs. John Mountjoy visit- ed at Will Lawrence's, Brooklin. The Pascoe family held a picnie la E. Mountjoy's grove on lst of Juiy. Mfiss Olive Brock spent several days wiith lier parents at Mapie Grove re- Miss N. Werry of St. Catharines. and George Wesley Werry of Sauina, at R. J. ukes. Miss Beatrice West of St. Cathar- ines, was tle guest of Miss Olive Lukcg Sf Ô? efw daysI, ýý A number fromn here took lun Col- umbus Anniversary on the lst July 1and report a good time. Miss Dorothy McGregor of tlie Gen- eral Hospital, Hamilton, is spending bar vacation at -hr home here, Mr. and Mrs. H. F.« Werry and -Miss E. Peardon attended tlie funerai of H. Werry, Enniskîllen, last week Mi3ier's Worm Powders work se aff ectîvely that no traces of worms can be f ound. Tlie pests pass away lu the stools without being percept- ible. They make an entire and cleàn aweep of" the intestines, and notning la the shape of a worm ean fldlodgement'thera wlien these pow- ders are in oparation. Nothiag could be more thorougli or desirable than their action. The Ladies' Aid are holding their regular monthLLIy meeting on Wednas- Iday afternoon this week at Mrs. H., T. Cole's. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke attended tha fun- erai of WilI Bray of Toronto at El- dad recently. Co ngratulations to Marie Cole, Ber- nice Werry, Marlou Tliompson and Berthia Nortlicott wlio have been suc- cessful la passing the'recent exam- inations at the Osliawa Higli Schooi. Externally or Internally, It is Cood.- Wlen appiied exteraallVr by brisk rubbing, Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil opens the pores and penetrates the tissue, touching the seat of the troublâ and immeçliàtely affording relief. Administered internally, it will stili the irritation lu the tliroat whieh induces coughing and will re- iýv tiûus of the bronchai tubes an d r' vnLatory organs. Try it and be corv,,inced.> MANVERS OLD BOYS' Annual Gathering HeId at Bethany a Great Succetas They came from east, -They cama from west, Tliey came Vo thetownship They ail loved bçst. Prmnorth and sonth Anid distant lands MAndcspedys therhands MAnverls boys caehomes A wonderful sentiment binds to- gether old Manvers boys as their an- nual reunion always shows. This year the reunion was held at Betliany, and a great reunaon it was. Old Manvers boysý and girls were there from Saskatchewa*a, -Manitoba, Quebec, lu fact frors ail over Can- ada. The large tent, whicli seats over one tliousand people, was crowded at the three services on Sunday. Addresses were delivered by old boys and letters read. Rev. J. Harvey Strike, Perthi, d pr icndl the morningý Rev. J, S. piMulen aftern-,oon-a nd Rev. Geo. Ross ln the eveuing. 'A large choir assisted in the singing. Betliany brass baud enlivened the procaedings. Monday a day of sports and gener- ai good fellowship was liald. ev- eami basabaîl matches were played aud niany oid friends who had not seen ecdi ther for forty years or more recaled tha scenas- and acts of bygone days. The sentiments ex- pressed by the old boys lu their ad- dresses on Sunday wiil long be re- membered, The Manvers youtlis of to-day were well aidmonished. "To liveifor fsomething-dp good and eave behind tlemt a monument of. y irtue 'whicli the stornîs of life cau neyer destroy". It bas Many Quatlit-es.-The man wlio possesses a bottia of Dr. Tliomas' Eciectric Oul is. armed against many îlls. It wili11 relilva a cougli, break a coid, prevent sore throat; it will reduce theý swefiig froni a spraîn, rehav te rmost persistent sores and wihl speedily heal cuts and contusions. It is a medicine chest in itself, and can bea got for a quarter of a dollar. BABIES' BUTTERCUP PARTY From Fort William Times-Journal. Miss Evva Scripture of Coiborne is weil and favorably known in Bow- manville and Darlington where she has several relatives and many lac- quaintances and this article from Ft. William Tîmnes-Journal will be very pleasing information to ail of themn: Off for the hoiidaysi hp, hp, hurrah! Off we ail go like butterflies gay; Sunshine and roses to gladden our way, Off for the holidays! hip, hp, hur- rah! This glad song was echoed -in tlie Kindergarten, June 28. Miss Evva Scrpture, who lias di- rected the Drew Kindergarten for seven years, is leaving to take a posi- tion la a Toronto School.; It is with heartfelt regret that she takes leave of lier pupils and lier other Fort Wil- liam friends. She is an exceptionally qualified director, she enters lieart and soul into the speciai work of the "chuld garden" and lias a wonderful influence witli the chiîdren ln con- M as on &Dae PLOW POINTS 65C Mower & Binder SECTIONS 7c GUARDS 35C Jiere are, a few helpful suggestions along the Uîne of Household Necessities for the hot Sunrnier days:. For the best in SCREEN DOORS WINDOW,,SCREENS HAMMOCKS GARDEN TOOLS RUBBER HOSE LAWN MOWERS PERFECTION and FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVES AUI Sizes KITCHEN UTENSILS ELECTRIC FANS, TOASTERS, IRONS, GRILLS, STAND LAMPS B. H. PAINTS AND VARNISHES READY ROOFING CATTLE SPRAY The flies hate it. Mason & ale The Store with the Big Hardwvare Stock. Phone 145 Bowmnanvilîe Miss Amy Lumby celebrates lier twentietli birtliday this week, and she took the happy plan of sharing its,- joys wi tli ler pupils by giving tliem, P541Îe 1 As a, vermnicide an' excellent' pre- paration is Mothers Graves' Worm Exterminator. It lias saved the lives of countless children. our Baffer g Needs Testing,, WHETHER it seemus ta need it or not, yeur stovage battery in-est have reguler attebticm if it's goig o continue giving sure starts anid bright heàdlightiL Don't wait for trouble ta develap. Prest-O-Lite Service will keep your battery heai-thy and ward oft m uesea sary repair bitll. Even if you liaven't a sturdy, power- fui Prest-O-Lfte Bttery iii your car Dow, some daY you will have, so come lu sid ge acq ait dwith the servie.: that lllegthn a battery's IlU a, F. W. KIRKENDALL Temperance St. Bowinanville. 'j e e' WJLLARD'S TORA GE BA TTERIES We have the Willard Battery Service Station, for this district and,, keep a supply on hand at al times for the different styles of cars. We also have a special one for small cars at $34.90 which is zuaranteed to be a first class bat- tery. Cali and see us when you need anything in the battery liné.' We do recharging and have re- pairs attended to. Tires' tubes oils and accessories of the best on hand at ail tIes. New and second hand Ford Cars and Trucks,' repairs to ail makes of cars by experts. Luke, îBoys &Cryderman, West End. Garage Bowmanville BANFF SPRINGS HOTEL, ail thers in general excellence--- sequefice. this morning a buttercup birthday <0f course presentations were tli± treat. After the pretty songs and order of the day, and, this afteraoon games, Miss Lumby led a procession, Supervising Principail W. W. Southon bearing two goldenieed cakes, each presided at the ceremonies, conneet- -lth ten yeilow flowers liolders 'and ed with the farewell off erings, whîch miniature wax candies, and the ex- took place in tihe kindergarten, where clamations of deliglit at this surprise, the lovely decorations prepared for were folIowed- by many others. as the morning party were a golden set- golden colored ice creami and other ting for the occasion. The wall- dainties f ollowed, ending witli oran- railing and table lu the centre of the ges to carry home to the baby brother roo111 were festooaed with wild vines or sister. and other greenery; the table. was Miss Scripture la saying good-156ye covered witl i kng cap yellow and was remarked that Miss Lumby is tlhe ceatered with buttercups aad Miss fourth assistant wliom she lias launcli- Scripture's pretty frock of paie gold ed on the sea of "adventure"-thle organdie gave the fin ishing toucli to othiir tlîrete being Miss Eliza Fraser, the pretty scene. now Mrs. Hugli Parslow, present to- To Missday; Miss Greta Irvine, Mrs. Frid of TMisSerîpture the gift of a goi Toronto, and Miss Verna McKenzie, ring set with greenstone was a tokea nowMrs. Rogers of Wianipeg. of- appreciation and ýaffection and A number of visitors w!-Ghessed will be prized by lier as a souvenir, these pleasant functions. typically of Fort William interest. I___ You carrying surance. are taking an unnecessary risk by flot sufficient protection in the way of lI- We represent 40 of the best Insurance Com- Danies do<Iine busiinp net-chiv. Losses delt with YOU CAN GET THE BEST WHEN i YOU INSURE WITH ~ JJ.jeMASOd-N Z& SONI Real Estate And Ins-uraniceBrokers% phone 50 1 omnIll For the Qù'ick Service -that brings repeat orders ETme get him'on Long. Distance, and I'l. soon sýte±l this"- says the sbrewd business man, as an emere1 arises. His personality, wiith the persuasive toes tîhà helped bimn build up bis business in the old days, is sUil the greatest force at bis cominand, and it ney-er ý fails to bring the needed resuits. Long Distance permits hfim to raitain that parzsonal contact and i&ec with men in distant places, on wbich bhis succass was built. "If omeo our travellers fails ta eur n motant order, ha gets me on Long Distance before th, interview isovr and I1neary always land it." The, power of L ong Distance as a business-gettx is only beginniàng to ha appreciated. '.Use the 'Bell' ta Sali and sea how economicafly it produces rasulta. Many of yor Long DiMstance oeils can take £ advantage f&tSatn ntattinrt.As e.k taStafton t an.qcaa National Exhibitiei-iBand Ccptet Closes July 2t ~ALL entries must be maiÎed not later than JýUly 25th. LAfter that date; it will be impossible to enter your bandin the Toronto Exhibition Band Contest. Now, right now, you make it a point, to sce that your town band competes in one of the classes. $3150 in Cas,,h Prizes Special Award Shield. Individual tokenis. Every band classed with others of sanie size. Èvery band lias an equal chance. Contest is held on Music Day, 'Thurgday, Septein- ber lst, and all competing bandsmen will lie admitted to Exhibition free on this day. Civic officiais of every town, see that your partieuiar t*wa is repregent'éd, Bandmasters and players, inièrest yourselvee in this exceptional opportunity to bripg glory ta your own home town. The first thing-right now-get the particulars. Find out ail about the test pieces, the Adijudicators, the list of cash prizes and the ruleg. Drap a line at once for this informa- tion and for entry forms ta The, Secretary Exhibition Band Con test Coîmittee 145 Yonge Street Toronto, Ont. .1 j isj enjoyed by millions or devoted friends B 829,, Black, Green or Mîxed Blende. Sealed packets 0ft17m ARE YOU PROTECTED?