VolLXVII. M. A. JAMESý & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, JULY 21, 1921 $2.00 à Year I Advance bc a Oopy. N,9 MAt ett r Pfices A -Great Many Are Buying Wisely Now latest- vagaries- of-f ashion and--at, the- same- time -are prac-tieah, wearable- and beconiing and are-exceptiona1 goad values. as. theilL- prices will indicate. THE EDITOR TALKS We have receiveçi from a Durham Old Boy copy of an interesting ar- ticle on "Early Days in Enniskillen", sufficient for two instaliments of his story, and he promises more if this "sees daylight" through the James Papers. We can assure this o. b. that our readers will be delighted with hîs story the first instaliment of -whi-eh--wvIIlappear n-ext-week-.--The- author prefers to let readers guess who he is for the present. SUCCESSFUL MUSIC PUPILS Miss Regina Percy's pupil:. Prim- ary Piano-Lawrence Goddard. Pupfils of Miss Lepha N. Don- caster, A. T. C. M. Theory-Intermiediate Form pass Velma Staples, Tyrone, Mabel Couch. Junior History-Pass-Gwendolyn Williams. -Junior Connterpint, honOrs-ý Mabel Couch. Primary Rudiments-honors-- Gwendolyn Williams. THE NEW POSTMASTER the Conservative ladies of this coun- Beatrice llislip. try into an association primarily for (Continued on page 2) poizclpurposes.- No objection-canA,-- be off ere'd to the men of that party engineering this schem-e to provide BEACH ASSOCIATION MEETINGi auxilariesý-Lt-help 3to up-po-rt--the_ usurpers who are-rrryiing on Federal At the annual meeting of the, affairs at Ottawa -without -an y man- -Bowmanville - Reach- Association- the- datefront- the--peop1e. -Wbat we da-fMloIngofirxeree1ectecfjor -the- object to, however, is the attempt year: Pjrpf4ident-E.' C. Rehder; being made to deceive the Liberal Vice President-Grant Edwards, SUCCESSFUL NORMALITES Capital Record Made by Local Students Interim First Class Certîficates- M. E. Jane Grigg, Evelyn G. Joness, Ewart V. Pollard, Marion M. Wor- den, Bowmanville. Interim Second-Class Certificate-- Limited Third-lass-Mildred Ben-. tham, Enniskillen, Elma A. Gar7diner, -T--.e - - - --_ Second Class- Teachers' Certifi- cates -Misses. Beuýlah HalloweUn,, Edn&- Rutfrven, -Bertha- M.--Staples, Leta E. Stutt, Orono. HIGH SIOLEAT Bowmanviîîe St#dents Made a Geand Again it is our sincere pleasure te