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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1921, p. 2

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VETERINARY D R. F. T. TIGHE -r ,-TERINARY SURGEON. Day or .ëNght Calis Promptly Attended To. ffeKing-st., W., Stateuman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. M. A. JAMES STEAMeHIP TICKETS T'EVROPE-Canadian PMCihc, tea Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ca.Ask for information. Phonie 5,Bowmanvile. R_ M. MITCHELL REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST BY EXAMINATION OGFFICE HOURS-9 a. m to 6 p. m. Examinations by appointment R. M. MITCHELL & CO. DRUGGISTS & OPTOMETRISTS CHANGE 0F BUSINESS Having punchased tbe Granite and -Iarble Works carnied on by my late roher, E. IR Bounsall, Bowmanville, - mprepared to continue doing mo -etal work ia its vanlou Phone .241 F. H. Bounsail. LEGAL MA. G. V. GOUL», B. A., LL.D. "BRRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Moneey to boan 'on Faim and Town Pro9rty. Royal Bank Building. nlo.Phone 351. ~.F. WARD, B. A. BÀ?RRIS TER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mney to loan. Bonds for sale. OfcS: Xleakley Block, King Stret, Bownianville Ontario. 'Phones: Office 162, flouse 178J. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, XM.D., C. N. GodMedalist of 'Trinity University Toronzîto. Four years Attending Phy- fà,zian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmiel ouiaPittsburg, Ko. Office and BuidnceWellington Street, Bow- ,DmviIe, Phone 108. 3 C.W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., ýýImduate of Trinity Medical College, Toroe-_ýnto, formerly of Enniskillen. Of5ice and residence, Dr. Beith's, Ifzrmer residenceon Church-st., Bow- mzaviille. ýPhone 259. 44-t DR. V. H. STOREY raduate Toronto University, year anthaf resident-physician- and -sur- geo Toronto General Hospital (six ' Burnside Maternity) two âsd alf years Military- Hospital. Ofce: Royal Bank Building, Bow- anville. Phone 143w. I 0.lvr.* DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, moor graduate ini Dentistry Toronto UIversity. Graduate of the Royal 1ColieFge of Dental Surgeons of Ont- ,n. Office lOng-st., Bowmanville. OffIce phone 40. flouse phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT -rauate of Royal Dental College, Tcoonto, Office, King-st East, Bow- Mvle. Office hours 9 a. M. to 6 p.m. dafly except Sunday. Phone -90a. flouoe phone 90b. F. F. MORRIS CO. (s complete equipment. Sunday an4 night calîs promptly attended to. wmanville phones 10 and 84. nezuh at Orono. .IUNK DEALERS J-OULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick,1 Duike-st., just opposite Canningi Fatory, pays highest cash prÎces for ;1 inds of poultry and junk. Phone] -.99 or, call at bis fresidence. 5-tff. NOTICE TO PUBLIC, 1 have taken out a lic ense in Bow- man;-ville to buy ail kinds of Junk and .Poltry. WihI pay the highest price. Apply by phone 289 or caîl on Mr.' IPike, Ontario-at. FI TS Itnson's home-treatment for eplleps. 'enty years' s uccesa. Thousands of 9te tImonials. No case should be consid.- 'rdhopeless. Free bookiet.W. Stin- ~nRemedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Yonge treet, Toronto, Ontario. 6-lyr are sold by -harry Aluin Just wesât Royal Thea.tre REBILTBICYCLES FOR SALE English an d Scotch Linoleums, 2, 3 and 4 yds. wide at Couch, Johnston & CrYder-man'a. Peevish, pale, restle3s, and siekly jcildren owve tlhir mn~dition to wors. other Grave0' Worm, Ex- 'teýrninator wiII relieio üthem Alidre- storû Ihealth. ujeniers oi: theC rait residing in1 Pontypool and district Officers andt membens of Orono Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 325, made a departure from their usual custom by motoring out j to Pontypool ou Sunday afternoon,t July 3 and parading to church lnaa body,. Accompanying tbe Masonic bretb-1 ren were the choir of Jerusalam) Lodge, No. 31, Bowmanville; W. J.1 Bragg, M. P. P., A, Mitchell, R. M. Mitchell, T .S. Holgate, W. S. Bragg, W. B. Tapson, W. Deasem, Lou Tnp- son, Geo., R. Chase, with Miss Helen1 Morris as organist, Mayor Quinn al-1 s0 accompanied the Bowmanville1 brethren. The place of assembbingi was the Orange Hall. The parade1 was marshalled by Bro. T. Smith of Orono. The pastor, Rev. A. McLaucbhin, B. A., B. D., a member of Orono Lodge, preached the sermon. Extending a hearty welcome to the Craft hie stat- ed that the gatbering was unique i that it was the first of bts kind that had ever taken place in Pontypool. is sermon was divided into two parts, alike intenestiag to membens of the Order, the first part deait with the allegory of Masonry, and the sec- ond part, the sermon proper be took as bis subject "The Two Pillars"' that stood at the entrance to the Temple Rev. McLauchlin may frequently have preacbed to langer congregations but neyer to, one more deeply înterestd. The Masonîc Choir took f ull charge of the song service, Miss Morris pre- siding at the organ. Their sbngîng was much enjoyed, particularly a duet by Messrs. T.' S. Holgate and W. B. Tapson "Dowa at the Cross", and the solo by Mn, R. M. Mitchell "Is chorus. On the neturn to the Hall a nice lunch was served by the Pontypool brethrna and their ladies.-~iNews. SALEM Report of S. S. No. 9, Darlington, June examinations, names in order of menit: Sr. III to Jr. IV-*Gladys Cana, Pearl Samais, Jînibe Hunter, Elvir a Davis, Gieorge- Richards, Editb Cator. Jr. lil tto Sr. ,III1*Loha Welsh, 'John Cator, Wreford Cora-ý ish, (nec.), Laura Wilkins (nec.) Jr. Il to Sr. II-tGreta Symons, *El-. mna Davis, Wlýangaret1 Huniter, Sidney Eicornbe, M,'rl FKwIer (rec.) S1É. Pr. to Jr.I*Lsi Wlh Nbo Davis and Eda Cator (equai), 7Mberedith little, Helen Mcoad )RuthHatr A Class ta Jr. Pr_' *'Donis Coli1acott, Rs Richards, Gor- don Davis * Hnors, Rubt M. Bragg, teacher. home, furnished with sncb exquisite taste, the colon scheme la eacb room ýbeing cannied out witb such effect- iveness that the effect of the whole was most harmonious. Added to, wes a newhy i ntagd ient raaop- thesa ewestfub ad magipie'on op-s erated by electrîcity from which tbe party werc pnivileged to bear some1 ývery fine music. I¶iis beautiful home though a private nesidence is opened five days each week for visit-, ors, so the Press Party felt that a- great blessing bad comne to them la ý. being aIlowed the freedom of this home and floral surroundings. One lady remarked "I neyer expected to see anything more bike panadise thari this'until I really reach Heaven". Every member of the party was boath. to leave and were very grate- fuI to Mn. and Mrs. Butchart for ai- howing them to see how beautifully the idea of trânsforming the old limestone quarries into these sumkea gardens and other beauty spots had been carnied ont. One editon put it nicely when hie sabd "a sermon in every bush an ia-, spiratiori and a divine influence at every tura of the road or pathçIay and la every flower". Returning to the city of Victoria, we halted at tlie gardeas of the North Saanich Fruit Gnowers' Association wbene each memben of the party was preseated with a box of luscious strawberries. We were pleased to, meet for- a bnief visit Mns. M. M. Black, daugliter of Mns. S. Cherry of this town- ho bas resîded la Victoria for twenty years and, of course, feels that it is the loveliest city ia the world and we do not much blame bier. We shall always treasune the pictune of the beautiful roses which gnow so abund- antly la Vancouver and Victoria and the luxuriant bushes of yellow broom which were looking gorgeous with their bnight hued blossoms. The lovely hittie islands, 'the pretty cot- tages that deck the shore aIl com- bine to, make the trip betweea these two-,citiès a most pleasant,, and en-I joyable one. At 3.15 the party embarked by "Pnincess Victoriae and the retura trip for the Easternens was begun. At Vanicouver a couple of hours weas alh.owed for a farewell wojrd, with fnieads and oun raih-way jouraey was «res-med in the samie train but this t ime oven the Caniadrian Pacifiec Rail- way. Soon the cl singsadeg of night feil and the weary- travellers found repose mnh theLrn bert -hs as t'ho train Sped abong at a good rate. The morning f*oundl us weil on Our JonUrnety and again ax7nong the mount- ains. An Observation Car- was at- tached an-d many found it a pleasaut1 ~t&~~ra 1 Bo w River Bridge and Cascade Mountain, Banff. ONCE A CUSTO MER ALWAYS A CUSTOMER, It is in the Grocery Business as iri ail other fines, of trade SERVICE COUNTS The number of ouý custorners is increasing and- there are reasons for it. Fresh, Goeds, Rapid Turn-over Quick Delivery, Right Prices, Courteous Treatment These are a few of the reasons why our trade is increasing. If you once tracie with me you wiil be- corne a; regular custorner., Rernember in, addition, to the regular lime of groceries we carry ail uines of green groceries and fruits, both foreigu and do-. mestic, fresh at ail times., HJARRY PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE, ~ eo~ MAKING MEN In l Physique, Mind and Character Thi<s is what we are doinýg along te bro.Ad Unes of education and eraining at ALZERT COLLEGE 3 EUÎ V Eý e l e v i l e , O n t a r o This residentîal Geol sahse 4 rears ago., preparles yoUnz Inen and women fo)r Xniversïty, -Ministry. echn or Commercial eareers. Courses iu music, ekavreomiioa, tPhy.4-c-a! uture aud artSegen-sore athltlc f)led. 8poxtg eaouraged. SCHOOL P R-OPRNS SEPT. U4TII For euiendar, write ta>-, Rer. E. N. Baker, M-., D.D., ?tincpaI, RIleipiIe, ntaie. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 2Ist., 1921. WEEKLY' EDITORS' EXCURSION'place to enjoy the fresh mountain air, view the lofty peaks and lovely SIJCESFU MUICPUPLSVictoria ta, Banff. lakes and rivers with whîch this part ________MUIC_ UIL of Canada is so abundantly blessed. Pupls f Mss ele R.Marin: The visit of the newspaper men of One ofthe most interesting points Pupis ofMis Heln R Marin:Canada and their ladies to Vancouver, in the scene of the for mer Rogers pass Inter Singingý-Irma Salter, Hamp- -Canada's Pacific Gateway-the where the station and station-master, ton, honors. royal reception given them, the very Mr aorndwfadfmiy ee Junior-Helen Yellowlees, honors, generous hosptality extended to swept out of existence by a snow Marjorie Bounsaîl, honors, Edna _them by the people, the wonderful slîde., The monument in Bownian- Fletcher honors.1 scenery, the fiowers and magnifi- ville Cemetery bears the inscription Primary-llelen Bottreli, honors. cent drives will flot soon be forgotten of this fatal tragedy. by the visitors. TeCnagttne-h ag However, the best of friends mnust TeCnagttne-h ag The following pupils of Miss Alma part and the progran of the trip edt isgin 116 I enre ine masurpes- M. Courtice have passed easa resumed, 'so on Saturday morning, e n11.Iscnr iemaue Jue xth ary ssmle a te26,400 feet froni portai to portai in Toronto Conservatory of Music:. Dock nd1,th artya m edakenlength 'and ,does away wi-th A. T. C. M. ýGrade-Miss Gwen- the "Princess Charlotte for a tn some of these dangerous places. It dolyn Williams. ars tegt o eriat itr-p took our train exactly fifteen min- Junior Grade Piano-Miss Hazel ia, the Capital of B. C., and the utes to pass thru this wonderful Rundle, honors, Miss Eleanor Boyce, largest city on Vancouver Island with piece of engineering which cost five Miss Aileen Howard, a population of about 65,000. The and one haif millions. The tunnel] Primary Grade-Miss Lenore trip occupied about five hours and lwr h lvto ftefre Quick lst, class honors, Miss Lucy wvas one of the pleasantest short ont-mieroute 552fee and isees the McMurtry honors, Miss, Jan'ey Mason îngs of the excursion. There was lest of snt heds nnd4 redes th honors. plenty of room to mingle and abund-lethotelie4 ies Introductory Grade-Mis Phli ance of scenery to make the day a Brief stops were made at Sicomous Cleenc hoors Mis sael McMur charming one for ail. Junction Beavermouth and Golden, try honors, Miss Victoria Turner hon- The whole party was comfortably until F'ield was reached at evening ors. located in the Empress Hotel, a where the night kvas spent. Ia con- building of stately architecture, hos- versation with a lady there she saîd no pitable spirit and social warmth. It one bu t railway officials live here BOWLING AT PORT PERRY is situated near the' dock and the and the mountains which the visitor beautiful grounds surrounding ' it admires so much, becomes very mon- The first open tournament of the makes a fine impression on tiiýe visitor otous to those living here and that Port Perry Bowling Association will as hie cees it for the first time. w i an occasional trip to the Coast has be beld on Wednesday, July 27th. the westermost of the chain of Can- to be made once or twice a year in1 There will be two events: Prnimary- adian Pacific hotels that spans Can- order to endure the sight. The town Trophy hy S. Jeffrey.' Second event, ada from coast to coast andofest boasts of one store, three churches -Port Perry Cup. Also suitable the traveller the highest standafrdtof ad a Y. M. C. A. At the latter prîzes for winnens of each event-and hotel service. place the party had a real old-time the runners up. Draw at 10 a .m., At 7 p. m. a fleet of automobiles celebration, the people of the town July 27th. took the party on the Beachi drive1 of joining beartily la the xnirth. Any- about sevený or eîght miles to v1e thing that causes the visitôts to the Dominion Goverament Obser--spndta flye houryerei wlomd ORONO 'vatory, situated at the top of Little adtooyejyd Saanich Mountain. This splendid Next mornbng a short rua brouglit1 The pupils of Mrs. (Dr.) Colville, monument of' scientific - achievement us to "The Great Divide" the back-i Orono, made a fine record at the re- is8u'der the direction of Dr. J. S. bone of the Contintent is reached andi cent local dentre exami . tions of Plasett wo gave the visitors a peep a little later Lake Louise, one of the1 Music' held la Bowman11. The at the moon and explained some of prettiest spots la Canada. An eh- marks for the tbree candidates for the merits of tbe telescope wbich bas ectric railway service is now avail- the Elementary Piano were awarded a 72 inch reflector and is the second able from the station to the ChaletE as f ollows: Loreen Lorniman (hon- largest in thie world. This great where rooms were sot apart for the ors> 75 marks; Gladys Cobbledick instrument is worked merely by the use of the Press Party and soon the (honora) 78 marks; Helen Powers pressure of electnic buttons.______________ (first class bonors) 80 marks. The drive back to the city was a most pleasant one and the whole par- OBITUARY ty arnived safely at The Empress r~' about 10 p. m., where those wbo de- Mrs.WiliamMcCllouh, oe-nt0sîred enjoyed a jolly tîzne dancing in b Mrs. William McCullough, 190. Next morning the autos and tour-'N$"1 Grenadier Road, Toronto, whÏo pssd ng cars took the whole party over away on Saturday evening, jilye9 the Malahat Drive and the visit to aras'in ber sixty-fourth year, and was the famous Butchant Gardens was'one g. bora at Bond Head, Newcastle. Uer long to be nemembered. These ~~' parents were tbe late Charles and gardens are the property of Mr. and \s;. d Sarah Downing, who came to Can- Mrs, R. P. Butcbart wbo lef Owen ' . ada from Bradeord, Yorkshirre Sound about sixteen years ago to try Decasçllasurivdliylie hsbndtheir fortune in the West. Mr., But- fveso, four daughters, thre r ---rt-ocae-a gypsuin deposit near bbers and two sisters. The daugbters Victoria and erected cement works. are Misses iMildned, Jessie and Win- Fortune smiled on thisman and as nifred and Mns. Cameron of Toronto; the cement works grew, greater and the sons, W. Norman, A. Frank, and greater became his fortune. As the Hlerbert A., at home, and Arthur F. rock was quarried and crusbed into and George E., resident la Saskat- powden great ugly excavations were cbewan. The tbree brothers are made here and there la the heavily Thomas Downing, Toronto; Charles wooded country on the Coast near Downing Craig, Sask., and George Butchart Inlet. But Mr. aad Mrs. But- Downing, Pickering, and the sîsters, chant had an eye for the beautîful Mlrs. John Duan, Pickering, and Mrs. as well as for cemeat-making and - S. J. Bowman, Hamilton. The funer- soon they beean la a small way to al took place Tuesday, Rev, Canon transform the landscape into dreams Skey ofllciating. of floral beauty. A beautiful bung- _____________alow was buîlt in a nook ia the f or- est sunrounded by gardens of the MASONIC most beautiful fiowers, winding paths, nustic arbors çovened wîth wisteria la! BowmanvilIe Masonic Choir Join differeat colons, a pnetty lake, brok Officers and Members of Orono of waten, etc, etc., words £ail to des- Lodge at Divine Service at cibe the beauty of it ail. Pontypool. The party were allowed to visit this la ompiane ithreqest oflovely spot, abso to wander and ad- members were scattered seeing thisý delightful spot. Some took ponies, to view the beauties of Lake Agnes stili highe*, in the clouds, others walked to'the glacier, others enjoy- ed a sail on the lake while others wandered around the grounds and1 vîewed the scenery and loveliness of1 it ail. In last two issues of paper there were illustrations of this charm- ing pleasure ground which wîll give our readers some idea of the scenery' to be found here in our own Domin- ion. To give our readers an idea of the weather that day we might say we ha4 beautiful, aunshine, shower of rajnanad snow and as we enjoyed our 1uncheon just outside of the mag- nificent dîning-room wiadow, lay a heap of saow. Just the same the atmosphere here 'is delightful and we are not surprised that so many go here for a holiday. No more ideal spot could be found in the world and the C. P. R. leave nothing undone for the tourist's pleasure. . The party reached Banff where the Canadian National Park and Hlot Springs is situated. The same even- ing many set out at once to enjoy the beauties of the town. Next morn- ing the party was taken in charge by the Brewster Auto Company and vis its were taken to sec the Buffalo and other mountain animais kept in the park. A visitý to lake Minnewanka the Suiphur Spring, the Hotel where the swimming bath was visited'and enjoyed by miaay, luncheon at the holtel and a walk around the grounds viewing the beauties cd river and mountain ends another delightful vis- it in the journey. 1To give our readers au, idea of the size and service wvhich, the Baniff Hotel can supply, we may say it- has a kitchen service capable cf supply. îng 600 meals at one time. The bathing facilities are also wonderful. Sport of all kinds may be enjoyed qnd guides are provided to show strang- ers the best of everything. E. E'_ H. (To be continued.) Big Do In Furni'ture Prices We used to sel thîs Sbeautiful Simmons Brass Bed for $44.75 ï Now we are seflng them for only $p'30.00m Trhis is just one instance of the big drop'we have made in furniture prices. Corne in and look- around. WILLIAMS&CN Furniture Dealers Funeral Directors Phone 58 or'159 Bowrnanville You Can Afford It Now Are you among those who' have been waiting for prices to drop be- f ore putting in that bath roorn outfit? The wel- corne at 1:ast and we are now in a position to instal a modern and up-to-date bath room equipment at very attractive prices. Don't wait any longer-get an estimate from US. Greenawa-y & Elliott, Consulting Engineers Bowmanville Phone 18 day or nîght Bowmanville, APPLE BARRELS AND FRUIT CONTAINERS Our cooperage is now running fuiblast turn- ing out apple barrels. Growers woulld do well to lay in what they rnay require. FIRST CLASS STOCK AND PRICES RIGHT We are Canadian agents for the largest bas- ket manufacturers in Arnerica. BUSH e ASKETS AND COVERS Special quotations in car lots, delivered, or frorn our warehouse in town in any quantities. QUICK&nHOLGAT P-hone 19 Yeu annt EY cw i, éto manvilleo f/PI Newrnoy Goks -4ttaAae, rel.ableq'41iating Bu o n 'ewEyea ined on. 8 Id lu thee d Dut yon COf Proniole ag eýe of strength-. ,$i tita, BelthyondiNo. 2, $3; No. 3, el per box. Us auleeRmd , Sold by ail druggist,,or sent Night auqkýj"idMnina. jepaid on receipt of price, 7ov7S~eau, Clear and Heaithy. Fe pamphlet. Address: Eeepzeyca- Pck T41 C 1COO D IV E-co. B)eauty & ervice are mot always found in perfect combination, but when you use BEAVER VULCANITE ROOFING you have a combination that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as to service. We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Cali and see this material before you cover your new building-or renew1 your old roof We have a full lime of other Building Material at'prices considerably lower than last season Fresh Stock of Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal ready for delive7 at Summer Prices. McCI.eIlan &l ompany Limâted king Street East I uxa eliarinnl_- .-à- - 1 Bowmanvî1le

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