EXTRA SPECIA THIS WEEK SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 28c per lb. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225 bouse 272 Bowmainville BUY YOUR GROCERIES HIERE Very best Prunes, lb ................................. Extra good Prunes, lb ...............................15C Good Prunes, 4 lbs ..................................25c Finest quality Bulk Dates, 2 lbs ...............25c Bulk Seedless Raisins, per lb .................32c Best Rice, 3 lbs. for ................................25c Corn Starch, 2 lbs. f or ................... ....25c Salmon, small, 3 for ...............................25e Salmon, tall, 2 for ...... ........ ....5 Salmon, tali, real good ..............................19c Maple Leaf Salmon, extra quality ........... SPECIALS IN BULK TEA New Black Tea, 3 lbs. for .........................$1.00 Very Speciail ,Black Ceylon Tea lb ...........40C Extra Special, Black Tea, lb .................60c, Fine Green Tea, lb ....................1..............60c BERRY BOXES, CRATES, ALSO 6 AND il QUART BASKETS ON HAND Grocer MILES KNOWLES Phone 36 Bowmanvîlle BOWMANVILLE, JULY 2lst., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. T. Bassinger and family re- cently visited relatives in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Snowden, Osh- awa, are enjoying holidays at Co- bourg. Mrs. Bertha Berry and son Frankie was visiting 'her sister-în-law in Guelph. Mr. W. Claude Ives attended the Wednesday sessions of the Shoe Re- tailers' convention in Toronto. Mr. Frank Brittain, formerly-Man- ager of Bell Telephone Co. at Osh- awa, has been transferred, to St. Catharine s.; Men's made-to-order suits $25 at jCoucli. JohDn"ton & Crydermor's. MVr. Robt. J. Towne, D. D. G. M., with his degree team were, in Co- bourg July i lth installing officers of the 1. 0. O. F. Mr. Charles Irish and' sister Miss Gertrude Irish, accompanied by Miss MataHicks of Chicago, motored down from the city and spent. the Iweek-end with their aunt, Mrs. M. Ilfolland, Last week's Cobourg papers con- tained the resuits of the recent En- rtrance Examinations in that town. T-Iow is it the Bowmanville resuits are always later in being announced than other towns? A fine showing of Ladies' Suits and Coats is being show-n this week at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mrs. J. W. Jewell and daughter Mary, Buffalo,.N. Y., have been visit- ing her aunt, Miss Emma McClellan and other relatives here. fier father, Mr. Robert Fielding, return- ed home with her for a visit. Mr. Fred R. Foley was in Toronto last week attending the annual con- vention, Qf thb, National Shoe Re- tiaileèrs' Association of Canada. From there Mr. Foley went on to Port Huron, Mich., to visit relatives. Mrs. J. T. Nunniof Coîborne, an- nounces the engagement of ber only daughter, Florence Mabel, to Arthur George Cracknell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cracknell of Lake- port, the marriage to take place in July. flouse Furnishings-scrims, nets, chintz, linoleums,, special to-day at Couch,, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Shearer of Toronto, accompanied by their nep- heýw wee Dan are spending their vaca- tion in town guests of theïr mother, Mrs. M. fiolland. Mr. Shearer is Iconvalescing from a serions operation performed at Toronto General fios- pital three weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beacock and daughte(rs visited friends at Netleton. Mr. and Mrs. fi. N. Morrison and daughters Glory and Ray of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N, Tamblyn,' Mr. Leggett and Miss Brown, Wood- bridge, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams. Grand display of housecleaning helps-scrîms, nets, madras, chintz, linoleums, etc., at Coucb, Johniston & Cryderman 's. 1Long Standing Asthma. Many have sufered so long from asthma and have tried so maay so-called remedies they think that there is no real belp Ifor them. They should read the Iletters received by the manufactufrçrs Iof Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy Ifrom cases once as desperate as their own. Even in long-neglected cases this preparation brings prompt heJp, Miss Audrey Werry, Oshawa, is' visiting Miss Margaret Abraham,- Bal- my Beach,-Toroato. Mr. Milton Tamblyn, Tor~onto, isi visiting bis parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Tamblyn, King-st. East, Osh-1 awa. The Statesman bas received a copyÀ of a large picture of tbe Twin Cities of Port Artbur and Fort William as issued by the Canadian National Rail- ways. This Hiead of the Great Lakes picture illustrates in a striking formi the wonderful activities of that part, showing some ,tbirty elevators witb a storage capacity of over fifty- six million busbels. Any of our readers may see this picture at The Statesinan office at any time. We understand fromn Mr. W. L. Creigbtona of the C. N. IZ. that it is boped to make a distribution of this picture througb the scbools in Canada so that1 teachers and scholars will have an op- portunity of learning of this great National industry. The Oul for the.Farmer-A bottie of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the farmn bouse will save many a journey for tbe doctor. It is niot only good f oe' the children when taken 'witb colds and croup, and for the mature who sufer fromn pains and aches, but there are directions for its uee on sick cattie. There sbould always be a bottle of it in the house. MOTORBUS AND TOURING CAR TO HIRE Parties wisbing a éomfortable rid- îng.,motor bus, with seating capacity for 20 persons or 7-passenger Me- Laughlin Tour Car, phone your order to Luke, Boys & Crydermaan'a Gar- age. Special attention to picnics, trips to lake, ball teams, etc. Art Cole, Pr-oprietor. Phones: During day 188w; after 6 p. m. l83r23. 23-t FLOWVTTJERiS and P L ANTSa FO R ALL 'OCCA'ISiONSz- We specialize in wedding aad funeral designs. All orders given prompte at- tention. PIANOS & PHONOGRAPHS DOMINION PIANOS AND~ MITCHELL PHONOGRAPHS, \ARE THE STANDARD for QUALITY SOLD ON EASY TERMS F. J. MITCHELL NEWCASTLE Mr. J. Frank Osbo6rre lost a valu- able horse recently. Miss Gladys Bradley is bolidaying among the Thousand Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Gengel of Hamilton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Colwill. Masters Emerson Fisher and Irwin Colwill recently vigited Masters Dean and Rogs Irwin. Newcastle W. M. S. recently sent a donation of provisions and fruit to Wbîtby Fresh Air Home. Undoubtedly the finest display of voiles ever showp, is now on sale at Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman'.. Mrs. J. R. Fisher received word of tbe death of her nephew, Mr. John Stover of Brantford, as a result of the beat. Mr, and Mrs. George Honey and daugbter Ruth, recently attended.the wedding of her sister Miss Campbell of Toronto, Master Gordon Ketchum has pass- ed witb bonors bis Elementary exam. in piano. fie is a pupil of Mrs. Eleanor J. Bale. Rev. A. K. Edmison, B. A., Orono, conducted anniversary services' in tbe Metbodist Churcb Sunday. Pic- nic at the lake July 2tb., Cornis disappear wben treated wîtb fioll6wýty's Cq'rn Removeir without leaving a scar. Bowmanvile PIANOS & PIHONOGRAPHS Weathertight, You wifi find that the Vul- "ante Hexagon Slab Shingle makes an absolutely weatlher- tiglit roof. rt will easily resist the hardest rains or the most driving snows. It wiil keep y'our home dry and snug ail of the time. For it is always double thiek over the entire roof. And then you will find that thisexclusive Vuleanite shingle will make an attractive, fire- resiting and durable roof, too., Made from totigh fibrous feit saturated with asphaît and surfaced with crushed slate it wil give Iffelong roof servime Se. McCLELLAN King St. E. Bowmarv-.le, Telephone 105 Be Prepared for the Bad Soeson No one knows better than the Farmer how uncertain Seasons are. Crops may be good for a series of years, but the lean year is sure to corne, Prepare for, the bad season by depositing ini a Savings Account a portion of the profits of eacb good season. The, Royal Bank of Canada R. F. Aitchison Manager -------------