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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1921, p. 5

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]BOWMANVIL-LE, JULY 2lst., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mme. Cenger, Toronto, is visiting Mvrs. J. M. Brimacombe. Rev. and Mme. S. C. Moore and famnily are holidaying at Bancroft. 1Mm. E. R. Thureton le holidlaying la Buffalo, N. Y., and Cleveland, Ohio. Mm. and Mm. R. W. Bell, Oshawa, spent the week-end at Mm. Alex. Elliot'e. Mm. Elmer Reddon, Toronto, spent the week-end with M. D,.Coleman Warnica. 1Mme. W, S. Camemon, Winnipeg, Man., le visîting hem father, Mr. Rd. Hamblyn. Mme. Chas. Brock, Toronto, was, recent gueet of hem sister, Mme. Ful- ler Cator. Miss Ethel Oke and Mise Allie L. Bragg have been visitlng elatives' in Oshawa. Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Chnpmîani, Peter- bore, is vieting hem mother, Mme. Levi Morris. Miss virginia McCulieugh, Tom- onto, le guest of Misses Lola and Enid Souch.1 Mm. F.ý J. Washington,\ Weyburn, Sask., is visiting hie brother, Rev. W. C. Washington. Mies Wînnie B. Morris is holiday- ingz with'friends at "Old Orchard" oni Lake Simcoe. Mm. and Mme. J. K. Stoutt, Toronto, spent Sunday with hem parents, Mr. and Mme. C. N. Ruse. Miss Lillian Bounsall has returned froni an enjoyable vacation in Brant- ford and Niagara Falls, Mies Jessie flock has etumrned te, Toronto aftem a pleusant visit with, hem lunt, Mm. Fuller Cator. Miss Lenora Penrose, Toronto, spent the weekend wth M,an Mrs. G. N. Thumston, Beach-ave. :Mise Mymtle E. Pethick cf Toronto, je holidaying with her cousins, M. and Mm. H. Challis, Liberty-st. M. and Mrs. W. J. MçLaughlin, Miss Kincade, Oshawa, were ecent gueste of M. and Mm. W. B. Pincli. Mtiss Hazel Wery, Tyrone, bas been visiting hem cousin, Mms. W. J. S. Rundle and ttending Chautauqua. Mise Greta 13elman a recent gradu- ate 'of the' Wellesley Hospital, Tom- ente, has been holidaying at home. Mm. and Mms. Jack Dale and Master Leiglten, Toronto, are visiting Mi. and Mm. Wm. McReynolds, Scugog- t. 1Mrs. Caroline Curtis of Tonasket, Washington, le visiting hem brother, M. John-Gigg and other relatives heme. Misses Rhea and Evelyn Sheridan, Nlapanee, are vsiting their gand- parente, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tenouth. Mme. E. Northcote, Toronto, and Mme., Wmý. Oke, Whitby, were ecent gueste of their cousins, M. and Mrs. Sherwood Rundie. Mms. Audrey L. Brown and daugit- ers, Ruth and Constance, Brampton, are visiting hem parents, M. and Ms Johif Poster, Churcli-et. Mme. H. D. Talbot and son, Edmon- ton, Alta., who are visiing lier sîster Mme. C. N. Ruse, are visiting relatives in Brighiton thus week. Mr. John and Mise Eva Helyar. M, Norman Williams and Miss Cripps cf Toronto, epent the week- end at Victoria Beach, Coîborne. Mm. and Mrs. R. H. Frice, Toronto, weme week-end gueste et Mm. Alpha Pinch's, Liberty 'Place. Mme. Pincli eturned to the city with them. Mies Hazel VanDyke, Oshawa, and Misses Pearl and Rhea Coskem, Tom- ente, areà holidaying with relatives la Rochester, N. Y., and Boston, Mass. Mm. William Woods, Winnipeg, Man., formiemly Grand Trunk Rail- way Agent heme, is visiting-oid friends Who are gad te see him ookinig se, weil. M. and Mm. J. A. Fry, Moumouth- shire,' Wales, are vîsiting their daughters, Mrs. A. J. Jones and Mme. G - R. Meadows and son, M. J. A. Fry, Jr. Mrs. (Capt.) J. B. Neale's eputa- tien as a vocalist lias extended be- yond the bounde cf Durhiam. She sang Sunday evening at the Chautau- qua in,~ Oshawa. D. G. C. Bonnycastie will be ah- ý1t from is office from Monday, 1iSth until Monday, Augut 1. fluring that turne the office will be open for making appointisents or neceesamy repaire. "2- Mr.h and Mme. Howard Challi s and lîttie dauglter Marion, accompaniedj by their cousin, Miss Pethick of Tom- Richarde, King-st on Friday after- neon at 3 p. ma., Refreshmehnte wiii be seeved and a good time expected. Mm. Alfred Peate, Mme, Wurm and daugliter Marlon of Baltimore, Md., are viiting hieslinother, Mm, Frank, Pente, Orono, and sister Mmes. H. DarciPh ee, and theyrerla-ý tives and friende qvound Bowman-ý ville. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Our 3-columin Chaiutauqua'report will appear in next issue. Miss Viola Gilfillan, M. A., Repley, is holidaying at home. Mr. Robt. Beith, jr., Ottawa, is re- newing acquaintances in towii. Miss Helena Hayes, Newcaàitle, hias been visiting Mrs. Wm-i.,Hamrîs. Miss Mary Rowe ie visiting lier brother, Mr. Lewis Rowe, Guelph. Miss L. Guthmie, Toronto, le visit- ing hier siter, Mms. G. N. Thurston. Lawn Social at Enniskillen next Wednesday. Football and progrmi. Master Kenneth Graham is spend.- ing his vacation with relatives at Ray- don. M. Il. G. Th'urstom, T oronto, is spending hie vacation wîth, bis par- ents. Mm. F. H.. Morrisj,Motreal, is visit- ig bis parents, Mr. and Mms. J. H. Morris. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Jackman are visiting hem sister, Mms. Len Jillard, Toronto. Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Toronto, were week-end guests at Mm. W. B. Couch's. Miss Eva fXarch, Providence, is visiting hiem sisters, Allie and Theresa Damch, Toronto. M. and Mrs. Walter R. Hill, Chi- cago, 1Ii., are visiting lis mother, Mms. S. F. Hll and other relatives. M ayor Henry Rehder, Reeve Isaac Stewart, Councillors Wm. Thompson and Wilson and M. McFarlanie of Mc- Farlane Engineering Co., Pari1s, were in town recently and made an in- spection of Bowmanville Hospital. They were guests of Mr. C. Rehder._ M'ms. James A. Phillips, with sons Waltem -Thomson and John Hickman, who lias been visiting hem parents, M. and Mrs. M. A. James and nura- erous, relatives in Canada returned to New York this week, having great- ly enjoyed meeting old sehool mates and other friende of gilhood days. Misses Ethel L. and Marion M. VanNest, Toronto, visited theim aunt, Mrs. M. A. James, this week. Miss Maion leamned after leaving the city that she heads the liet of successful candidates in the Senior Siglt Sing- ing examinations of Toronto -Con- servatomy- of Music in June. They are now viiting their sister, Mms. N." E. Wright, Solina. HAMPTON ANNIVERSARY Another very successful annîver- sary of the Hampton Sabbath School, was held onu Sunday, June 26 and July lst. The heat was intense but this did flot apparently interfere with' the attendance at the Sunday ser.- vices 'for large congregations greet-ý ed Mr. M. A. Solrsoleil, B. A., Tom- onto, who delighted bis audiences as usual at 'both services. In the morning lis addmess-was directed es- pecially te the chldren, and the even- ing discourse was a manly address on "The Man and the Church"-full of' helpful suggestions. The singing as usual under direction of Mr, T. Sait- er, as leader, and Miss N. Homn as pianist, deserves special mention, and reflected mucli credit on ail those taking part. July lst was a beautîful day and hundreds of people wended their way again to Hampton te enjoy the day's pmogam. Duing the afternoon two lively games cf football were played -marmied men vs single men-score 2-1 in fiâvor cf married men. This wns followed by a lively game be- tween Brooklin and Solina teams e- sulth'ng in 1-O favar cf Brookla. The tea on the churcli lawn was pronounced by vemy many te bie the best yet. Abundance of eveything was provided by the ladies who weme untiring in their efforts te serve well. I At S p. m. a vemy higli clase concert was given by the following atists: M. Cee. E. Morley, B. A., Toronto, Professional Elocutionist, and Dom- othy Allan Parks, Soprano Soloiet cf St. Andrews Churcli, Peterboro. This was a concert which was great- ly enjoyed by ail, heth artists p rov- ing theinselves to be very capable en- tertainers and delighting the large audience in every number. M. Morley lias a pleasing voice and was liberal in lis selections both humor- ous and dramatic. Mme. Park, pes- sesses a beautîful mezzo soprano voice, lias perfect control, and hiem enunciation is excellent.' She cap- tured hem audience in almost every, number and was encomed time andl again. Special mention mîght be made of these numbers-"I hear you calling me", "Tommy Lad", Mardi cf the Camemon Men", and that old fav- orite, "Carry me back to old Virgin-j r BIRTHSHELP WANTED TICHE-In BwavHleIospital, July HELP WANTED-Neat appearing x lu-T, Dr. and Mme,. F. TP. Tigbe, a dau- Young man witb guod connection wblo ca-n gbter.. moot the public. Apply at Statesman OVENS-In Toron to, Juiy 13, to M.! office. 29-1 and Mme. J. R. Ovene (nee Winnjle Brit- Brigbit'girls to leara knitting previons tain),,a son, John Gordon. eperience nul necessary, good worklng ______________________________ iconditionýs. This is an upportunity to iearn a lgbl clase occupation paying good MARRIAGES wagee. Apffly Thomson Knitting Co, Ltd., tempijomary Office, King-st., W., wPiGHTr-MeCULLOUGH - At the, Bowmanville. 29-t Manse, Oruno, by Rev. J. W. Ras, July' WANTED-Hand Comipositom-men or 9tb, Miss Cura May McCullougb and womon-by Non-Union plant, 48 boums Edwin Abert Wright ut Entemprise, $60. Praec fpsto urn ClakoToneipteed to satistactory workems. \V, oper- RtOSS--OTERTOG-At 464 Indien Rd. ate Mutual'Sick BnftLife Insurance, Toronto, on July 16, by Rev J. E. Reid, Dividendis, Vacatfons and other co-oper- Doris Josephine, youngeâ~ daugbter uf ative advantagesý not found in Union Mr. and Mms. 'Joseph Ostertog cf Clark- sbops. Apply, Business Systemas Ltd., sons, and Mm. Clarence Thomajýs Rose, 32 Spadina Avenue Toronto, 29-2, Bowmianville, son ut Mm. and Mme. Thos. W. Ross, Wbitby, Ontario. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED FICE-TRIMBLE-In Bowmanville on Tuesday, July 19, by Rev. W. C. Wash- We will shortly requime board and. ington, M. A., Mm. Wesley E. Fice East room tom a number of our mnals and Wbitby, and Mise Ida Isabel Trimble female omployees coming froin Toronto. daugbter ut John H.' Trimble, Buwinan' Citizens Wiebing good desiraible permnan- ville, entiboarders please adviee- Thomson DEATHS- POLLARD-In Eowmahville on We7fd. nesda, July 20, Samnuel Follard, Regis- trar for West Durham, aged 76 years. Funeral from bis late residence, Wel- lingtfon-st., on Friday, JUly 22 at 2 p. m. to Bowmanville Cemetery. B EATTY-In Newtonville, July 15, Miss Margaret Beatty. HOULDEN-In Oshawa, July 11, John Houlden, in bis 68 th year. DOUGLAS-I Cobourg, July lîth, David Douglas aged 80 years. HARLE-At Myrtie, July 6, ýRebecca Pound , widOw of the late Chas. Hartie. STAPLES-At the home of ber daught- er, Mrs. D. S. Haig, Cobourg, July 11, Jane MeKague, wido* of the late John H. Staples, aged 82 yars., CLEMES-Suddenly, at the residence ef Mr. Walter H. Clemes, 123 Souu Drive, Tooto il 14 A- Pfl~, WIUW 0-1E St. W. Bowmanvill. 29-t LOST BROOCH LOST-At Chautauqqa tent or on street, gold bar brooch witb 235th 1Battalion crest thereon. Liberal re- ward awaits finder. Cali at Ststesman Office. i 29-t 'TO LËET, WANTED TO RENT-By young couple, sinali bouse with modern conveniences. Apply Statesman Office.' 26 t SHOUE S TO RENT-Brick res9idence. containing 10 rooms, witb al] nioderýn'con- veniences, cornerElgin and C oncession- ste. Also frame bouse on Conýess3ion-st., cuntaining 7 rooms with modern conven- ience-s. Apply to Miss Eva Burk, Elgin- st., Bowmanville, pbone 42. 29-tf 19ate Major John Pope Clemes, Port Hope, ARTICLES FOR SALE Interred ýat Port Hope. FRSL uuiyc tnigHy apply to J. K. Valleaui, RwEvh THRESHER SUPPL IES phone 311. "9-1%, COW FOR SALE-Hîigb i 4rae ol- Suction Flose 21/4 inch at Sixty Cents stein Cow, caif a' fout. Ap\jply J. L. per inch; aiso tbresber Belting. N. Johns, Hampton. 29-1w* Smnith, 138 York St., Turonto. 29-2 FOR SALE-C(rrreamSeparator. new. ~~~ ~wil seIl at a bagi. ofrther use PkOPRT'YFOR ALE for sarie. Apply Cifford Caverly, Con- PKPETY FO SLE cession-. wanil.28-t HOUSE FOR SALE-Centraliy located, FOR SALE-Tbiree yonng registered opposite, Metbodist Cburcb, 7-roomed Yorksbire B>rood euws, one with 10 pige, bouse, id good repair, all modern con- also one registered Buar. Apply Reg. veniences. Will seli at sacriice. Apply Jones, Phune 42 fluBwmanville. 28- owner, W. P. Orydermnan, Box 335, Bow- FOR SA1,E-An11 Excelsior Motor Cycle, manville. 27-t firet dass condition, will seli cheap. FOR SALE-QO acres, ½h mil e nortb Hae nu fur-,tber use for it. Apply to uf Burketon Junction, trame bouse and' ei Gatcheil, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. 27-tf barn, good stabling, bard and eft water, McLAUGHLIN SURREY FOR SALE-' plow possession after h4rveet. For. Blue Clotb trimmings with side curtains, terms and particulare apply to Chas M. pols and shafts newy varnished and ln Dean, Burketun Junction.,,3 9ý3s the pink uf condition. Âppy to Wm. FOR SALE-To close an estate: Hous, Chala, Manvers Rd, Bowmanvllle. 23-tf Stable and 1/4 acre lot ln Bowmanvile on F OR SALE-i building 20 x 16 ft, con- the nortb-west corner of Church, and' taining aIl material neceseary to build Division Streets opposite the Metbodisti garage, kitchen or anytbing else in that Cburch. iFor particu]ars apply to John; Une. Persuns desiring saine can get a Lyle, Town Hall, Bowmnanville. Ontario enap at C. Bagnell's, Ring-st., Bowmian- il-tl ville. 29-2w Specials This e Week- SWEET PICKLED ROLLED BACON By Piece,,reg. 35e lb for ..... .................. 28c PORK & BEANS 2 large tins for ......................................25c 3 tins for ................................................ 25c Don't forget we have the largest variety of Cooked Meats in town. One door east of F'. F. Morris Co. M m e_________________21______ SUM ERFURNH URE FOR OUT QR To get the greatest enjoyment frorn outdoor if e you ~you must have comfortable furniture. You get solid ýcomfort when you buy furniture here. We are now sell- ing Verandah Cliairs, Hamrnmocks, Baby llammocks, Hickory Chairs and Tables. We specialize in camping goods-CaImp Stools, Cots, Mattresses, etc. FF.MOR NRIrS CO. ( m Furniture Dealers Bo'w & Funeral Directors q Chairs, vmanvîle id Orono PARISIAN TAILOR Maker (,,f high grade TAILORED CGARMENTS at Lowest Prices See our latest styles Phone 333 L. COWELL Horsey Block Bowmanville INSURANCE, Ail lines of: FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PUARTE LAS$, PLARTE E GLASS. AUTOMOBILE, covering" against fire, 'lightning, theft, property damage, injuries to the public, collision; insure'against the carelessness of th e .1 driver of the car you are meeting. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli H11 Phone 189- Agent Bowmanville STRAYEDFAMT EN STrRAYED-Year Ild eer white, 174 acres. One anid one-hait miIe* tayed froinlt2 onm efr East of Newcastle. Known vilas the M. or, abou't May28. Finder kindly nctîfy Donald or the Maxwell Farmn. Good 8011, irwiln R. Bragg, R. R. 4, Bowrnanville a l nder cltivUon.Good buidng Phone 1361,3 24-t Apply to W. F. Ward,Bartr, o- manville, .Ont. 2- The Shop That Leads ýThe Store That Is Awake To Y'0u Requirements SOFT COLLARS IN. LOW POPULAR SHAPES TRY A PAIR, 0F INTERWOVEN PURE SILK HOSE NOTHING ANY BETTER EVERY PAIR GUAR- ANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION PRICE $1.25 Do Noôt Leave Your Furs Too, Late To be aitered or remade, no work too small or too large for us to do. GN. THURSTON moranville;s Up-to-date Haberdashery ànd Fur Shop. Great Disposing Sale of FlIoor Coverings at Big Sacrifice In order to' dean out our entine stock of Floor Coverings duning July 1we are making great reductions which -means shrewd buyers are in for a feast of bargains. LINOLEUMS Splendid assortment of Linoleums in attractive patterns, 2 yd. and 4 yd. widths, iwhile they last at $1.10 per sq. yd. OILCLOTHS Don't fail to have a look at our Oilcloths. You are bound to find just what you/need, ahl widths, specially pniced at oniy 60c per. sq. yd. CONGOLEUM RUGS You will find a very large assortment of these beautiful Congoleum Rugs which are being disposed of at a great sacrifice. They corne in ail sizes with very neat patterns and carefully chosen, your choi ce at per cent off CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS Regular $2.25 for 85c Any child's hat in the store and you will find some nice ones, pniced as high as $2.25, very specially priced at 85C CHILDREN'S DRESSES Be sure to see these, in very neat gingham patterns, 2 to 5 yeurs, clearing at $ 5 KIDDIESI BEECH DRESSES Hear is another great value for the kiddies, in ail sizes and neat patterns at A TTRACTIVE MIDDIES 49e Well trimmed, good materials, this week only, clearing $1.50 to $3.25 KIDDIES' LISLE HOSE In'ail colons, and ail sizes, very specially priced for this week at 18e pr. SPECIAL IN GINGHAMS Three Unes from which to choose, 27 to 36 in. wide,clearing at 30c, 35e and 49c yd. Ask to see special display of Grey Chambray, 30 in. wide, \,suitable for house dresses. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to S. W. Msoc&So Opposite the Standard Bank, &ý,wmanville Phone 106 CobourgSummer I Horse Show Aug 16 to 20 Inclusive Every Day a Big One,- Agriculture Carnage, Roadsters, Saddle, Hunt- ers and Jumpers. A Flat Race and Steeple Chase Daily Excellent Music Ample Parking Space for Autos, *15,000 ln Cash and Valuable Cups 2- 1 ýý l 'l -t , "' ' ý0l

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