G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER, NORWOOD-ONT Having secured a License for Bowinanville District 1 will b. pleased to conduet your aie REASONABLE RATES- Write for date. 50-t Ch iropractic (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the, Cause of Disease without Medicine or Kuife. Chir- opractors have remarkable sue- cess mn removing the' cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthrna, Rheumatimn, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles.' Nervousness in many forma respond readily to Chiro- practic. Examination Free et Office., DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoo St. N. Oshawa Phono 224. TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PUBICO SPEAKINC $3500 will buy 8 roomed brick bouse and office attached, opposite Town Hall. -BY- $2800 wlll purchase 7 room frame bouse FRANK HOME KIRKPATRIOK on Church Street, water, sewer, electrie _____ llght apd furnace, 8-roomed brick bouse on Ontarlo-st., NO. 16 Bowmanville good lot, every convenience. EASE AND POISE' Wiil be sold reasonable for cjuick sale. (Copyrighted) $3000 will purchase 2 story brick bouse A successluî instructor in public on Concession Street, water, sewer, elect- speaking used, to urge this advice rie light, furriace, garage and every con- hs td venience. upon ri tueta: "Speak with a $7000 wll purchaze 170 acres, il con. plying this advice was novel. He Township of Clarke fine buildings, wellwodhaetesdntstonad fenced and watered, about 3 miles east of spek sipyavetentdenit silyt ow-anea Newcastle Wharf. seksml n aual oara or imaginary person, at a reasonable ..$6700 wilU purchase 116 acres parts lots conversational distance. Then he 5, con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, knowri as the Bruce Farm, weil fenced, soit dlay would have the hearer move farther boai, good buildings. Termes easy. away, and have the speaker, who $20,000 will purchase the Somers Farm, remained seated, say 1is speech1 containing 150 acres, just outside thse cor-- poration of the Town of Bowmanville, on again. He would require the repe- county road, on which are erected an 5- tition of this process until the dis-- roonxed brick house commodious out- tance between the student and the buildings, stone stabling fpr 40 head of cattle; the souis l a rtch dlay loam, well hep4rer was the same as that between fenced and watered; this ls considered the speaker and the farthest mem- one of the best farms in the co)unty. ber -of an audience in an ordinary Terms to suit the purchaser. hall or auditorium. Then he would SMcLaugblin Farts, consisting of 150 have, the studerit stand up, use the acres, joins village of Tyrone wlth three "sit-down" voice, and pasa through stores, Blaceksmfltb shop. schools, church the same proceas. The result was and grlst miii ail withln half a mlle of * farts. The souis a rlch dlay loam, there that h spoke with naturaness, ease la over three miles of tile drains. The and ceontrol. latnd la level but rolling, well fenced, h nepeaino sekwt about 8 acres of hardwood bush, and one Th neptai o sakwh acre of good cedar. Goàd farm bouse a sit-down voice" la, speak with'ease. and barris wtt stone stabling under- To secure this the teacher, sought neath. Over twenty-four hundred bush- to lead his students to establish, ae of grain tbreshed on it tht. year. 1 The iftrst tenant on tht. farm made among other conditionsý of intîmate enough money tiive years to purchase conversation, bodily relaxation and a farm for himseof. This Je one of the pose beet bargaîns In the County and muet be oie sold to wlnd up Estate. By physical ease is not implied a L. A. W'. TOLE lazy fiabbiiness or a torpid inertness., REAL ESTATE AGENT' What is meant la a body relaxed but 85-tf Bowmanville Phono 41 . awake, tranquil, but ready, reposeful The People's Choice For Over 70 Years for digestive disorders has been Beechamn'sPills.Youcanhavecon- fidence in this remedy for bilions- ness, headaches, flatulency, con- stieation. Sluggish organs are stimulated and the whole systeM beneftted by lu boxes.,odeey PILLScana"a Holiday Tim- Freedom !rom aUl aches aàâd Paine asured by Templeton's Rheuiuatic Capsules Sep them Ia your home, ake them n1 your vacation 1 For Ibheumatiram, Neuralgia, Reoadache, Train Sickness, Etc. #l.00 at your druggist's. SOLD BY JURY,& LOVELL Yeuon eot exp er usen lng when ID1ZE M A haSe'e On înetjn ReemaandSkhnAinUm ito relieres at once and grado ally heals thse skin. Sample box Di% chIase's intnt ee xl i'you mention tins paerand send 2e,.tamp or postage. 60C.a boxpa. dalrsorEdaon Bates & Co., imx'ted. ýToront. :'utoo0 tops headache 20 minutes the ok 25y4 per boc,- WOD'S PHOSPHODINE.'b The Great English PrYeparatîon. ST.ones and invlgorates the whole nervous system, osakes new Blood ; ~n old Veins. Used for Nýervous DLebility, Mental and Bt-in W1orry, Desponden ý, Loss o En , Palpitation af file Hear.t, aili 150 er. Vnie$2 r o x,3,.. for $5.e Sold by al druggists, or m'ailed i5 plain pg.on receipt of price. New pazphwt mailed -re.TE WOOD MEDICINECOORNOT BANFF RAILWAY STATION, ALBERTA flaccid. An audience is an echo, and will return to the speaker exact- ly what he gives. Poise and ease have been associ- ated in this article. The basis of bodily ense is poise, or control. May I suggest a simple and concrete meth- od of securing poise, and therefore, ease? Stand and relax every muscle' of the body. You may ask "Howcan I relax"? I can say only, "relax", "let go". But,- you may say, "1this will resuit in a careless sag, a flabby in- ertness". I agree. "Then", you ask "what am I to do"? Assert amid this muscular relaxation the "vital centre" of the body, the chest, and you will eliminate the appearance of siovenliness. "But", you ask, "how' can I'do this"? It is an easy mat- ter to secure and apply physical ex- ercises that will develop the chest. The result will be that through the assertion of a normally developed chest, amid muscular relaxation you will establish control and experience ease. May I just add this advice: When you appear before an audience, be natural. Do not try to "be natural". Just be natural,'and you will be at ease. (Next Article-"DELIBERAIIION") Executors' Notice IN THE ESTATE 0F Annie -Isa- bel Muir, late of the Town of Bow- manville, Spinster, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors'of Annie Isabel Muir, late btprepaectn. Ilor the T own of Jlowmanville,_Spin- Browning wrote: "Nor soul helpa ster, deceased, who died on or about~ fie.± more than fiesh helps soul". 'the lSth day of May, 1921, and al The sanie might just as appropriately, others having claims agairiat or, en- be said of the mind and the body. titled to share in her Estate, are here- A reposeful, tranquil, aleit mind by notified pursuant to the Statutes makes for a poîsed, relaxed, ready in that behaîf made and provided, to body, and vice versa. send by post prepaid or otherwise de- On the other hand, excessive phy- liver to the undersigned, the Ex- sical sýrain induces undue n»ntl ecutors of the Estate,on or bef ore the tension:- an excess of bodily ac- l3th day of Auguat, 1921, their tivity, a mental agitation, and the christian and surnames, addresses and reverse. descriptions, and full particulars, duly Then thee l theaudence Doverified, of their dlaims, accounts or youn r eeberthevsamunce. of intereats, and the nature of the se- ent etimenbrthyou st aed t drfv curities, if any, held by them. Im- from thine mrrr e you wt eriea mediately after the, said l3th day of fromthe irrr whn yu wee aAugust, 1921, the assets of the said child? You would smile, and the boy Deceased -will, be distributed among in thse glass would amile back at you; the parties entitled thereto, having you would pull a face at him an~ he regard only o the' daims or inter- would make a face back at you; then esta of Which the said, Executors shall you would shake your fiat at hlmi, then have had notice, anid ail others and he \would shake bis fist back at wîhl be excluded from the said distri- you.- Well,' audiences behave like bution. the refiection in the mirror, If the 1 speaker is at bis ease they will be at The Toronto General Tr~usts, Corpor- their ease; if he ia well poised, they ation, Executors, will be under his control;' if he la 83 Bay Street, Toronto. Iaboring under tension, they will be strained; if he la excessively active, Malaise, Malone & Long, they will be confused; if he fidgets, Toronto, Solicitors. they will be nervous and ýrestiesa; if Dated Juiy 6th, 1921. he la inert and fiabby, they will be 28-4 The annual -meeting of Northum-. berland and Durham Medical Associa- tion was held in Cobourg last week. Dr. B. J. Hazlewood was elected lst Vice-President,' Messrs. C. S., Morse, District Freight Agent, H. J. Humphrey, Supt. and J. Jolly, Travelling Freight Agent of the C. P. R. ýwere in Bow- manville Friday on a tour of Inspect- ion. Mr. A. L. Whitelaw of Burroughs, Adding Machine Co. believes bus~i- ness siàgnation is due mainly to psychologicnl and not economic causes. Stagnation wîll disappear if merchants and others " loosen up" and start normal flow of money.. It seemseverybody is waiting for the, other person to loosen up firat. STENOGR>APHIC AND BOOKKEEPING Comnplete commercial and genieral lmn- provement courses. Our Fall term wll commence sept. 6tli. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto and Oshawa. Insu rance 18 the most important: accessory on an auto- mobile. The owner of an automobile cannot afford to carry lis own risk. I have combined poli- cies covering legal liabil- ity for injuries to the per- son,' or for property dam- age; it also covers loss of, or damage to the automo- bile insured, through fire, theft or collision. It is the unexpecte-d that allways happens. INSURE, With 'N. E. -NEAD'S Office: Kîng St. Phone 48 (Premises forinerly occupied by late T. N. Riekard) Spiral Tunnel, iii The Rocky Mountaîns Field, B. C RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR tBOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Going East. Going West Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr 4,22 a.m. I Pass'ngr 5.23 a. ni. Express 10.35 a.im. Pass'ngr 7.06 a.m. Pass'ngr 1.14 p.m,.* Local 9.57 a.m*< Pass'ngr 3.14 p.m.* Local 1.56 p.m.*, Local 6.49 p.m* Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m. * Local 7.21 p.m.* Pass'ngr 8.16 p.m. Mail 9.58 p.m. *Daily except Sunday. 1 Flagged.1 Canadian Pacifie Railway Going East Going West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. m Express 1.50 p.m.* Local 8.20 a.m.* Local 9.16 p.m.* Express 4.40 p. m. Express 12.20 a.m. Express-6.58 p.m.* *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent.; Canadian N4ti ..a1 Ralway. West Bound East Bound *8.15, a. m. *5.04 P. m.I *Dailj7 except Sunday. Going to travel C. P. R? Then get your ticket frors C. B. Kent et Post Office. Could Not, Sloop Mr. 'Earnest Clark, Police Officer, 338 King St., Kingston, Ont., writes: "For three years I suffered from nervousness and sleep- lessness. I believe my condi- tion was brought about by overwork. I had frequent headaches, neuralgic pains and twitching of nerves and, muscles. I lad indigestion, was short of breath and easily tired. I commenced a treat- ment of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and seven boxes of this medicine relieved me of ail rny syxmptorns. I arn now-feeling one hundred per cent. better than 1 was, and have le thank Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for the good health I arn now en- joying." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, ô for $275, alI dealers, or Edmarison, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto Detroit Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains awtne Parler cars on the princip.,4 day cqrîna Fuali information from ny Gra-nd Tin iket Agent or C. E. Hwrln District Passenger Agent, Toro'to. J. H. H. JURY, Agent ABLE TO DO After Long Suffering Mrs. Peasey Reàtored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound Toronito, Ont.-" I suifered with irregular mienstruation, was weak and rua down, could %23eatndMa headaches. The worst symptoms Il sometimes, W I-'11-àý' tholught I would gocrazy and 1 seemed to be smothering. I was <la this condition Sfor tw o he years and could not seemn to 1ok tried ah kînds of medicines anud had been treated by P hysîcians but received no benefit. 1 Inclined to try Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 received the best results from ît and now I keep house and go out to work and am like a new wýoman. I have recommended ryour Vegetable Compound to my friends and if these facts will help some poor womnan ugse them es you ~leae."-rs.J. eF PRsEY, 387 Kfing St., Toropto, Ontario, If you are one of these womcn do not sufer for four or five years as Mi-s..Peasey di, but profit by Iir experienceanti bc reçtred tQ bc"t. Your Harvest Expenses H AVE YOu sufficieIit ready money with which t not you are cordiaIIy invited to discuss your posi- tion with our local Manager. Standard Service always affords practical andý help.' fui accommodation. Bowmaswille Bran Blackstock Branch THE1 STANDARD.,B1ANK Or CAN ' TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS ich: - Geo. L Hall, Manager. : . . E- A. Preston, Manager. NEILSON'S, ICE CREAM PURITY, ALWAYS PURITY The many gallons of Neilson's Ice Cream' which we selI every year only serve to make\y or nd more mindful of our standard, "Absolute Purity",' not oniy now and then but always. TAXE A BRICK HOME CHRISTIEFS BAKEb';RY The Cash & Carry Bakery Phonie 97 BowrnanVille -LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Money invested in our coal is cash conscient-, iously expended. Here you will get your money's worth of coal. H ere'you receive a full ton plus satisfactory service. John A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division Sts. l3owmanville Cream Wanted! Priées of Cream are higli. We pay GDod Prices for Good Cream, We Want Yours if we fail to cali on you we would appreciate a phone call or write us. Orono Cream ieryC, 5TWAL - 9:00 M.M. LUrxme UeCtcavîALÂs i . M Arrive CLEVELAND sZi0 . . WDeARD 'rnIB J.rrIve BUFF'ALO . 180 A. AL ýconntct!onOsSt clevelana for CedarPolot, Ptit-in-Bay, Tfoledo, Det-oft and other points. Rallronad ticket. reading between Buffalo and Clevleland are good for trans ortatioo on our steamners. ASIk zoor ticket agent or tourit agency for tickets via C & B UAne. Ne.Tounast Automobile Rate-. 110.0 Rund npwith2 dyî rtur liit, for carsnet exeeeding 127 loch wheelbaee. Beaotîfully colored oectionalDoaazle chart of The Great 5hip* EANBE'sent cms ecelpt et Ove cents. 'Aleo ask for our Z-Page Plctoal and descriptive bklet free. meacom0 e R,4a5.>À The Great ShI t -the, laagest Ia ndxt Postl5 Iwaiersoftlaeworldrlccplug M. mmfflmi ee-uýý