s a s a Far mers' Attention, GET YOUR SECTION BARS GROUND NOW AND, BE READY FOR HAYING THE REPAIR SHO? 'Temperance-st., Bowmanville. Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto IIs noted throughout Canada for BOWMANVILLE, JULY 2lst.,191 CULTIVATION 0F FLAX West Durham farmers of late years have increased fiax sowing and find it proýfitable. The Dominion De- partment of Agriculture reports that the opportunity that exists for the cultivation of fiax and the proba- bility of a ready market being found for ail that Canada can produce la suggested by the fact that the pro- duction of fiax in Russia fell from 1,151,998,320 lbs. in 1913 to 90,282,- 000 lbs. in 1920, a drop of over a bul- lion pounds. Iu vfew of this state ofifairs increased attention is be- ing given by scientists in Vhscon try to researchi regarding the growth of flax. A series of plots of, new varieties have been sowvn at Ottnwal to be harvested for fibre purposes.1 Arrangements have been made to car-1 ry on the, retting under suitable con- ditions so that the quality of the fibre may be fairly representative lu AUCTMONSALE 0F DESIRABLE RESI- DENCE AND LAND. Estate of Hugh, Greenlees,ý Deceased. 1 hav'e receîved instructions from the executor ofi the will of Hugh Greenlees, deceased, to offer for sale by public auction on the premises oni THURSDAY, AUGUST 1lth, 1921,1 at 2 p. m., that valuable residence and about 3 acres of laud, a part of lot1 5 lu the first concession of the said township of Darlington, said to con-1 tain 3.25 acres more orless. Trhe said land is situated ou the soutb side of the Kingston or Gravel Road, the south-east corner of which la distant 5 chains and 50 links from the east bo undary of said lot and bas a front- age on the Kngston Road of 5 chains AUOTIONSALE 0F VALUABLE FARM Estate of William Brown, in-- -- AUOTION__SALE 0F VALUABLE FARM Estate .of Isabella Pooley _________1 have received instructions from 1 have received instructionis fromi the executor of the -will of Isabellaý the executor of the will of William Pooley, deceased, to off er for sale by Brown, deceasedýc, to off er for sale by1 public auction, on the premises on public auction on the premrises on1 FRIDAY, ÂUGUST 12th, 1921, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST lOth, 1 921, at *2 p. mi. that most valuable farm being the north / of lot at 2 o'clock p. m., the north haîf of 6, "con. 6, in in Darliugton town- the south haif- and the south haîf ofi ship, said Vo contain 50 acres be the the north haîf of lot 14. concession 6,1 same more or less. The land is a Darlington, which is said to contain: most excellent dlay loam, and bas 100 acres, be the same more Or less. about 40 trees of choice thrifty frui trees.. 'Ail land is under cultiva- This is a fine f arm, lu excellent cul- tion. [t is situated about 1/2- mile tivation, about 11'/2 miles from Hamp- Ifrom Tyrone village, with Church and ton village, Churchies and School, on Slchool. good roads. There is said to be ai There is said to be en the lands 1 Y2a storey frame bouse 24 x 36 with an excellent frame bouse 18 x 20, additions 20 x 23 with atone founda-. with saditions 24 x' 24 andl10n x 14. I FLAOUR Ithe cliarm of' is in its unique flavour C! ricl dellcacy. > And It neyer varies. Ail grocers seli "-SaÎ4%da" in sealed mnetal packets oaly.