Vol. LXVII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVIL;LE,' ONTARIO, -JULY 28, 1921 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.3 TIIRIFT 'OPPO-RTUNITIES THIS WEATHER- DEMANDS SOMETHING COOL AND DRESSY We are now offering summer apparel at clearing prices. The real thrift opportunities make it possible for you to be well dressed at small cost VOILES, PORCH DRESSES GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE In order t'o create quick selling we are offering the balance of these very pretty dresses at great reductions. * ISPRING COATS AT HALF PRICE Every Spring.Coat 110W in the store is marked down to ex- actly haif the original'price. Select your coat now.C BIG BARGAINS IN SUITS - We have also decided to clear out the balance of the Ladies' âitst1àrgain priées. Our beautiful display of Silk Dresses is included in this im- portant thrift event. 'Dresses regularly priced at $30 and $25, now marked down to $15 and $10. --MEiN' --ClrOTH-ING--DEPARTMEN-T The values we are giving in this department is attracting wide-spread-attention--among- men who are shrewd buyers. THE EDITOR TALKS MASONIC GRAND LODGE WOMEN TALK POLITICS -1-Eerly Days ---a -Enni-skilln"-th~e- Mmes rm-eua mLd'e . Abo-ut-50-wormen -of -the- towa ,ind- first instailment of which appears in F. & A. M. No. 31, who attended the vjcinity met in the Council Room Fni- this issue-so far as we can judge Masonic Grand Lodge in: session at day evening to organize the Women's from the copy in hand is to he very Ottawa last week included F. C. Hoar, Conservative Association. Mrs. (Dr.), interesting, especially to Dariington D. D. G. M., Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, John Spencer presided and Mrs. WV'. ýand Cartwright people and their des- P. ;D. D. G. M., Thos. A. Dustan,,W. H. Martin acted'as Secretary. A cendants who are located "ail over M., and W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., P. M. very interesting address was given the world" one may almost say., This Mr. Bragg1 was 1 elected a Grand by Miss Constance Boulton, Toronto, Durham Old Boy pays a jus ttribute Steward. Alderman J. T. George of Who is -a very clever speaker. to bis old school masters who happens Port Hope, was elected, District Oflicers elected: President-Mrs. to have been the tenèh ler to whom the Deputy Grand Master for District E. R. Bounsail; ist vice-Mrs. J. -L' writer owes much for directing him No. 12, which territory extends from Fowletr; 24nd vice-Mks. Merle to he eahin pof sson-ne Whitby to Warkworth and north to Nokes; Secretary-Treasurer-Miss the best stepping stones to success in Norwood., Ethel Morris. Lady delegates were hf e Pehapsno ounty vllag ofappointed to represent Bowmanville its size in Canada can boast of more at the convention of the County Con- of its sons and daughters makin god n he"wrl f ctviie"hng FIELD CROP AWARDS servative Association whîch takes can Enniskillen. We remember once paea rnFdy uy2,we when in Winnipeg dîscussing this mat- Combined Standing Field Crop and it is expected a candidate will b ter ithMnH. Wlbu Huchison, Thrshe Grin Cmpeitiai. chosen to enter the coming fede 1 terIwth r.H. ilur uthinon Thesedran______ ton election caused by the resignation of himself one of the most successful Hn .W oel of thie vilaee boys, and it was a mild This conpetition is conducted , Ho.N.W.Rwel surprise the number of boys of "the the Agicultural Societies' Branch of hiill-top village" who, have succeeded the Ontario Department of Agni- BIG. BARNS BURNED_ splendidly ln their cehosen occupa- culture, through West Durham Ag-, tions. Outside of the f amily dis- ricultural society. Herewith aret The Loss WiIl Exceed Six Thousand cipline ,the teachers employed i the given the field scores of the first ten' Dollars. village school-usually good ones- in this competition. The grain willi have helped very much to lay a gond be later judged in the bins or sacks Mr. JOseh ight, Providence, lot educational foundation and to give a of the competitors, the combined 6, cn 2, Darîgomtwt broad vision of life and its o-pp)otuni- scores determining the final award. Serious and heavy loss on Tuesday ties. Read the article on an inner The judge was Milton W. Young, morning when bis fine barns were page. Othens will follow as space Esq., Picton, Ont.î completely destroyed by fire. permits. Sevenprizes will be paid, as fol- The origin of the fine is a deep lows: $75; $6-0; $45; $35; $30; $20; mystery as Mr. Wight and his son !DAHO OTYCITIZEN $10-total $275.00. Melbourne lUad been doing chores DEAT 0F WORHY -in tliu barn up to about 6:80 a. m. 1 iL. T. Pascoe, 931/2 wheYx everything about'the buildings Mr. Samuel Pollard, Registrar for 2 John Baker, 92 appeared as usual.. While at break- West Durham. Q A T, P..A ,2 l MiL *..,.qt- rt.v .pre q lnektheat Few Darlingtoniang, were better -ko-wm--or -more highly -nespeteU by- ail who -knew hlm -than Mn.- Samnuel Pollard, Registrar for West Durham, who passed away to bis final rest on Wednesday, July 20, 1921, aged 76 years. While hie had to do with al classes of people during bis activities as a man hie was of such a genlal disposition ýan& so-uprîght and-lhonor- able Irr-(,haracter-and-îla b- deainigs with bis fellows that bie wonthe con- fidence and respect of ail.. Before his appointment--as--Regîstrar - wasý a-n active L1iberal-nd - injr elièinn was 5 A. W. Annis, 88 7 Jas. Leask & Son, 87 8 S. Edgar Werry, 86M2 9 Thomas Jackson, 85Y14 10 Alan Campbell, 85 The above are eligible to compete for the large prizes offered in the Field Gnop -Comnpetltio*-classes -at- -tne--Caaadian l'fationui, -and -Central Canada Exhibitions, and sbould make entries promptly witb J. Lockle Wil- soni-,-Esq., Paniament- Buildings, Ton- tention of the family was attracted by the fiames wvhich had completely envlopd- he-u~pr prt-of -the- barn. Four horses, some pigs and a caîf were ln, the stable at the time but were gotten out. Mr. Wight be- ing burned about the face and neck wbile saving the stock. The seas- o-'s c-p of -hay -was- in--the- loft-ha- si--sone -f eed -grain, mlmn~ and a gasoline engine whicb were déstroyetl. --The losa la. estimated- at wehI oven $6.000--witb about haîf -that -amount- HOTEL IBOWMAN SOLD, Purchasers. The news that Hotel Bowman was sold to Mr. and Mrs. P. F, New- bouse of Bowmanville, was announ- ced Tuesday -of this week by the officers of the Bowman Limited. The conipany bas desired to seli this property since the present ten- ant, Mn. A. J. Wadhams, wbo bas, op- erated it since November 1918, pur- chased the Royal Hotel in Whitby- early this Spring and took possession oi June lst. He bas continued op- erating Hotel Bowman as his lease did not expire tili November this year. When the Local Option Campaiga to probibit the sale of intoxicating liquors la Bowmanville was, intro-, duced in 1909, the temperance ad- vocates la town and township sub- scribed sufficient capital to provide accommodation for the travelling public, should the hotel keepers close up shop wbich. tbey tbreatened to do and did carry out' eventually. The cîtizens subscribing to this fund foirmed themiselves into joint stock-company and obtained a chart- er under the naine of The-Bowxnan Limited witb powers to operate the hotel business. 'he Bennett House was purchased and laten the Bal- moral Hotel was also acquired, both hosteiries being completely renovated and outfitted. Mr. AI. Moon of Madoc, was engaged by the company h-N manen t 1,.he busne-s d T4P.Un followed by Mr. J. D. Fluker and rlater Mr. S.* D. Ross las, managers. -In.Nveiber,-19L1S, -Mn. A.J Wd- hams rented the Hotel Bowman and has been very successful in catering to the travelling public. Some years ago the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. purchased the Bal- moral Hotel to provide a recreation celub -and- -bo&rding -aecumnodation- fotits enlye. The --na-me-was-- changed to the Goodyear -Club and Imany more improvements were made to the buildin-bwling alleys, -bil- BR'AL e L