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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1921, p. 2

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lz ewest, Royal Theatre LTBICYCLESI FOR SALE Engiîsh und Scoteh Linoileulms, 2, 3 .,ad4 yds. wide at Couch, Johuiston & Aftr al te avice ofered by par.. stptachiersý, editors and ohr a inr~tdl the weilfare of Cauadian fetwe sec nmore young beys -mok igdeadly cigretes hanever. R. M. MITCHELL & CO. DRGGISTS & OPTOMETRISTS CHANGE 0F BUSINESS Iiaving purchased the Granite and blarbie Works carried on by my late ffiter, E. R .Bouasall, Bowmanville, i ot repared te continue doing ~meumetalwork in its various' Pne241 F, H. Bounsall.ý LEGAL 1.G. V. GOULD, B. A., ýLL.D. .5Ar'RISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 'Ï - e3Jte boan on Farm and Town Prope, rty. Royal Bank Building, .Howanvile'Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. ~BRRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY eyte boan. Bonds for sale. Ofie: Kleakley Block, Khg ~tet, _Bowmanvçille Ontario. Poe:Office 102, House 178J. MEDICAL L5 J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. GodMedalist of Trinity University To~t.Four years Attending Phy- si- e-ind Surgeon at Mt. Carnel klital, ittsburg, Ku. Office andi dence, Wellinigton Street, Bow- sie. Phone '108. se -9 W SLEMON, M. D., C. M., .iedate of :Trinity Medical College, Tooto, formerly of Enniskillen. Ofieand residence, Dr. Beith's, ~Iorne reideceon Church-st., Bow.. -anie.Phone 259. 44-t -DR. V. H. STOREY >rAduate Toronto University, year '%Ifhal resident physician and sur- gotToronto General Hospital (six loth Burnside Maternity) two aad hal years Military Hospital. ' h~fie oyal Bank Building, Bow- manýville. Phone 143w. 1~y. DENTAL 'tR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE e~urgaduate in Dentistry Toronto tTnvesiy.Graduate of the Royal Coeeof Dental Surgeons of Ont- 0:aioOfice King-st,, Bowmaanville., Ofiephone "0. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT .Gýadt of Royal Dental College, Tooto. Office, King-st East, Bow- me il.Office heurs 9 a. mi. to 6 p. dsy except Sunday. Phone DO ouse phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS iJr. P. MORRIS CO. e ý- omplcte equipment. Sunday tedniht calîs promptly attended te. 'Bowmanvie phones 10 and 84. e4ac t 0Orono, JUNK DEALERS 'OLTRY and JUNK-A, Dillick, Dk-tjust, opposite Canning aCtory, IPOy8 highest cash pricea for tiknds of poultry and junk. Phone 20or caîl at his residence. 5-tff. WNOTICE TO PUBLIC Ihave taken eut a license in Bow- manvule te buy all kinds of Junk and ~enr.Will pay the highest price. Dtp~ y phone 289 or caîl on Mr. I5LhOntario-st. FI TO son's home treatment fer epiiepsy. ety years' success. Thousands of tatnoniais. No case should be consid- toulhpeless. Free beeklet, Wm. Stin- snemedy Co., of Canada, 2611 Venge t LToronto, Ontario. 6-lyr VETERINARY BOWMANVILLE,ý JULY 28th,, 1921. DR. F. T. TIGHE VETRINARY SURGEON. Day or TEEIO AK MltCaIls Promptly, Attended To. ce, King-st., W., Stateaman Block, In the elden dayë the reports of Bowmanville. Phone 243. the examiniug board cof candidates writing on the Departmental examina- M. A. JAMES tien for entrance te the high schools STEAMSHIP TICKETS were sent te the newspapers in great- PCAer detail. For inýtance, the name, TOnîn EURPECa adi A mer-school and teacher and the aggregate Wb.e Star DomnoCnrAm- marks made by the candidate were iot. Ak fr iXomaton.Phosegîven. Why should net this arn- 55, Bwrnavùleplifiedstatement be supplied for pub- - .-.~- ---'-'-lication? We have neyer considered R. M. MITCHELL aay argument advanced against this R ISTERED OPTOMETRIST BY commonsense method werthy cf 5cr- EXAMINATION icus tbougbt. If a girl or boy makes FFIE HOUR-9 a. m t. r6 P. m. a high record ut exarnination wby E .miatinsby a,,ointment net get credit for the work? Results of many scbool exanis bave been announced lately and we have noticed how auxieus parents have beei te learu bowtheir children suc- cecded in their classes., Aswe bave often stated altogether tee mucb time is wasted in social pastimes dur- ing school terms. There will be tume and epportunities for social pleasures after they leave sehool. Parents have a great respensibil- ity here. It is natural for parents of pupils te be appreciative cf the val- ue cf an education. Tbey are net fit te have cbildràu if they do net want theni te enjoy~ even greater and better educational privileges thari their ewn childhood knew, and they are in duty beund te encourage and assist their childven witb the school studios in all possible ways, by see- ing that they devote their time and energies te their studies exclusively or uenrly 50 duriug the scbool terms. Failures lu exams would then be very few. We rend an article lately aboui be- ing bonest and loyal teoue's self in' youth. This is doue by coucentrat- iug the mind and energies on the sub- ject lu baud. Here are two examples given. Take the student <ýn school where atbletics are a preminent feature. In the beginuing tbe boy starts eut witb the detenmination that athletics are te be strictly a side issue. But how fvequently it cernes about that bis intevest in football ail but destmoys bis ,terest in bis studies. Many a girl starts eut with'social life as a side line. Shç wants a geod time, of course. She ueeds a geod time, aud it neyer occurs te ber that there is any danger that social plens- ures will cerne te meanum'ore te ber than the interests wbich at preseut demand ber loyalty. Yet ever and ever again it is demonstrh>ted that the sîde hune encroaches on tbat interest that it demands more and more cf ber thought and eff ort, tilI at length the purpeses whicb once were domiuating bave passed into insignificance. The future of many young persons is bligbted because cf tee much danc- ing or other detractieus froni their school studios. We should like te be able te kîudle in the minds cf fanm boys and girls the great importance cf noultry raising as a profit producing branch cf agriculture. If any cf eur readers wish te obtain valuable information on peultmy keeping-no natter whether resident in towu or country, if you wish te kuow hew best te keep poultry and secure the most satisfactory resultsi consult a pamphlet treatirîg on the subject prepared by the Dominion Poultry Husbandmau, F. C. Elford, and re- cently issued by the Department cf Agriculture. Tbe pamphlet can be bad free on application te the Pub- lications Brauch, Ottawa. It tells cf bow poultry eau be made te pay, bow the birds sbould be hopsea and fed, bow they sbould be treated lu equipmnent tbat is desirable, bow te choose a breed, how te hatcb and ear, aud bew te gather, keep or mar- ket tbeeggs. Iu short nîl the essen- tials te success lu poultry keeping for home censumptien or selling ave explîcitly explained. Iu the term poultvy, are iucludedturkeys, geese, ducks, guinea f wls 'and pigeons, the rai'sing.aud cave :cf whicb are fully discussed. Numerous illustrations cf type cf birds, and ef methods cf housîng and feediug contribute te make the pampblet au invaluable compendium on poultvy-keeping and marketing. Send for it 'at once-it wil mean many dollars fer any entemprisîug youug farm boy or girl. Simply ad- dress Publications Braucb, Ottawa, and ask for tbe pamphlet on Poul- try Keepiug. It is 'free te you. TOWN ESTIMATES STRUCK FOR 1921 Tax Rate Struck at 37 % Mils, At a special meeting cf council held July 19 the chairmen cf ern- mittees presented their reports cf estirnates for year as f ollows- Roadsd and Streets........ $ 3,500 Public Propevty. »..........4,25 0 Fine Dept......... ....... 5,650 Police Dept..........2,250 Cemetery..........1,500 Priuting and Advertsing... 350 Relief. . ....................800 Salaries ........... ......2,513 Contingent .................1,400 Higb Sehool .........._....9,275 Public Scbeol........13,300 On motion reports were reeiîved and adopted. By-laws were pnssed for levving cf cf accidents.- The Farmers' e~Magazine stvikes a true note when it says "lîard werk and lots cf it is what this old world needs. Tee mucb labor is employed making ueckties and frilîs. A fine range of Ladies' Suits lu nUi sizes up te ,46 inch bust at Cmuph. Jobuston & Cryderman. Wise m otherf, who kn ow the virtues cf Mother Graves' Wlorm Extermin- ater alwnys have it ut baud, because it proves its value. In, Cash and Cups Valuable 29-ï LEITERS 0F CREDIT N 0matter mn what part of the world you inay ',tae;you can flnd money at you r disposai by carrying a Letter of Creclit issued by the Bank * of Montreat. Particulars mtay be obtained from any brandi of this Bank. BANK of MONTREAL ESTAILSE OE 0 EARS -Capital Paid Up $22.000.000 Rest $22.000.000 Total Assets in Exceas of $50,000,000 ONCE A CUSTOMER ALWAYS A. CUSTOMER It is in the Grocery Business as in all other unes of trade SERVICE COUNTS The number of our customA!s is increasing and there are reasons for it. Fresh Goods, Rapid Turn-over %Quick Delivery, Right Prives, Courteous Treatment These are a f ew of the reasons why our trade is increasing. If you once trade with me you wihh be- corne aregular customer., Remember in addition to the regular line of groceries we carry ail uines of green groceries and fruits, both foreign and do- mestie, fresh at ahi times. HYIARRY PHONE 186 ALLIN 1BOWMANVILLE ENTRANCE RESULTS Newcastle Centre Hilda Brown, Clinton Burley, Nel- lie Caswell, Bernice Couch, Bertha Cewau, Donald Gibson, Alfred Gra- ham, (hon.) Lillian Holman, Mar- jonce Joues, Mabel Lake, Mary Lane, Florence Lockbart, Kenneth' Peance, (bon.) Lorraine Randaîl, Nellie Thomas. 15 wrcte, ail passed. 6 Janetville Centre Anie Armstrong, (hon.) Ena Cap- stick, Lyla Englisb, Kathleen Fer- guson, Pauline Hickson, Ruth Hend- ers, Evelyn Heaslip, Horace Raddick. 10wrote, 8 pnssodJ Orono Centre Kathleen Allia, (hon.) Ted Archer, (bon.) Marion Brown, Deibert Bow- ins, Lewis Bellanmy, Allison Cowan, (hon.) Audrey Cowan, Jack Cornish, Editb Cain, Gee. Denit, Greta Davey, Stanley Falls, Norman Hogg, Charles Knox,, (bon.) Fred Lycett, Harold Maukelow, Theresa McNeil, AlIex. Raxien, Samuel Raxien, Elsie ,owe Beatnice Soucb, James Stark, Geor- gina VanDusen. 42 wrote, 23 passed. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Rev. L. S. Wight, B. A., B. D., the uew pastor cf the Methodist Church, conducted bis flrst services on Sun- day'lnst aud created a very favor- able' impression.-Tweed News. Rev. A. M. Irwin, B. A., B. D., Oshawa, is holidaying at Stony Lake. Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Bowmanville, sup- piied King-st pulpit ut Oshawa on Sunday. Rer. F. L. Farewell, Principal cf Ontario Ladies' Ceilege,' Whitby, is giviug lectures at tbe Summer Chau- tauqua ceuducted under auspices cf the Methejhst Éihurch ut Muskokd. "On the eve cf departure cf Rer. J. S. McMulleu from the Canniftou circuit for Oshawa, a, number cof friends gatbemed ut the parsonage te bld f anewell te their pastr anud bis family. After rnany complimetary rernarks concemning each member cf the famuly and a beautifully womded address, Mrs. McMulleu was present- ed with a gift cf about sixty dollars, the W. M. S. also making ber a Lif e Member cf the scciety"l. Rev. Mr. McMuileu bas taken charge cf South Osbîfwa Methodist Chumch. Ceeil Glde, a fermer resident cf this tewn, is quite anu entbusiastic Orangemnan. He is enly 13 yenrs cf age but decided to walk te Port Hope te attend the celebmation. 'He got ns fan as Newtonville wben be was picked up by au auto and taken the balance cf the jeurney and given n veal "orange time" by kiud fniends. An O11 Witbeut Aicobol.-Some cils and rnany medicines bave alcobol as a prominent ingredieut. A jndi- cions miugling cf six esseutial cils compose Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011, and thene is ne alcobol in it, se that its effects are lasting. Hoiday Timre-u Freoifroni au aach«em* PaÏns agnuoeed by Rheumatîc Capsule.! l Rlepp theni ln y0ur hec Take theni on Vaatju ke8a.da.che, Train &Slkn-ýee. P-.0 ut 7our rgI's SOLD BY JURLY & LOVELL GOLD'WATCH FOR IT WAS EVER THUS GEO. E. GIBBARD 1Bowmanville correspondent to the Mr. Geo. E. Gibabrd of Toronto Orono News is a great student of conducted the "Question Box", and'human nature and in his ramblings' in his usual style answered, off-hand of last week hie pauses to r'emark: practically every query that had been Remarkable isn't it the people who submitted on the forms provided. stand around wàtching the work going A pleasing feature at the close of on in this paving contract, and Who thjs session was the presentation of a just know how this job should be1 gold watch, suitably inscribed, to Mr. done? It is too bad those people Gibbard, the presentation on behalf Who have such v, 7-1h knowledge of the members being made by A. H.j and foresight shouldn'l be given a Johnson of Collingwood, who referred chance, and by the way corne to think to the yeoman service of Mr. Gibýjar-d, Of it, why not go down and work off covering a period of many years in a littie of that surplus energy, not the interests of the profe ssion. Mr. the talk part or, how the job should Gibbard made a happy kesponse. be done part, but the pick and shovel Î1Note by the Editor.-In the Retail part on the roadway down to the new Druggist the above is taken froni the park. There is a chance for some report of the recent Jubilee celebra- Of those tien of the Ontario College of Phar- done-people, but like the peer, they,. macy-the greatest gathering of havebeen since the creation and will Pharmacists,,ever held in Canada be until the end. Just the saine this George. will be in St. John N. B., as hot weatbcr they give you a feeling secretary of the Canadian Pharmacu- of lassitude. tial Association on August 15 to l9tb its annual convention. George is a jolly chap and bis hosts of Durham county friends will be glad te hear COURTICE that bis druggist brethren think a heap of him, too. (Received tee late for last xyeek) Mrs4 Dickinson and Miss Birdie Deane, Toronto, are visiting' witb FAILL FAIR JUDGES TAKE Mrs. M. J. Deane.... .Mr. and Mrs. SHORT COURSE AT FAâM John T. Courtice and two sons, Maid- stone, Sask., are visiting his brother, Judges for Eastern, Ontario fail Mr. Blake Courtice and other rela- fairs, numbering over 100 last week tives. .. Mr. Roy Penfound, Peter- attended a short course in judging at bore, recently visited bis mother... the Dominion Experimental Farms, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Janderson, East Ottawa , preparatory te visitiag the Toronto, are visiting at, W. R. different rural stock and grain fairs Courtice's. ... Mr. Frank Walter, Mis- in the province this faîl. They ses Mabel Brown and Mina Edwards, were under supervision of Mr. J. Peterbero, spent the week-end at Mr. .Lockie Wilson, Provincial Superin- John Walter's. ... Mr. Bail, Chathami, tendent of faîl fairs. During their is guest, at Mr. John Feund .. .. Mrs. inspecion of the farm, the judges W. H. Rundle, Bowmanville,.visited visited the, varieus breeds of stock Mrs. A. E. Rundle .... A number and were explained the diff erent win- fromn here attended Chautauqua at ning Points of the animals. The Bewmanville and enjeyed the pro- judges were guestS of the officials of grains very much. th~e Farmat a luncheon. The gentle- The Poor Man's Friend.-Put up mýen present from West Durhami were in small botties that are easily port- -Messrs. D. J. Çi4bson, A. A. Col- able and sold for a very small sumi. wil, I T.Charýan, Clarke; J. J. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil possesses Virtue, Samuel 5Snowden, Darling- power in cencentrated f orm. Its ton; W. A. VanCýmp, Reeve, and cheapness and the varied uses te Daniel Eaglish, Cartwright. which it can be put make it the poor The main ebject of this three- man's friend. No dealer's stock is days' course was te try te arrive at complete witbout it. a uniforni system of awarding points at competîtions and Mr. Lockie Wil- son is satisfied that this bas been Port Hope Park Commissioners àchieved, even te tbe extent of judg- bave decided te place'a punt, a long ing lady drivers without fear or repe, and tbree lifebueys at the favor. batbing beach as a protection in case NESTLETON (Crewded eut last week) Rev. Josephi Philp cf Hamilton, (an old Cartwright bey), occupied the pulpit very acceptable at Nest- leton and Blackstock on Sunday.... Mr. and -Mvs. M. J. Comstock, Bew- manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Porteous reeently .... Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson, Mt. Horeb, visit- cd at R. C. Jackson's .recently.... The funeral of Mrs. David Fallis cf Toronto, formerly cf Cartwright, on Friday last was largely attended and was conducted by Rev. R. C. Car- ruthers, B. A., and Joseph Philp, B. A. Mrs. Fallis passed awny in the hes- pital. She was an ideal wife and mother and leaves te mmm bher loss three sens and one daughter--Dr. Oscar Fallis and Clarence Fallis, Tor- ente, Banl Fallis, Lindsay, and Miss Roweua Fallhs associat-ed witb the T. Enton Ce. as nurse. Among the iu- timate frîends at the fanerai from a distance we noticed Mr. John Thomas and William Jackson, brothers cf de- ceased, Harriston; Mv.anud Mrs. Win, Jackson,. Mt. Horeb; Rev. R. J. Fal- lis, Toronto; Mrs. 1. Heaslip Lind- say; Mr. Wm. Widdess, Peterboro; Mr. Lewis Fallis, Dr.McCormack, Tor- ente and others. The family have the sympatby cf the entire cemmuuity in their bereavemeut .... Mr. and Mrs. W. Leslie Wright and babe, Windsor, have returned home nfter spending a week witb parents and friends bere .... Mv. and Mrs. R. C. Jackson re- ceutly visited in Toronto. Horse Show Aug16 to 2O Inclusive Every Day a Big One, Agriculture Carniage, Roadsters, Saddle, Hunt- ers and Jumpers. A Fiat Race and Steeple Chase Daily Excellent Music Ample Parking Space for Autos $1 5,000 Bowmanville jjj Office iPhone 15- Resideaces 228i and 274 Big Drop In'Furijiture We used tosefl thtS beautifu1 Simmons ~ <~1r'.Brass Bed for $44.75 Now we~ are selling thern for only $30.00M This, is iûust one instance of the big drop we have made in furniture prices. Corne in and look around. WILLIAMS & CANN. Furniture Dealers Funieral Directors Phone 58 or 159 Bowrnanvîlle Y ou Can Afford It Now Are you arnong those who have been waiting for prices to drop be- fore putting in -. that bath roorn * ~< outflt? The wel- >~corne news has corne at hast and we are now in a position to instail a modern and up-to-date bath roorn equiprnentat very attractive prices. Don't wait any honger-get an estirnate frorn us. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville APPLE BARRELS AND FRUIT CONTAINERS' Our cooperage is now running full blast turn- ing out apple barrels., Growers would do wvehh to hay in what they may require. FIRST CLASS STOCK -AND PRICES RIGHT We are Canadian agents for the hargest bas- ket manufacturers in America. BUSHEL BASKETS AND COVERS Special quotations in car lots, delivered, or from our warehouse in town in any quantities. QUIK &HOGATEP Phone 119 Bowmanville rMha dmorang. CoksCoto potC E e.Il they Tireý ~ ee, 9d ntiede FOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ÎO ... IthS arorBr.o.2, S3; o.3,1-5 per box, '~~f- e f Sore, 1mtted 0. ob ald, ui- istâ, orsn ÏOLIRL fiam;ed orGranulated, )a n .eep of price. usMuinofon SotuoRêuhsSafefor £'s 7 t,api, , Addiess: Infgntor Adu1t. At ail Dr uggs. Write THE COox su 'Ac--'Dl o.ô ~eFresBvoos& UchouuE~4~C.~Moe.u. TRONTO, ONT. {sui I~a %Çlcoe CANADA'S FUTURIE Boys and Girls Toclay Albert Coll;eg ellevîlle, Ont., a residential School for og men and womeu, maintains a high standard of idenîs and education. Founded î l r L E V L L E O N 6 4 y e a r s a g o , i t i s " A i m a M a t e r " t e n n o f Caua.da's most dsigihdsons and dnughters. frprie fr lJoiversity, Minist ry. Tearcbing or1.buSine crer. Cussi miee xpression. p)hysical cuture and st. fhetcield svoDrts essauragéd. Tenuis courts, skating. rink, etc. SC'HOOiL RE-OýPENS SEPT. 1-111-, For caedaundohe aticars, write to Rev. E. N. Baker, MA * rnfpsJelvltOtario. Beauty & Service are flot always found in perfect combination, but when you use BEAVER VULCANITE ROOFING you have a combination that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as to service.' We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Cail and see this material before you cover. your new building or renew your old roof We have a fulli hue of other Building Material at prices considerably l1ower than last season Fresh Stock, of Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal ready for delivery at Summner Prices. McCleIIan & Company Limited King Street East 5I

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