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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1921, p. 5

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Why P'ick on You r Shoe Dealer? NOTE-We picked up tbis rery suggestive! item, et aur recent National Sboe: Convention in Toronto and donâte our usuel advt. spece to it -No eoInmept necessary. It is e well known fect tbat tanners and most sboe menu- facturers bave taken enormaus lssaes. One tanner alone lost $6,000,000.00 lest year. Sboe retailers ail over tbe country are marking down their shoes to replacement costs. Nevertbeless, the woods are full of amateur economiste WHO CLAIM THAT PRICES OF SHOES WILL, SHORTLY RETURN TO \PRE- WAR ' LEVELS, BUT WILL THEY? YES, THEY SURE WILL- WHEN bard coal is back et $9 per ton; WHEN railroad feres are baek et 3e per mile; WHEN bouse rent is back et $15 per montb; WHEN gesoline is beck et 20e per gallon;.- WHEN telephonos are beck et $1 per montb; WHEN a square meel is beck at a quarter; WHEN ferm labor is back et $25 per month; WHEN exebange-is baek et par; WHEN money is back et 5 per, cent; WHEN cooks are beck et $5 per week; WHEN heur cuts are back et 15 cents; WHIEN movies are beck et a nickel; ýWHEN ice creemn is back et a nickel; WHEN e newspeper is back et e cent; For the love of Mike, why expeet the manufacturer, wholesaler anti retailer of sboe to go the route elone? Aren't we Canadiens ail in on this proposition tagether? Heven't vwe got to work \together? Well then, haven't ýthe menufacturers, wbolesaiers, andi retaiers of shoes gone mucb faster anti mucb ferther than the average in reducing prices anti making readjustment? WE'LL SAY THEY HAVE. We're abeati-way aheati of tbe procession. Now lt the coalmen anti the morte bouses and oul, and the soft drink parlors, and the landiords, and the hotels and restaurants, and the draymen, andthte bankers eut THIEIR prices anti catch up witb the shoe men., l Fred A. Foley ON THE SUNNY SIDE' BOWMANVILLE, JULY 28t4.,1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. H. Earle of Toronto recently visited friends here. Miss Hazel Emerson, Port Ilope, is visiting friends here. SMr. Victor R. Greenfield, Strat- ford, is holidaying at home. Miss Myrtle Wilson1 recently visit- ed Mrs. IL. G. Calvert, Pickering. Miss Beatký~ce Devitt is visiting her uncle, Dr. Fred Walters, Forest. Mr and Mrs. A. Beacock and daughter Vera, are visiting friends at 'Nestieton. Mrs. W. H. Williams and Mrs. L.' Paterson spent Tuesday with friends in Osbawa. Miss Madeline Dustan is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neill, Winnipeg. 11 Mrs. Isaac Tabb has returned from a month's visit with xelatîves at Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. John Rice and Mr. Lloyd Riter_, London, are visiting relatives and other friends here. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie and Dorothy, are holiJaying with relatives at Campbellford. Port Hope Poli ce are loÔking for Carl Emmerson, who is wanted on a charge of theft of a case of liquor. Mr. J. T. Hooper (bas returned from a very pleasant holiday spent with relatives in Rochester, N. Y. Found in Bowmanville on Tuesday, July 19, a parcel containing lady's underwear. App]y at Statesman Office. Mrs. John MeDonald, Toronto, is~ visiting ber sister, Miss Smith and brothers, Messrs. Donald and James Smith. Mr. and Xrs. Richiard Osborne, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Michael and Mr. Morley Michael, Manilla, spent Sunday at Mr. Levi Skinner's, Tyrone.') Irving Clemens' name was omitted from the list we published fast week of successful candidates at Entrance examiflation. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. illman and family are on a motor trip througlh Western Ontario and vîsiting rela tives at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. H. Simms, Miss' Marie Simms and Mr. John Palmer,ý Toronto, spent the week-end at the latter's home, Ontario-st. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wight, Miss Adah Wright and Mr. and Mrs'. Fred W. Osborne, 'Ioronto, spent Sünday with their sister, Mrs. J. J Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Callan and f amily, Mr. William Ellis motored to Roch- ester and spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strutt. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. llancock, Pet- erboro, and b is mother, Mms. Geo. Hancock, Newtonville, visited Mr.1 and Mrs. Frank Brown on Tuesday at Mrs. Louise Paterson's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williams, Act- on, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Osborne and daughter Irene, Albany, N. Y., were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams, Liberty-sig., North. Mr. G. N. Tburston, of BoWman- ville's llaberdashery and Fur Shop, is registered at the, Kinoshau House Cosarea. In his spare time he hopes to relieve Lake Scugog of a f ew 'lunge.' Mary Ann Hartley's address is urgently desired by 'her only sister. She lived in some Bowmanville homes before going to Toronto wbere she was employed in the Daly Hounse, Front St. Any information of heyi will be thankfully received. Write~ The Statesman Office. Dr. Manson -J. Bradley, Cham- paign, Ill., called on old friends Tues- day whle motoring through town en- :route to bis former home ear Les- kard. Manson lis one of the many students who hias clone well since leaving- the Bowmanvillce High Sehool. Mter giraduating from ýMc.1 Master University h. went toe the Stateu and for some time àae been '~Professor of Chemistry of Ltie.fln o% State U11iversity. BOWMANVILLE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. anti Mrs. John Hodge, Toron- to, calleti on frientis Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freemen, Whitby, sIent the week-end with rela- tives. Miss Mildred M. Lawrie is holi- daying with Miss Merjorie Collatott, Salem. Mr. and- Mrs. John Perks, Osh- awa, were Sundey guests et Mr. Alex Elliot's. Mr. a.nd. Mrs. Hl. W. Hamm anti chiltiren t~cn~yvisiteti Newcastle frientis. Miss Mary MeDougall, Oshawa, is spending bier holidays witb Mrs. J. N. MeDougall. Mr.- anti Mrs. W. J. McLaugblin, Oshawa, spent the week-end et Mr. W. B. Pincb's, Mr. Ed. Grant anti Mr. Perey White, Toronto, rîsîteti et Mrs. H. S. Freeman's Sunday. -Mr. anti Mrs. James ýScobeli, Ot- tawa, are visiting bis mother anti other relatives beie. Mr. Rhys D. Fairbairn, Toronto, was in town Monday guest of bis sister, Miss Fairbairn. Mrs. E. J. Coombe, of Exeter is enjoying a month's visit witb bier brothers and sistersaet Kingarille. Mrs. E. Ledger and son Ted, Pon- tiac, Micb., are visiting ber parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Manning, On- tario-st. SMr. anti Mrs. B. Willings, Mr. anti Mrs. T. C. Osborne and grantison Bobby, Witby, spent Suntiey witb Mrs. J. N. McDougall. Mrs. D. J. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Asseistine, Toronto, spent the week-end et Mr. John Corert's, -King- st., East, "Hollanti Place" Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon Gillis, Bey- field, and Mr. anti Mrs. L. Mrrow anti daugbter, Toronto, are visiting et Mr. J. Gillis', Liberty-st. "Adrertising", says- Arthur Bris- banc, "is the beartbeat of business. If you stop a man's heert, hoe tues, if you ;stop advertising, business dies". Miss Ethel Garbutt, Whitby, Mr. anti Mr. E. T. Brittain anti Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Haddy anti son jack anti Miss Agnes K. Hedtiy, Toronto, spent the week-end et Mr. F. A. Haddy's. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'A. Tbompson, Misses Gladys anti Dorothy anti Master Allen Tbompson of Oshawa, Misses I. L. Hamm anti Jean Tbomp-1 son of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. anti Mrs. H. W. Hamm. Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas Windatt Clemence, Detroit, Micb., are risit- ing witb Mr. anti Mrs. James Byers anti other relatives in West Dur- hem. It le orer 40 years since Mr. anti Mrs. Clemence mnoret fromn Cart- wright ta Michigan. Epwortb Leaguers of Bowmanrille District will bc interesteti in the fol- lowing item taken from lest week's St. Marys Journal-Argus: Rer. anti Mrs. G. W. Sparling are being warm- ly welcomed by frientis anti relatives since their arrivai home from 'China on a yeer's furlougb. Time passes quickly. It does n'ot seem 7 years since tbeir lest furlougb, nor does it seem so many since Mrs. Sparling wes the brigbt littie "Do>rothy" meaiden among the young people of St. Mary's anti the ricinity of ber olti Blansharti home". A nice gatbering of ladies assem- bled Friday efternooa, under the Community Tree ettfle homes of Mrs. L. Jollow and Mrs. C. Richards where the Women's Institute' meet- ing was helti. Miss Hayreft pre- sided in the absence of the Presi- dent. After tisposing of the busi- ness an atidress was giren by Miss Moberly ,Supt. of the-Infants' Home et 21 St. Mary St., Toronto, wbich rerealeti some interestîng inf orme- tion about the work this institution is doing for neetiy babies, Lunch wes served ant imusie furnisheti on the gramaphone both muehi enjoyed at the lose. Next meeting on, Aug. 26, on Mrs, E, R. onal' an Ladies' Coats clearing *t haif- price. couGeb, Jhso rd OSHA WA SATURDAY, JULY 3Cth Game Called at 2.30 p. -i. Admission to Grand Stand 1 WTe solicit a share-of your patronage. Thos. Gorbold rnFone- - ljowmanvie i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE' Mr. Floyd Dudley recently visited friends in Coiborne. Mrs.,Archie Bingham, Toronto, is visiting ber sisters bore. Mr. and Mrs. David Keith recently visited friends in Oshawa. Broocli lost Chautauqua week. Lîberal reward. See advt. Mr. James MeBrien, Toronto, bas been visiting old friends here. Miss Mary Horner, Newcastle, was recent guest of Mrs. F. M. Soucb. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton Bateman recently visited friends in Oshawa. Mi's. H .M. Farrow, Toronto, is vis- iting ber brother, Mr. B. C. Fenneli. Miss Viola Bridgmian, Ottawa, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. H. Pearn, Queent-st. Mr. John Gerry, Oshawa, was re- cent gueBt of bis uncle, Mr. John Sanders. 1 with ber mother, Mrs. Thos .Sherin, wbo is quite ill.: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moyse, Tor- onto, have been visiting bis f atber and brother, here. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Scbwalm and son, Toronto, have been vîsiting at Mr. W. O. Soucb's. Miss Jessie Dunham, Toronto, is bolidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Dunbem. Mrs. S. M. Stahi, Chicago, Ill«, vis- ited ber sister,,Mrs. M. D. "Williams et Mr. Alan M. Williams'. ,, Mrs. H.* F. Hutehison andi family, Toronto, are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Mrs. Hugb Campbell and deugbter .Hazel, Buffalo, N. Y., have been visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. Jacob Gaud.ý 1Mr. aend Mrs. Frank Knigbt, Tor- onto, visîtcd bis mother, Mrs. Thos. Knight and other relatives bere.- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Colwill eand son Hubert, Toronto, recently visited bis sister, Mrs. W. R. Williams. Four out of five candidates wbo wrote on Entrance exams. in Ontario county were suecessful or 80 per cent. Mrs. E. W. Rundie andi daugbters Doris and Wilma, Oshawa, are guests of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Hamilton, daughter Ruth and son Frank, Beth-, eny, were recent guests at Mr. Thos. Percy's. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Spencer and family, Toronto, have been holideying witb ber motber,ý Mrs., E. Willianms and other relatives bere. Mr. William White anti daughter, Miss Mary White, Oakwood, have been guests of bis sister, Miss Emma White, Wellington-st. Durham-Lodge of Oddfellows, Port Hope, will decorate the graves of their decejased bretbren on Sunday afternoon, August 7th. Dr. E. T. Siemon, B. A., Inspector of Public Sehools, Qttawa,, bas been visiting bis numerous relatives in town and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Soucb, Stettler, Alta., and daugbter, Mrs. Servis of Toronto, were recent guests of their aunt, Mrs. S. Aluin, Centre-st. Mr. Wreford F. Soucb bas passed the examînation in Optometry et 9Tr- onto and is now a fully qualifieti Op- tometrist. Shake, Wreford. Mrs. W. Tbompson and daughter Mary Eunîce Thompson of Gulfport, Miss., are visiting ber father,-Mr. David Morrison and other relatives bore. 1His many friends will be pleaseti to lcarn that Mr. Wesley G. Garner is making satisfacMory progress frbm bis recent operation for appendicitis et Bowmanrille Hospital. Rev. and Mrs, C. C. Washington and and daughter Joyce and Mrs. C. 0. Jobnston spent Monday witb his parents ,Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Wash- ington. 0 Leigb R. Knigbt, a promînent Lind- say lawyer and business and freter- nal man, lost bis life trying in vain ta rescue bis son in Kushog Lake, Heui- burton. Miss Bieben of Seult St Marie bas' been guest of Miss Gladys Munday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weekes, Tor- onto, are bolidaying bere witb bis brother and sister. ,Nortbumberland and Durham Med- ical Socitey will meet in Bowmanvilie on Aug. 3. Meeting will be address- cd by Dr. Bruce, Toronto, and others after wbich there will be a banquet. Miss Elva TrulI, Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. John Courtice and two sons of Maidistone, Sask., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Truli, Oshawa, and otber rhletives et Courtice anti Ty- STRAYED STRAYED-Year aid beifer, white, strayefi from lot 2, con 3, Dariington, on or about May28. Finder kindly notify Irwln R. Bragg, R. R. 4, Bowmnanville. Phone 136r3 . 24-t FARM TO RENT 174 acres. One and- one-haîf miles East of Newcastle. Knawn as the Me- Donald or the Maxwell Farm. Good soil. ail under cultivation. Good buidinga. Apply ta W. P. Ward, Barrister, Bow- manvilie, Ont. 26-t IlThe Shop That Leadsj EXPERIENCE LOCAL ANDOT HERWISE Mrs. Alex. Beitb, Ottawa, i rnew- ing acquaintances in town. i r Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Lockhýart, Col- umbus, Obio, recently visited. friends ber.. Mrs. J. W. Blewett, Oshawa, was a week-end guest of ber brother, Mr. H. W. Hamm. jÈE7otarhli Mr. and Mrs.J.EEiotaeh- dayîng with friends at Edenvale and Allenwood, Ont. Miss Whittington and Mr. Fred Bartlett, Toronto, spent Sunday at, Mr. John Hellyar'S. Silk Dresses regular $30 and $25, now $15 and $10. Coucb, John- ston &Cryderman. Misses Annie and Ada Gillespie,' Peterboro, bave. been visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gillispie, Liberty-st. Rev. E. A. Tonkin visited ýfriends in Port Hope lest Tuesday and spent the week-end with hîs daughters in Por. -and Mrs. Malcolm Galbraitb, Kansas City, Kan., are visiting bis mother, Mrs. J. K. Galbraith at Port Bowmanville. Miss Katherine McPhail, Secretary of General Hospital, Oshawa, spent the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Jean Rundie, Elgin-st. The many friends of Mrs. L. A. Tole will be pleased to know she is doing nicely after ber operation in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. H. G. Martyin and daugbter Florence of, Stratford, and Miss Rickard of Port Colborne, are visit- ing at Mr. James RiéJards. Mrs. A. T. Pearce ail three chld- ren, West Orange, N. J., are visiting their aunts, Mrs. F. Woodg&er and Miss Annie V. Cole, Centre-st. Mrs. Jas. Dawson, Fraserville,, Mr. Harry Brenton, Winnipeg, Man., and Mrs. (Rev.), S. T. Bartlett, Toronto, are guests of, Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyar. Abojit f orty young people from Base Line, Darlington, gave Mr. and, Mrs. J.. H. Abernethy, Odell-st., a pleasant surprise on Tuesday even- ing. Mr. Cedric Parsons read an address and MUessrs Gordon VanrCamp and Wilson Abernethy presented the bride and groom witb a parlor' couch accompanied by tbe good wisb- es of the young people of South Dar- lington. Maple Cream, bananas, or- angs ad atermelop were gener- osly served by the ladies and the bride treated ail to wedding cake after wbich games and a jolly social time was enjoyed by ail. BINDER TWINE 21c LB. Blue Ribbon-650 feet to lb-21c lb-at Mason & Dale's, Bowmanville. TO LET WANTEO TO RENT-By'yaung couple, small bouse witb modemn conveniences. .Apply Statesman Office. 26 t HELP WANTED Brigbt girls to learu nitigpei experience not necessary,. good working conditions This is an opportity to iearn a hi4h clase occupation paying good wages. Appiy Thomsan Knitting Ca., Ltd., temporary Office, Kiug-st., W., Bowmanvile. 29-t WANTED-Hlaud Compositors-men or women-by Non-Union plant, 48 heurs $3600. Permauency of position guaran- teed to satisfactory workers. We oper- ate Mutual Sick Benefits, Lif e Insurance, Dividends, Vacations andi other co-oper- ative advantages net. found in Union sbops. Apply, Business Systemas Ltd., 52 Spadina Avenue Toronto. 29-2 "Toronto Saturday Night" basreor- ganized its entire meebanical stafan is operating uow under Open Shop Con- ditibns. We bave a complete staff iu ail departmnents, Composing Room, Pressi Room and Bindery but soiicit applications for future openings, especially from ex- pert job compositors and Linotype Oper- ators, men or women. Termis, 48 heurs- $36,00. Full particulars ou requeat, SAT- URDAY NIGHT PRESS, 73 Richmand St., Toronto. 30-4 CONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES, PROCTOR & REDFERN Limited.1 E. M. Procter, B. A. Sc., Manager 36 Torento :4., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Weterworks, Sewerage Systems, Incineretors, Scbools, Public Halls, Housings, Fact- ories, Arbitrations, Litigetion. Our Fees:-Usuaîîy paid out of the mon- ey We ave our clients.. HâüOME-M AD'E ]B AKERY i LOST- BROOCH LOST-Ât Obautauquia, tent or on street, gold bar broocb with 235tb Battalion crest thereon. Libertl re-q ward awaits finder. Cali at Statesman THRESHER SUPPLIES Sucti'on 1{oSe 214 !Ch at SiXtY Cents per inch;, also thresher Belting. N. Smith, 138 York St., Toronto. 29-2 BOARD AND ROOM WANTED We will shortly require board and room for a number of our male andi female employees coming from Toronto. Citizens wishing good desirable perman- ent boarders please advjse Thomson Knitting Ca., Ltd., temporary office King St. W. Bowmanville. 29-tl PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE-Centrally locatefi, opposite Methodlst Chureb, 7-robmed bouse, in good repair, ail modern con- veniences. Will seli at Sacrifice. Applyl owner, W. P. Cryderman, Box 335, Bow- manville. 27-t FOR SALE-100 acres, %/ mile northl of Burketon ýJunction, frame bouse gnd1 barn, gond stabiing, bard and soft water, 1 piow possession after barvest. For; termes and particulars apply te Chas M. Dean, Burketon Junction. 29-3* FOR SA LE-To close an estate: House, Stable and 1/4 acre lot in flowmanville on the north-wes cerner of Cburch and Division Streef opposité- the Metbadist Churcb. For particulars apply ta John Lyle, Town Hall, Bowmanville, Ontario. il-tf ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Girl's bicycle, in good con- dition. Cbeap for quick sgi1e. Phone 183-12 30-tf. FOR SALE-Cheap, 98' yards of goofi Axmninster- carpet, border separate. Would mnake two goofi rugs. Colors green and oIft rose. C. A. Cawkçer, Cust- OMS office, Bowmnanvilie. 3-tf. MoLAUGHLIN SURREY FOR SALE- Blue Ciotb trimmnings witb aide curtains, pole And sbafts newy varnisbed, and In the Pink of condition. APpy ýto Win. Challij, Manvers Rd, Bawmanvllle. 23-tf FOR SALE-i building 20 x 16 ft, coi- ,taining ahl material necessary ta build garage, kitchen or anything else in that fine. Persans desiring saine can get a snap at C. Bagnells, Kiug-st., Bowmnan- ville. 29-2w LARGE PACKAGE SILK AND lace ClippingS-.-suitable for fancy work and quilts-sent On receipt of flfty cents stamps or money order. "Three packages for $1.00". M. J. Teller & CO., 59 Wellington St. West, Toronto, Ont. I 1 30-3 DO NOT LEAVE YOUR, F4RS TOO LATE 'To be altered or remade,ý no work too small or too large for us to do. SG. N. THuRSTOUNI Bowmanville;s Up-to-date Haberdasheryt ICLEA . mCE SALE We are off ering the balance of our Voile and Organdie Dresses at Haif Price. Rather than carry over the balance of these dresses for another Éeason we are sacrificing the lot as stated above. These dresses are of the newest shades, best quality materials and par- ticularly attractive styles. Formerly priced up to $25, now go- ing at HALF PRICE HOISERY AT PRE-WAR PRICES Only a few pair left of these white Lisle and Cotton Hose at 29e a pair Aiso a special line of Black Cotton Rose, very durable, best dyes, ail sizes and only 25c per pair Kiddies Rose, in Pink, Sky Blue, Dark Brown, Tan and ~Black, ail good quality, broken lines, clearing at 18e a pair Another line of Kiddies Sox in the above colors, spêcially priced for quick seiling at 18c'pair, SILK AND LISLE GLOVES 50c A broken line of Silk and Lisle Gioves, double tipped, three, lengths, all sizes, cannot'duplicate these values very special 50c SPECIAL SALE 0F PALM BËACH CLOTH, VOILES AND ORGANDIES Palm Beach Cloth in Rose, Copen, Bisque, Yellow, Navy, Pink, and 'Green, clear ing this week at' 68c yard Special uine of Fancy Figured Voiles, very best quality, plac- ed on sale at 89c a yard Swiss Organdie in White, Orchid, Maize, Rose, Copen, Blue, Sky and Coral, sale price $1.00 and $1.25 a yard CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS There was a big rush for these bats. Still have a few left, were priced up to $2.25, your choice now at 85C SW. Maeson &Son Opposite the Standard Bank, Bo(wmanvile Phone 106 éqRSC VIHz World-Wide exper- ience has proved that VALUE for rnoney is only ob-, tainable by- secur- îng thýe best. ART CLOTHES is the highest stand- ard "Clothes That Always Look New" A

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