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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1921, p. 6

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TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $8500 wîll buy 8 roomed brick bouse and office attached, opposite Town Hall. $2800 wiul purchase 7 room frame bouse on ChurchStreet, water. sewer. eiectrie light and furnace, 8-roomed brick bouse on Ontarlo-st., Bowmanville good lot, every convenience. Will be solfi reasonable for quick sale. $3000 Wil11 purchase 2 story brick bouse on Concession Street, water, sewer, elect- ric light, furnace, garage and every con- venience. $7000 will purchase 170 acres, 111. con., Township of Clarke fine buildings, well fenced and watered, about 3 miles east of Newcastle Wharf. . $6,700 wlll purchase 116 acres parts lots 5, con. 1, aad 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known as the Bruce Farm, well fenced, soil cday loam, good buildings. Terme easy. $20,000 will purchase the Somers Farm, containing 150 acres, just outside the cor- poration of the Town of Bownianville, on county road, on which are erected an 5- roomed brick house commodious out- buildings, stone stabllng for 40-head of cattle; the soil ls a rich dlay loam, well fenced and watered; this ls considered one of the best farms la the county. Terms to suit the purchaser. -MeLaughlin Farm, consiisting o f 150 acres. joins village of Tyrone wlth three etores. Blacksmlith shop, schools, churcli and grlst mill ail withln haîf a mile of farm. The oil1l a rlch dlay leam., there la over three miles of tule dralrk. The )a.nd la level but roillng. well Yeced, about 8 acres of hardwood bush, andi one acre of good cedar. Goofi farmn bouse and barns wth stone stabllng under- neath. Over twenty-four hnndred ýbush- els of grain threshed on t this year. The frst tenant on this farm made enough money In five years to purchase a farm for himself. This la one of the beat bargaîns in the County and muet be mold to wlnd up Estate. L. A. W. TOLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT' 3 6-tf -Bowmanville, Phone 41. MOTORBUS'AND TOURING CAR, TO HIRE Parties "wishing a comfortable rid- ing moter bus, with seating capacity for 20 persons or 7-passeriger Me- Laughlin Tour Car, phone your order to Luke, Boys & Cryderman's Gar- age. Spécial attention to picenics, trips to lake, bail teams, etc. Art Cole, Propriator. Phones: During day 188w; after 6 p. m. 188r23. ý23-t G. A. BRETHEN AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Haying scnured a License for Bowmanville District I will be pleased te conduct your sale REASONABLE RATES- Write for date. 0- Ch i rop--ractic (Spinal Adjustm.nts) Remove the Cause of, Disease without Medicine or Knife. Chir- oPractors have remarkable sue-. casa removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Agthma, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Pilas, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, Nervousness in many forms respond readily to Chiro- practic. Examination Free at Office. BR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Phono 224. Do no$ suier another day wit.b Itching, Beed lng, orr Mttud- lng Piles. M4 Pl LE, Ssurgicai opet% Dr. Cha';es Olntment will relUeve yoeirez Onc and afford lastmng benefli 60r.- Do83f deaer, o Emasn, Bates Oà3 ntel o a n e r an d : n c o s e 2 0 . s m 0 p s o t g Zutoo ablets Do e rea TnhPrpaaton -ar e.dTones n 20 gorteste ho in zyp%,old ens Uedfr Nervou Cican to iandie. Sold by ai Drugc gists, Grocers and General Stores., BOWMANVILLE, JULY 28th., 1921. EARLY DAYS IN ENNISKILLEN (Continued from page 3) then, a friend and former teacher of Mr. James. Mr. Jessup was an ex- cellent teacher ard a good citizen. Quite a number of his pupils later took up professional work-some as teachers, some as doctors and others the law-all largely owing to the en- couragement and foundation laid by his excellent system of instruction. Hie taught in Enniskillen a number of years. Leaving there he studied medicine, practicing at Jordan. and in St. Catherines, and later represented that riding la Prov. Parliament. 1 wýas much shocked at his death. We had corresponded alm ost continually since the school days. Just bef ore one of these school examinations a new flag was to be hoisted o nthe belfry in celebration of the event. A ladder the longest we could fiad would only reach up to and under the eaves of the 21/2 storey school building. The flag was a large one and with staff was some, what heavy. The writer undertook to mount the flag. Getting up to end of ladder and to push the flag on roof, was not so diffieult, but trouble began as soon as I clambered on the edge of the roof. The shingles were slippery and roof steep. I could not see the ladder while on the roof, hence could not have returned had 1 wished, so therewas nothing else to do but go to the top. 1 threw off my shoes, and holding on to the fiag pole, scrambled up a distance then would slip back. I can well re- member thinking that bumping that distance on the hard ground might hurt considerable. Anyway the top was reached at la:st and- the flag put in place. The only way to get down I could discover, was through the belfry. 1 managed to remove two or, three of the siats form one side and crawled through into the dark interior, and along the sleepers to which the ceil- ing of the upper class room was at- tached. A mistep on the laths, and I could have gone through to floor below. 1 worked my way to upper end to where was a trap hatch, which I removed and could see into the sun- shine lighted room below. Some benches and desks the boys piled up enabled me to reach the floor. That flag remained fiuag to -the breeze for many months, untîl there was little left of it. I hope whoever mounted the school flag in after years had an casier time at it. Gomng back some years, 1 remem- ber the excitement during the Fenian scare. A company of volunteer mil- itia was raised, with headquarters at 'Enniskillen. The members of' the .eomipaxiy wer ,e a sturdy lot, many of them six footers and over, most of them from the immediate neighbor- [hood. The names of some 1 rememi- ber are. Elijah Tole, elder brother of Mr. levi A. Tole of Bowmaaville, Fred and llarry Rogers, W. Dobbi 'n', Robert Irwia, a Mr. Smith a notice of whose death was in The Statesman a few months ago, was a prominent and earaest member-a sergeant. The drill exercises usually took place in the school ground. Col. Cubitt was in command and came from Bowmanville to, drill the men. Sometimes he was assisted by a reg- ular drill sergeant from Kingston. One of these was a regular martin- et and a source of great amusement for the boys and otherý spectators. Hie was inclined to stutter when giving orders, particularly when out of temper, which was, most of the time. For instance, he had trouble at first in gettîag the company to keep inaline when marching in column formation. Time and time again he would order them bnck to, origin- al position "bawl them out'"ad again instruct them "not to move tili lastword of command was given" Ia giving command "Forward March" the sergeant would get, the first word ail right, but the "march" would, drag out something like M-M- M-JtR-R-ich, some would step out before the word was finished,ý Bill Willis was the funny man of the Co- and was irrepressible when he feit like talkiag, while, in the ranks. Af-' ter a number of attempts one tîme, had f ailed to get the Mlen off on aven- step and the usual "bawling out" ad- ministered by the Sergeant, Bill said "Sargeant if you would say the, last "word first we would get aloag bat- ter". This was sure "lise majesty" t othe old drill sergeant, Bill was ordered from the ranks to do some menial service, whicb pleased him flot a littie; another time he said "Sarge, would happen the Fenians ifiu sl diers once got at them. I do not; recaîl whether they eatraiaed at Bowmanville or remained eýncamped there. There was trouble rerorteid also in Montreal dîistricýt of threate-i ed invasion by Fenians, adit mayjý have beenthe auathoritiýes were un-i certain which direct-(io thysod be sent. The Fenian invasion so call1ed whîle it dîd flot amunt -to anything disa-s- trous to Canada yet might have ýauts- 1 ,ok 1And lis Family jMedficines iM OST people flrst knew Dr. Chase through his R- ceipt Book. Its reliabllity and usefùlness made him friends everywhere. When lie put his Nerve Fooid, Kidriey-Liver Puils and other medicines on the market they received a hearty welcome, and their exceptional merit has kept thtem high i the puiblic esteem. Take DYr. Chase's KiCdney-Llver Pilla for example. Thes-e is ne troat- ment te be compared te themn as a means of regulatiag the iver, kid- neys and boweis ani relleving con- stipation, blhiousness, kidney disea.a aad indigestion. One, pil a dose, 2ec a box et ail dealers, or dmnsnBates &Co, td., ToroWo. EARQUL RELIE VES DEAFN ESS and STOPS HIEAD NOISES. Simply Rub it Back of the Ears and Insert In Nostrils. Proof of suc- eus wili be given by the~ dreggisi. MADE IN CANADA ARTHUR SALES CO., Silos; Agents, Toroto A. 0. Lacard, In., Mre., 70 5th ve,,M. Y. Cty For Saie in Bowmnanville by JURY &LOVELL The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto D.troi$ Ur'excelled 4ining car service. SleepinDg cars on nigt trains and Parler cars on the principal1 day trains Full information fromr any Grand Trunik Ticket Agent or C. E. Hforning District Paýssenger Agent, Torcuto. J. H. H.. JURY, Agent Poo78 BQwmîtnvm& î 1 ed serieus trouble. The instigaters were a ki te tIse trouble makers la Irelaad now, and their supporters la the U. S. The intense hatred of Englnnd by many of thse Irish Catholics la the U. S. tIse time seemed opportune to strike Eng- land by causiag trouble la Canada. TIse Civil war was over. ,TIse troeps near a million Isad beau mus- tered eut. To many soldiars tIse sudden change frein military to civil 1f e was rapugnant, and numbars of these mea lent ready ears te promises of plunder and excitement offered te join lna amy cf invasion. Arins and aquipment seems te have been ensily obtnîned, and soe other army supplies. Buffalo was oe of tIse chief centres of nctivity, a place of mustering tIse, forces net oaly ba- causa cf many sympathizers thora, but beiag near the horde rpemmitted of entrance inte Canada at diffarant points. Drilliag went boldly on, under soe U. S. army officers, la several places aad ne secret made of what ahi the preparations meant.' Why tIse U. S. Goerament par- mitted ail this te go on for montiis hefore taking action was a puzzle. It may have been their hands were full la work cf pacification , of tIse SoutIs after tIse Civil war, or hecause it kept a number of discoatents busy. 0f course, with ayes on Canada tiiey had ne time for domestie disturban- cas which was, ne doubt, a great re- lief te tIse U. S. Goverament. But the Fenian troubla was suppressed at ast. Large aumbers thnt crossad into Canada, surrendared and -were made prisoners; rnany of, the ring- leaders were ýrounded up and in- prison<ed by the U. S. Goverpiment. The> Fenian scare was ravived soe years inter, when attempts were made te get into Canada hy way of soe of tIse lower provinces. ý28-4 Rav. and Mrs. E. Turkington, Whitby, are holidaying at Sundridge. When Holoway's Cern Removar is applied te a cern it kilîs the roots and the callosity cornes out witheut iajury to the flash. Executors' Noticè IN THiE ESTATE 0F Annie Isa- bel Muir, hate of the Town of Bow- manville, Spinster, deceased. NOTICE is hereby givan that the- creditors of Annle Isabel Muir, late cf the Town of Bowmanvilla, Spin-, star, deceasad, Who died on or about thie lSth day of May, 1921, and al others having dlaims against or an- titlad te share in her Estate, are here- by notifled pursuant te thie Statutes in that behaîf made and providad, te sand by post prepaid or otherwise de- livar te the underslgned, the Ex- acutors of the Estate,on or bof ore the l3th day of August, 1921, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars, duly verifieri, of their dlaims, acceunts or interasts, and the nature of the se- curîties, if any, held by tIi-ar. Im- mediataly after the said 1 3th day of August, 1921, tIhe assets of thse said Deceased wilho distributed ameng thie parties entitled thereto, h 'ng regard onhy te thse daims or î&-èr- ests of which thie said Exacutors shall then hava baal notice, and ahi others wihl be axcluded from tIsa said distri- bution. The Toronto General Trusts, Corpor- ation, Executors, 83 Bay Street, Torento. Do You Keep a>a cose tab on your digestion,? This isimpot ant, It will pay you well todo so. Digesto is Compicated and its processes often become disordered This brin gs in'media'r" (.-te d*scomfort -often severe pain, Use 6E E iNA 'S hsvaluable prepa,,ration bas for years been fon orelieve indigestion, biliousness, sick headache and constipation. Thousands of careful folks have learned to use Beecham's Pis, which have proved both corrective and preventive. Experience has tauglit thema to always have a box handy. Profit by their example-always have Beecham's Pis élI-Yogr IHome SOLD EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. IN BOXES, 250ý., SOc. "resale'of any Medicine in the W WOME oBFMI2OI E UFE A Dangerous Period Through Which Every Wonian M ust p .ass Practical Suggestions (liven by the Women Whose L-etters FoIlow Q Afton, Tenn.-eî i want ~, other sufferîng women to - ~ know what Lydia E. Pîak- ham's vegetable Compound kbas done for me. During the. Changef Life I was in bed for elght months and had twe goed doctors treating me but they did mne ne geod. A friand advised me te take Lydia E. Pinkham' va g e- table Compound, whichî1 did, and ina a sort time I feit better. I1iiad ail kinds of bad speils, but they ail left me. Now when I feel weak and nervoultaketheVe-getable & Compound and it aiways dopa me good, I wisii ail wemen would etry it during the Change c Life for I know it WLU wili do themn good. If, you think itwihl induce seme one te try the Vegetabie Coin- Pound you may publish tuis letter." -Mrs. A. KELLER, Afton, Ten. Mrs. Mary Lister Of Adrian, Mlich.,adds ber Stestixnony b tthe value 'lei-k-Of LYd.ia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comipounud te carry womnen Safely threugh the Change of if e. Shte says: "It la with pleasure that I write te you thanking yen fer wbat your wenderful medicine bas don. fer me. I was passing tiirough the Change cf Life andi had a isp1acemnent and weakness se thatI could net stand on my foot and othar anneyiag symptoma. A friend told me about Lydia E. Phnk- ham's Vegetable Comtpound and the first bottie heiped me, se I get more and I arnnow doingimy housework. Yeur rnediain-sj3certainhyNwomn'1S frwlVséd and yu- ay zueo thîiý te-stimouLil s yeno oa.' Ms Mîs LIS1(tR,60 FrnkStreat, Adlrian, Mich, Itis said that middle age is the mest trylng perioed-ln a.woman's life, and =wegt oe eiose living net on. weman in athousand passes through taprfectly natural change without exp oriencing very annoyi.ig symptemsrn. Thoesroterig polathe dreafuibhot flashes that send tueblodrusin t-)e ieead unrtil il seems au'& thoug it wouid hurst, and the faint feel,,ing that; followsV, as if tii. heart were going te stop, thoeo sinking or, dizzy spelis are ail, Bymptoa of a nervous condition, and indicate the need f ra special medicine. Lydia E. Pinkhelam'FVegetable Cernpound 18 a root aid berb.medicine espe- cîaly adapted te -act upon the ferrnmne systeml. It acta in suait a manner es te huihd up the. weakened niervus system and enahies a woýman te pase thia trying period with tIse leaist possible anneoying %symptomsý. Wceon verywhere rhould remember that moat of the cemîmoner ahimefnt%- of wowen are nq)t tihe surgýji c oes-t4sy renetc -dbysr ,u d lce menta -or wtha, aiathougil tIe symptojmi may h. tii-esaine, and t.hat la why BPMary app1areutlY seriouis alimenta' readily Yield te Lydia E. Pinkham2'u Ce Bs it ado asesan naturelrea3tortive and oflen preventa L 1di E.Ptulham'4Prva Text.1Be-ok upoe 0AInx ne »»Zi to Wooib » h sent te FOIX fiee upon request. Wilte t. The Lydia F-Pinkham medicine c..,,LYnnU14chs.t ,-. ~ bo*,koatesvlal Lr.Ua c Courteous Service> THE courteous attention extendéý1 by members of, the bank's staff where you keep your ac- count, adds materially to your satisfaction ini con- ducting your banking business. Standard Service is essentiafllyorteous service as rendered by f every branch Cfth atk, from th. Manager to the Iatest recruit on the saf 'STANDARID BANIK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS, Bewmanville Brandi: . - Geo. L Hall, Managez, Blackstock Branch: - . E. A. Prestoýn, Manager., RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOW?4AN VILLE. Grand Trunk Rai1way.ý Going East. Going West Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr 4.22 a.m. 1 .Pass'ngr 5.23 a. m. Express 10.35 a.m. Pass'ngr 7.06 a.m. Pass'ngr 1.14 p.m.* Local 9.57 a.m* Pass'ngr 8.14 p.m.* Local 1.56 p.m.* Local 6.49 p.m* Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m.*. Local 7.21 p.m.* ýass'ngr 8.16 p.m. Mail 9.5ý p.m. *Daily except Sunday. Flagged. Canadian' Pacifie Railway Going East Going West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. m Express 1.50 p.m.* Local 8.20 a.m,* Local 9.16 p.m.* ýExpress 4.40-p. n, Express 12.20 a.m. Express 6.53 pa.. *Dajhy except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. 1 Canadian N.^tional Railway.' West Bound East Bound *8,15 a. m. *5.04 p. m. *Daily excapt Sunday. Going to travel C., P. R? Thon got your ticket from ýC. B. Kent at Post Office. Hay », Fever SUMMER COLDS, AStE'M, RAZ -MAH Pouitively istop8 the%. troubleeî Saêeging, woeziag, coughing, weeeig eymsa area't ecesaary- unlas you 11k. being týat Way.' $1.00 at your druggi8t's, or write Templetons, ftc.ronto. for a free trial. SOLD BY JURY & LOVELL Phone 97 Bow manville LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Money invested in our coal is cash conscient- iously expended. Here you will get your money's worth of coal. Here you receive a full ton plus satisfactory service, Jrohn A. Holgate& Son Qiueen and Division Sts, B3owruanviiie% Cream 'IWanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream, We Want Yours If we fail to cail on you we would appreciate a phone eall 2r write us. urono Creamery Go. ORONO tickt edigbt e f alo an '.ec .n ar oofrtrnotaonnorsemerg. Asis mu teke snr tnitaec for tickets via < & B Une.NetTorsAtmoieli-- Lon.00RouIIndrip, with 2 tisys retur nwlmit, for cam. fot exceedling 127 inch wheelbase. Beautifuly eoiored etionai-Dais chari of The Grat Sfiip "BEEAN1JBE5" sent OnuaseaIPLo flve tents.-Also ask for on fl',P5g5pitOTia and da:sriptive bookiet fres. p. NEILSON' ICE CREAM' PURITY, ALWAYS PURITY The many gallons of Neilson's Ice Cream which we seli every year only serve to make us more and more mindful of our standard, "Absolute Purity", not only now and then but always. TAKE A BRICK HOME CtiIRIST%ýiIE'S "qBAKERYl The Cashi & Carry Bakery Malone, Malone & Long, Toronto, Solicitors. Dated Juiy 6th, 1921.

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