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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1921, p. 1

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anb Ia tt1 VoLJ~V ILM A. JAMES & SONS, Publiahera BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO,. SEPTEMBIER 8, 1921 $2.00 a Year Ini Advance 5c a Copl o.3 M d Dilestionctive For Attire Autumn Ladies seeking individuality will find their fondest expectations realized in, our early showing ?f exclusive Eall Models. Design- ed by fashion artists of pre-eminence and devploped in fabrics of the ainest quality. COAT The newest materials are shown in these coats in Velour, Duvetyn, Silvertone and Bolivia with fur trimrnings of oposum, seal and beaverine, also elaborately trimmed with embroidery and fancy braid and exquisite lining of heavy brocaded satins and poplins. Broadcloth, Tricotine and Gabardine are the predominating materials for Suits both in tailored styles and embroidered, with heavy silk stitchings, richly embroidered in self tone and contrast- ing colors, along with the rich linings. -Deses of-fine-serge, tri&tine-and--silk are--shown in-the new Eall wearables. Trimmings consist of embroidery, braid, and last but not least the pretty silk fringe that is being worn so, much on dresses for Faîl. AN EARLY INSPECTION WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE Cn1lchAnhnstnn&CrvdermRn~ I S_______ I BOWMANVILLE FAIR THE CHURCH'S MESSAGE TO ALL, CHÊISTOPHER MITCHELL CONGRATULATE'POýLICE WORKERS ___________MAGISTRATE Tuesday and Wedne.îday, Sep.2-1____ TimeIy Discourse by Rev. S. C. Enters 9Oth Yeai- on Friday 9th Inst. 'Twill be the best yeti Arrange' Moore on Labor Day Sunda'y. to mieet your friends at BowmanvilleMrW. .HreyCadaso- Faramte h etalrud Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., in est Police Magistrate on active duty agricultural e-xhibition in the district., addressing the evening audience on and still going strong, on Friday of New and better attractions will be Sna ati i hrhsoeo this week, September 9, enters upon thSunday last in his church spoke on there. inizeralist incriesdtHovseThe Message of the Church for Lab- his 9Oth year. Already letters and .raceope n tliberalcs hori es oret or Day", and gave a very thoughtful messages of congratulation are heing rac open tos whorsess whorhaveh notyreceived by our venerable townsman won money previous to July 1, 1921.;dsorewihwa er ihvr clos e attention. As the tapic is just from far and near. Squire Horsey !Watch. for the "Sod Busters" from now very timely when the labor agi- -over in Uncle Sam's country he O. A. C. Guelph-they're a scream.I tation and the unemployment issues would be calied Judge Horsey-has Baby Show, boxing bout and fire~ dem- are being pressed upon the attention lived an active life-we might truth- onstratien are other things of inter-, of almost every civilized country few fully say a simple if e whicb no doubt est. Mark the calendar now-West pe.sons of aduit years but are keen- accounts for the good physical con- Durham Fair-big day-Wednesday,!ly interested in every phase of the dition, which lhe enjoys and the un- Septmbe 2lt. _____________________. usual activity of mind as well as body grea prolem.which characterizes bis professional The sermon was based on Col. 3: MEMORIAL TO KIT MITCHELL duties. Young folk, whose greatest A DARLINGTON FARMER'S CALL 22, 23 and 4: 1. The preacher ambition is to have a good timeand strongly commended the growing Dr. James L. Hughes Erectsa.a3ranite spend the heurs of the night chasing Mr. Erastus J. Burlc Dîes Suddenly of observance of Labor Sunday as a Monument ini Hamipton Cemetery. after pleasure long after they should Acute Indligertion. 1suitable occasion, Lneao ar, specia be in bed will neyer enjoy the length 1____ special prayer for oneaoryeafo1 A, very large concourse of people of days that Police Magistrate Horsey We are called upo)n to record the studiy of the pressing problenis of igathered at Hampton cemetery on has and still is enjoying. Ris pre- demise of another wehl-known and Labor and Capital. in the light of the Scugog Rond on Sunday at 4 p. m, sent good health and bodily activity highly resçiected Dairlington farmer, teachings of Jesus, and especially for gvepoieostlmreyaso descendant of one of the oldest pion- the careful consideration of the to witness the unveiling of a menu- sie.r omis f twn and yeary.o eer families, and the caîl of the grim church's, own attitude and message metth eor ftelt The Jan*ýs Papers unite with bis Reaper came unexpecýtedly after at of sympathy and encouragement to Christopher Mitchell of Darlington hasts of friends in heartiest congratu- tendance at the miarriage of a rein- the vast army of human toilers batbh erected by bis friend of boyhod days lations. tive. An esteemrred correspondent witbinf and witbout her ranks. This,'________ bas furnished the followinýg par-ticu- he believed, would serve to create Dr. James L. Hughes of Toronto. lars:i a clearer understanding and a kind-, People were there' from great dis- MINISTERS AND CHURCHES A sd srprsecamre to his an lier spirit between tbe varieus groups tances, Toronto, Oshawa and, Bow- sad surprise in the industrial if e of the commun- manvile n h itrc eeal Rev. Archer Wallace, Toronto, will friends wben they learned of tbe sud-!ean th dirctgealy conduct tbe Rally Day Service in the den passing out of Mr. E. J. Buýrk ity. The road was lineýd on botb sides for Methodist Cburch, Bowmanville, Sun- on Wednesday, August 24 at Bow-t Labor Sunday, hie said "Is the day a long distance with autos. dy coe,2d manville Hospital. MrI.. and Mrs. On wbich the church worships, in a DrHuhseqstdRv To-ayOcbr,2. Burk and daughter Florence, had special way, and witb a beautiful DsBr.tughesieques nvted R e vom St.1 Pai4l's Cburch, Rev. D. W. motored te Highlandl Crgek to a conception, Hîm who is the Human SBakerMores hieand onvited Re Best,'minister.' Public Worship at cousin's wedding (Burk-Morrisb) Incarnation of the Divine Creator, vS.lC.DMorcaidje rma .f oMan.1 .m n p.. S and had spent a most enjoyable day the Carpenter of Nazareth, who by vlleDisric and Rev.lDr.C.assilsa m. and0 p. m. na witb~~~ fyed. O hi a oebsonhf fti oee infe Talling, B. A., of Toronto te stncSoland BilCaseat23 .m wit frend. O. hei wa hoe hs wn ifeof oilfoeve dinifedwith him near Mr. Mitchell's grave, Bowmanville District Financial Mr. Burk complained of acute pain in ail labor. which was covered by a large Union meeting and Spiritual Conference his stomach which gradually grew' It is the day when ahl who labor, Jack.- The ceremonies began by sing- wîll be held at Hampton on Tuesday, werse. Just east of Ceurtice the by hand or brain, should came toget- ing "Praise God from whom ail bless- September 2Oth. Sessions at 10 pain became very severe and bie was ber with a deepened sense, not only, ings flow", and prayer by Rev. Mr. a. m. 2 and 8 p. m. Representatives- rushed to Bowmanville Hospital of mutual dependence, but also of 1 Moore. Dr. Hughes said,"Two men -fromn Mission Board will address the where aIl was done for him tbat could personal relation witb Him wbo net, with whom I was closely associated in meeting. Let every circuit be re- -be-done-by-nurËses--and- medic-al -aid4eofl-tOiIed- with-1is-followers%-in-.the- my-early-lif e live-on inmy-miemory, hee±d but hie passed quietly away with the days of His flesh, but still gives Kit Mitchell and Rev.,George Law- jMtoitCuc, Rv . C usual result-beart; failure. strengtb and guidance tea al teilers,[rence, Presbyterian Minister of MoreB.A.,Bdc, pastorSundCy The funeral on Sunday, August *ho work te His plan. Out of this Clarke. For both I have a deep af- 'Morin suTe, .A, .DPaor of ay 28, was very largely attended, ser- nshi oens faenence nd felg -offection and a vital reverence. princely passion" 5-minute stery for vice being held at 2 o'clock conducted sipcmsanwfo eln f Befere leavlng for England in June young worshippers At 7 p. m.- by Rev. C. P. Muirhead of St. John's sympathy and brotherbood among all I unveiled a tablet te Mr. Lawrence Dr. Chas. T. Paul, M. A.,-F. R. G. *Church, Bowmanville. The floral toilers. i i omrcuc nOoo o tributes from relatives and friends The cburch teaches that toil is the inbsfreShrc nOoo e ., President of the College of Mis-. wer vey bautfulincudig pllo apoined ot f bmanlif-no asday we unveil a memorial te my dear siens and Professer of Lingite werever beatifl inludng pllo p of sin, ut a eu of bu- lf-nta friend Kit. The close friendship be- and Oriental Missions, Indianapolis, from wif e apid two daughters, anchor, wagesofsnbuasamn fb- tween Kit and me resulted from the Iad. will 1rnc' Public ýaways wreaths, sprays and sheaf s complete- man welfare. Labor, under rigbt fact that wie were botb unwisely at- wel&ome. lycoern te asc. oniioswihn enoable himîts tI T eer te coilsrs ndit air ihrae o as, ia- aced by tbe preac.thers-w,,hen Kit, i Theweý-cand a a far rat of wgeis ab- asthirty four -years 0old and 1 thi - The- Mission Circle of the Method-

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