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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1921, p. 2

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'BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 8th., 1921. SIR SAM, HUGHES, K. C. B., M. P. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Bowmanville District meeting will __________________________ Iie held at Hampton on Tuesday, lu I WAn Appreciation By Chas. M. Bice, Nurse Dorothy A. Lord writing un- September 2Oth. IN S R A C E_ _Allun, Northam, R. S. 0. North Devon,! will be to your interest. Couch, -0I B S E RV'YATIO NS cannot let this occasion pass witb.. England, says: We are glad to say 1Johnston & Cryderman. I fl lDUflJ outald fdsevdtiuetom httesweltering heat and drought'________________ Ail unesof FIRE ol friend and playmate, Sir Sam of the early summer has given place All lîes of:FIREHughes. His memo1ýry is s0 vivid, to cool refreshîng showers. Indeed, -,'nd'recllsthe long past with such a fire in the grate would be m-ost ac- ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, erpy odvdns sweetness and freshness, that it is ceptable right now. It is good to P ART SIAXN PLA E LA Spas n dvienswith extreme delight I corne to adda see the fresh ernerald green of the GUARANTEE BONDS, To impress others înprove your- and devoted services of our dear lightful surprise today when Mr. and JA L I self. friend, whose every eff ort was put Mrs. T. H. Everson of Oshawa, Can- AU OM BIEeoerng sLoafing is not living. Living is forth and prompted by a whollyds ada, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ever- against fire, lightning, doing. interested patriotism, for the country son of "Lake", Bradworthy, called to, Maker of High Grade Ladies' - ~ Use your mind or you will neyer be1 lie so dearly loved. se your Uncle Richard Sanguine, Gents' Garments. tet rprydmg, of much use. e For months past the grim and un- haie and bearty at 90 years of age. injuries to the public, Mv rado o'lbcm relenting Archer has stood sentinel A ýsingulaý circumýktnce happened1 We can furnisb you with best collis o;inue aant a nMoveforwado.o'lbcm at the door of is mansion. His wen Mr. T. H. Everson was inquir- mtraSgeanidgoy, colisin;insreagans bak umbr.shafts have been tbrown with swif t, ing of Mr. Sanguine about his ancestl mgarteal, eres adeinio de the carelessness of the Water that is stagnant becomes and deadly aim. ors. Miss M. E. Oke in wbose home gurne ee t ae ohr worthless. Sa do men. The entîre Dominion may weîî un- hie resîdes, informed bim that his else can you buy, at our lowest driver of the car you You drift towards the rocks. You ite in paying just tribute to the lif e, great aunt was your and hier grand- price. AIl work done by exper- are meeting. bave to row to reacb success. character and public services ofon mother-Grac e Everson, wif e of the ienced tailor. Fit guaranteed. Honestly, are you as badly off as of b er native sans, who ha d. .ecome Waeili Oke Ebnezer ou theDar- Il,'~uuyou make yourself believe you are? bone of ber bone and fiesh of hier dfthim of MbeezrSW.C.h Dar-'7'T Mrs iito V.To av jo oe mstshare it. fiesh; one whose manhood had enter- lingt.nCOgranaer ,L Happiness was bora a twin.-Byron. ed into hier history and successes, and Cole, Bowmanville-Editor.) AgentTh okrwodeg- whom she bad honored witb one of Nurse Lord adds: "We shouldflîkei lre lc omnil Phone 189 The orkr w1o des ood worktebihtpotcasainshtws them to have stayed longer. We BosyBok omnil Bonavlc ranks with n man noted f or good hers to give. wr hre îhMs vsns works. an wr cbs ar andith Mrs. Eeron' If you lazily remain of no account 'Ciean of purpose, direct of thought rius mannrfrer nd basth eeredt VETERINARY you'll neyer have mnucb of a bank and action, bis was, the highest type us btoher mfrendayvit. We ant-a DR. F. T. TIGHE account.ofmnod ycaofttrcef friends and tai kear them discuss TETRINRY URGON.Dayor f yu cn'tstad averityyauremen who have carved sovereign Pro- Canadian topics. Mrs. T. H. Ever- NgTERCalîSUPRGt ENde To. nf ot fittedt stand proserity Tbink vinces out of inhospitable wastes, and son snapped Uncle Richard and ber R ET R EA D ggh Cala roptl Atendd o. ot ittd o sandpropeity Thnkhave stamped the hall mark of the husband and Mr. has Evesan OffceKin-st, W, Satama B1ck~thi avr.highest Canadian manhood upan the Altogether theirs was for us a very Bowmanville.1 Phone 243. If you contemplate buying god se- Dominion Commonwealth. Born in delightful but ail ton short visit." irI iA 7i - ~curities, dan't wait to long. Prices old Ontario of parents noted for their This is aur first intimation that M. A. JAMES are now low. intelligence, acquiring bis educatin Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Everson were in A S i ( 'STEAMSHIP TICKETS Lay in a gond stock of canned under conditions of moderate cir- England.CA S1 G gods. They are going ta be dearer cumstances and the seif-deniais char- The M,. Sanguine referred ta is aur Eo UROPE-Canadian Phoile, next packiag season. acteristic of aur best Canadian if e; only living uncie.-Editor.: WitSar.uD orminormation. ftAme Pray not for more wages, but'for with a mental *equipment and________ A lot of maaey is wasted on féz c o nomto.Poemore earning power. The former strength of character that was ta Tires by not having aid casings 58, Bowmanvillle.wl oo eatr. carry him forth ere "finis" should be Happiness dosen't just bappen. It that are in fair shape Retreaded. wiI ohowth lttr.inscribed upon bis work, lie early bas ta be earned. Everything bas. We bave an up-to-date Retread- To cut an enviable figure in. the turned bis eyes and thougbts ta Can- . ing plant and caa give you first CHANGE 0F BUSINESS worid is of mare moment tban nav- ada's everlasting hbis, and cast bis When down town shopping step in ciass satisfaction. Let us have ing an enviable figure in the bank. hopes and bis fortunes inta the and see the beautifulCot, utsacifrmy. Having pu W rchasred the Gr aten The warld isa great mirror. It lap and life of bis beiaved cauntry. and Dresses an display at Couch, MrblheEWR ork saied o n by ylate reflects back ta you wbat you are. To those who kaew him well, bis Johnston & Cryderman's. YOUR TUBES SHOULD BE I an prearedta ontiue dingIf you are ioving, if you are friend- appintment as Minister of Milîtia VLAIE monumental workc in its varionsliu&uaehiputewrdwi brougbt the greatest satisfaction. branches. prave laving and friendly and helpfui His services in that bigh office were 1Jw.%SA e Hot weatber is hard on Tubes Phne24 F H Bunal.ta yau. The world is wbat you are, ail too brief, but in the littie time H olidv.a~ay A LI~ that bave been patched. To save Phno24 F H Bunah. Hustle or you'll get left behind. lie served, bis faithfulness, and the 1 trouble on the rond you shouid "A man isn't poour if bie can still vigorous ease witb whicii bis trained Froodoni from n acha a«rn ortbst sadhv EGLlaugb", deciared Raymond Hitcb- mmnd grasped the sitain bte-Pai» a8Bufed by bthem putube shpe sanhve cock, in being hailed inta the bank- phasize the great loss Canada basTe n to' 14. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. ruptcy court. Carnegie once said: sustained by bis untimely end. Sir T m ltis Tire Repair Experts BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTÂRY "Millionaires seldom laugb". Do Sam was a man wbo always had, in Rheumatic Cd%- es Money ta boan on Farm and Town your own moralizing. politicai as well as in military affairs, hroperty. Ruyai Bank Building, If the editors' views mako yau the courage of bis convictions. He H*ep thea i n your homne, Bowmanville. Phone 851. tbink by bringing ta your attention placed patriotism abovo party; o-o orvcto Jam ieson Bros~ an idea with which you cannot agree, servatîve of the old school, bie was For liheumatiin, Neuralgia, tbank the publishers for belping you ever jealaus of the rights and glory Headache, Train Sickne et M" BOWMANVILLE: OSHAWA- W. F. WARD, B. A. strengthen your belief in your own of bis own Province. 41 .00 at urdru«gWU'88. Statesinan Block Jackson Garage ~BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,' NOTARYý idea. You gain littie by assacîatîng The ùife story of this poerless char- Sold by Jury & Love-l 'Mouey ta boan. Bonds for saleý. always anly with those who yelp "Yes acter was one of toil-with one pre -_________________ ~Offi ees: Bioakley Block, King Yes", when youexrs your apin- dominating abject in view, a tborough ztreet, Bawmanvilio Ontario. ions. mastery of the task before bim. Phnes: Office 102, Hanse 178J., Here's a bit of Scotch: Alec-"I When death ciaimed bim hie was DON'T THiROW YOUR IfO AV F saw ye at the bank yesterday." Don- young in years, but old in results. OL*CRPTS AW Y M L. AYA£5 %E. MEDICAL ald-"Aye". Alec-"Did ye put in O DC R E S A A %ý some nmoney?" .Donald-"Nae". "Leaves have their time ta fail, They make new reversible M, 3. HAZLEWOOD,M.D. M. Alec-"Did ye take out sao mm1on- And. fiowers ta wither with the north- "Velvetex" Rugs Univesity y?" ýDonàl-"Nae. Ale__ "Ten wids brathSend for Velvetex Polder 6BA ' QOdMedalist of Trinity tnvriye? oad"a" lc" B utwins breth, hatal seasans for Tooà o Four years Attendlng Phy-. "e". Altsoe -"The what didy? thine awn, 0 deatb! CANADA RUG COMPANY___ -ic mad Surgeon at' Mt., Carinell ,, , London Ont. KoiaPîttaburg, Ks. Office and D )oald-"ýI fillit me fount-in pen." That hoe was a figbter, no ane xili ________________ N W M N G M N Rea1ine, Wellington Street, Bowr- Ntig oeftlt ucs deny, wbether in Parliament or on N WM N G M N maniie.Phno10. han taking ane's job as a matter of the field of glory. His convictions I wish to thank citizens C, W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., course, If more ,persons would e were always on the side of truth and 50enthused over their- day's work anar, d i al the courage ta fB w avil o h ý,G-aduate of Trinity Medical College, that samoone would bave. ta k h ofBwmanvile for themudralcrm- i Jlbe lptong aray Toronto, formierly of Enniakilion. them to go out ta lunch there would stances. Ho belanged, ta that type of I<ar em nant IS orfarng Office and' residence, Dr., Beitb's, hoi more bappiness in the world and men wha make nations great, and Xex nd t me Ihp former residence an Church-st., Bow- less indigestion.,. If you miust be a who le ad in the marcb of humnan pro- etend wed to me ableho ~innviie.Phono 259., 44-t glutton,_ be a glutton for work.- gress. The web af'life is drawn intothsw kto eabe t DR. V. H. STOREY Charles M. Schwab. a loom for -us ail, but we must weave A A ! serve ahl my customers ~i3adat TrotoUnvesiyea Rcoti Godea nanfatuedit aurselves. We thraw aur own WL promptly as in the rush of Toot siestier RcetyGoya auatrdFhutties and work aur own treadies. 1 ,tnd haîf resident physician and sur- its 39,000,OOOth tire. This record The warp is given us by aur Creator, getting, into shîpshape gýeon Toronto General Hospital (six was establisbied in twenty-two years but the filling is of our own making. fA l'~ some may have been over- ic 'sBrsde Mtriy woo uies but 19,000,000 af these Quisque snae fortunne faber. e~ndhaf ears Military Hospital. tires were made in the iast five yenrs, 1t wih ara ooed Rfos:Ryai Bank Building, Bo-drngwibtegets nrae i is wt adnable pride I recal mnville. Phone 143w. 10-y. car registration has occurredan ttis and scnsofarscoJarn prepared to give you __________________________whîcb bas seen the greatest period of days, when we were boys together, -tebs DETLexpansion for the campany. under the uplifting tutelage of bis tebetbaking possible and DNAi, illustriaus father, at dear old Sauina, .n fiin oo Men' wba, pay wholo-bearted at- Sam was a keen observer, and hada a promptan efi et o r DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE tentiôn ta business, wbo train tbem- remarkable mind which sbowed its ei rys vc. H'onor graduate in Dentlstry Toronto selves, who develop every power ta wonderful powers even that enrîy in We have a number of dei rysvc. University. Graduate of the Royal tbe full, are favored by the ili-train- bis if e, and which gave evident prom- Bakery is located on Duke Coilege of Dental Surgeons of Ont- ing of the average man., Despite ise of thegrand career that was ta be remnants of 4, 6 and 8 Stetwtupt nsopa àfý4o. Office King-st, g owmanville. aur boasted- institutions of learning, bis. We played tagether the inno-Stetw h p onso a Office phono 40. House phone 22. most mon are not only haîf educatod, cent diversions of youth; we fished; rolîs of a pattern that we Mr. Archie Tait's Grocery have no c lear purpose in if e or littie swam, skated and hunted tagether, as ambition, and are not honest in the boys of the saine neighbbrbood are Soe DR. J. C. DEVITT highest moaning of the word. The wont ta, do, and thougb grieving aver are clearing at 5c per roll, Soe ~Graduate of Royal Dental College, only wondor is that well-trained, han- bis loss, we take n mensure of " Bcdes2cpemi.Ail kinds of cakes and Tforonto, Office, King-st East, Bow- est, ambitiaus, creative men do nat fart from the contemplation of his, odes2epryard pastry made to order, Bread - mranýville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 farge ta the front more rapidly.- illustriaus career, and should try ta mý m. daily except Sunday. Phone Kingsley. so live that aur lives may in part re- adbn aediy 'Ç,'D Hanse phono 90b. semble bis. adbn aediy author of this sermonette sa we voted famiiy and friends al aver the "i -rW soiiash eofyu FUNERAL'DIRECTORS migbt give 1him credit. "Man, Dominion wiil long W .yT, jqua patronage. friend o' mine, there is oniy to-day. For the toucb of a vanisbed hand, F. F. MORRIS CO. Don't inistake that. Yosterday was, And the sound af a vaice that is still.Bi 20 oktr ~Mo, coploe oqipmnt.Sunday to-morrow mny nat be; ta-morrow,DevrClAgut12.Bg 0, oksoeFh s G rb d and night calîs promptly attended to. ta-day wili lio yesterday-yesterday, DenerCwmanville 121 ~howmanvileife ponos 10 and 84. t-dy st- marw. Yuca'n________ Proprietorvîl L&__ L - . -t-e, ,., PWLOW POINTS 65c 1We -have the following makes of Plough Points in stock'which are being sold at 65e each. Verity, Wilkinson, Fleury, Orono,, Defender, iFarmers' Friend, Big Imperial and others, Mason & DaIe's, Hardware, he Store with the Big Hardware Stock, Phone 145 Bowrnanvihle Bonnliett ]Floral Ltd., Incorporated under the Ontario Compan- ies Act April 29th A. D. 1921. Capital $250,000 divided into shares $100,00,each, Now offers stock for a limited time with some bonus of stock given to investors, a prospectus will be forwarded on applica- tion to the Directors of the Bionnett Floral Ltd. Bowmanville 'I i Fe ediThe Hungry Threshers WITH DUDLEY'S TENDER AND JU ICY ROASTS Put up specially for Threshers. your order and have it delivered by mail man. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225 House 272 Bowmanville O-"'NCE A CUSTOMER ALWAYS A, CUSTOMER It îs in the Grocery Business as ini ail other fines of trade SERVICE COUNTS The number of our customers is increasing and there are reasons for it. Fresh Goods, Rapid Turn-over Quick Deîivery, Right Prices, Courteous Treatment These are a f ew of the reasons why our trade is increasing. If you once trade with me you will be- corne a regular customer. Remember in addition to the regular line of groceries we carry ail uines of green groceries and fruits, both foreign and do- mestic, fresh at ail times, HngARRY ALLIN F. H. _Kitto and tells of bis 12,000 themselves at the ducal court clnd in e Just west Royal Theatre mile trip from Edmontan, nortb nîong mantles of gontskins. The present v I Ithe Mackenzie thraugb ta the Pacific day incumbent, Bethuel Hutchings, I anst and thon east ta Edmonton. stoicnlly endured this attire over bis REBUILT BICYCLES j In addition ta this article, this num- ardinary clothes on a broiiing bat F RSA EIber includes thirteen stories and day. His appoarance suggested n FO S L articles which together witb the usual blond of a modern country tourist àdepartmnents makes a interesting n nd Robinson Crusae. sue of Canad's autdoar monthy. The Prince, mucb nmusod at the Siîk Drosses regular $30 and $25, iRod and Gun in Canada is pubiished varioty of gifts, salemnly "canfirmed p .ow$15 and $10. Gouch, John.. montbly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, ail the loyai tenants in their hold- etn&Crydormen-a,-aP Publisher, Woodstack, Ont, ings".L= ri evp1vîncpeaeti-g is not onfy pracffcar, but tne Most ýonon'dcal ever devised. Every persan shauld knaw the ad- sntnges the Pipeiess bas-over old-style furnaces. ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Green;.La way & Elliott Consuîting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville il SDo not suifer ano ther d wthbOW M RO OPU It cghPiln*ets.4 Maf Id el able eeating Prles. gree'Ns 0 f st'Mgt- N..1, $il sugc L ope 4- N. 2, $3; o.3, $5per box. Dr. Ohasees'5 tet Mrmu M o§ ldyal druggists, or sent and afford lasting beneflt. Cmab au F < reepampholreeit. 0f prtceý.' dealersN or Edmanson, Bates & 00, 4=)e.IFe amhe.Ad«s TorontiSan Box free If you me&M UM IITkE COOK< MEDICINE CO., paper and=clUO20. sIDP WptO T..d GOfIUTO. ONT. (Formeils Wi.du.. t; / MIS Bowmanville Phone in

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