BUY COAL NOW Now is the 1time to buy coal. Plenty of Nut and Furnace Goal at C. N. R. Tyrone Station. R. H. Collacott, Phones 146-r3, 181-r12, Bowinanville 29-tf Simple and Sure.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oui s cse im.ple la applicea- 'Lion that a childi can understanid the instructions. Used as a liniment the only direction is to mub, and when used as a dressing to apply. -'The directions are so plain and unnristak- able that they are readily under- stood by young and old. Beauty & S*&ervice are not always found in perfect combination, but 1when you use BEAVER VULCANITE ROOFING you have a combination that is both pleasing to the eye andsatisfactory as to service. We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE, Cali and see this material before you cover your new building or renew your old roof We have a fulll une of other Building Material at prices considerably lower than last season Fresh Stock of Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal ready for delivery at Summer Prices. McClelan & Company Limited King Street Eaut1 Bowmanville aiOffice Photie 15- Residences 228 and 274 P LEBARRELSa PRICE APPLE BARRELS 75c EACH Deîivered 89c each BUSHEL BASKETS AND COVERS $3.75 per doz. Special prices in c ar lots. We are Canadian Agents for the largest basket manufacturers in America. CET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING QUICK &HOLGAT Phone 19 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 8th., 1921. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Tcwn Hall, Hampton, Aug. 27, 1921. Regular meeting of couacîl; mem- bers ail present except Coun. Souch; Reeve Baker presidîng. Minutes of iast meeting were read and approved. J. W. Knapp made, application for damages to bis buggy top. Laid over, R. Bentham's dlaim for sheepi damages was not allowed. John Reynolds applied for position of Tax Collector for year 1921. IApplication accepted. By-law No. 812 was given its sev- eral readings, fixing rates for year 11921 as foiiows: County rate .00952; Towaship .003; Cernent Bridges .0025; General school rate .00558, a -total of 20 3110 milis exclusive of local school rates. ITreasurer acknowledged receipt of $4,500 from e. B. Simpson on acct. of sale of debentures for S. S. No. 8. Orders granted on Treasurer were: W. R. Allun, freight $ 2 54 H1. Stainton, gravel 4 37 E. Martin, gravel 4 38 F. Allia, gravel 4 50 J. Wakely, teaming tubes 5 00 C. J. Rundle, teaming tubes 6 00 J. W. Knapp, gravel 6 25 C . Woodfiey, gravel 7 75 S. J. Honey, gravel 8 25 M. J. Wight, work Allia bridge 8 75 Wm. Beckle, gravel 13 50 F. Bragg, work Allun bridge, 14 00 Robt. Colacott, gravel 16 00 T. Greer, posts 70 Jns.,Burgess, wnrk la pit 17 50 IHerb. Bradley, teaming, etc., 20 00 F. L. Robbins, work bridge 21 25 S. C. Allia, woYk bridge 30 00 John Wakely, work bridges -31 00 IAlbert Gay, work bridges 57 00 N.Strutt, work bridges 67 50 EL.Williamson, work bridges 69 00 A. Wakely, work bridges 72 00 Geo. Edger, work bridges 72 00 H. Wilcox, work bridges 84 00 J. Cowliag, work bridges 100 00 Roht. Burgess, work bridges 107 25 Ont. Bridge Co. bridge metal 731 82 Neil Smith, W. F. Bonus 5 00 S. Northcott, sheep inspection 4 80 G. F. Annis, sheep damages 6 00 Park Commission, work on park 8 40 Bk Montreal, cheque book 4 00 J.W. Hynds, Voters' List 1921 70 04 N. E. Neads, premium rest room 7 00 L. Earie, killing dog 5 00 K. E. Courtice, kiling dog 5 00 Geo. F. Annis, kiliing dog 15 00 H. Hancock, deb. S. S. No. 8 4,500 00 Council adjouraed to Saturday, September 24, 1921, at 1 p. m. W. R. Allun, Tp. Clerk. BOWMANVILLE-ON-THE-LAKE Members of Bowmaavilie Beach ~Asociation celebrated the closîng of tesason on Friday nigbt by a huge bonfre and corn roast under the able management of Geo. Diliing assisted by the young ladies and gents resid- ing at the beach. Sharp at 9 p. m. President C. Ernest Rehder, Deputy- Reeve, annouaced the starting of the PUBICOSPEAKINC -BV- FRANK HOME KIRKPATRICK NO. 17. DELIBERATION (Copyrigbted) "More haste, iess speed" is a per- tinent comment on the ineffectiveness of hnrry. Have you seen one hnrry- ing along with an armf ni of parceis; drop one, dive implusively after it; drop another, plunge spasmodicaliy for it; drop tbem ail and then scnrry a round among them, like a pup ex- plofrnig the ,"innards" of ýaii old- time feather bed. At intervals, la other days, a new manwould invade the business life of my- oid home town. He would rush about, "chuma things up 'and attract a, lot of attention. 0f course, many of the resideats would say, ad- miringiy, "Is't he a bustIer?"' "Is't be a live wire?" "He is just the very man this town bas needed."' You have seen a light flare np brilliaatly, and die ont. Well, after the "live wire" bad scnrried about for a short tîme, he would snddealy depart. I was back there the other day. Nearly ail the old business bouses are stilli iin existence 'a monumientÏ to system and order, or, if yon will, to the fntility of hurry. No doubt, some of yonr friends, like a few of mine, are aiways lnaa burry. They flutter about lwaa dizzyiag fashion. Tbey are always on some mission bent, but accomplish aothing, or very little. 1The hurried public speaker is ns- ually a pnrveyor of "'half-baked" ideas. He does not take time te clearlydefine and mature bis tboughts. His mind hastily leaps to a new idea, before he bas fully expressed the last. More or less mental confusion resuits. His mimd is apt to pick n p ideas without strict regard to relev- aacy, and to rua off on tangent s. He may retura to the main idea, and< he may not. He is like the hunter wbo started ont to bunt for a bear;, saw a fox, set ont after it: thea saw a squirrei, and forgot the fox; hemay retura to the bear bunt or he may not, Sncb a speaker's words corne rush-1 îng ont pell-meil. Each tramples oni the heels of its predecessor. Ar-1 ticulation is slurred, pauses elminat- ed, emphasis obscnred and pronoun- ciation compromised. The results of accentuated hurry in speakiag are a disorderly tumuit of ideas, and a hurly-bnrly of words.! Any public speaker wh ois affected with nervous haste or hurry should cultivate deliberation. Deliberation la public speaking does not mean a slow and monotonousý pronounciation of words, one by 1 on.It is not a tedious, tiresome, 1, uavaried drawlin g ont of word . It' is neither heavy or sluggîsh, duil nor wearisome, irksome nor besitant. The deliberate speaker is easy, self-i controiled, confident. He speaksý calmly, directly, vigorously and nat-ý urally. Delîberation ini speaký4ng ig not secured hy me,' ely "sl,'owîvng up.e This simply makes for î e onotonyý already discussed. It is secured byý strong and sustaiaed concentrationi OSHAWA FAIR Oshawa Fair is here again. Next Monday, the gates wîll open to ex- hibîtors to bring their goods to com- pete for the biggest prizes yet offer- ed. Tuesday and Wednesday the gates will be open to the biggest crowd of visitors yet seen at Alex- andra Park. By years of effort to put on a good show, the public are prepared to enjoy an annual outing. This year, if prizes are any induce- ment, there should be, no shortage in any line of exhibits. Ia addition a 40 per cent increase in cattie prizes, three big prizes of $25.00 each, given by President W. E. N. Sinclair, M. P. P. for Shorthorn Herd, Managing Dir- ector D. M. Tod for Hoî 'stein Herd, and First Vice President Hiram Gif- f ord for team of heavy horses, shonld make a big showing of live stock. Additional stables have been buit to take care of ail that corne: Besides there is the 48th High- landers' Band of Toronto, for both afternoons and the night show. This is a whole show in itseif. Then there are the triais of speed, midway, merry-go-rounds and ail that goes with these. The night show on Tnesday nîght promises a reai treat. For years the fair has been aimiag at this. The main building and poultry building will be lighted and open. The midway will -be working overtime. There will be flreworks and other attractions. Be sure and be at the Fair at ail the performances and have ail your frîends with you. You have enjoyed it other years and will do so this year. It Will Relieve a Cold.-Colds are the commonest aliments of maakind and if neglected may lead to serious conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul will relieve the bronchial passages of inflammation speedily and thor- oughly and will strengthen them against subsequent attack. And as it eases the inflammation it will stop the cough becanse it ailays ail ir- ritation in the throat. Try it and prove it. F LO"'W ER '%S and PLANTSý0 FOR ALL i We specialize in wedding and funerai désigna. IS PESSIMISM OVERDONE? It may be true that everybodyis hard up, but there is a -lot of evidence to the contrary., Travel records this summer compare favorably- with those of any boom year. The better summer resorts were crowded. Peop- le are turned away every day from the highest priced hotels in cities. There is a scramble at every meal for seats in the most expensive restaur- ants. The amount of betting on horse racing is said to be eclipsing anything ever lJnown before. Mer- chants report that the demand is chiefly for the better grade of goods, although it is true that many custom- ers now shop aronnd until they flnd attractive prices. Until the very warm weather, set in theatres were crowded nightly. Automobile mak- ers have been reporting active busi- ness. Saviags bank deposits have been breakiag ail records. Every first-class cabin on boats bonnd for Europe is engaged. May it not be that most of us are not really so very badly off as we have become fond of proclaimîng? PIANOS & PHONOGRAPHS DOMINION PIANOS AND MITCHELL PHONOGRAPHS ARE THE STANDARD for QUALITY SOLD ON EASY TERMS F. J. MITCHELL Mitchell Building, King Street. Telephones 92 and 105Bomnil SUN PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, OTTO-HIGEL-d PLAYER PIANO ROLLS orders given prompt at- WE ALL HAVE TO PLEASE >OTHERIIS To sueceed, we ail have to pleaseý others. This appiies to employer as, well as to employee. It applies through ail ranks of society. The worker who fails to please his boss la, dropped, Unless the goods the boss, produces pleases buyers, the latter go elsewhere, and he goes out of bus-t ness. Unless the doctor, the dentist, the lawyer each pleases bis clients, he cannot attain success. Unless the writer pleases the editor, his contri- butions are not accepted. Unless the publisher pleases readers, he goes bankrupt., Uniess the politician pleases bis constituents, they. defeat him. Unless the baniker pleases those who do business with hlm, they, take their accounts elsewhere. UJn- less the president of a corporation pleases the board of directors and the, stock<,holrers, he Is finallýy ouste&~ And unless the husband please the wif e and the wif e please the husband, their marriage is not a success. Net one of us is his own master. NOI, not one.