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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1921, p. 4

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didn't I have ý this bathroom- in long ago. It is s80 dean and beau- tiful that 1 f eel provoked thinkîng of ail that time that 1 worried along wîth- the old bathroom." Don' r wait until you cani say that when a" 'tndar$nta.ý" M il, bathroomput in by us will mean so much to you now. RIGE & GO OPPOITE POST OFFICE WANTED I Apples and P cars (BarreUed) GEO. VIPOND CO. ý704 St. Paul St. West Montreal, Que. BOWMAN VILLE1 AUCTION SALE, Thumsday, September 5--Misses Loua and Edna Renwick, Cburch- et. South, Orono, will seîl by auc- tion, their 8-romed frame bouse, and YÏ acre lot, also bousebold furniture and effecte. The home je a very desirable one and the furniture includes good oak and walnut sets. Inspection of prom- ises may be had after Sept. 1se. A. J. Staple., Geo. Jackson & Son, Clerk. Auctioneer. 35-3 Save Money- Buy The- Best You do both when you pay a visit tg CAWKER'S STORES These "Specials" reprsent not only LOW PRICES but the very utmost in -QUALITY: Finest New Dates, 2 lbs............25c Fancy Mixed Biscuits lb.................................... 19C Canned Peaches in heavy syrup'.-................ 25c Canned Pineapple........................................... 25c Pork & Beans in Tomato Sauce, 2s, 2 for ...........25c Canned Salmon, small tin, 3 for ...........................25c Brunswick Sardines, 3 for... ,****» ..................... 25c Clark's Peanut Butter, Is ........................1........28c H. A. Oleomargarine, lb .................................... 20c Special Tea, 40c lb. or 3 lbs. for .......................$1 .00 FOR PICKLING We have ,Whîte Wine, Cider, Golden Syrup and Malt Vinegar, also whole and ground pure spices. C. M,.ûCAWKER & SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE We want te prove to the public that thero bas beon substant- il reductions in fumnitume, and wo are showing somo splendid linos in Buffets, Tables and Dineme with China Cabinets or>Side tables to match and ahl at pricos below anything quoted before. If you contemplate a purchase this faîl you can save money by reserving your purchase now. Look at these suites and compare prices. 1 Solid WalnuV Suite, 10 piecos, Quoen Ana Style, was $762.00 for . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . .o.. . . .$5 . 1 Solid Walnut Suite,;a $7.0 orj --, ***:. $400. 1 Quarter Oak Suite, Golden, was $145. for.. ............ $115 1 Solid Oak Suite, fumed, was $147. for ................ $112. 1 Golden Elm Suite, was $74. for ...................... $60. 1 Surface Oak Suite, was $90 for ...................... $75. also 17 other suites at equally low prices and cannot be duplicated to-day at these pnices. Fe F, MORRIS CU. Furniture Dealers & Funeral Directors Bowmanville AdOrono "cWHY put w il hoÉ hoeldà oon M onda y-, - Se pi èmbie l2th at 8,p. m., in their club rooms over Statesman Office. Every member is urgently requested to at- tend this meeting as a very interest- ing and welcome announcement of vital importance to our branch7 will be given ont. Dr. V. H. Storey, BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. Sth., 1921.f Mrs ElzaOBITUARIES Mrs ElzaHewitson, Grand Forks. This obituâfry from the Grand Forks Daily Herald will be of interest to ber former friends at liaydon and Hiampton where she was well-known over thirty years ago. The funeral of Mrs. Eliza lewitson, whose death occurred at two o'clock, Tuesday morning, June 28, at ber home, 1016 University Avenue, will be held Thursday afternoon, services to be held at the home at 2.30 and at the Methodist Church at 3 o'clock, In-I terment will be made in Memorial Park Cemetery. Mrs. Hewitson, .7 7 years of age, had been in iii health for some time but her condition had not become serious until a week ago. She was an old resident of North Dakota, having come to this state in 1882. lier home had been in Grand Forks for the last four years. 1She is survived by two daughters: Mrs. J. J. McDonald and Miss Sarah 'Hewitson of Grand Forks, and three, sons,, Harry liewitson of Calgary, James liewitson and Percy IHewitson of Grand Forks. Archie Abernetlîy, Darlington. After a long illness a young soldier in the person of Archie Abernethy, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Abernethy, Darlington, passed away on Thursday, August 25, aged 24 years in Kingston Military Hiospital. Hie enlisted with the Royal Canadian Hiorse Artillery at Kingston and went to England where he was transfer- ted to the- Field Artillery. Ili health forced him to return to Can- ada and for eight months he was, in Bowmanville Hospital but was later transferred to Kingston Military Hios- pital where he has been for the past 16 months. The. remains were brought here and the funeral took placefromn F. F. Morris Co's. Under- taking Rooms on Sunday, August 28. In the absence of Rev. D. W. Best, his minister, the service was conduct- ed by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B._ D. Four brothers-Messrs. James, Wil- son, Frank and Ferguson Abernethy caried the remains of their loved one to bis lagt resting place in Bowman- ville Cemetery The sympathy of al their neigbbors and friends goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Abernethy and fam- ily in their bereavemnent. Mrs. J. H. Deyman, Fairhope, AMa. Mrs. J .Li Deyman, a highly re- spected resident, died at ber home in North River Park, Friday, August 19, and was laid to rest Saturday after- noon in Fairbope Cemetery. Mrs. Deyman was a native of Darlington, Durham County, Canada. lier maiden name was Louisa Goode. She was united in nmariage with Mr. J. H. Deyman in Toronto, Canada, in 1891. Soon after they went to Chicago, Ill., where they lived until coming to Baldwin County about 16 years ago, locating in their present home in North River Park. For' two years Mrs. Deyman bas been a great suff erer froso rbeumatism which affected ber heart, and alter a few weeks of intense suffering she passed peacefully and happily away. The funeral was largely attended. Very impressive services were held! at tbe residence and grave by Revs. A. J. Kempton and~ M. Butgareit-. Tbe casket was covered witb wreatbs of roses and other most beautiful flowers, tbe deceased lady looking lovely as she rested, in a gown of black, silk, She leaves besides ber sorrowing husband a brothe, Mr. R. H. Goode who is now staving in Fairhope.-Fairbope Courier. Mrs. Deyman is a sister of Mr. Albert Goode and the Misses Goode, Darlington, south west of Bowman- ville, wbo bave the sincere sympathy of their many friends. CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. Frances Clarke and family desire to thank their many friends for their kindness and sympatby in tbeir recent bereavement. Mrs. E. J. Burk and danghters wisb to thank tbe friends for their beauti- fui floral tributes and sympathy at the time of the sudden passing out of the husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Abernetby, Dar- lington, desire to thank their many friends for the kindness and sym- patby extended to thein in the ber- eavement by the deatb of their son. FOOTBAr YOUR BOOTS' SHOES REPAIRED AND Men's Soîed and lieeled .... $1 75 Men's Sewed Soles and Heels.. 2 10 Men's Heels Rubber or Leather .50 Women's Soled and lieeled nailed..........1 25ý Women's Soîed and lieeled sewed.................. 1 50 Women's Heels, Leather........ 40 Women'e. Heels, Rubber....... 40 Boys' Soled and lieeled, nailed &-la...................1 25ý Boys' Soled and lieeled 13 to 5 1 50 Girls' soled and beeléà 8 Vo 13 60 Girls' soled and heeled 13 te 5 60 Girls' Heels 75c. Patelies 15e up. Toee Caps from 50c up, sewing by Machine 50c per bour. 6. W. ilu mpage THE REPAIR MAN KING-ST E PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPEN Owing to the inability of Principal, R. D. Davidson to assume full duty at Central S cbool the B3oard bas en- gaged a substitute for September in the person of Mr. Norman J. Laugh- lin, a Normal trained and experienced teacher of Toronto wbo is attending the O. A. C., wbicb opens in October. Mr. Laughlin began bis duties yes-i terday. The other teachers are alI hack again, with Miss Montgomeryi in the Primary Division. Miss Mildred Colo is the now Prim- ary teacher in the South Ward School1 It is earnestly desired that Mr. Day- idson may be completely recovered hy end of month. FALL MILLINERY OPENINGS At Dingman & Edmondstone's ion September l6th and 17th. The newest m;illinery style tendon- cies for Faîl will be on exhibition at Diagman & Edmondstone's new mil- linery parlors, (one door east of Foley's Shoe Store), on Friday and Saturday, Sept. l6th and, l7tb. What a joy to take off one's sum- mer hatand don one of these Ex- quisite liats-certain tbey are the ultimate îa everytbing, a bat should be. There will be large bats and small bats and medium hats-in so many variations that only seeing the colleceon will do them justice. Duvetyn, Lyons and Panne Velvets in brown, black, beaver, fuchsia, red and copenhagen are the mgterials and colore as the smart Parisienne wears them, witb trimmings of lace, novel fancies, ornaments, ribbon and ostricb to lend contrast.' Keep the dates-September 16 and 17-inm md, also the place-Ding- man & Edmondstone. THE METHODIST CHURCH Minister, Choir and Congregation Resuming Work Afte~ Summer Vacatiop. Contributod ia absence of the regu- lar Church Reporter. The Metbodist Choir enjoys. such a full share of capable soloists among its present members and visiting ex- members from timo to time, that thero le usually somo one ready and williag to sing a solo. At the evening service on Sunday last, Dudley Buck's famous modern oratorio composition "Fear ye not, O Israel" was given such a perfect readering in aIl its necessary grada- tions of tone and expression by Mis Marion VanNest, that 'adverse criti- cism was out of the question. This young lady beaded the Province this year at Toronto Consorvatory of Music ia Senior Sight Singing. She is under the able tuition of Toronto's welI known teacher Mr. Dick Stater and many have been the expressions of pleasurable surprise at the de- velopment Miss VanNest's voice bas attained. The regulairï 1usical activities of this well-known choir are already takiag shape at this the close of the holiday season in that f or the last three Sunday eveninge there bas been such a good attendance of mombere. Mise Rota R. Cole's farewell Sunday in tbe choir being one week enriier than was expocted the special amount of musical service in ber honor for the last Sunday evening of Auguet had to be cancelled. However, on tbat eveniag besidos the usual choir anthemn the selection being "The, Friend who waiteth Nigb", Miss Jane -Grigg contributed a special solo number at that service "'Tis oaly a littie way farther to go"l (Frances Martin), which she sang very sweetly and with beautifully clear enunciation. Miss Grigg je at the came time a briliant scholar not long ago from Bowmanville Higb Scbool and was the author and orator of the Valedictory address at last 1year's Commencement Exercices an oration given with remarkable fiuency, forcef&il and full of wit and humour. She bas been appointedi on th-e Teaching Staff in Toronto. General and cordial welcome bas 1been accorded the pastor Rev. S. C. Moore, wbo is la fine shape after bis holiday and bas blessed bis hearers witb bis accustomed earnestness and dopth of insight la matters spiritual. 1Preliminary meetings of the various organizations in the cburch are the order of the present week. PHONE 83 BRAGG FAMILY PICNIC On Monday, August 29, a very pleasant and eaj oyable time, was spent at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Kingston Road, East. The party numbering about 40 assembled at 4 p. m., the occasion being a farewell party to Mr. J. W. Gordon, Inspoctor of Schools of Manitou, Manitoba, who was leaving for home on Tuesday after a pleasant visit with hie num- erous relatives bore. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in games and social chat on ý1the lawn after whicb a very tasty supper was served by the ladies and thoroughly enjoyed by ail. The ovening's enjoyment and en- tertainment was interspersed with music la which ahl joined very beart- ily. About ten p. m. thé friends de- parted, for home ail wishing- Mr. Gordon a kindly farewell and a pleas- ant trip home, expressing the wisb that bis visite migbt be more fre- quent as many of the relatives had not ceea hlm for twenty years. Those present included: Mr. and Mrs. S. S, Bragg, Misses Hielena, Rowena and Mr. Arthur Bragg, Mr. J. W. Gordon, Mr. and Mmc. R. A. Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. T. C Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg and Miss Allie,> Mr. and Mme. W. S. Bragg, Misses Leta and Ruby, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Misses Beatrice and Grace, Mr. and Mrc. R. K. Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg and Miss Irono, Mr. and Mrs. Irwmn Bragg and baby Ewart, Mr. and Mmc. W. H. Barrie, Mr. and Mrc. H. S., Barrie and baby Gordon, Mr. and Mmc. W. A. Wright, and Mr. and Mrs. Hioward, Allia, (Newcastle.) HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Distribution of bulbe to subsccibers of Bowmanville liorticultural Society wilI be made about October first. Those who have not yet, eubscribed may pay in the yeanly subecription of $1.00 Vo the undersigned Secretary at ber Insurance Office aay time this moath. Mrs. Edîtk V. Scobeil, 36-1 Secretary. throughout. Yovu are cordially invited to inspect this complete lune. McMurtry & Cotg' Ltd. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS We're busy these days unpacking dozeris of cases of: new Fali and Winter goods of ail dêscriptions., We have been very careful in buying for Fait and we think you will, agree with us w hen we have the pleasure of showing you the od ndqoeyou the low price. Neyer have goods been marked at sucli a small margin of profit. We figuie by marking our goods this way that we will seli double the 1quantity. Ail we ask you to do is to corne in and in- spect our line of SERGE SPECIAL 54 inch all wool men' s wear Serge good shades of Navy Blue and Black same quality sold a year ago at $4.50, Our Special at $2,48 SILK AND SATIN, SPECIAL 36 inch Duchess Satin, of good weigyht and ex- cellent fiish wear, guaranteed only a Jimit- ed yardage to seli, At $2.39 per yard 36 inch Chiffon Taffeta, fully guaranteed to give good wear, rich lustrous finish, shades of Navy Blue, Black, Sand, Nig- ger Brown, Taupe etc., a rare bargain, At $2.39 per yard VELVETS AND VELVETEENS Dress Goods Silks and Satins Ribbons Gloves Rosiery Middies Underwear Curtain Nets Serims Flannelettes Blankets Yarns Men's Boots Boys' Boots Floor Oilcloths Men's Rats- I. M WAIST SPECIAL $1.48 for Voile Waists of excellent style and quality, well made and fit guaranteed, only 5 doz. to sell at this price. 59c per pair for Wom- en's Silk and Lisle Rose, Black only, mon- arch knit brand, double heels, toe and sole, sizes 9 to 10, this is less than haif- the regular price and the quantîty is limited, Very Special at 59c pr $1.95, for Ladies' Voile Smnocks embroidered, scalloped skirt, shades, Rose Pink, Nule Green, Lavender ail sizes. in the lot, regular $3.00, To, Clear $1 .95 kHONE 83, IlThe Shop That Leadsj A in e ho0Wing Women's rFurs Styles that embody Fashion's latest offerings. Furs that represent the utmost in'quality and richness.ý Workinanship that proclaims the .4 G N. TUSO Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery I and Fuir Shop. McMUTRY-&Co master hand Pri ces Chanige GET 4.

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