DR. PAUL WILL ADDRESS BOW- BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. Sth., 1921. Mr. an-d Mrs. T. A. Dustan -are vis- MARIAES MANVILLE WOMEN'S CANA- iting friends in Toronto. DIAN CLUBMr. and Mrs. J. F . Horne spent METCALF-CRAGO-At Maple DIAN CLUB ortHoe.Clijf, Darlington, August 31, by Bey. Th rguarmetig f heWo- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LboDainPrHpe W. S. P. Boyce, Mr. Norman J. Met- The reular eetin ofte____ Mr. Thos. Bottreil spent the week- caif and Miss Rosetta Hazel N., en's Caniadian.,Club wiIi be held in the Mr. Roy Webber spent the week- end with reatives in'Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E A. Lecture Room of St. Paul's Church, end in Toronto. Mrs. John Palmer spent the week- Crago, ail of Darlington. M ou Monday, September 12th at 4 Ms daBtriTrno pn n ihrltvsi oot. _________________ p. m. Dr. Chas. T. Paul ,M. A., of Mth ede-ndatt hl rnome. M ndwrla iMrs inupert. HmyDA Indianapolis, Indianra, will address thethweked.aho .Mran s RptG.HmyETS meeting. 361'o' alt erPo.Pu Otawa, -are vîsiting relatives here Methodist Church Sunday evening. Miss S. W. Benwick,' Rochester, N. HALL-Tu Orono, Sept. lst, Barbara Mr. and Mrs. John) N. Lawrie spent Y., has been visiting old friends here, c od eloved wif e of Mr. W. Joseph PROBATIONERS WANTED FOR the week-end with relatives in Tor- Mr.W osn acueB . MAPLES-At Port Hope, September 5, BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL onto. is visiting bier aunt, Mrs. W. H. Ann Marron, relict of the lateý Richard Mr. T. H. Spry bas gone te Win- Dustan. Maples, in her 84tb er qapabe ýou lades teenterthe ipeg e viit hi daugter-n-law Rev.and OMERW.C. nshDnrlington Drli Seon tembermer22 Caal on ade oetrte9ie oyst i agtri-lw e.adMr.W .Wsîgton Sarah Motley, widow of the late John Training Scbool for Nurses.' Apply Mrs. W. L. Spry. bave returned from visiting relatives Somers. in ber 91st year. to the Supeei4ntendent, Bowmanville Mrs, W. T. Quinn and nepbew in Toronto. DOBSON-In British Columbia, August Maser lwod, isied rieds n By. nd rs.L. . Wgbt Twed,31, Geo. Dobson, Calgary. Alta., aged 40 Hospital., 36tf Mse Ewovstdfinsi e.adMs .S ihTed years. Son of Mrs. fiobson, Orono. ___________Toronto at week. were in town calling on old friends HEWISTON-'-At 1016 University Ave., MissOlie Mcitte, Byth, ha onTuesay.Grand Forks, N. D., June 28, Eliza Goyne, DAIY TIPSTO SHA A Mss liv MVitieBlyhebason uesay wdow of the laie James Rewiston, form- _____TRPS__OSAW accepted a position witb Dinigman & M. Thos. Goodman, Melmose Park, erly of Haydon, Ontario, aged 77 years. For the convenience of tbe Ytravel- Edmondstone, Milliners. Ili., bas been visiting bis brother, Mr. HOOPER-At the ,'esidence of bis ling public I wisb to announce that I Mm. Jack- Gilbert, Toonto,' spent Chas. Godman, daughter, Mrs. Alex. Taylor, Smitbs Falis, am nw ain aiytips to OsW -tbe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cali and see the new Faîl styles n n Sept 1, George William Hooper, eld- nwmyargediytsi son of the late George Hooper, Bow- awainm lag comfortable motor Bragg, Kngston Bond', East. Millinery at Miss Harnden's on and 'manville, in bis 66tb year. Brother of bus. Leave West End Garage, Bow- Misses Minnie, Ethel and Ada after September 14tb. 36-1 Mrs. J. B. Martyn and Mr. J. T. HTooper. manville, at 7 a. m, leave corner King Webber visited friends in Toronto Mr. W. H. Hellyam, Clinton, is vis- and May-sts., Oshawa, at 5 p. m. and attended the Exhibition. iting bis brother and sister, Mr. John IN MEMORIAM Saturday leavîng Oshawa at 12 noon. Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Annis and famn- and Miss Eva Hellyar, 36-t Art Cole, Proprietor. ily, Lindsay, were guests of Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Dickinson, Tor- In loving memory of our dear ________________________E. McCready over the holiday. onto, spent the week-end with Mm. father, Mr. E. Bice, wbo departed MUSIC TEACHERS Ladies, don't forgetHaddy & Co's. and Mrs. W. W. Dickinson.. this life September 4, 1920. ____Milinery Openings on Fiday and Miss Mercedes Harrington, Co- Our dead yet live. The stone mark- PIANO Saturdnay, September 16 and 17., bourg, spent the holiday with Mrs. ed burial ground, RK-EA OEYMAN G .CruhrCnr-t Will he prepýared to resumne ber cîass Slit- Mrs. W. O. Hering, Enniskilien, G .CruhrCnr-t Contains not them, no tomb can urday, Sept. lotb. Box 269 Phono 54 wbo bas been visiting bier nieces, the Mm. E. L. Fortt of the Bank of bold the mind. 36-1w" Misses Webber, bas returned home. Montreal, Kingston, was in town Lab-' In brigbtest realrns their golden VIOLET DEVMAN Editor J. H. O. Thomnas of The or Day calling on old friends.. voices sound; Pupil of M. Fillion will resume bier class Bracebridge Gazette, recently visited Mm. and Mrs., Leonard Elliott were In service high their powers emplay- in vioin, Wednesday, Sept. 14. Box 269. bis cousin, Mrs. James Veale, Salem. in Bolton orer the week-end attend- ment find. Phone 54 86_1w* Ms.EI.Obn bs eundîntefueaofM.Eiotsnc. Grand thougbts are theirs beyond Mrs. . I. sborn bas eturnd ingtheearthalof sbadowytt'bounde JEAN M. DONOATSER home to Toronto after a pleasant visit Miss Agnes Vanstone and Masters o, rng s soon oytbemornd Gd ls propared to take a limited number of witb relatives beme at Millbrook and Jabez and Morley Vanstone bave e- ,moig s kin hm Lr o pupils in Violin aitlber home on Klng-st, Peterbomo. tumned from visitîng in Toronto andTbFaiy Bowmanville. 35-2wTh aiy Miss Jane Grigg motored on Sat- Niagara. LEPHA N. DONCASTER, A. T. c. m. uday to Toronto to be ready to take The many friends of M. Ganet Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils Up lhem position on the Toronto School Symons in town and country will be LOA AN OTEWS prepared for al grades of examinations. Staf. I peasedtoLseNDim ut afer te studio Kng St., Bowmanville. 84-3w Tacig StaMiss Gladys Duna, Toronuto, is t 1 1 ~~~Miss Gladys Courtney and Master woeks' in bed.MisGay unTonts MISS MARY SOUCH B1ill eturned to Toronto Monday Messrs. Thos. Bottrell & Son won holidaying with friends. Teacher of piano. Pupils prepared fort Oonseratory examinations. Phono 129r21 after spending holidays witb Mrs. L.t these pizes on poultry at Toronto Order extra copies of tbis week's H-ampton. Miss Soucb will resume ber'B. Nichols, Carlisle Avenue. Exhibition: 2 firsts, 1 second, 2 issue ealy to send to friends. class 2nd week of September in Enniskii- M. and Mms. George Nerin, Wal-1 thirds and 1 fourth. The tade territory of a town 'is io 3-t.kervilie, Mms. John Bath and Miss Mrs.. Wiil Smth, Uxbridge, Mm. and not all dependent upon the distance SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION. Gace Hallett, Whitby, were recenit Mrs. Joseph Smith, Misses Irma and of, the neighboring trading posts. MRS. J. B. NEALE, A.K.C., B. A., (Hons) rvisitors witb Mrs. I. Tabb and Mrs. Marie, Smith,- Buffalo, N. Y., risîted The trade depends upon 'the' enter- Pupil of Sir Charles Santîey, the world's J. M. Bowe. their aunt, Mrs.,John W. Virtue, Ty-! prise of the merchants and residents gmeatest Baritone, and Madlame Amy MessE.ManFanM.D nsrn.otetwn Iftetndeslt Sherwin, the eminent'vocalist, will take Msr.E .adFakM on oe ftetw. I h onde e a iilmited number of pupils aitlber studio, and the, latter's son Douglas of De- Miss Loin MacLnuchlan, Cleveland, reacb after its tmade it will corne on- IIBernerai" Bowmanville, and ait Mrs. D. troit, Mich., spept the week-end with Ohio, wbo bas been holidaying withl W as it is forced to. But if the R. Morrisons, Concession-st. Phone 165. their mother, Mrs. Bobt. Downs, hiem parents at Magnetewan, spent the merchants go aftem the business in Classes 1il start Tuesday, Sept. 2th.Scogs'teumunngcnmyadeiig students prepared for al exarinations Seg s., week-end with Mrs. Geo. W. James, of the Toronto Conservatory of MUSIC. Mrs. John Down who bas been Liberty Place.I in erery possible way and making 85-tf. wt med oead a isBrh good evemy word of their adrertising - visiting wt red eead a isBrh Maynard who was' rde wili corne fronm an ever-increas- WANTED Newcastle left Monday on a visit witb risitîng bier aunt,; Mms. Geo. Tamlin- ing aduteow ilgnth Sitatin wnte o fam b exeriihem daughtem, Mrs. F. B. Lockbart, son, Toronto, was sticken witb ty- Iîreuaiusfothe ton wil gan t enced man. Apply to J. H. W. Drawer' ninpls n.podfvradwsbogthm B. Bowmaflrille. 85.tf. Misses Erelyn and Katie1 Shearer, on a stretcher. will forge to the front. Messrs. Charles Mclntyre and Mervyn The Women's Hospital Auxiliamy The IHonorary President of Bow- LOST manrilie Chamber of Commerce bas LOTMathers motored fmom Keene and are not pepared to gîre the'exact been on a rery interesting journey Tire and Rim, aoxay-i on Kngston spent Sunday witb their cousin, Miss total recelpts of the StreetFaim just which is thus refemred to by B elle- Road. Finder leave lit Statesman office Laila Wilkins, Salem. yet, therefore, Jury & Loreil cannot vleDiyOtro:Tevsto m and rceir rewrd.. Miss 'Harnden announces bier Faîl announce the pize-winnoms in the John Eiiiott and Mr. H. F. Ketebeson LOmS -Af mmbersoftetodit ogr-display of Miineywhich wili be guessinge ontest. nane f eery fMehdit ogr-to Newfoundland was productive of gation. Will finder kiîîdly leave atStates- ready on and after September 14th, Messrs. Arthur Lynît, Bert Verney, much goodfinancially to this district maOfice. serin 6-tf.- Prîces igt. Ladies are'invited to Clifford Toole, Bert Jenner, Bobt. bsdsbigo mes Saturday, s seligsivilver tthsatrctv dsla t n Hmltnanp.leasureTo esds engo imns tosret Bar pin set with diamonds. ralued 'as a ~settî trciedslya n aitnadH .Thmtn o-1 these two business men. -Tbey both keepsake. Finder kindlY lbave ait Taits, time. 36-1 ento, were a joily week-end paty lit amrived back in the city late on Fi- Grocery Store and get reward. 25-2w* Miss May Hickling, Elmynle, and tbe home, of Mm. and Mms. G. N. day after over two weeks spent in the strayed from lot 5, con 5, Darlington, Mr. Norman Elliott of Minesing, who Tburston, Beecb Avenue. neigbboring colony. Their trip was about August 20, a red Durham one year- old beif or. Information of ber where-, are staying witb their uncle and The coal barge, "Oliver Mowat", from Montreal by a ressel of the abouts wili ho rewardod. John R. Cols,, aunt, Mm. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Con- partially owned by the McCelan Co. Canada Stenmship Lines. The voyage R. R. . Bownianrille. Phono 146 îr -S. cession-st., are attending Bowman- for, seime yenrs, and a frequent cal]- was one of the most enjova.ble thati TO LET 3-f ville Higb School. er ait Bowmanviile Harbor in bygone it is possible to take. The sc senery Will ail ladies wishing to join the days,, sank near Picton in a collision in and around Newfoundland is de- For terni of years, the MoLaugbllfl Women's Canadian Club of Bowmnn- witb the steamer "~Key West". scribed by the returmed touits as farro of 150 acres,aidjoiniiig the village'y of Tyrone. Soul in good state of cutiv-ivlle,, for the fimt time, send their Ber. Dr. Paul, an old Bowman- beyond comprebiension froin the ation. Wll fenced., Plowing possession! namnes to Miss Fiorie Galbraith, Cor, ville boy, who is spending bis vaca- st andpoint of grandeur. ait once. Full possession AprIl , 122.1 Secretary, before the next executive tion bero, bas kindly consented to Apply to L, A. w. Tale, 85-tfvll.1 meeting on Tbursday, September 8? preach to the Methodist congregation 1 5 .next Sunday evening.' A eal treat ORONO BADADRO ATD Mm. and Mrs. Robt. S. H. Irving is in store for ail who attend. Be(Fo TeNws BOR N OO ATD and two sons of Aberta, wbo haro(rmTh es We iisotyruiebadadbe iiigle ohr r.SH.o ie Mrs. W. J. Inch and family bave room for. a numbor of our male and Bice, Sunny Broe, N. B., spent a few Dm. and Mrs. Frank C. Trebilcock et,-rned to Weston having spent femalo employees coming from Toroto. I days witb bier aunt, Mrs. J. H. Wemmy, and Miss Marjorie Trebilcock bavetersm rvatintthhoef Citizens wising good desira blo pomn-.tersmevatinttehoef ent boarders please adrise Thomson -Bethesda, and other relatives in this moved from 722 Spadîna Arenue, and b ler parents, Mm. and Mms. S. M. Bil- e:Kntting Cal., Ltd., tomporary office K-ing viinity. are staying at tbe Scarboro Golf and'îings. St. W. Bowmanrillo. 29-t I M. and Mms. J. D. Stoie, Oshawa Country Club until they more into Dr. and Mrs. James Coirille of- PROERIE FO SLE I isited Mrs. H. J. Knight'ecentîy' theirnew home, Kilbarry Bond and Hamwich, are spending a week witb PROPETIES'FORSALE They celebrated their 33rd wedding Frs Hil.-Toronto Globe, bis mother. Mrs James Colvilie, Les- annivemsary on Sunday, Septem ber Begular quaterly meeting, of; kard, andalso bis brother here, Dr. Double brick cottage, 5 roims oach, 4 I ateding the unveiiing cere- Court Pride of OntarioNo600A Neil Colville. Wellngton Street; Prame cottage, 6 ,~ te rooms. Wellngton Street; Double fram mony at Hampton with their guests O. F., will be held on Thurs;day eren- Mm. and Mrs. John Henry and fam- cttage. 4 rooms eacb. Cburcb Street; Ber. Dr. and Mrs. M. P. Talling of ing, Septembem 22, at 8 p. m., in the']iiy witbh lem sister, Mrs. White of Pranme bouse, 9 rooms, opposite Town Toronto. A. O. F. Hall, wben Mm. J. T. Hooper,Eizbtile mtoe to Gep Hall; Double brick cottage Ontario Sreet., Mm. W. C. Asbton and to Guelp These properties can be bought on easy! M.W .Aho n daughtems delegaýete Subsidinmr High Court at this week on a visit to bis sister, Mrs. termeslFlorence and Mary, M. and Mrs. W. Hamilton, will gire bis report. Evemy Balpb Ballagb. Farm of 120 acres, cday loam, brick'C, Allin haî,a vrvo int f memher attend. -A," - --l BOWMANVILLEIS OLDEST JEWELRY STORE ESTABLISHED 1865 HEADQUARTERS FOR: SILVERWARE:, 1847 Rogers Bras. Community Plate Standard Silver Co. Holmes & Edwards Can. Wm. Rogers Co. WATrCHES: Elgin Omega Ingersol Waltham High-Grade Swîss CHINA:- Indlan Tree Other Odd Pleces Royal Crown Derby SAFETY RAZORS: Gulette Auto. Strop OTHER GOODS, Ebony Jewelry Diamonds Cut Glass French Ivory Leather Goods Is Yiour Wife YourSwehat 1 Wbat a personal question to ask! ¶The abore heading was the titie of a stomy which ap- peamed recently in a magazine. ¶Do you rernember back in those happy courting days how you would bring youm sweethenrt a littie gift ever $0 often? ¶It ma y have been n birthday, an annirersary or a holi- day. ¶Anyway without the least provocation (?) you would give ber a littie surprise gift which wouid make ber 'the bappiest girl in the world', and you just bubbled over with joy, too. ¶Since you, bave been married how often bave you given the same surprise to 'the best girl in the world' by taking home n bit of jewelry for an adornent, a diamofld or dinner ring, a lenther baud bag, a silver tea service or a bit of odd china? There's other nice, things in our store fmom wbicb that 'surprise gift' rnay4 be chosen. ¶Look In to-day and see whnt is new. Alex, llo JEWELER-WATCHMAKER-ENGRAVER King St. E. Phone 207 Bowmanville THERE'S A THOUGHT 0F TO-MORROW IN j THE SERVICE WE RENDER YOU TO-DAVI' We have pleasure in announcing our annual Fermai Autumo Openin 0F SMAR T NEW FALL AND WINTTER mo. APPAREL FOR LADIES ON Friday Evening,,Sept. i 6th 10.15 P. M., thp.T1 HELP WANTED WANTED-Girl for clerical and cost work. Apply by letter only stating age. qualifications, experience and salary ex- pected to Box X, Bowmnanville. 84-tf Bright girls to learn knitting previaus experience' not necessary, good working conditions. This is an opportunity to learn a hlgh class occupation paying good wages. Âply Thomson Kntting Co., Ltd., temporary Office, Klng-st., W., Bowmanville. 29-t ARTICLES FOR SALE Framne building lSxSO, 14 ft posts, in flrst class condition. Apply to H. N. Scott, R. R. 4 Bowmianvile 36-2w* NEW SILO 12x28. Terms reasonable. Apply to J. H. Power, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville, phone 183-r2. 84-tf Young pigs Just weaned, two bred sows, aiso two boars and two sows, registered. Yorkshires, 4 months old. ApplY Alan Campbell Raby Head Farm. Phone 183r5. R. R. 2, Bowmanville. l 6-lw* FOR SALE-Two galvanized water tanks 24 x 30 x 48 inches and 21 x 18 x 55 luches covered wth wood, outable for bouse or barn. Âpxly to Rev. W. H. Spargo, lberty St. North, Bowxnanville. 84-tf. is - 33 yenrs-since- -ha-ieft -rnis ùown and mi ssed mnny former faces. He obsered the great improvements in botb business and residential sections. John is stili a bachelor but we fancy bas serlous tbougbts about, matri- mony. SM. J. A. McClellan, Manager of The Bank of Montreal, and family witb M. P. G. Pozier, Inspector for Bank of Montreal, rnotomed out to Bice Lake recently 'and visited the greynmd wbeme wns ecently eect- ed a costiy monument to the mernory of Mr. Scrivem," author of the hymu "Wht a Friend we bave in Jesus", and tbey were temribly sbocked to see that sorne person or pesons bave been using the monument as a target. Tbey counted over 30 pinces wheme it had been injured by rifle halls, the letteing being badiy broken the monument otberwise dnmnged. It is diffieuit to conceive of any person doing such wanton desecation'in, a burial ground to such a costly mèmor- i. The authorities should investi.. gate the Mrme and punish the cul- prit. 'Eaca o--brouga norne a----beaurni 011 - -uesuy'-"-kt!I electmic table- lamp- as--trophies forI castie district on Wednesdnys and winning the tounament. The boys tFridays. _ -Tmy our mademîa cakes at weme as happy and pmoud of their 20-c and 25e each. Thos. Gorbold, victomy as the Durham UJ. F. O. can- proprietor, phone 360, Bowmnnville. didate will be the morning aftem the I_________ 36-1. election. QEN FAIOE Mm. and Mms. T. Hl. Ererson, Osh- J QEN0 OE other page under The Editom's Mail dower- have retnmned fmom their trip to She seeks no other wand of power Great Britain and the Continent wîth To make home sweet, bring heaven the Witbrow Party and spent an boum near, with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James on To win a smile and wipe a tear, Monday evening and Iter with bis And do ber duty day by: day sister Mxrs. James Courtice. TheY In hem own place and quiet way. visited pmrIncipal cities and towns in And round ber childish hearts are England and then cossed to the Con- twined, tinent seeing, many places of note As f ollowing hem the childish feet and battlefields and they can describe Are led to ideals true and sweet, what they saw lu a very interesting And flnd ahi purity and good way. They took many snap shots Of In ber divinest motherhood. persons and places in Rllaind, Swit- zeland, Belgium, France and Eng- This sad old eartb's a bighter place, land. They spent two weeks iu Ail for the sunshine of hem face, lovely Devonshire nmong relatives N em very smile a blessing tbrows, If the Ladies' Aids of this District And bearts are bappier. wheme she want a 2-boum travel talk of great in-I ges, terest and edification, Mrs. Everson A gentie, clear-eyed messenger, is well prepared to give it, To whisper'love-thank God fer hemr! Don't f ail to inspeçt our Re-Modeled Ready-to-Wear Dept. with its many smart and beautif-ul Fail and Winter Coats and Suifs in the newest models ernbodying superior style, fit and workmanship. Prices are very reasonabile, in fact,much lower than last year. NOW is the time to replenish your wardrobe. Corne to our store and be convinced that we can supply every need in Dry Goods and- Ready-to-Wear for Ladies, Misses and children. No Goods WHI Be Sold Friday Evening W TUI~cjA7 QÊr " opposite the Standard Bank Bowmanville I FROM 7.30 to Wpzi Cn Phone 106 -di5illv Invit ý%Jll LX k3qjjLJL