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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1921, p. 2

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I INSU RAN CE Ail lUnes 0of: FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS, GUARANTEE BONDS, AUTOMOBILE, covering, against fire, lightning, theft, property damage, injuries to, the public, collision; insure against the carelessness of the driver of the car you are meeting. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli Agent Phone 189 Bowmanville VETERINARY DR. F. T. TICHE 7ETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Cgt alis Promptly Attonded To. Omco, King-et., W., Stateaman Block, iBowmanville. Phone 243. M. A. JAM4ES STEAMSHIP TICKETS 'TO, EUROPE-Canadian N.cifc, 'White Star Dominion, Cunazd, Amer- leau. Asic for information. Phoneo 43, BoWmanvillo. CHANGE 0F BUSINESS Having, purchased the Granite and Marbie Works carried'on by my late brother, E. R ,Bounsall, Bowmanville, 1 amn prepared to continue doing monumental work ini its various branches. Phone 241 F. H. Bounsail. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL-D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvîlle. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phonos: Office 102, House 178J. MEDICAL B.J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. 'Gold Medalist of Trinity Universityi Toronto, Four yoars Attendlng Phy- *clan and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Koupital, Pittaburg, Ka. Office and ,irdenc, Wellington Street, Bow- anle.Phono 108. 86 C..W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., Uraduate of Trinity Medical Collego, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Ofice and residence, Dr. Bith's, fuirner residence on Church-st., Bow-, anie.Phono 259. 44-t DR. V. H.STOREY fJraduate Toronto University, year 1,4nd haîf resident physician and sur- ':eon Toronto General Hospital (six m-onths Burnside Maternity) two ind half years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, 'Bow- manville. Phono 143w. 10-1yr.*- DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE' Uonor gréiduato in Dontltry Toronto Ulniveruity. Graduate of the Royal Toronto. Office, King-st East, Bow-1 uianville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 61 p.m- deily except Sunday. Phoune a0. House phono 90b. -s-1JLL'1~ f F1 EMURRIS~Ccx BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 15th., 1921 DURHAM OLD BOYS CONGRATU- LÂTE SQUIRE HORSEY WEDDINGS Mr. Thornas Yellowlees, Secretary Dix-Clare. of Durham Old Boys' Association, sent this letter of congratulation on The Parsonage, Lttle Britain, was behaîf of the Club to Mr. W. M. Hon-' the scene of a pretty wedding on seyPlc aitte Saturday, September 3, wben C an- * oieMaitae dace, ldest daughter of Rev. and 676 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Mrs .G. R. Clare, was un ited in man- Septernberp Sth., 1921. nageato Mn,. J. Sta. Dix, itl Biiiof Dear Mr. Horsey,-As an old per- Mr. nd mcJ. . Dx, rawng-oo1 sonal friend, and the Secretary of The bride entered the rwg-om on the arn of her uncle, Dr. H. the Durham Club of Toronto, 1 felt Clame of Toronto. Lohengrin's that it would bc a becoming thing on wedding march was played by Miss rny part to ask to be allowed to par- Hazel Dix, sister of the groom, Miss, ticipate ii the congratulations ex- Meta Clare, sister of the bride was tended to you on your ninetieth birth- bridesmaid, and Mr. Gordon Dix, the day, and to express the hope that you groorn's brother, acted as graomsman. rnmay_ be spared for many years to After the ceremony which was con- corne to discharge th ehonored and ducted by the Prd' ahr anyrov onsible duties of your office. buffet luncheon was served. Mr. and Pindvidence has surely deaît very Mrs Dix later left for a honeymnoon kidl with you, as 1 arn lead to be- trip to Montreal and Thousand Is- lieve, like one of old, "youn eye is land points, not dimrned nor your natual force Metcalf-Crago. "Maple Cliff ", the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Crago, Darlington, was the scene of a very pretty wed- ding'on Wednesday, August 31, when Éheir eldest daughter, Rosetta Hazel N., and Mr. Norman J. Metcalf were united in the holy bonds of matri- mony in the presence of about sixty guests. Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, B. A., B. D., officiated. At 2.30 the bride who was unat- tended entered the drawîng-room' leaning on the arrn of-her father to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding manch rendered by Mrs. G. F.' Annis, cousin of the bride, where the bidal party took their places under a horse- shoe anch of evergreens deconateil with many flowers. The bride look- ed lovel.y attîned in a wedding gown of white georgette and peani trim- mings. Rer long bridal veil of em- broidemed silk net was caught with a wreath and sprigs of orange blossoms and she camried a beautiful bouquet of sweetheart roses and fern, After' the ceemony Mrs. G. F. Annis sang "0 Promise Me", in lier usual good voice, accompanied by Miss Stella Jeffery. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful cabinet of silver, to the soboist a silven hand- led parasol, to the pianist an onyx and poarl bar pin. After congratulations and goad wishes were extendod to the bride and groom, the party repaired ta the spaciaus d1ining-room where a sumpt- nous and dainty dinner was served by a number of the bride's firet cousins and friends. ,Some timo later the bride slîpped away and donned he5 travelling suit of Beige Tricotine with georgette blouse, small French bat, kid boots and gloves to match. The many costly gifts show the high esteem in which the bride and groom are -held. At six o'clock the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for Toronto, St. Mary's and other Western points where they will spend their honeymoori. Clarke-Martin. St. John's Church, Bawmanville, was the scene of a pnetty autumn weddiiAg on Saturday afternoon, when Miss Helen Rhea Martin, second. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin, Concession-st., became the bride of Capt. Harold F. Clarke,' Manager of The Standard Bank, London. The floral decorations were asters, great quantities of these lovely flowens rnarking the guesti pews and decorating the chancel. A full choral service was rendered by the choir and as the bride entered the church and was gîven in marriago by her father, the choir sang the wedding march and duing the ser- vice also sang "Be Present Holy Father". "The service was conducted by Rev. Genald Clarke, Curate of St. August- ine' s- Church, Toronto, cousin of the « groom, assisted by Rev. C. P. Muir- head, Rector of St. John's Church. In- Guogeeïith Chantillry face, an long court train, with silver chos and stockings. Hem tulle veil was held in place by a cown of orange blossoms and was worn over the face. nuaiu , at;nou 1 zCeirt ~ancut coiU of ninety winters have passed over you, and that you are still hale and hearty. With aîl good wishes frorn myseif nandon behaîf of the membors of the dDurharn Club, believe me, e Yours very sincerely, Thos. Yellowlees. THE SOD-BUSTERS WERE EXCELLENT Guelph Herald ,Pîraiâes Company Which Appeers at Bowmanville Fair, September 20.21. The Herald says: It was a well filled bouse that greeted Mr. Geo. E. Patton in hie presentation for the first tirne to a Guelph audience "The Sod- Buters",. The show fully justified the large audience which it attr cted,. as considering thbat the menb rs of the 'cornpany are ail amateu1r and have had to train themselves f o' their parts, the production was most nerit- orious. To say the least, it i orig- inal in its rnake-up, while some of the numbers are far above the ordinary. as one cees them in professional corn- pany. Mr. Patton is deserving of a great deal of praise for the excellent array of talent with which he has surrounded himself, and is to be heartîly congnatulated on the splen- did manner in which the show, which is entitled "Hello Ontario", was pre- sented. It would be supenfinous to go into detail with respect to the show, as eveny numben was a good one. There are a lot of- real good singers with the show, the maie voices in the trio, quartette, etc., being ex- ceptionally good, and the entire com- pany showed the effects of careful training. BRITISH MONEY POPULAR Mr. and Mr&s. T. H. Everson Had Fiâne Continental Trip-mpressions. Mr. and Mmc. T. H. Evenson, 171 King-st., Oshawa, have neturnedfnom a most enjoyable three months' trip to England and the Continent. Mn. Everson says that John Bull's Eng- lish pound, shilling and pence are still in great dernand in any Euna- penn country one goes inta, and while the currency of a next door neighbor right be rejected, that of England was taken and a good pre- mium given. Mn. Evemeon tried the Dutch guilders in Belgium without succees, but hic English money was very acceptable. Ho tniod Belgian money in France, with the came ne- cult and ho tried French money in Switzerland, and found that British cainage wac preferred, and a botter rate of exchange given by the Swiss than could ba secured in Canada, although the quoted rate of exchange was about the camne. into the fields -by thousande, puttîng earth in sliell halos, and making the field up ta the very trench lino fit for cultivation. Many were killed by Orono Canning Factory made a ne- Port Rowan News says that to- cord mun on corn, husking, stripping hacco smoking "4is as common' as' thi eoam from the cob, cooking and weed and as fllthy as a rat's nest'". canning 1551 cases or 37,224 cane in And Yet the women are taking to it. tan hours,,more than one sealed can a second. On Tuesday even a greater i output was realized when 2,127 cases il I% I IA wee uredont in fourteen houns. 11 Pr I I N Il HoldayTime-w Pain* aaeua'ed by Teiupletoa' s flheumatic Capsules I Eeep them la your home, Trake thetn on your vacation 1 For RMheumatism, Neuralila Mkadagrhe, Train Skcknemi4 Et@. 01-00 at your drugg«W's. Sold by Jury & Loveli DON'T THROW YOUR OLD CARPETS AWAY They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 6 CANADA RUG COMPANY London Wal Papers NewT Fali patterns received this week in al the newest shades. and d cesigns. Prices are very reasonable'. Will be pleased to show you. W. T Alen Big 20, Bookstore Bowmanville No one knows better than the Farmer how uncertain Seasons are. Crops may be good for a series of years, but the lean year is sure to corne. Prepare for th e bad I-bs Bayai Uank- et Canada Ont.1 TAILOR Maken of Ùigh Grade Ladies' Gents' Gamments. We can funnisit you with best matenial, Serges and indigo dye, guarantee nevot' ta fade, nowhere else can' you buy at aur lawest pnico. Ail wark dane by oxper- ienced tailar. Fit guaranteed. L. CO0l'WELL, lHorsey Block B owmanville RETREAD THAT CASING A lot of money is wasted on Tires by not having old casings that are in fair shape Retreaded. We have an up-to-data Retread- ing plant and can give you first dlass satisfaction. Let us have a cail from you. YOUR TUBES SHOULD BE VULCAN1ZED Hot weather is hard on Tubes that have been patched. To save trouble on the road you should I bring your tubes to- us and have them put in shape. Tire Repair Experts Jamieson Bros. BOWMANVILLE: OSHAWA.- Statesman Block Jackson Garage Home-Made Bakery Delivery In Country We are 110W making the fol, lowing deliveries outside of Bowmanville: Maple Grove and Base Une district on Tuesdays *and Saturdays, Newcast- le district .on Wednes- days and Fridays. Try our maderia cakes at 20c and 25c each. I amn prep ared to give you the best baking possible and a prompt and efficient motor delivery service. Bakery is located on Duke pstry made to order. Bread and buns made daily. -- - - -- -- - PIANOS & PHONOGRAPHS D'OMINION PIANOIS. AND MITCHELL'PHONOGRAPH S ARE THE STANDARD for QUALITY *F. J, MITCHELL Mitchell Building, King Street. Telephones 92 and 105 Bowmanvle &UN PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, OTTO-HIGEL PLAYER PIANO ROLLS PLOW PIT 65c We have the following' makes of Plough Points in stock which are bein'g sold at 65c each. Verity, Wilkinson, Fleury, Orono, D)efender, Farmers' Friend, Big Imperial and others. Mason & DaIe's llardware The Store with the Big Hardware Stock, eed -i Hungry Threshers WITH DUDLEY'S TENDER AND JUICY ROASTS, Put up specially for Threshers. Iyour order 'and have it delivered by mail man., J I N s-ar' "g me ave g~'ige~te -crepe jg~J~yLenoz ttlfle-SeieR lnyiaany places. ~EitOz-LJ~LjL an4 nwh cafs-pomplv- ~ î~rgpoel~ i c..7 tes~cloria aidii laÀ etrsu r -ý , - wLw~R~iauI±Lz~I~rJIrktW -, ~ iretancI to- Ilollo- mie, in tour- ttavs~ ~c- i ~ ~l4 ~ ~ L~ cn1 çEf~f.r3Y~ was-do-=- ~rf a? ti~9<W ~ ruai"', and7 f fr~'i~ afl - * -~4~ -~~A~N ~ -.-,~x;... q,~ c , LI~~L. ~'siL liV - 1tP~gs~tng~ ~ _ -~-------------~ ."--.-"-.. . . . . . ...--.-.--.-- ~ p . - r-'-- -'- - i ~~I-jUI ~lifle1C~4- l2'g ce oc~r~. o~ a"y ~~i7e ~ p~a4', -'~ ~It~I ~ a ~c _ ~ ~ __________ ___________________________________________________ _______________ ----- ________________________________________lIL~tic__ -t6the reis arind fgtcei~w-crxjTi~- 5n ri s - -ani à5 t tim '~~~~"~" ~ ~ ~ V hiteýwas- carie Vf ft -tf~d i'hh 'cvwts1nul<en~hs -~---- -taptrad o~r the- tnhk- lu- f~iïdu of lion ~-oItpei-d~ n n4~e",fd wexe~ Mr~ andï Mr. and Mre. Clarke left the- came evenîng on a motor trip to western points, the bride travelling in a suit of groy with hat and furs to match. Mrs. Martin, mother of the bride, wore a, black net sequin gown and black feathered bat. Mrg. J. S. Burgoyne, Toronto, sis- ter of the bri de, was, in black canton crepe wýith black velvet hat. ttaîny Martin,__Mn.adMs. ae 'Kennedy, Misses Kathleen and Lil- hian Gaugh, Miss Fenguson, Mn. and Mns. Tom Lawless, Misses Holcnaft, Miss McLean-Howard and Miss Willa, Miss Helen Hall, Misses Gentmude and Margaret Black, Toronto; Mr. and Mmc. Alvon Simpson and Mr. and'Mns. A. A. McTavish, Guelph; Miss An Minnes, Miss Flomie Stewart, Kings- ton; Miss Rota Jordan, Montreal; Cal. was the bes a a~ifa e j ~ 'i TES P tcccess ni-esc aos1-sàl-s oes ispr-v r rsi'mar1~abTe-result h~ aYhRr s~d~ Tite fact thaï if does is provon "~ 44 ~ 44 - ~l'I RCIWMA INlVIV.VI~ -titis-new-prniple ofheating-isT not--only- practicale-but the mast economical ever devised. Evemy penson should know the ad- vantages the Pipelece has aven aid-style funnaces. ESTIMÂATES GLADLY GIVEN Greenaway & E'lliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or niglit 1,Bowmanville paper and coud 20. stamp far postage 60e a L-.--m~~.W~ - - 1\V/ï~ ;~vÀ~J/ Il addecl to the heautv of the rmi-nins-I-l 1Wih~ foi-es flteulec. Wsc1icsx~l1c. ---1 harxyMLi~L Just west Royal Theatre RE7ýBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE Silk Dr esses rogular, $30 and, $25, now $15 and $10. -Couch. John- -1-rA D DXF A-I=-UFM You are nut experirent ~ use Dr EC'ZEMAr ingl it ment for HEzema and Skin Irrita- tions. B relieves at once and gradu- a114 heals tho skia. Sample box Dr. Chc's Omtment free iflo mention ths c@k' Caton Root Compoanoll med c I. od & hred, ," Sol byaildruggists, >or sent ".ep id on1 reeeipt 0f priee, S ' r ",, pamphlet. Addres . i i1~ 'j 1 -L- -Ïfïeî MIS- F àýL 79P;7;ý 1 smmuumi Phone 145 Bowmanville Phone in- VIE â- PE - u- ý-ýaueý Lvr v . 7ril, - ý

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