PROBA TIONERS WANTED FOR BOWMANVILLE, HOSPITAL Capable young ladies to enter the Training School for Nurses. Apply to the Supeeintenâent, Bewmanville Hospital. 36-tf DAILY TRIPS TO OSHAWA For the convenience of the travlel-' Iing public I wish, to announce that 1 arn now makingë daily trips to Osh- awa in my large comfortale motor bus. Leave West End Garage, Bo*- manville, at 7 a. m, leave corner King and Mary-sts., Oshawa, at 5 p. m. Saturday leaving Oshawa at 12 noon. 36-t Art Cole, Proprietot'. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 1 arn offering two of the choicest one acre building lots in the town of Bow- manvilie at very reasonabie prices, In good iocaity on Liberty-st., just one block soutb of Nursery corner. Excellent gar- den with about 50 good apple trees on each lot just coming into bearing. Nor-' man S. B. James, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. MUSIC TEACHERS MISS MARY SOUCH Teacher of piano. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. Phone 129r2l Hampton. Miss Souch will resurne ber class 2nd week of September in Ennlskii- len. 35-tf. SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION. MRS. J. B. NEALE, A.K.C., B.A., (Hons) Pupil of Sir Charles Santley, the worid's greatest Baritone, snd Madame Amy Sherwin, the erninent vocalist, wiii take a iimited number of pupils at ber studio, «'Berneva' Bowmanviiie, and at Mrs. D. R. Morrison's, Concession-st. Phone 165. Classes will start Tuesday, Sept. 2Oth. Students pevpa"red for ail examinations ____________________________________ - n BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 15th., 1921' LOCAL AND .OTHERWISE Mr. Will Roenigk, Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Mis Mary Neill, Toronto, bas been visiting Mrs. R. H. Westaway. Mr. John Plmer, Toronto, spent the week-end at bis homie here. Mr. J. S. Elliott, St. Catharines, spent Sunday at Mr. S. J. Henry's Reserve Wednesday, November 10 for the Bazaar at St. Paul's Church. >Wonderful display of Dress Goods, Suits, Dresses, etc., at S. W. Mason & Son's Friday evening. Miss Edyth Leask, "Ryland", Osh- awa, was a recent guest of Mrs. A. L. Towniy, Fenelon Falls, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Dudley and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Dudley recently visited relatives at Coiborne. Millinery Openings at >Haddy& Co. on Friday and Saturday. See the new styles of hats, etc. Miss M. M. Armour who has spent the summer at Bowmanvlle-on-the- Lake has returned to Toronto. Mrs. James White and Miss Vera, Harris, Brooklin, were'here attend- ing the Harris-Henry wedding. Ladies, don't forget Haddy & Co's. Millinery Openings on Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17. Miss Katie Allun has returned to Oshawa after spending a pleasant visit with Miss Beryl Oke, Ebenezer. Rev. Geo. S. Garvin, Ottawa, bas been unanimousy invited to Miil- brook and Garden Hill Presbyterian Churches, The-Làd Ifll~etCd LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. J G. Suly bas returned fromn a mont's isit wlth hler son at. Sanît Ste. Marie, ,Ont. Dr. Fitzgerald, Speeialist of Toronto University, is expected to 'address tlie Publiec Heaitli meeting in Opera House, Sept. 23. Miss Ruth Keegan, Cavan, gave us a cail Tuesday. Miss Helen Truil, Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. Jack Brooks, Carlisle Ave, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Candier and Stuart vîsited their son Roy, Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. C. B, Borland, Tor- onto, are visiting Mrs. A. E. Mc- Cready. Don't forget Friday and Saturday are Opening Days at Haddy & Co., Central Millinery, Mrs. J. K. Galbraith who spent-the summer at Port Bowmanville, bas re- turned to Toronto. S. W. Mason & Son's Formai Aut- uma Opening on Friday evening. Don't miss seeing the new goods. Miss Fox who has been spending some weeks with Miss Armour at the Lake has returned home to Whitby. Miss Irene Fee of Chicago, is herej nursing her uncle, Mr. John Mc- Intyre, through a severe attack of nuerîtis and pleurisy. Glad to know he is recovering slowly. Mr. Wilbert Fee of Omemee, Mr. and Mrs. Cottingham of Peterboro,1 Mr. Harvey Mclntyre of Weston, motored here recently to see their uncle, Mr. J. Mclntyre, who is very ill Mrs. N. J. Moore, Port Huron,1 Mich., with ber daughter Leora are visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred R. Fol- attend Ontario Ladies' College, Whit-i TOTTO N-At the Metbodist Parsonage, Slienonville, Sept. 12, to Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Totton, a daughter. Wl LCOX-In Bowmnanville Hospital, Sept. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Milton Wil- cox, twins-boy and giri--stiilborn. MARRIAGES HARFIS-HENRY-At; the resîdence of the bride's parents, eowmanville, by Rev. D. W. Bes, B. A., on Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1921, Eva Mildred, eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Henry, Bowmanviile, and William Roy Harris, Edmonton, Alta., son of Mr. William Harris, Brooklin, Ontario. CLARKE-MARTlN- a St. John's Church,. BowMnnville, on Saturday, Sept. 10, by Rev. Gerald Clarke, of Toronto, as- sisted by 11ev. C. P. Muirhead, Rector, Harold F. Clarke, London, son of the late J. W. and Mrs. Clarke Wellington, Ont.,, and Helen Rhea, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin, 'Craignairn", Bowmanvjlle. DEATHS PURVIS-In Columbus, Sept. 10, Wil- liam Purvis, Township Clerk of East Whitby, in bis 72nd year. LAM BERT-In Toronto, August 29th, Ada Murray, widow of-Robert Lambert, formerly of Bowmanviile, aged 62 years. CUL LEY-Jn Bowmanville, Sunday, September llth, Isobel Noreen, infant daugliter of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Cuiiey, aged 8 montlis. JOHN5-In Bowmanville, September 7, Qrace E, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Johns, aged 1 year, 3 montlis. In- terred at Hampton. IN'MEMORIAM In kind and ioving memnory of Mr. John Lambert who departed this life Sept. 19, 1920. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last This worlds weary troubles and sorrows 1i1silnceliesuf red ith patience he HEADQUARTERS FOR; SI LV ERWAR E: 1847 Rogers Bros. Comimunlty Plate Standard Silver Co. Holmes & Edwards Can. Wm. Rogers Co. WATCH ES: Elgin Omega Ingersol WaItha m Hfgh-Grade Swgss CHINA, Indian Tree Other Odd Pleces Royal Crown Derby SAFETY RAZORS: i ,~ \~ £ ~flbd~gadl r 'l rue ru oldidieals or quality, the li Ambassador is worthy to bear the, trademark found on al j847ROGERS BROS. rÀ F It could flot, be made bettei, ý! 1 îý+ ,i l 1 i