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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1921, p. 6

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Hay - l ever SUKMMSl COLDS, ASTUMA. spoil maay a holiday. RAZ - MAH PositîiveIy stops these troubles 9 aeezing, weezing1 coughiag, w.epliig eyes aren't necessary- 'unless you like being that way. ,11£0 at your druggist's, or write Tem&ptetoniUToroto. for a fret trial. Sold by Jury & Loveli TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, $3500 will buy 8 roomed brick bouse anid office attached, opposite Town Hall. $2800 wifl purobase 7 room frame bouse on Cburcb Street, watern sewer, electrie cigt and furnace. 8-roomned brick bouse on Ontario-ut., Bowirnanville good lot, every convenience. WiUl be sold reasonable for quiok smie. $3000 wlll purchase 2 story brick boune on Concession Street, water, sewer, e ect- rtc ligbt. furnace, garage and every con- venience. $7000 ýwill purchase 170 acres,lotil Township of Clarke fine buildings, weil fenced and watered, about 3 miles eaet of Newcastle Wharf. . .$8,700 W111 purcbase'116 acres parts lots 5, con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known as the Bruce Farm, well fenced. soil day loam, go ulig. Terms easy. $0000;will purchase the Semers Farm, containing 150 acres, just outside the cor- poration of the Town of Bowynanvllle, on county road, on wblch are erected an 8- roomed brick bouse commodlous out- buildings, atone stabllng for 40-bead of cattle; tbe soil la a ricb dlay loam, Weil fenced andl watered; titis la considered one of the best farme in thte county. Terme to suit the purcbaser, McLaughlin Farm, Conaisting of 150 acres. Joins village of Tyrone wltb tbiree stores. Blacksmltb sbop, scitools, churcit and grlst mlll ail wthln bal! a mile of, farm. The soil 1a a rich Clay loam, there --aeoeer thr -miLeR-£,f__lldrainsLThel land la level but rolling, Weil fenced,j about 8 acres of bardwood bush, and one acre of good cedar. Good farm bouse and barns wltb stone stabling under- neath. Over twenty-four bundred bush- ae so! grain 'tbresbed on It th. year. The fIrOt tenant on tbls farmn made enough money In flve years to purcbase a farm for hmself. Thtis ls one o! the beat bargaýins in tbe County and muet be sold to wind up Estate. L. A. W. TOLE, RE-AL ESTATE AGENT' 85-tf Bo-manville Phone 41. STENOGRAPHIC AND BOOKKEEPING Comnplete commercial and general im- provement courses. Our Fall term WilI commnence Sept. 6th. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, >Toronto and Oshawa. Cliiropractic Remove the Cause of Diseane without Medicine or Kuife. Chir- opractors have remarkable euc- es W removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthrna, Rheumatiom, Lumbago, Lm Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in many forma respond readily to Chiro- practie. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simco, St. N. Oshawa Phono 224.' THE <LIFPTUP" ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in conformity with the sciince of Anatomny., The *LyTUP "a patented invention with non-elip elastioa inside bell, gently supports the abdomen and is very beneficial for use after an oper- iatton involving an abdominal incision. Most affetive in relievin a thos0 physical aliments from which many women su!! r. WRITE for uehvl hins on fities e nd sel-measuremsnt. FREE. Thse genaine Patented 'LIFTUP" je a DIAS CORSET made only by eBAS 9COROTfi LMI DE nr. PH N s'rn 370 P 1 L L E THE CURE 0F 8RING WORM IDisagreeable, Contagions Diseage of Farm Animais. The Symplonis Carefully Descnlbed -Treatnent Carefully Applied INuqlally Slwcceefi1-A Fly Spray -8-eptember Notes. (Contributed by Ontario Department o! Agriculture, Toronto) Riagworm is a contagious disease 10 nihicit ail classes of animais, ia- cluding man, are subjeet. Caives and youag catle appear to, be more susceptible to, the trouble titan other animiais, but no age ren- ders an animal immune. Il is purely a skia disease, and is due to the preseace of a vegetable parasite, which is readily capable of belng conveyed from oae animal to another by direct contact, the itands of the attendant, pails, stable utensils, clolbing. harness, saddles, bin- kets,lte contact o! one animal it lthe stalîs, etc., o! affected animais, etc. Ia like manner, curry-combs, brushes, rubbing clotits, etc., tat are used, on affsctsd animais of any clasa, if used on other animais, become a fertile cause of infection. While any part 0flthe animal may be lthe seat o£ the tdisease, thte skia around lthe eyes and on the face, and ontthe eck and back, appears to be lte favorite seau. The first symp- tom shown ta usually an iteitiness, niticit is !ollowed by a ýligitt form o! eruption, iht soon assumes the appearaace of litIle yellowish scaba of a circular shape, lthe mass scales forming a circular space; itencethe termi 'ringworm." A variable num- --bn-o---t-.s-cireuiar patch-ez-niay--be-- aoticed on different parts o! the body. They are of a yeiiowisit color, nihen fresit, but become ligitter la color as they grow older; lthe tairs hecomie bristly, seime break off, and some become split. Whsn tite dis- sase i§ not checked tite affected arsas become more numerous and the patient apparenlly suffers acule- lY from itciiess, and sometîmes rabs against solid objecte wilh saudi force-as to cause bleeding. If a scale ble removsd and the under surface examiasd by a magnifyiag glass, the Parasite can bie seen. Treatment. In order ltaI' the sprsad o!ftte disease may be checkcd, it is neces- sary that great care be takea to avold lte conveyance of tite virus from tbe diseased to healthy animais. Where practicable, it is nisîl to re- move ail non-lafectel animais 10 non- lafected premises. If titis cannol be dons, the diseased a-nimais sitould be lsolaled, and lthe premises lan whiot they tad been kspt should be di- lafected by thorougitly'sweepiag and dustllag, and titen giving a torougit ooal 'o! an insecticide, as a bot 10 Per cent. of oas of tite coal lar anti- SePtice or carbolic acid, or a coal o! hot lime niash ith Sti -per cent. car- bouie acid Titis precaution le desiv- able on account ofthlie virus lodging la stalis, beddiag, etc., and infecliag oter animale,. Local lrsatmea, consist in inoist- cning lte scales with xxarm nialer and soap, or sweet oul, remnoving tem lan order 10 expose lthe uapro- Ieclsd surfaces of the affected areas. Il is good practice to humntitese scales. An insecticide, as tinclure o! lodine, oran olataient made of two drains nhlle hellebore mixed witit an ounce of vaseline, or, la fact, any rê- liable non-irritant insecticide, once or tnice daiiy until cured.-J. H. Reed, V.S., 0. A. Coilege, Guelpht. A Fiy Spray. A good fly spray can be made from 4 % 'quarts coal tar dip, 4 1/ quarts fish v011, 3 quarts coal oi1, 3 quarts nitals 011, and i11/2 quarts o! tar. Dissolve 3 lbs. iaundry soap laI water, add thte ingredients o! tite spray and bring the whole up to 30 $alloas nitit iukeniarm soft waler. IThis spray null keep off the fies and Prevent the coals o! the, animais fromn becoming harsh. 11 Thte conis should be sprayed twice a day-la the morning after milkiag and in the afternoon nihen lanlthe barn for silage of green feed. Tltirty gallons of mixture wili spray 40 cois tiice a day for ten days. Septeinber Notes. Peonies should be divided and re- ture for the sheep. Changlg the pasture' as frequeatly 'as possible M miaimizes losses titrougit parasi- tic diseases. Green tomnatoes may be put under cover nihen frosty niglits cone ard mnaay will ripen. Onions keep best la an airy, d~ plaüee. Amoist cellar i4e not a go plaee, They deeay quiekIy, BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. lSth., 1921 HOSPITAL DONATIONS The list of contributions to tbie Bowmanville Hlospital herewith pub- lished shows that the good people of this town and'vicinity are stili inter- ested in the welfare of this splendid public institution. It is so crowd- ed with patients right now that more nurses are urgentiy needed and are being advertised for in this journal. Donations in cash and kind are ever welcome as the hospital is very far from being self-sustaîning. Frîends "Help this Good Cause" and your re- 'ward is sure. Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary Dona- tions Potato boiler, potato masher, cary- ing knîf e, oîlcloth for shelves, 2 pud- ding dishes, paring knif e, 3 wire strainers, toaster, cake tins, 10 tea towels, 2 dozen cups and saucers, 1 dozen plates. Soap dish, towel bar, 1 dozen wash cloths, grater, 2 enamel spoons, 1 dozen tea towels, roast of beef, 2 quarts milk, 1 dozen and 5 -silver knives, 1 dozen f orks, 1 dozen tea spoons, 1 sugar spoon, 1 cold meat fork. Table oil cloth, 5 roller towels, sterilizer for* fruit jars, coffee pot, 2 dozen plates, 2 strainers, 2 pud- ding dishes, sauce pan, 2 wire egg beaters, 2 pitchers, 1 dozen. wire strainers, 2 cream and sugar jugs. '7 baby dresses, 7 Gertrude slips, 13 bed sheets. Other Donations Mrs. Pound-Jar of cherries Women's Institute-Dresser and stand cover. A. Edmondstone-Smoked bain. Cbas. Horn, Hampton-100 lbs. pastry flour. Lïues ' CIuU- ' cakes. Mr. B. Metcalf-2 'quarts cream. Mr. Jas. Cameron-2 baskets apples. Mr Fred Wight-Basket of- apples., Mr. R. C. Scott-Basket apples, jar fruit. Mrs. J. Infantine-oranges. Mrs. C. Rehder-Coil Ou Heater.' R. R. Stevens-5 jars'fruit. Mrs. R. Mitchell-Jar peaches. Women's Institute, Hampton-Auto- graph quilt. Mrs. James Johnson-Table cloth, Mrs. Wood-2 loaves homemade bread, Mrs. John Lyle-2 cakes, 2 flower vases. Mrs. A. Christie-Ice Cream. Mrs. Alan Willîams-Malted milk, liquid peptonoids. Mayor Quinn-i gallon paint. Electric Light Fixture Instituté Room-:Orono Women's Institute -$5.00, Bowmanvîlle do $4.00. Mrs . J. A. McClellan--Smoked ham. Mrs. F. Fitzgerald-Basket apples. Mrs. C. Rehder-i doz. sheets, 1 doz. pillow cases, i dozen wash cloths, Mrs. Frank Law, Newtonville-8 jars fruit. Mrs. A. E. McCready-2 doz. butter dishes. Mrs. Fred Cryderman-2 jars jelly. Miss McMurtr-3 dresser scarfs. Horticultural Society-Plants for flower lbed. Miss Annie Forbes, Toronto-Fract- ure bed. Sidney Brown-i doz. boxes straw- berries, i doz. boxes raspberries. Mrs. S. Edgar Werry, Solina-Jar fruit. Mrs. Pascoe, Jarsfruit, jar tomatoes. Mrs. Knowlton, Toronto-Inyaiid ring. W. T. Taylor-Basket black currants. L .A. W. Tole-basket cherries. D. W. Downey-Basket apples, rhu- barb. Anglican S. S.-Flowers. Bonnett Florists Flowers. Methodist Churcb-Flowers. Robent Wonnacott-New potatoes. Mrs. Frank Tbompson, Taunton-ý2 jars fruit. Mrs. T. C. Jewell Currant loaf. Women's Institute, H-ampton-i doz. jars fruit. Cash Donations Florence Nightingale Lodge 11. 0OP. $ 1000 Jerusalem Masonic Lodge 15 00 Base Line S. S. 10 00 Bowmanville Girls' Patrîotic Society 140 42 Mr. Fred Cryderman 5 00 Mr. Colin Colville 5 00 Mn. Geo. W. James i 00 Collections at Lake Services 36 56 Mrs. Ettie Ashlee 5 00 Mrs. Tigbe 50 Cuts and Enuises Disappear.- Wben sufi'ering from cuts, scratches, bruises, sprains, sore tbroat or chest and any similar ailment, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectnie Oul. Its healing power is well-known in every section of the community. A bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oul should be in every medicine chest ready for the emergencies that may always be an- tîcîpated. EAR OIL RELIEVES' DEAFNESS and STOPSHHADNOISES. Simply Rub it Back of the Ears and Insert in Nostrila. Proof of sue- MAE IN CANAD M I 1ARTHR :ÀLE5 CO., Sales Agent:, Torente MiI OLessard, « i wse., s,,15kAeh .Y u JURY & LOVELL Dy il EARLY DAiS IN ENNISKJLLEN1 , erallyy indicated by iisomethIng AND DARLINGTON doing."' H e was always go od nat- ured, honest and helpful, but hie sim-1 By Durham OId Boy. Ply could not keep down that little Irish in him. Number 7. The teacher-Wm. Bice or was it _____-Osborne?-was very much occupîed Hutchison and Brisbin's store was as hie would need-be, having from 80. just across the street from that of D. to 100 pupils of ahl sizes and ages, W. McLeocl. A sign with large let- 1 from lîttle tots, to others with whisk- ters you could see a quarter Of a mile ers! perhaps, bore the namnes, Hutchison On the far end of the school room & Brisbin.1l - on the wall were several large maps. There was a marked difference in A pea shooter sending a solid pellet the two stores, that of H. & B. being- against a map with a loud "whang",1 more up-to-date, goods more neatly within a foot of someone's ear, was displayed and altogther more busi- certainly startling. The party with ness-like than McLeod's. The the ear- would let out a startled "1counter warmers'" and loungers, so "ouch', 'the teacher would look up, common nightly in McLeod's was not and John or any one with the pea- encouraged to any extent lu H. & shooters would be innocently hard at B's. store., work on bis lessons(?).' Robert Hutchison and Barney 1 wonder sometimes, of these boys, Brisbin, as we used to caîl themi, when years later, they had children were both practical men and good of their own at sclhool if they acted citizenp. Mr. Brishin was a bachel- the part of stern parent at every lîttle or, I believe, at least in earlier years misadventure or prank of the young- in Enniskillen. sters, f orgetting when they were 0f Mr. Hutcbison's family, I re- young themselves? This forgetful- member a daughter Minerva, and two ness ig too common an occurrence boys James N. and Wilbur. They with parents. ail ttened chool, I think, under John Virtue taught me the myster- ýMr. Elisha Jessup. Mrs. Hutchison, ies of Long Division at school. H1e the mother, was a fine woman, always was some older and further advanced ready to aid in sickness where she in studies. I could manage Short could, and lend a helping hand where- Division where one figure was used, ever needed. but double figures into a line of other Children, of such a father and figures enclosed at each end by a mother could not welfail to make fence was beyond me. John straîght- their mark in some profession or caîl- ened ail this out f or me and s oon 1 ing. They were smart, too, Minerva, was able to go it alone. The teacher, a pleasant and good looking girl, was as I said, was pretty busy in attend- much like hier mother, and also a ing to class instruction, and had little good helper and leader. James N. time to devote to individual inform- was more seriously inclined, and more ation. studious, perhaps, than Wilbur, but, But, 1 found that Long Division as the latter had lthat jolly sorif of'spirit important as it seemed to be, was not always with ready answer to any ýthe end. There was more for figures quel y. The boys difi'ered thus far, to do after that. That was the puzzl- it seemed to me. James N. was eut îng part of it, to me, one neyer got out for, and would shine in some pro- to the end. They were always in- fessional career,_as that of teacher venting some new method of using. of trust and responsibility where bard work and -intelligence meant success. I do not remember seeing either of the boys in 30 or 35 years and only lately was told that James Nelson was a physician in Winnipeg, Man. Whatever line of business Wilbur took up, I am ready to wager, that he is a topuotcher, as bis brother Dr. J. N. no doubt is, too. The store previous to Hutchison & Brisbin occupying it had been occu- pied by Mr. Samuel Trewin who sold ont and removed to Oshawa, and there became one of its leading mer- chants and citizens. About 1850 the store was occupied by a Mr. Mallory, a relative of the writer's family, wbo started in business apparently with- out much, experience or lçnowledge of finance. H1e had quite a large store and something of almost any- thing you could ask- for. After six montbs my father asked him how mucb.Iper cent he was making on bis investment or on goods sold. H1e said he was making five per cent. Father told him that would neyer do, that he could flot keep up with only that amount of profit, "Well", he said, " I don't know much about your per cent, but I do know I get five times as mach as they cost me." David Salter was one of my older boy sehool mates. David's father nias Constable, and because bis father held such a high officiaI position, Day- 'id felt rather important. Wben a small boy at school 1 very mach de- sired to be able to write, not print wniting but real writing, but I did not know the characters used. David told me I could write now, but didn't know it, and would prove it. He gave me a piece of paper and a pencil and told me to make a line of marks across the paper. I did so. The marks were of aîl kinds of hooks, crosses and turns any old marks I could think of. David read this rigbt off to me. I would fili a nihole page of this, and nihen he had leisure would take me aside and rend it to me. It nias alninys a nice little story he would read to me, and tell me it nias only good boys niho could write sncb things. 1 f elt very proud of this, but I wanted to write so I could read it myself, and flot have to bother anybody. These little barmless de- ceptions 61 David .ýencouraged me very much, so that I1nias soon able to write, so that I could rend the nie little stories that David could in my writing. (The stories have evidently come in your later life.-Editor.)', I have completely lost sight of bim, for thirty-five years, John Virtue nias another of the older boys. 1 hope be is still well and bearty and as much in evidence at bis present age as nihen a sehool. boy. John was alwayrs ready for any sort of fun, and bis presence was gen-; j ....ý .s.i tilc- - ie-auîu Iseej one busy, and ïIIhaen't got to the end of it aIl yet. Then later the teachers became more refined in their cruelty, and smilingly introduce you to a new kind of figuring called Algebra, and asi though there were not enougli figures to go round, they stick in a lot of letters of the alphabet, and criss-cross signs of one kind and another till you begin to wish for that pea shooter or anything to create a disturbance. Applied ' After Shaving Keeps the Skin Soft and Smooth M.ANY men suifer from irritation of the skin as a resuit of shaving. With some !t'assumes a form of eczema and becomes most annoying and unsightly. By applying a littie of Dr. Chase's Ointnient after shav- ing the irritation is overcome and such ailments as Barber's Itch and Eczema are avoided. 60 cents a box, ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. 11 ARE YOU PROTECTED? You are taking an unnecessary, carrying sufficient protection in the surance. risk by flot way of InI- We represent 40 of the best Insurance Com- panies doing business to7lday. Losses, deaIt with liberally and paid pr omptly. YOU CAN GET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH J. J.YMÀSO-0N&S-O Real Estate and Insurance Brokers PliTon-e 5(F Bow&anuil. __________________* ~Tj Corna cause much suffering, but' Holloway's Corn Remover offers a speedy, cure and satisfactory relief. When down town shopping step in and see the beautiful Coats, Suits and Dresses on display at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Our Bowmanville correspondent in another column wonders if any of the. cîfizens of that town ear recaîl the steamer "Bowmanville" stated by a Toronto paper to have been the first vessel to navigate the eastern gap in- to Toronto Bay away back in the early50s Should there be none 1'J4t to answer two of Orono's citi- zes-an furnîsh the desired informa- tion, Mr. John Rîckaby, the genial Township Clerk, who was neyer known to miss an excursion or a cir- cus in his boyhood days, and Mr. Robt. Moon. -These two with the' late John.Ruddock and John Winter made their first trip te Niagara aboardthis steamer, on an excursion promoted by Jack Jefferies of Osh- awa. The trip oyer and bacek was a most enjoyable one and on the re.- turn they landed at Darlington wharf about 3 a. m., and the four young fel. lows hiked it home to the Sixth Lîne on foot, a longwalk after a stren- ous day. Speak-irg of the Captain of the "Bowmanyille", Mr. Rickaby describes him, a whole souled genial person and recalîs this incident. On leaving they were about haîf a mile out from Lewiston, when a team of black horses with several ladies în a carniage dasbed on the wharf. They had missed the train when it left for the boat. The Captain took in the situation at a glance and ordered the steamer te the dock.-Orono News. ICE CRE M PURITY, ALWAYS PURITY The many gallons of Neilson's Ice Cream which we seil every year only serve to make us more'and more mindful of our standard, "Absolute Purity", not only now and then but always. TAKE A BRICK HOME CHRISIE'S BAKERY The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone- 97 Bowmanville LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Money invested in our coal is cash conscient- iously expended. Here you will get your money's worth of coal. Here you receive a fuit ton plus satisfactory service. John A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division Sts, Bowmanville CramWanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good- Prices1 for Good Cream. We Want Yours If ýwe fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone cali or write us. urOnCeamery uCro., 31la 1-t la The eFiavour, of the genuine "GREBAN" Tea is ini evîe-ry Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder or Young Hyson. Sample Free-Salada, Toronto.

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