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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1921, p. 8

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ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Paterson andi Mrs. Camp- bell, Renfrew, at Mr. C. Simpson's.... -UAr,,G. Martin bas heen under the doctor's care.. - Miss H. Werry, Enniskillen, bas been visiting at Mr. A. Ormiston's . ..A hioliday was givon or schooi Weduestiay te attend Oshawa Fait. . The silos are narly ailfillefi tlis year witb an abond- nt crop cf crn.. -Mr. OlivetMccul- -och is w earing a amile thes days-a ba-by boy.ý..Miss Myrtie Hobbs lbas ac- 2C,t,ed, a position in Toronto. CARDS 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Reese Johns desire to tbauk ail their frieuds and. neighbors for their kindness and sympatby during the illness and death of their little daughter Mr. aud Mis. W. J. Culley and fam- ily desire to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kiuduess and sympathy, also beautiful floral off er- ings sent in their recent bereavement lu the loss of their preclous baby. While You Wait. Isyour car knocking on the his? Bring it to us and we Wil1 make it run like new again. How about the bands on your Ford?1 Does your car quiver and shake when you stop start or reverse? Corne in and let us stop it for you at a very low charge. FOR SALE 1 Ford Car, last year model with starter, shock absorbers, etc., in first-class condition. If you are in the market for a car, see this before you buy. Luke, Bo0ys & Cryderman Phone 188 W BoWmanville Arthur N. McMillan & Co Investment Bankers Bowmanville, Ont. Whyl-take 3 per'cent When you can iqget in safety 6 to 8 per cent? Drop in and talk it over. Our 23 years of Banking experience is back of our advice. We pay cash for Victory Bonds. No delay. Farmers, bring in your Sale>Notes, and be as- sured of f air and honest treatment. Write us for advice on any listed stock and if. worthy we Wil1 repiy at once free of charge or better stili drop in and see us. 37-tf Copela Î-d Shoe Stcreâ NOW OPEN Two doors we st of Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman's. Complete new stock. Bought at reduced,.prices. Seiling atreduced prices. TheIast Word in Style and Quality. Cali and sec them R. Copeland, Real Estate InsuranceAg R. W.Copeland, gent Manager BEC/"'AUSE ýi Our prices for meats are the lowest, don't think for a minute that Quality is sacrificed in the least, for it is not, At ail times we insist on hav- ing young stock which has been weii fed assuring our customers that the meat we seli is -tender, juicy and best quaiity. ONE DELIVERY DAILY W-e ha-ve -one deliveryWldaily at 8 a. m; G.JA. E dmondstone 1 One door east of F. F. Morris CJo. Phone 21 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. l5th., 1921 HAYDON iRecent visitors: Misses Dora Mountjoy and Vivian Amsbury, Osh- awa, at Mr. Thos. Mountjoy's; Miss Stella Siemnon and friend, Toronto, at Mr. Thos. Slemon's and Mr.'Alex. Wright, Belleville, at Mr. R. Siem- on's; Miss Meta Ashton is attending Bowmianville High School.. Practicey will start on Friday night for our Sunday School and League Rallies, to be held early ln October. Our aim is to have a real success. Every- body corne and help..Our church service wlll be held on Sunday at 2 p. m., with our pastor Rev, W. T. Wickett in charge . ... Several from here attended Tyrone Harvest Home' services and spoke very highly of the speaker. BLACKSTOCK We welcome home Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Carruthers who have been spending their holidays touring West- ern Canada. .Mr. Wm. Patton bhis bought a store in Whitby and intends moving therein in the near future. . .Miss Ruth Marlowhas returned to Toronto after spendîng her holidays at her home here...- Miss Annie Swain is taking a short course at the St. Catharines Business College,.. Mr. Laundry and Miss Rutledge, Ban- croft, are guests'of Mr. N. S. McNally .... We hear Mr. Jas. Byers has bought the old Swain property on the corner. We will be ,iooking for great, improvements ... . Mrs. Wm. Swain and Misses Marie and Reta have left these parts for their home in Grandview, Man.... Mari orie Mar- low, Norman McCurdy, Merrili Fer- guson, Herbert Swain and Norton VanCamp have commenced their first year at Port Perry High Sehool. ... Mr. Roy Bradburn,, Maple, is homel on his holidays. .', Don't forget our fair September 28th. DARLINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truil, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKnight, Sel- by, have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Casey Truli.. Mr. Jno. iMetcalf has moved to Oshawa. ... Mr. and Mrs. Norman Metcalf, are visiting relatives in St. Mary's... Mrs. Edward VanCamp and daughter Evelyn, have returned to their home lu Sheron, Penn., U. S., after a pleas- ant visit with Mr. Elmer Van Camp. . .Mrs. H. T. Power is visiting rela- tives in Toronto ... . Mr. Geo. Hoît visited his aunt, Mrs. Edson,,Toronto, and took in the Ex.... .Messrs. Thos I Finlay, Kalamazoo, Mîch., and Wm.I Finlay, Chatham, have been renewing acquaintances of many years ago 'and visiting Mrs. E. J. Burk and the home of Mr* Albert Goode where they were born. The farm then belonged to their grandfather the late Mr. Ther- on Burk. Autumn Openings of Fali and Winter goods at S. W. Mason & Son's Friday evening. Don't miss it. ENNISKILLEN_________ _____ Mn. James A. Werry and Miss May RM I Werry are visitiug relatives in Torontoi-L and St. Thomas and attending London i M OTION _ Fait. Vistoîs:- Mis. Aukerîdge, De- The ondersigned bas received instructions troit, visitiug lher sister, Mis. J. F. Bradley; Mr. and Mis. A. Garbutt WM. J. TAPE and two childien, Mr. C. Doubt, Osh- To soul by Public Auction on the premises awa,. at Mr. N. Byers'; Mis. John Lo5,C n8,D rig n Pye, receutiy visited lher daughters lu ot , ong8, alinton Toronto; Mr. A. Gilders and daugh- on al ia ter, Bowmauville, visited hîs mother,l odonSet1,t Mis. T. Gilders. .. A number frim' M here atteuded Toronto Ex.. .. Mis The follcwiug valoahle farm stock, im- Glads Saintn i atendig Oonoplements, etc. Glads Saintn i atendîg Oono HORSES-Bay Mare, 10 years, general Continuation Sehool ...Epworth purpese, Bay Mare, aged, generai purpose. League was in charge of Rev. G. T. CATTLE-2 ted cows, miiking, 1 Jer- McKenzie. Topie "Better Work" sey cew, milking, 7 years, 1 grey heifer, was taken by Miss Helena Werry. rising 3 y,,ars, doe., embri 1black lI eifer, rising, 3 years, due September, i1 Miss Elva Orchard. read a papier on grey cow, miîking 6 years, 1 HosteinI "Steward Studies"'. A duet by Miss cew, milking, 7 years, due Feli. 14,1 Aima Werry and Mr, J. Wilkinson black heifer, nilking, 3 years, due iu May, and a talk by Mr. K. Mason ou bis 3 lack beifers, rising 2 years, 1 steer ris- expeienes n th wids f th Nothîng 2 years, 6 Spriug calves. expeienes u te wids f te Nrth IMPLEMENTS-1 Massey-1HariBud Shore cf Georgian Bay weîe good. . or, 1 Frost & Wood Mower, Màassey-'" ..Wednesday afternoon the ladies' Harris Seed-dr-ili, 1 CoulthAerd & Scott, cf the W. M. S. met in the home cf' Cotivator, 2 set of barrows, 1 Fleory, Plow, No. 21, 1 Wilkinson Sod Plow, No. 1 Mis. James A. Werîy. Mis. J. E. 4,1 Wilkinson Gang Plow No. 3, 1 Wilkiu- Eliiott, Bowmanville, gave hier îe- son Scuffier, 1 Log Bolier, 1 Holmes Wag- port cf Napanee Convention. Tea on, i Massey-1-arris Manure Spreader, 1~ st of Siighs, 1 Massey-1-arris Rake,1 was served and au off ering taken. Revolving Rake, 1 Honey Fauuîug Mill Tweuty-f oui ladies were present. 1 Toruip Pulper, 1 Turuip Sower, 1 Stock Haddy & Cc. anucunce the Fail Rack, 1 Gravel Box, 1 Hay Rack, 1 Double and iute Miliney Opuing onBuggy, 1 Carrnage, 1 open single Buggy,' and Wintr Millinry O1eCartoni1set cf Scales, 2000 Ibs., 1 Mas-j Fîiday and Saturday, September 16 sey-aarris Cr0jam Separator. neatly iieW and 17. Fali Hats niow on exhibi- Wbiffletrees, Neck Vokes, 2 Grain CrIad-1 ticu, les, 1 Scythe, Forks, Hoes, and eft WOOD-Quantity cf lumber, Qoantity TYRONEof Steve Wood. TYRONEPICS-i Sow with 6 pîgs. _______POU LTRY-Quautity cf Hens. Visitoîs: Miss Evelyn Brent at- HARNESS-1 set Double Harness, 1 set Liglit Tearri larness, 1 set cf Single Bar- Clarke-Martin wedding; Mis. R. ns Burgess and Laveine Burgess in Toi- FEED-Abeut 8 tous hay. 3 acres cf onto; Mi. B. F. Gardiner at Thorn- cern, cut and stooked, %j acres of tornips, loe; Mis. R. Hatherley at Mis. H. tuautity of cals. 'F URN ITU RE-Quantity of household Hooey's; Rev. Jahez Rice, Bathurst, fornittîre. New Brunswick, with his aunt, Mis. Sale ai 12.30 oclock sharp J H1. Weiry; Miss Marie Werîy, TERMS-uu ail sums of $10 and onder,' Oshawa, at Mr. M. J. Werry's; Har- cash, over-that amont 12 montbs' credit, ry ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~, Hahre nTrno i.A .o pproved noies. ry athrle inTornto Mr. A,.A. J. STAPLES, THEO. M. SLEMON, Clemeus visiting hier sîsters and other Clerk. Auctioneer. Bowmanviile fîieuds; Mis. Cameron TrulI, Oshawa, at Mis. Ciemens'; Mr. Cecil Beliman, Bcwmanville, with M.' J. H. His; Mr. and Mis. Fred Good- man, Columbus, and Mrs. Booth, Tor- onto, were receut guests at Mi. L. J. Goodma's; Mr. and Mis. L. J., Goodman speut Sunday at Mi. John Guy's, Columbus .... Missionaîy pro- gram was cf especial interest at Sun- day Schooi. Tom Hoar told the '-tory cf "Abraham Offering Isaac" spieudidly. Eleanor Thompson and Annie Gardiner sang sweetly. Mi. Milton Sauderson, Euuiskilien, heid the atte ntion cf even the smaliest cf oui school as he talked on "God's caîl into Life's Seivce" .... Sunday .vning .a-fornrer nîuvhJoVeipastohr Rev. J.* E. Beekel, Bethanyï will pîeach here .... Thursday's League was in charge cf Miss Florence Gar- diner. Topic by Mis. Goodman, îeadings by Albert HuIs and Miss Wight.* Solos by J. Wilkinson, En- niskillen, and W. ýS. Staples. A splendid contest followed. Fail display of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suite and Drýesses are now be- ing admired at Couchi, Johnston & Cryderman 's. DarlingtonTownship. Clerk's Notice of Fîrst Posting "Of Voters' List. (Section 13) Voters' List, 1921, Mufficipality of the Township of Darlington, County of Dur- ham. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Iý have transmitted or delivered to the per-ý sons mentioned in section 9 of The On-! tario Voters' Liste Act, the copies re-ý quired by said s ections to be so trans-i mitted or delivered of the List, madeý pursuant to said Act, of ail persons ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment Roli of the said Municipality to be en-'- -titlerl to vote lu -the said-Muriipxity-at- elections for members of the Legisiative Assembly and at Municipal Electi'ons; and that the said List was first posted up at j my office at Hampton, on the twenty- i seventh day of August, 1921, and remaine' there for inspection. And 1 hereby caîl upon ail voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cori'ected according to law, Dated this 12th day of Septemnber, 1921.1 W. R. ALUIN, 1 Clerk ofTownship of Darlington., 37-2w. Simcoe Street, South cf the vil- lage ofCedardale, ail of their faim stock, implements, tractors, other machinery and numerous other ar- ticles., See posters for particu- lais. Sale to commence at one o'cock. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. 37-2w* Saturday, September 24-Mis. Robt. Stanley, South cf G. T. R. Station, Bowmauville, will seli aillcf her household furniture iucludiug par- loi, dining-room, bed-room and kitchen furuishiugs, dishes, carpets, beddiug, garden. tools, etc. Sale at 1 o'ciock. See bis. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. SOLINA, Go early to the Autumn Opening, at 'S. W. Masun & Son's. Friday ý Visitors: Mr and Mrs. C. A. Blan- evening. The flnest and newest, chard at Raglan; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. dress materials, coats, suits, etc., willj Hortop and daughters,' Port Perry, be displayed. and Mr. Stanley Miller, Sunderland>________ at Mr. H. E. Tink's;Mr. and Mrs. R. Somerville, Cherrywood, at Mr. COLBORNE FAIR John Reynolds';-Mr. and Mrs. George Avery, Lloyd and Caroline and, Mr. Plan to attend Coîborne Fair on i Pogue, Mariposa, at Mr. F. West- Wednesday, September .28, 1921.ý lake's; Mi. J. Arnot and Mr. Levi Good speed tests, no better 12 mile YDavis, Michigan, at Mr. L. T. Pas- track in the Province-Cobourg Citi-1 coe's; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot and zen's Baud, Lady Concert Band and daughters Beruice, Maxwells, at Mr. Nusca's Royal Italian Baud wifl furu- W. VanNest's; Mr. and Mrs. F. , ish music during the day. Basebal Stonhouse, Mrs. E. Hastings, Mr. andi game. Coihorne VS.' Hastings-Big' Mrs. Thos. Clark, Hampton,, Miss free acts-Special Midway attractions Gertie MeMullen,, Oshawa, Miss Vera $3,000.00 in prizes-Big list of Spe- Baker, Miss Ireue Thompson, Peter-1 cials. F. M. Brintnell, Secretary, boro, at Reeve Baker's; Mrs. Steph-'Phone 25, Coiborne, Ont. 37-2w. on M. Clemens, Niagara, at Mr. T. ______ Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Suow- den and family, Maple Grove, at Mr. ORONO'S POPULAR FAIR T. Baker's; Misses Ruth, Marjory Cm to Orono Fair to meet od and Marion Waldon and Mr. H. Wal- 1Come don, Lindsay, Mr. M. Moynes, Cam- friends on Thursday and Friday,! bra, a Mr J.Nayoî'; MnySeptember 29th and 304,h. You'Il from here attended the Park opeuing ,see eun giclua ar at Hampton .... Mr. and Mrs. "Ben- The management believing that Dickinson, Port Hope, at Mr. Frank good Live Stock Classes make thel Thompson's.... Sunday, September best attraction have increaseti theI 18 our S. S. observes Rally Sunday. Premiums and added more classes. Large atendance -requested. Spe- You will find the advancement in cial pîogram of singing. Service Agriculture at this Fair wheîe the at 2.30 p. m. best of everything is shown in Live Stock, Haruess Horses, includîng the HAMPTONAndrew Eider Trophy for the best HÂMPTONhorse, Stock Judging Competitions, Parade of Prize Animais before The Wome's Institute will meet onGrn Std, hecamo te Thursday afternoon lu the Rest Grand tansrd theinLcrem o th Room in the Park. Full attendauc onr' pout nLais ok requesfèd etc., in Floral Hall. See the Baby requst~. IShow. Good Baud in attendance. Vîsitors: Mr. Percy Clarke, To r- Send for Prîze List.- The Bo'sn's onto, visited his sister, Mrs., L. Cry- Bride in Opera flouse Fair Night. derman: Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Creep- C.A. Chamn dlhH ry » er and sous, and Mrs. Jno. Eiliott, . aPmaent Âdlph e.-ry, Oweu Sound, at Mis. Jno. Colwl',s, 37-2w Orono. Jr.; Mrs. W. Peters, Oshawa, at E. Truil's; Mis. Clemeus, St. Cathar- lues, Miss Grace Rogers, Torouto, AUCTION SALES with Mrs. E. Hastings; Miss, Lillian_____ Wiiliamson, Miss Ruth Swaithwaite Mi. E. Swaithwaite aud Mr. George Tuesday, September 27,-Fredeîick Thompson, Toronto, at E. L. William- Nichois will seil by auction, on lot so's; Miss Annie Johns aud Miss 29, con. 3, Darlington, 0/,4 mile Aima Pollard, Bowmanville, at Mr. north of Courtice), ail of his farm L. Johns'; Mv,; and Mre. B. Dickin- stock and implements. As faim sou, Port Hope, at T. Rowe's; Mr$. bas been sold ever3thîng bas to be MeDouald accompanied by her disposed of. Sale to commence at grauddaughteî, Miss Lizzie Rohbins, 1ticlrs. Jae strsopari- Janesville, Wis., visited at R. Aveîy's; tclr. JmsBsoacin Mr. and Mis. W. Bauich, Port Hope, eeî.- 37.-2 at R. Katerson's; Dr. J. H. Elliott, Thursday, September 15-Misses Toronto, at Mrs C. J. Kerslake's; Mr. Lena and Edua RenwikCurcb- and Mrs. Fred Deusem, Miss Jean st, South, Orono, wiil seli by auc, Doncaster, Mi. and Mrs. Juo. Truli, tieon, their S--romed frame bouse, Mr. Milton Avery, Bowmauville, at R. and 1/ acre lot, also bousebold Avery's; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horn furniture and effects. The home and famiiy, Peterboro, Mrs. Wm. is a veîy desirable one and the Jeffery, Toronto, at C. Horu's Mr. fuiniture iuciudes good oak and and Mis. A. Parkeî, Toronto, and walnut sets. Inspection of- prem- Mr. C. H. Burrows, Oshawa., at J. H. ises may be had after Sept. lst. Burows'; Mv and Mrs. Jno. Wil- A..Sa1 ,G: aksn&Sn liams, Miss Coulter, Oshawa, at A. C .J.Sle. o actin one, Peters'. Cek utoer League meeting of September 17 was Saturday, Septemfber 17-Mi, W. P. ini charge of Miss Marion Stephens, Mis-j Cryderman will seil at his îesi- sionary Vice-President, and opend byý dence, Church St., Bowmauviile, singing and prayer hy Mr. Frank Cryder-aIl of his household furniture, in- mari. Lessor, Matt. 6: 24-34 was read by1 Miss Ruth John., Topic 'Flowers' was, cludiug parlor, dining-rcom, bed- iven by Miss oise Johns. Mrs. Will j room and kitchen furniture. Sale Wilbur favoredl with a vocal solo. Shortl at 1 p. m. See bills. L A. W- reacling weregve by Miss Laura Virtue and Mr. Frank Cryderman. Miss Maryl Tole, auctioneer, Niddery played a piano solo. Beiug floral, Friday, September 23-The Canada night we hati a contest. Meeting closed&Se o fOhwwi by siuging aund League Benediction. Faj & ed o o Ohwa wl lqel I v lUCUiUII UIClUCCi }JLUj>ti Yr Oui uew Fai Styles wiil be dispiayed. Dr- Scholl's foot comfort applian- ces will be demoustrated. Fred RK. Foley On the Sunnyside Phone 12 Bowmanville .5, I "Nlow to B5usiness" SAYS MILES KNOWLES Now that. the holiday season us drawing to a close, let, us get right down to Business. Give us a call and you will find our Goods and Prices will. suit you. We neyer sacrifice Quality for cents, MILES KNOWLES 1 Grocer Phone 36 Bowmanville Y%o Must Have New Purniture. Why Not. Qet It When Prices Are Low In every home there is need of new furniture-of one piee or two pieces of a Bedroom Suite, a Diningroom Suite, a Chester- field or a whole houseful. Nowt, whoever wants new furniture wants, also to get it for prices that are as ýlow as possible, and es- pecially to get furniture that is reliable and good, and that can be depended upon, whether it is oniy a rocker, or whether it is the complete furishing of a home. The best opportunity is to get it While our special sale is on, With the most definite reliability, wyith the low prices, quality considered, this sale appeals to more people than any other sale, and in return it renders the, greatest service. Now is the time --and4he-height--of-the-oportuni-ty. -Comie-À-i-nhi6---week--andl-see-- the great displays. I Funeral Directors Bowmanville WILLIAMS & CANN Furniture Dealers Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville Fair Next Weekj It is the rallying point for Our rural friends. A social 0 event for town and country. An Educational privilege f ~ T&~ for old and.yug We Extend a Hearty Welcome Leave your wraps with us. Meet your friends here, plenty of easy chairs to rest, get a cold drink of Skinner's Spring Water,' use our phione and any other accommodation desired. Visit Our Booth, At The Fair

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