s N Vol LXVIIrf. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTIARIO, SEPTEMIBER 22, 1921 $2,00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.3 Distinctive For Attire Autumn Ladies seeking individuality xviii find thei r fondest expectations realized in our early shoxing of exclusive Fali Models. Design- ed by fashion artists of pre-eminence and developed in f abrics of the fineât quality. COATS The newest materials are shoxvn in these coats in Velour, Duvetyn, Silvertone and Bolivia with fur trimmings of oposum, seal and beaverine, also elaborately trimmed with embroidery, and f ancy braid and exquisite lining of heavy brocaded satins and, poplins. sU14S Broadcloth, Tricotine and Gabardine are the predominating materials for Suits both in tailored styles and embroidered, with heavysilk stitchings, richly emnbroidered in self tone and'contrast- ing colors,'ailong with the' ricli linings. DRE-lttSISES Dresses of fine serge, tricotine and silk are .shown in the new Eall wearables. Trimmings consist of embroidery, braid, and last but not least the pretty silkfringe that is being worn so much on dresses for Fall. AN EARLY INSPECTION WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE I Ko,ïdak the Farml.1 A good crop is a source of pnide as well as profit. Medera fanmers take a keen interest la kaeping a Kodak record cf enel year's production. Cameras and Kodaks $2.00 to $35.00 COME IN AND HAVE A KODAK TALK AFN ALTNCYOUR EYES CHECK THÂT COU GH There is no0 guess x;ork 1in our, Rexall Cherry Bark 35c, 60c, Peptona $1.25 Optical Department. A care- fui scientific examination is $1.0 Its value bas been thoroughly given to everyone. eti aube rmd demonstrated in this communîty. Two duly qualified Optome-Kephsvaube rmd trists always at your Service. handy for convenient use. RAZOR SPECIAL JONTEEL SPECIAL Commencing September 19th we wiil give Abso- Three Great Jonteel Beauty Builders for the price lutely free a 40e Durham Duplex Demonstration of two. Jonteel Face Powder 75c IRazor wth every. tube of Rexall Shaving Cream at Jonteel Rouge 50c 40-- Jonteel Combination Cream Free JURY & LOVELL JURY & LOVELL ýCUMBTLSCARE F THE, HAIR FOUNTAIN PENS VACUM BOTLESThe hair is such an important feature it shouid be given care- Corne in and see our complete Splendid for Motor Trip, fui attention. We have an ex- lune of Waterman Pens. NodyLunich, Sick. Room, etc. cellent assortment of NondyHair Tonics 50c and $1 .09 Special--Fbü1y gu#ranteed Combs 25C to $1.00 *Brushes $1.00 to $8.5ô Self-filler w,,ith 14N nib $1.39. Hair Nets 15c, 2 for,25c Jury& L1o<veIl When we test eyes it is clone properly. Tih. Safe, Satisfactory Druggists land Opticians ,DR. CHAS. T. PAUL'S ADDRESS THE ELLIOTT FAMILY The Gospel of World" Renewal. Sketch of Hampton Pioneer and Founder and Decendants. t Dr. Charies T. Paul, M',. A., Presi-i dent of the College of i ssions, In- llenry Elliott, J. P., was bora ats dianapolis, Indiana, U. S., h is a Eastcot, ln the Parish of Morwenystow,i well-knowa Bowmanville byw1ho -ith Cornwall, on the borders of Northi Mrs. Paul is visiting his n iotfhe r, Mrs. Devon in the year 1809-the year ofc T. J. HamV~n and sisters, Mrs. Arthur birth of Gladstone, Darwin and Lin-1 Miageaud and Mrs. F. U. Pethick, coin, lHe came te Canada ia 1831 la' preached in the Methodist Cburch on a small, sailiag vessel whichi reached1 ,Suaday eveniag to a very large aad: Biçdeford, Prince Edward Island, 28- appreciative audience, as usual whea1days out fromn Bideford, Dev'n-at Dr. Paul is aanounced asý- the speaker, quick passage for those days. Afterï several people being presn from the a further vogage of about 10 days1 country. the little barque reached Quebec, Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A. B. D., the With about thirty other passeagers pastor, conducted the devotional ser-1 Mr. Elliott came on te Kingston la vices. A beautiful duet was sung batteaux an~d theace by steami boat to by Mrs. H. M. Foster and Mn. W. B.1 Port Hope, where hie nemaiaed soein Tapson in excellent hanmony and eight years. While there hie marrîed Mrs. W. J. Morrison and Capt. Roy Miss Mary Oke who came from Devon H. Rickard took the solos la the an- in 1832. She was his faithful help- them.! meet for 55 years. Dr. Paul seiected for fis theme In 1839 lie 'came te Bowmanville " The Gospel of WorIdReea" bas- and speat a year with the Bowman ing bis address on Rev. 21: 5. Firm then ia charge of the late Sena- After expressing bis great love for tor John Simpson, James McCiellan Bowmanville and its peonle and at- beiag a fellow-employee, The fol- tractions for hlm and the pleasure lowiag year hie purchased 65 acres in lit gave him to seeso miany people on the centre of Dariington, the land on a hotSunday eveaing in this house of which the greater part of the village worshîp, hie launched into hi1 sbjet, of Hampton TWsad. th ea speaking without a note for soee4i5 cluded the milI priviiege andth minutes, and one lady fnoni the coun- frame of a grist miii which had been try remarked that slic woid giadly erected by Williamin Le of C]arke at have heard Dr. Paul foýr another hour. the west sîde of the present dam. Hie said la part: The traveiled road from Bowmnan- Among the foremost words ln the ville was then on the west side of the present-day vocabulary is Recon- stream and led up through Mount struction. It is heardl in almost Pleasant, losing itself la the dense every country and in every important bush about. Michael Cryderman 's saw langunge from English and ~Frendh miii. The Farleys, Crydermans, Wil- te Polish and Persian, froin Genînan liams' and Smiths were already set- and Bulgarian to Bengali and ,Tap- tled above bis pnoperty. anese, froin Italian, Spanrisb and Rus- Shanty town was the first namne of sian, to Chinese, Arabie and Armn- the corners on -the wcst side where inn. t is heard even la remate he later built bis homnestead. With dialccts of Central Asia ï1ad Africa. the completion of bis grist miii and Some languages in which there was the operation of a saw mili in part- no0 equivalent have invente(] an equîv- aershîp with L. Ormiston, the settie- aient. The eveats of thie past sevea ment became known as Mîlîville. A years have invcsted this wýord with a store wns added to his enterprises, momentous connotation. and as the countny rapidly opened up1 Reconstruction bas coma te mean to the north hie built up a large busi.. vastly more than restoration of shat- ness. tered cathedrals, rehablitation of Ia the later forties the Scugog demolished towns or aay mere indeni- Road was opened up and ia 1851 Mr. nification of material destruction. The Elliott built the present grist miii.,' word is ablaze with political, ethical Fîre hnviag destroycd the store on the and neligious meanings as well. 'It west road, hie rebuilt near tbe Scugog lias become the vebicle of the creative rond and carried on the business in spirit of mankind through1- whicb the a frame building until the brick block, leadership of ail races se ex- rccentiy purchased by the Bank of press and realize a corporate and Montreai, was completad. Limits la commanding ideal. the Pine Ridge supplied lumber fori Whntever isilso vits teb bl iegancamie from as f ar aftermatb of the War na have nortb as the townoiship of Mana and brought us, this much is certain:. The Rama until other outlets were found. War bas unscalcd the eyes of the For several years the nearest meet- nations to the necýessitY of securing a ing house was at Mount Pleasant and better world of human relntionships the district school was carried on la than that whicb in 1914 fell into such the samne building. In 1844 a school lamentable and agonizing disaster. was built on the west gide and in~ 1847 Reconstruction is the procqess by the Bible Chistian Chapel was ercct- which we post-bellum modemrs are ed. With the growth. of industries -trying to effectu.pte the delectable la the village,- a post office became vision of that better world. necessnry and Mr. Elliott wns ap- Doubtless bistorians 100, years pointed the first postmaster ia 1851 bence, looking baekward on our time, whea the namne of Hampton was chos- will chronicle the efforts wc are now en- La 1853 the Municipal govera- making, through national readjust- mient, was moved from Bowmanviiie ments and international re-nîign- to Hampton and Mn. Elliott was ap- ments, through Peace Conferences pointed Township Treasurer. whicb and Leagues of Nations>, througb dip- post bie held until bis death. As, lomatie concessions and compr.ies, Justice of the Peace hie was for, many through mutuai challenges of dis->ros years associated with the late An- armament and good-will, tbrough an thony WaslÏington la bcaring and unprecendented exercise of inter- settling cases arisiag la thair juris- racial relief' in famine and disease, diction. througb proposais of good anadex- Hie took mucb interest la the work posais of evil,, above al thnouga our of the UpperCanada Bible Society reaffirmnation of the moral founda- and for a number of years was the tions and the spirituial possibilities of oldest officiai in the society., Soon human nature and of buman wlf are after moving to Darlinigton hie became -ail our present strivings te gather a member of the' Bible Christian Up the broken fragments of our civ- Church a nd was always a liberal sup- ilization and to weld them by some porter. Ris wif e made bis bouse a new cohesive power into ani cnduring home for the eaniy missionanies aad matnix of cartb-wide bnetberhood and mninisters. The Christmas gathenings pence. of the ebildren, gnandchildnen and ,Tbose retrospective 'wntcrs10 or fniends la the old home are delight- 12 decades from 110w wiii descniba the fui mamories to those who weré fort-1 generation following 1918 as the ena unate to be there. wbhen miea set about to rcconstruct Ris genenal store grew into a large the world. Thcy will dcpict the Pro- business and be became a big export- grams- and panaceas now bcing pro- er of grain and foeur. Mn Elliott jected by pragmatists and pacifists, crcated a namne for bimnseif lan tbe socialîsts and syadicnlists, by capital- commercial worid and commanded ai- i sts and laborites, by dcmocratic most unlimited credit. lie cannied dreamens and Bolsbevist bureaucmats, on bis business enterprises witb ener- by -philosopbic ideaiists and neligious gy and success for many years, wbea entbusists-by ail the present mak- lie retircd giving his business over to ans of utopias who proclaim that bis sons. lHe raached a ripe old aga "The pnst is a stony told, dyiag nftcn pniy a few days iilness The future may be writ la gold," la 1905 ia bis 96th yan. Ris wife if we will but f ollow the glaam as predeceascd hlm in 1889. tbeysec t. is brothens settlcd la the Town- But bow bas it fared with Our ship of Hope. Witb the exception of Reconstýruction? Multitudes looking Henry Elliott wbo became Registran out upon tbe worid igbt now sec any- for East Durbam thein descendants tbing but "the glcnm". Tbay sec a mioved to Manitoba about 1883 wbere wýorld still so tomn and distracted that they became extensive land holders ia tbey regard its essential amelionation, the Souris District and, about Selkirk. to say aoting cf its perfectability, as Fîve sons and two daughters weref aninidscntdran.Wbe etikbr oM. n-n.HayElot lTHE EDITOR TALKS Dr. Chas. T. Paul, M. A., lias ne- turned home after spead7Thg an an- joyabla visit with bis mother and sisters nd bis many other friands la Bowm-anville. We hava published la this issue bis remankabie dis- course in part, on Reconstruction de- livercd la tic Mathodist Chunci on Sunday week te a deiigitad audience. It is tic kind cf jaspirational tendh- ing so mucli naadad la thasa peculiar times. Be sure te raad bis delivan- ance. Wa omitted te say ,tînt Dr. Paul alse addrcssed the ,Wemen's Canadin Club la St. Pnul's Sehool Room on Moaday nftaraoon, Sept. 12, a large aumber baing preseat. Mrs. <Dr.)ý A. S. Tilley eccupiad tic chair. Speeches ware also made by mambers cf tic Club and a vany pleasant social time was spant by ail. We wene vany favorably imprasse< necantly as wa feel sure mniay other citizens must have been wio knew ef the circuaistances. Tie otiar waaek Dr. C. W. Siemon was attackad by appandicitis and wns opamatad en by Dr. A. S. Tilley, assisted by Dr. Fer- guson of Enniskillen. Dr. B. J. Hnzleweod ndministenad the anas- tiatie ail local physicians and sur- geons. This confidence placed la lis fcliew medical practitioners by which Dr. Slemon, hiniscif a surgeen, was willing toenetrust his lif e, is to us a veny flac tnibute te tiani and mani- ,festation cof n good f ellowship and esprit de corps tint is higbly com- mendabla and wonthy of aIl praise and imitatin,, among the Bowmnn- ville detors. is hosts cffriands will raji ca te kaow tînt Dr. Siemon bas rcturaed home from the hospital and wili soca ha on duty again aftan is enforced rast cf soeawaeks, hav- ing made splendid pregnass since the operation. PUBLIC HEALTH MEETING Everybocly Cordially Invited te lie Present. On Friday avening, Saptember 23, at 8 e'clock, a public meeting will ha haeld la tie Opera lieuse, Bowman- ville, unden auspices cf the Woman's Canadin Club and the Women's In- stîtute. This meeting is te introduca tha wenk of tic nurse sent banc by the Provincial Board cf Healti., Dr. F. G. Fitzgerald cf the Univer- sity cf Toronto, will ha tic principal speaker. Dr. B. J,.liazlawood and Miss Haelcy-, il , nurse, will explain the public haalth damoa.stration as it wili affect Bowmanvilla. A moving pictune will ha sliown and a musical program will ha provided. On Friday, Septemben SOtb., a waa baby Clinie wiil ha iald in the Council Rooni freni 2 te 4 p. mi. 'Mothars are iavitad te coma and bring t 'hain ebuîdran under 6 years cf aga te, ha waighed, mansurad and cx- amiaed by a doeton. Coma and sec if your ehidrea are up to the standard and gat sdvice frac from doctor and nurse. The aursa's office is in the Muni- cipal Building. Office heurs 1-2 p. ni. Phone 79 and 158. GRAND AUTUMN OPENING Crowds of Ladies Visited S. W. Mason & Son's Attractive Show 1 Rooms. Tic Formal Autuma Opeaings on Fniday evening at Messrs. S. W. Masea & Son's Dry Good% Store was truly a gala occasion. H1undneds cf ladies visited this mecs of beautiful and fashionabla goods and maaywena the exclamations of deliglit at tha at- tractive and seasonable thiags se very advnntagcously and invitîngly arrnged and displayed. Froni the front entrance te the- rean show- room the countans, shelvas, racks, etc., contained lovaly new silks, drass gecds and trininings la ail thc nawest colorings and wenvas and the woman wbo could pass themaind net feel tempted te buy would iadaad be a vary rare creature. Ln The Ready-to-Wean Depant- ment wera sbowa lovely evenîng gewas, dresses for streat or business waar, ladies' and misses' naw wintar suits and cents in ail the latest styles and populan shades, fur-trimmed or plain; chnrming fancy waists, cami- soles, gloves, stockings, laces; and lingeria fer cld ladies, middla-agad, young ladies or the wea babas. The boxes of loveiy madanin cnugit the eye cf the lover cf beauti- fuI linans. No oe need look fan for wedding or binthday gifts on par- hnps lnt te ha usad lns am gift at ail. Couch, Johnuston & Cryderman, Bowmanivllle Phone 104 Limitec WEST DURHAM FAIR Thc James Papers arae being prnat- cd enriier tian usuni tuis wcek te enable tic editors and'staff te anjoy thc West Durham Exhibition. The prcliminnny wenk cf tic fair was well under way on Tuasday nftarnqon wian wc wara parmittad te in- speet tic insida exhibits ila Taadïncss fer judging. Tiare is a very large number cf entnieq, most cf tic classes preving attractive. Basidas tic regular exhibits la tic Main Building ail avaîlable space is occupied by in- tcrasting dispînys madc by local mar- chants and manufacturers. Prom tic catries already madc tiare promises te be a record axhibit cf herses, cnt- tle, shaep and swiac on Wcdnasday. OSHAWA FAIR NOTES Fine wcathcn favored the diractors. Attandance at tic Fair was vcry large. Roy Fostar won savemni poultry awards. C. A. Chapan won havily on poultry. % Levi Skinner and son won many sheap pnizas. Alfred A: Ayne was succassful on shcep exhibitad. Percy Cowaa made aumerous wins in herse and pony classas. F. W. L. Tamhblyn was a lange pnize winacr la different, classas. F. B. Lovekin, Newcastle, wns a winar on fruit nd swinc. Tics. Bcttneli& Son won savemal pnizes on fruit and poultry, W.J. Ormiston, Enfield, won lst pnîze on bis Ciydcsdale stailien. Maay West Durham folk saw the Fair on Tucsdnyand Wednesdny., ,Osborne andi son, and Art Weish were winaers in agricultumal classas. R. Br obks, a former Clarke farmer won ienviiy on noots and vagetables. liarny James won 2ad on henvy dr aft span and lst and 2nd on filly 2 yrs. Thos. 'Cownn and J. W. Stutt, Or- cao, nearnly swept carniage and noad- star classas. 3 Bowmanville Women's Institute -won a prize for displny cf caancd vegetables. 7 W. H. Tonkin, former Solina tencli- an, was a big priza winar on fruit -nnd vagatabias. Mr.Tics. Percy wns an extensive pnize takaer on ladies' wonk. Miss sRaglaPerey won soeapnizes. Mrs. A. R. Gnd and _Mns. Morley Wilkins won a goedly num_,ben cof pnîzes in ladies' work, fiowers and fine arts. ,H. F. Werny and sons wene large 1axhibitens and successful prize 'wîn- ners, eanrying off the liard pnize for Durhami Grades. BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS OCT. 3rd Studants nd others wîshing te take n commercial course will ha ia- terested la thc annonement la this issue tînt Miss Coma P. FultQn, O. G. A., Gmaduate of thc Gregg Normal Sehool, Cicngo, Ill., six yenýrs' ex- penience, las cpéned n Business Col- lage in Bowmanviile, on King Street, oer Webster's Store. Miss Fulton bas won five "Gold Medals" for Accurracy idurnag the inst 3 yenrs., Only aine of these medais beiag won by students la tic Dominion cf Canada iin aine yeans. Students may tny these tests at the end ef their Course and the papers arc sent te New York f or examina- tien. Fall terni beglas Moaday, October 3f d. Cali or send your application eaniy. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL FOLK Lt le a recognized faet 1tînt vita- mines are net present in all mulir and eggs but vitamines are present lan every package of "Crean of Bar- lcy" at ail tumes. Professen J. S. Hughes, J. B. Fitch and R. W . Cava of the Kansas State Agriculturai Collage declared at a meeting of tic Amenin Chenil- cal Society tint vitamine content of' mulk is inrgeiy detanmined by the quantity of vitamines la the Feed given tic cows, for instance, a cow receiving Feed low in vitamines wili give miik of such poor q«faiîty tint if given teolber ealf, it will become biind and dia. A -mothen, whc is nursing lier cbild, sbould cnt "Crenni cf Barlcy" te obtain tic vitamines ncessany te fccd and sustain hem child, as wcli as berseif.