INSURANCE' Ail lines of: FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS; PLATE -GLASS, GUARANTEE BONDS, AUTOMOBILE, covering against fire, lightning, theft, property damage, injuries to the public, collision; insure against the carelessness of the driver of the car you are meeting. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell Phone 19 Agent Bowmanville VETERINÂRY DR. F. T. TIGHE -7ETERINARY SURGEON., Day or Ž4ght Calis Promptly AttenlÛed To. CE l9ce, King-et., W., Statemmaan Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. P OWMANVILLE, SEPT. 22nd., 1921 HIGH SHO NOTES AUTUMN WEDDINGS IWith an increased attendauce of, Pannabeeker-Giage. PRESIDENT PAUL HONORED 35 per cent over that of the first weeko flas yea, te Hgh Awedingtook place Wednesday wee oflas yer, he ighSchool Set 14, at '4.30 o'clock at the rosi- During the year President Charles fiîîed t aai ,cmaio fjouo febiesprns,26 T. Paul, of the College of Missions, te tocpaîy. oprsno ec ftebiesprns was made amember of thecnwl enrolment for the last five years MonitroseAv. Toronmto, when Mil- wasmad amemer f he merca' wlldemonstrate the growth of the dred Rbca eldest dlaughter of Mr. Oriental Society, in recognition of his school.andMrsý. Chas. Mâ. Gage, was uuited contribution to the study of Bud- 1917-18-Enrýolment 129. in mairriaýge to Mr. Roy Cecil Pan- dbism. He was also elected a Fel- 1918 19-Enrolment 128. Inabek. The officiating clergyman low of the Royal Geographical So- 1919-20-Enrolment 125. Enrolment was(,e. j. W. Wilkinson; The ciety of London, Englahd, having be- îst week 118. bride ilookýed charming in a gown of corne a foremost autbority on the'1920-21-Enroîment 138. Enrol- white satfin, with panels of georgette, topography and history of Central ment lst week, 118. trimmedc witb pearîs; wedding veil Asia, tbrough. bis many years' re- 1921-22-Enroiment lst week 160. witb wrveathi of orange,)blossoms, she searches on Tibet. His interest in, Percival Muirhead wasa contestant' carried a bridal bouquet of pink roses witth Tibet bE a witb bis cquanace at the Athletic Games at Toronto and orcbids. She was unattended. witb the celbrtedD cbMsioayExhbition on Saturday and showed Mendelssobn's wedding marcb was, PetusRijbat.that ini competition witb the best on played by, Miss Vera Wilkinson.' In addition to bis teiFcbing and ad- the continent, he is an outstanding Breakfast was served in tbe spacieus ministrative work as bead of the Col- atblete. dining -room-, wbicb was profusely de- jlege of Missions President Paul.bas At a meeting at Wbitby on Friday> coratedi. The bride and, bridegroom jrecently written the leading bistori- nght, atteuded by represeutatives of left on, the evening train for Bow- cal article on Foreign Missions f or the Higb Scbools of Whitby, Oshawa manvýiIlle an1d the East.. the new Dictionary of Religion andadBwavie twsdcddt autumn bythe University of Chicago ing at Whitby on Wednesday, Octo- A quiet -but pretty wedding took P4s1 Hebsasocnrbue eber 5h place in the King St. Methodist Te Moslem World" a brillant re- Soccer games between Whitby and Cburch, Oshawa, September 14, wben view of Dr. Traugott Mann's German Bowmanville were also arranged, tbe Miss Rose Clarissa, daugbter of the eulogy of Mobammedanism entitied first game te be in Bowmanville on late Mr. Pbilip Goyne and Mrs. "Der Islam Einst Und Jetzt". The Friday, October 7th. Tbe decision 1 Coyne, 23 Richmond Street', East, be- Board of Missionary Preparation bas of Oshawa to play Rugby football this, camýe the bride of Mr. C. B. Fraser appointed him chairman of a commit- faîl makes it impossible te arrange Smitb, King-st. West. The cere- teetoreis is epotsontb pe-any gamfes witb tbem. imony was performed by'Rev. A. M. parution needed by future mission- Boys andgirls beld their annual Irwin, B. D., in the presence of enly aries to Japan, China, India, Oceania, meetings îast week to organize for immeciate friends .and relatives. Africa, tbe Near East and Latin'I tbe year's atbletics. Officers elect- Tbe bride was attired in a suit of Amerîca. At the instance of Mr. J. ed are:nvybuadwoebckfxur H. Oldbam, editor of the Internation- wîth bat toatch. hebridesfxmaid al Missionary Review, be is preparing Boys' Athletic Association wit ats Miss thessie Norma îMr imnortaut arle for uuttpdia. Hou. President-Mr. A. R. Scott, B. Merritt Smith assisted the groom. -WoldCaî fr Agut.A.1 The groom's gift to the bride was a President-Herb. Goddard. Ïhandsome white gold watch. lm-' Se'y.-Treas.-William Pointe n. mediately after tbe ceremony, the ADVICE TO ELECTORS Form Represetatives-IV-Ross Til- happy couple left on a motor trip for ley; III-John McMurtry; Il- points east and on their return will Dominion Election in Durham Maitland Gould. Ireside ou King Street West, Oshawa. County. Captain football. team-Jack Rey- Many beautiful and costly gifts testi- nolds. fied as to the high esteemr in which Editor W.' S. Given, publisher of Girls' Athletic Association Mr. and Mrs. Smith are beld. The iThe Millbrook Reporter, aitho a true Hon. President-Miss 1. K. Smith, B. bride for a long time bas been Sec- blue Conservative, publishes an in- A. retary, in the office of Mr. G. W. Me- dependent weekly newspaper, and President-Marion Bellman., Lauglin.-Reformer. bore is bis advice to electors in the Vice-President-Ruth Grigg. Previous to ber marriage a 'mis- Vipendiug election in this county: Sec'y. Treas. Elizabeth Best. cellaneous shôwer was given the bride Dominion elections are in theý off-- Baskethali representative-Dorothy at the !home of Miss Flo. Cbevrolet car of Mr. Elmer Lick, whicb was stolen fromp Christianl Cburch, Oshawa, Auguist '2lst- vwhle owner was in cburcbh, was located iu Aurora, and brougbit back to OshRwa by Mr. Roy Lick. Philip Bryan, an Oshawa man, was arrested tbere ou Sunday night and charged witb the, theft. H-e admitted the theft and was sentenced to twelve montbs in' j a i l .1 ' Paring a corn is both risky and in- eff ective. It is muchbebtter to use Holloway's Corn Romover and eradi- cate tbem entirely. PARISIAN TrAILOR Maker of High Grade Ladies' Gents' Garments. We can furnish you with best material,ý Serges and indigo dye, guarantee neyer to fade, nowhere else cau you buy at our lowest price. Ail work doue by exper- ienced tallor, Fit guaranteed. L. COW"'l.,ELL 1Hiorsey Block Bowmanville PIANOS & PHONOGRAPHS DO)'U-MINION PIANOS AND, MITCHELL PHON OGRAPHS ARE THE, STANDARD for QUALIT Y SOLD ON EASY TERMS F. J. MITCHELL Mitchell Building, King Street. Telephones 92 and 105 Bowmanville SUN PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, OTTO-HIGEL PLAYER PIANO ROLLS P"mLOW POINTS Graduate ofR toyal iDental (Jollege, aFn Durbam.-Brampto-n Consoýrvator. Toronto. Office, King-et East, Bow- lIt may not be kuowu to Mr. Tisdale manville. Office hours 9 a. M. to 6 that Durham, Couuty bas long been r m. daily except Suiiday. Phone recoguized as one of tbe banner SOa. House phone 90b. counties of this Province and we ap- preciate bis frieudly comments. Were lie to visit our West Durbam FUNERAL DIRECTORS Faîl Fair he wrould see furthor evi- REBUILT BICYCLESI I FOR SALEI Silk Dresses regul ar $30 and $25, inow $15 and $10. Coucb, Johni- eton &Cryd.rma.& Oshawa and John Corner of Newton- ville for selling liquor. Samis ap- poared and was fined $200 and costs,I but Corner was net fouud until a few days ago, wben ho was arrosted in Oshawa. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $400 aud costs. According to the books of the ex- press compauy, these men brought in over $1000 worth of lictuor. Wet goods, amounting to more'tban $400 were confiscated by the inspoctor. Miss May Hooey and friend, Tor- outo, are bolidaying at Mr. Harry Hooey's Il aewel ad Ms. linsonof oron-1 to; th~~ rtr.D..,A . . are I well -and -Ack-Fareéweëll-of IHarrýneny;'I Un agtr r. .H 'ýesn Oshawa, and eue son, G. E .Faroîwell of Sault Ste. Marie,- aise survive. Ris funeral on Friday 9th inst. was conducted under auspices of Phoenix Lodge of Oddfellows and vas largely attended. Rev. J. H. McBain, M. A., assisted by Rov. F. H. Howard, S. T. L., Whitby, a friend of the family, conducted the service of the Method- ist Church "Rock of Ages" and "Some Day" were sweetly and im- pressiveiy sung hy Miss Jean Keddie and Mrs. E. Biradley with Mrs. Hia- lett as ýaccompanist. The floral tributes were very beautiful. ln_ terment was made lu Union Cerne-! tery. i The Pipeless Furnace heats the whole bouse, any number of rooms, through one register, instead of the usual number of registers in every room. It is not necessary to explain how this remarkable resuit is achieved. The fact that it does is proven absolutely. Thousands of Canadian homes are proving that this new principle of heating is flot only practical, but the most economical ever devised. EverY Person should know the ad- vantages the Pipeless has over, old-style furnaces. ESTIMÂTES GLADLY GIVEN Gr ee,ý,n aw .xray & Elliott Consultinig Engineers Phone 18 day or nÎght Bowmanville MDo not 6suifer ~ ~ g,.~ rn otruê a ,f. reliab e ,regulating 1119-eP'11,ne. Sold in three de. L gPls.legees of strength-No. 1. 81; Jation ~M.* 2,83; No. 3, $5 lper box P l Sold by ail druggists, or sent O). hase'S olntflentri t wllo OD -r1;aid on receipt of price. aud aford lastig boiiellt. MOh au reePO pamphlet. Addrese Bain e BoxTHE COOK MEDICINE CG, ~~r~4 eoî~ese.sisp i.poupes'..- IGONTO. ONT. <Frmd4 Wldur.>