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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1921, p. 7

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Canadians and relieve thousands of bad headaches. ZUTOO stops any Headache in, 20 minutes, S a box, at dealers The Doubl1e Track Route Toronto Detroit Chicago Uuexcelied dining car service. Sleeping car on night trains and Parlor cars on the principal day trains 1Pull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phoe 78 BowmanmeI Far ore ffecitiun StLci y PV Catchera. Clean to handie. Soid by Druggiits and Grr'cers e,,rywhere, * The Great EngishP1mparation. .I ones and invigorates the whole nervous systemn. nakes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Netvous wt , Debility, Mental and Brain Wrry De.-,fDndeý Las o EnrgPalpitation oa theklHeart, àiling Memor>'. riveS2iper box,3,F for $5.*j Sold by ail druggists. or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphiel maited free-TIIE WOOD MEDICINE COJOURONTOONT. Sores Heal Quickly.-H-ave you a persistent sore that refuses to heal? Thea, tryý, Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oil la the dressing. It wili stop slough- ing, carry away the proud flesh, draw out the pus and prepare a dlean way, for the aew skia. It is a recoga'ized healer among oi and aumbers of peopie can certify that it heaied where properly applied. arm, caused by a chisel f alling from a building being erected, cutting some ligaments in the shoulder, when a smali lad. The arm neyer grew larger. Ia spite of, this deformity Sam was aiways bright and cheerful. One nigbt Sam and 1 attended a hwin the Orange Hall which con- 1 terl chiefly of slight of hand per- rrmarce and a- very fair ventrilo- ,iuist., The next day ait school, Sam vvas busv trying to imiitate what we aî lu i the show, particularly the yen- '-iloouist, part, and made very en- ,ouraging attempts, 1 thought. I did not dreami then that this was to be Sam's future profession, but it wvas, for ini spite of the handicap of a crippled armi, lhe blossomed out into a full fledgzed showman. le could sinig and dance, too, this with his sleight of hand tricks, and ventrilo- quial feats was a whole eveneng's en- tertainment himself. David the fourth son when about 17 years old was killed on the G. T. R. coming from Toronto., 1 Bob, -as everybody called him. the fifth son, was rather diminutive- in size, but more than made up for that in importance and aggressiveness. He was always in evidence somewhere in the village when a boy, if you Vouutdn*t se-hirn-yoweo1d aRlways hear him. He was quick and clever at school and just as ready for mis- chief. When the 45th Batt. band was re- moved to, Enniskilien as headquarters with all its paraphenalia, and Band leader Bice undertook to, whip into shape new players, in time for comn- ing annual drill at Kingston, he sure had some jobon bis hands. Bob was mascot and snare drummer. , Hs greatest trouble was his uniform. The smallest suit was l-arge -enough for him to bide himse]f in it, but flnally it was cut down to size, and made to -fit in-time- f or the drill.-- Mr.- Geo. E. Gibbard of Toronto now, but I then in Tyrone, was also a member of this band, and attended the an'nual drill at Kingston. This band was flot up to the mark to any great ex- tent in its musical ability, but manag- ed to. take part in, the annual drill that year. Shortly afterwards the band equipment was sent to Lindsay. The playing at flrst, of this. band, jwas something like the shooting at Itarget practice oif the volunteer comn- pany of militia already spoken of. he ing waeldthe frge thgpaedi he rinagielwathe fot bof thlaedg on a rise ýof ground to the south east. LThe, ranges were,, I thînk, 200 and 400 yards. The shooting at flrst was the despair of Col. Cubitt. The oniy place that seemed saf e from beiag rihit, was the target. The rifles were ! heavy muzzle loaders, of fifty calibre, il think, and begianers thought they kicked somethiag fierce. 1 think they were right. Mr. Levi Toie o of Bowmnaville, said "If you didn't, binding, he simply avoided useless motions as usually indulged in. Later when reaping machines be- camne common, the cradie was laid aside except in stumpy or stoney fields., Binding was stili an import- ant'part of the work, as the reaping machines left the grain in sheaves ready for binding. I have seen Peter binding such machine-laid sheaves seeming to pause a second over a sheaf then on to next, he seem- ed to do very littie but, just walk. Peter Barclay was just as good a cooper as he was a binder.' He at- tended to needs of the community in whatever direction needed in first class style. Hie was a man highly respected by everybody. Mrs. Bar- dlay was a sister of Mr. Levi A. Tule of Bowtniarnville. GET the Raetery Saving Habit REGULAR visits to- aur Service Sta- tion toy get a -simple- battery test and dis- tilled watcr have saved the Mie of miany a atorage battery. It's a good habit. Cul- tivate it now-whether yours is a powcrful Prest - 0 - Lite battery oro'some other ki.d. F. W. KIRKENDALL Temperance Street Bowmanville. 1D E BAK OF DMON [REAL ']ETALISEDMORE THAN 100 YEARS I TOTAL AgsETs IN, EXCESS 0F $500,000,000 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH [ J. A. McCieIIan- Manager F aimers' Sales Notes BRANCIE of this Bank in rural sections render vaFuable service to farrners b- acting as eus. todian for their sales notes, or by discounting them and making collections when due., Standard Service makes the farmer's financing Tus STAN DARD 3ANK .3 TOTAL ASSETS OVERt NINETY MILLIONS Bowmnanville Branch:- Geo. L. HaU, Managez. ac1std&B-anchY . - . E Arcatomaager- AR E YOU' PROTECTED? 1%,You -are taking an unnecessaryi carrying sufficient protection in the surance. risk by not way of In- We represent 140 of the best' ,Insurance Com- panies doing business to-day. Losses deaIt with liberally and paid promptly. YOU CAN GET THE BEST WHEN YO4J INS URE WITH J. J. MASON & SON Ral Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50- BowmanvmleI aCiI ais IMPE RIAL Polarine Motor Oils save many Ithotisands of dollars every year for Canadian, motorists because of reduced operating expenses. lniuýria1 Polarine Motor Ois cut down repair and mainten- ancecosts, reduce fuel bis and- insure you for ail time against excessive depreciation and repair expenses. Imperiai Polarine quality main tains- economy ail aiong the line. Judged by quality-gauged by actual miles of perfect lubri- cation each gallon will give, and by reai motoring satisfaction, Iniperial PA)arine is the least expensive motor lubricant that you-aIvutamTiïeInocarefu13Fyon check up cos She more tho roùiglly. convinced you will be of the advantages of using linperial Polarine Motor Oils exclusively. Standardize on the correct grade of Imperial Polarineo Mator Oils. Consuit our Chart of Recommenaýations at your dealer's or Nvrite to 56 Church Street, Toronto, for our inter- esting- bookiet, "Automative Lubrication." IMPERTAL OIL LTMITED Branches in 911 Cities For a Clean, -Efficient Motor Clean out Y'oýur crank-case every thousand miles or less. Imperial Oil dealers displaying the sign shown on the right, will flush your crank-case with Imperial Flush- ing Oil, a s p e ci a 1l y prepared cleansing agent for crank-case cleaning purposes. You save money la longer life and more efficient service froin your motor by using this service,

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