DON'T THROW YOUR. OLD CARPETS -AWAY They maké new reversible "IVelvetex" 'Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 6 CANADA RUG COMPANY 1London Ont. Cold Wintry Blasts' Comning Be Prepared BUY WINDOW GLASS NOW WHILE SPECIAL SALE IS ON We have tons of glass in ail sizes and at new lowest prices. Mason & DaIe's llardware The Store with the, BigHardware Stock Phone 145 Bowmanville Beauty & Service are not always found in perfect combination, but when you, use BEAVZR VULCANITE ROOFING you have a combination that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as to service. We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Caîl and see this material before- you cover your new buiflding or renew your old roof We have a full line of other Building Material at prices considerably lower than last season 4 Fresh Stock of Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal ready for delivery at Summer Prices. la] McClelan & Company Limited King Street East Bowmanville Office Phone 15- Residences 228 and 274 A«P P LE fB ARRE%'-LSl AT ýLO-WEST PRICES, APPLE BARRELS, 75c EACH Delivered 80c BUSHEL BASKETS AND COVERS $3.75 per doz. Special prices in car lots. We are Canadian Agents for the largest basket manufacturers in America. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING QUICK & HOLGATE. Phone 19 Bowmanville HiAS STOOD THE TEST FOR 50 YEARS For over 50 years the name 'TOD' has been the recognized standard for good baking. After these many years Tod's baking still leads in Quai- ity. You are not eating the best baking if it isn't Tod's. Bowmanville agents for Ganong Bros. (G. B.) Chocolates and Willard's Ice Cream. THOMAS TOD Baker and Con fectioner Bowmanville I BUY COAL NOW Now -la the urne to bUY -COal. Plenty of Nut and Furnace Coal at C. N. R. Tyrone Station. R. H. Collacott, Phones 146-r3, 181-r12, Bowrnanville 29-tf i and 2. ShearlingeweL Skinner & Son. Shearling Ewe Lamb-L. Skinner & Son i and 3, H. E. Tink & Son 2. SOUTHDOWN Ram-H4. Fleming, A. AYre. Shiearling Raim-Hq. Fleming.ý Ram L a b-li. Fleming, A. Aýyre- Ewe -Hn -Flemling 1 and 2. ,Sheariing Ewevt-H. FlmingM, A li 7BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 29th., 1921 -- WEST DURHAM- FAIR PRIZE LIST---- HORSES-H: EAVY DRAUGHT Draft Mare and Foal-C. A. Chap- man, N. R. Andrews. Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs.-W. Scott, G. S. Cochrane, N. R. Andrews. Do, iyear-T. HJ-. Clemence & Son, N. R. Andrews. Foal-F. M. Crydermanf, N. R. Andrews. Span-Geo. Scott, Harry T. James, lioward Allun. Dray Horse-Geo. Scott i and 2. 3 year Filly, or Gelding-Jas. Stark, Geo. S. Cochrane. AGRICULTURAL CLASS Mare and Foal-F. Rickard, F. B. Glnspell, Frank Cryderman.' Filly or Gelding, 2 years-N. li. Down, ýS. F. Page, S. D. Souch. Do, i year-Arthur Welsh, S. D. Souch. Foal-F. Rickard, e. Wood, N. Mutton. SPann-J. Forder, McClellan & Co., W. E. Lewis. Filly or Gelding, 3 years-A. Welsh, 1 and 2. GENERAL PURPOSE liorse in Harness-N. Mutton, Mil- ton Wight, Chas.,Bennett. Span-M. Wight, C. A. Blanchard, W. Porteous. CARRIAGE CLASS Mare, and Foal-F. W. Tamblyn,, Thos. Cowan. Filly or Gelding, i year--J, D. Brown, F. W. Tamblyn. Do, 2 years-W. Hooe,. Foal-F. Tamblyn, Thos. Cowan. Span-Geo. S. Cochrane, W. B. SFerguson, 0. J. Luxton. Single Horse-T, H. Clemence & Son, E. McLaughlin,, W. E. Lewis. ROADSTER CLASS Mare and Foal-Thos. Cowan, W. Stutt. Filly or Gelding,. 2 years-Thos. Cownn1, G. S. Cochrane. Do, i year-Thos. Cowan. Foal-T. Cowan, W. Stutt.. Span-C. F. Beatty. Single liorse-J. Darcy, G.ý Sy- mions, C. F. Beatty. Comibination Class-Ewart Mc- Laughlin, W. E. Lewis. Saddle Horse-E. McLnughlin, W.' E. Lewis. Lady Driver-J. A. Penfound, E. McLaughlin, W. E. Lewis. Lady Driver, notwon ist previous to 1920-J .A. Penfound, E. Mc- Laughlin. J. Darcy. Best Turnout-E. MeLaughlin 1 and 2, W. E. Lewis. 3 year, Carniage or Roadster in harnes-E. McLaughlin,W, liooey, R. Gilbert. ! Style and Speed-P. Cowan, G. Symons. Single Pony in liarness-D. P. Cowan 1 and 2, J. J. Ormiston 3. Span Ponies-D. P. Cowan. Clydesdale Mare, Gelding or'Foal -Jas. Stark, CATTLE Shorthorn, Bull-H. E. Tink, J. F. Osborne & Sons, Allia Bros. Do. under 2 years Allin Bros. S. C. Allin, T. Baker. Bull Caîf ýpnder i year-S. C. AI- Slin, Aluin Bros. Bull Caf-Allin Bros. Mileh (aw-J. Baker, J. F. Os- borne & Sons 2 and 3. Heifer, 3 years-S. C. Allia, T. Baker, Osborne & Sons. Do, 2 years-H. E. Tink, J. Baker. Do. under 2 years-Osborne & Son i nnd 3, H. E. Tink 2. Heifer Caîf, under i yer-Os- borne & Sons, J. Baker, S. C. Allun. H-eifer.Calf-AlIlin Bros. lierd-Osborne & Sons, S. C. Allia Grade, Cow-Allin Bros i and 2, C. A. Blanchard 3. 'Heifer, 2 years-Alim Bros 1- and 3, Osborne '& Sons 2. Do, i year-Osborne & Sons, P. Cowan. Calf-T. Baker, Allia ro.,C.A Blanchard. Beef Steer-Osborne & Sons, T.i Baker 2 and 3. Beef Steer, i year-T. Baker, Os- borne & Sons. Do, Caf -Osborne & Sons, HOLSTEIN Bull, 2 years-N. Mutton. li'eifer, 2 years-N. Mutton i & 2. Do, under 2 years-N. Mutton, T. Buttery, M. Mundny. Herd-N. Mutton. SNOWDEN SPECIAL HOLSTEIN Bull, 2 years-N. Mutton. ASSOCIATIO N SPECIAL Your contract witl us wili greatest number of leat units. coal is soid lere. Order flow good. insure getting the Nothing but good whiie ordering is John A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division Sts. l3owmaanvi] le Chapman. Hen-li. Brock, C. A. Tubb. lien-A., L. Tubb. C Chapman, T. B. Sellers. Cockerel el-R. Foster, A. L. Tubb. Pi -R. Foster, Jos. Territt, T. B. Sel- H. Brock 1 & 2, A. L. Tubh, R lers.- --Pullet-li. -Foster~- Z. ý-B. -L., <J-ock-.-Aldread, A.-- 1 Nichols, T. B. Sellers. R. C. White Ancona, Cock-A. Dilling. HE Leghorn, Cockerel-H. Brock, W. A. Dilling 1 & 2. Pullet-A. Di] Edger. Pullet-l. Brock 1 & 2. S. C. Brown Leghorn, Cock-A, L. (Continued on page 6)_ Cockee LC. 04 )iUing, irnîxg t ______ ..--. -- - ~ BIJter iays Cm friom Better Nights Marshall, Products are Sanitary and Guaranteed Marshall ilair Top Mattress Marshall Cotton Top Mattress Marshaldown Mattress Marshalfelt Mattress Dandy-ly-on Mattress Fleur-de-lis Mattress F. F. ORSCO. Bowmanville Ontario Everyone wants to enjoy that fine «"good rnorn- ing" feeling. The mattress is the foundation of restful sleep. You cannot lie in an uncomfortable position on, a "Marshall" because it is scientifically construct- ed to mould itself to the body curves, supporting çach and every part equally. uA The Marshall Ventilated' Mattress Company, Limited ( Toronto - a Ontarlo 1 1 Ayre. 1 Ewe Lamb-A. Ayre i and 2. -LEICESTER - -- Ram-H1. & N. Allia i and 3, W. C. Blackburn & Son 2. Shearling Ram-H. and N. Allia i and 3, Blackburn & Son 2. Ramý Lamb-Blackburn & Son, H. & N. Allia 2 and 3. Ewe-H. & N. Allia, W. C. Blnck- burn 2 and 3. Shearliag Ewe-Blackburn, H. & N. Allia 2 and 3. .Ewe Lamb-li. & N. Allia i and 2, Blackburn & Son 3. COTSWOLD Ram-F. B. Glaspell i and 2. Shearling Ram-F. B. Claspeli. Ram Lamb-F. B. Glaspeli i and 2, Ewe-F.-B, Glaspell i and 2. Sh'earling.Ewe-F. B. Glaspell i &2 Ewe Lamb-F. B. Glaspeli i and 2. OXFORD Shearling Ram-J. W. Balson. Ram Lambs-J. W. Balson i and 2. Ewe-J. W. Balson 1 and 2. Shearling Ewe-J. W. Balson i & 2 Ewe Lamb--J. W. ,Balson i and 2. LINCOLN Ram-J. W. Balson i and 2. Shearling Ram-J. W. Balson i & 2 Ram Lamb-ýJ. W. Balson i and 2. Ewe-J. W. Balson i and 2. LINCOLN Shearling Ewe-J. W. Balson i &2 Ewe Lamb-J. W. Balson i and 2. Long Wool Flock-F. Glaspell, H. & N. Allia. Shoýrt WooI. Flock-Hi .Fleming, Skinner &_Son. SWINE-BERKSHIRE Boar-L. Snowden i and 2. Sow-L. Snowdea i1 and 2. Sow, under 12 anid over 6 months -L. Snowden i and 2, F. Tamblyn 3. Boar, under 6 months-L. Snowden Sow, under 6 months-L. Snowden LARGE WHITE Boar-C. R. Lovekin, S. D. Souëh, C. L. Powers. Sow-H. & N. Allia, C. A. Blan- chard, Cawker & Jones. Boar, under 12 and over,6 months -Cawker & Jones, C. A. Blan- chard, C. L. Powers. Do, under 6 months-C. A. Chap- man, C. R. Lovekin, C. L. Powers. Sow, under 6 months-C. L. Pow- ers i &,2, S. D. Souch. TAM WORTH Sow-A. A. Colwill i and 2. Sow, under 1 year-A. A. Colwill i and Z. Sow, under 6 months-A. A. Col- will i and 2. POULTRY Brahma, Cock-L. Butson. liHen -L. Butson i & 2. Langshan Cockerel-Aý. EI!ling. Pulet-A. Dilling i & 2. Barred Rock, Cocki -H.,C. Osborne, F. Tamblyn. lienl -A. Dillîng i & 2. Cockerel-H.1 Brock, C. -A. Chapman 2 & 3. Pul- let-li, C. Osborne, i & 2. A. O. V. Rock, Cock-E. Poster. !en-E.9 Foster 1 & 2. Cockerel-E. Foster 1 & 2. Pullet-E. Foster 1 & 2. Jaya, fullet-A.- Dilling -4 &-2.- S. C. P. I. Red, Cock-C. F., Rice, M. &1 J. Nokes. lien-M. J. Nokes, C. F.1 Rice. Cockerel-L, B. Nichjds, M. & J .Nokes. Pullet-L. B. Nichols, M. & J. Nokes 1 & 2. R. C. P. J. Red, Cock-M. & J. Nokes. lien- M. & J. Nokes 1 & 2. Cockerel- M. & J. Nokes f & 2. Pullet-M. & J .Nokes 1 & 2. Campine, Hen-L. B., Nichols. White Wyandotte, Cock -T. B. Sellers 1 & 2. lien-T .B. Sellers, W. Merritt & Son. Cockerel -T. B. Sellers. Pullet-T, B. Sel- lers. Black Wyandotte, Cock-C. F. Rice. lien-C. F. Rice 1 & 2. Partridge Wyandotte, Cock-R. Fos- ter. lien-R. Foster 1 & 2. Cocker- el-R. Foster 1i & 2. Pullet--R. Foster- 1 & 2. S. Laced Wyandotte, Cock-F. Tamblyn 1 & 2. lien-F. Tamblyn & Son 1 & 2. Cockerel -F. Tamblyn 1 & 2. Pullet-F. Tamblyn 1 & 2. A. 0. V. Wyan- dotte, lien-A. Dilling. A O. V. Op- rington Cock-A. Dilling. lien-m A. Dilling. Cockerel-A, Dilling. Pullet-A. Dilling. Pit Game Cock-M. and J. Nokes. lien -M. & J. Nokes 1 & 2. A. 0. V. Game, lien-A. Dilling. lioudan, Cockerel-A. Dilling. Pullet-A. Dilling 1 & 2. A. 0. V. liamburg, lqen-M. & J .Nokes. S. C. White Leghorn, Cock-T, B. Sellers, C. A. Make Good Your Credif ai the Bank When Your Crops are Harvested Voui: flrst dtity after the crops have been harvested is to cidcean up " advan- ces at the Bank. The man wlio does this rarely lias diffi- culty in obtaining credit. You sbould give a state- ment of affairs to the Bank so that you may obtain the fullest credit to which your standing entitIes you. The ROYal Bank ot Canada R. F. Aitchison Manager Hlow to Invest.' VLVHEN you have saved enough snoney with whch to b a Canadien Government or Municipal Bond consu t this bank and obtain free informaion as to the. particular offering best suited to your needs. Standard Service gives impartial investment-j intelWi- gence gladly on request.43 ~TAN DbJMa BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILIONS Bowmanville Branch: G ee. L Hall, Manapez Blackstock Branç4i e e eE. A. Preston, Managmr "His MastQ.',er'sVo iceW ictor- to Suit Every Fancy WHYWAIT?0 ORDER YOUR COAL NOW FROM HOLGATE The man who fils his coal bin now knows that he will have his supply when theý first cool wave lits us. The other fellow dosen't know de- flnitely-and while we do not like to make pre- dictions-we believe our advice: "Fi your bin now"i> s good advice. Prices are iower than they have been in sever- ai years-anotler reason for buying now.