BIRTHS BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 29th., 1921 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE V.'~RDInllwnanileHospital, Sept. Attend the Bazaar on Thursday, Miss Beatrice Devitt is attendir 15, -týç if,. and Mrs, W. F. Ward, a October 13, in Foresters' Hall. Victoria College, Toronto. d7i~e.LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. Cassie Tamblyn, Toron to, is Mr. A. C. Leslie and son Cordoi wl MLLAMS-n Bowmanville Hospltal.iîigteMsesClBted. Bihtn tee h ar Sept. 27 to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Williams, Miiibrook Fair is Friday, OctobervsingteMssCoeBthda BrhoatndteFa. a da-i1-&g4ter. t. Mrs. Geo. Joli, Toronto, was guest Mrs.* Geo. Joli, Toronto, visite HA... TNDEN-n Bowmanville Hospital, 7toh..W. .Alnoe Fi a.Ms.W .Alnan teddt Sept.-'25, te Mr. and Mrs. Elgin S. Hzarn- Thanksgiving DILy is Monday NovofMsW. .AlnveFarDyMr. .W.lnanateddt den,' *t. daugliter. . Miss Yvonne Hazlewood is attend- Fair. Mmh. ryCn svstng rela- n Bishop Strachan College, Toron- Mrs. A. K. Chartran and Mrs, MARRIA--S tives i Ottawa. to. Dumas ýîsted friends în0hi shawa rý ROPR~NGHWAN~E#If ~ Reserve, Thursday, October 13, for Mrs. W. I?. McPherson, Toronto, e4tly. OE-IGSAE=E+ncitn akMnrslcue recently visited her aunt, Mrs.,Rd. Don't miss the sale of. home-mai mavla h oecia.f the ofc]w Jc ie'letr.,cookîng at Foresters' Hall, Frida: Clergyman, 1ev. W. C. Wkshllrgtcon, M. Reserve Thursday, October 13 forBaey Oct. 1t A., on Tuesay, Sept. 2 Ù, Arthur Hlenry Jack Mne's letue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langmaid, Mrs. th Ptoper ofuToonto, and I-Va Helen NMghs- e ecr Garbutt, Zion, recently'visîted at Mr. Mr. J. H. Cryderman is visiting Il wander of Claremont. Miss hlaTd Trno as 'been brother, Dr. F. W. Cryderman, D4 BURGESS-JACKMAflIn'thlie MVeth- s Odig a Td, Tortome.din eynods' odist, Church, Bowmanv-i11e, Sept 21, by spn, gafe asa oe Misses Hilda and Dorothy Brock, Mich. 11ev. W. É. Spargo. Mr. Ja.mes W. Burg-. Mrs. Luther B. Nichols and son Toronto, have been visiting, their Reserve Tuesday, October 25 f ess, Toronto, and Miss ÉAXmale Louise, only are visiting ber mother la Napanee. ut Mrs, F. Cator. the Public Library' Concert. Pa: daughter of the late mr-- end Mrs. Win. M.adaun .Trl n bb, ' ttclrslt A. Jackman, and granc.da11ghter of Mr. Mran Mrs. L rl ndbb, MsJ. T. Hooper has returned tiuasltr Wm. Tackman, Bowman-%7ille. Hampton, recently visited Miss Mil- fromn a very pleasant holiday spent The Women's Guildf of St. John _________________________dred Cole.. with'relatives in Toronto. Church are holding a bazaar and su] DEATH-" Mrs. Ernest Marball, Ingersoil, 's Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey and Der Friday, October 28th. 38-1 vîsiting ber sister, Mrs. Andrew Pen- party'attended Lindsayf Fair and pro- Miss Berta Harris, Public Hlealt COLON-At Port Hop- Eospital, sept. nington. nounce it a great success. Nurse, Oshawa, attended the mee- 21, Charles Henry Coloe, aged 48 years. MWs. Fred He(al, Toronto, spent Mrs: W. Robson spent the week- ing bere on Frîday night. SCOTT-At 127 Ritso nL Rd., Oshawa, wensa ihfinshran tenwthMsL.Ptro nott isHlnBtrlGnrlHô William H. Scott, Foley, In hs 59th year. ededayhewitriends herorntoe and atisted h NEWTON-At Port I{cpe Hospital, t edte ar.-en itb r snL.atlevsonlenruet.isHlnBtrlGnrlH Sept. 21, Arletta Seaton, ïrelict of Frank, After 'Octolber lst al marriage vsthe1o a elel.pareta,Tor n, rcentoynviste Newton, in ber 96th yea-r. licenses will be issued ia Bowmanville TeLde'Aào h éhds zAViTrZ-If Bowmanville, Sept. 241h., by the Town Clerk. Church have postponed their Bazaar Rev. S. C. Moore was a bearere Donald Cameron, infant som of 1ev.. and t ensaDcme 4h h uea ftelt ev r l Mrs. L. B. Zavitz, aged 6 nonths, Mr. and Mrs. LewisBurnard and trededyDcebr14h H e nro h ate RevuT, Dr.MAi ARU-IEn Darling-ton, Sept. Zlst., son George visited hier sister, Mrs. r. John James, sons Archi e dd.ReartCournMo George William varnum, in his Sth year. William Found recently.Hoad Coubs weeay Son of Mr. and Mrs. Edrnfd N. Yarnum. Durham Teachers' Convention guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James. Special Fashié Show of Ladiei PETERS-At Port HoizoC. September 2 mes7nBmniîeo ctbr Miss MyHoyis peae to do TH]e a y , onto Zilah Haw, beloved wif e of W. A. Peters, mesi omnil nOtbr1 rsmkn thrhm nDk-dra',FiyadStra H aged 56 years. sister-ir-i5lw of Mrs. R. and 14 with an -excellent program. desaiga e oeo ue WEEK., T). Davidson. Bowmanvil.. Mrs. Geo. Yelland, Ingersoil, vis- st., Bowmanville, phone 182. 38-2w Mr Alet1Fey xngo REYNAR-Suddenly ait Cobourg, Sept. ited heraut, Ms.Luc Ficeanl Ladies are invited to l Sp t Mc. bsbenehyigaviiei D., Professor Emeritus ýof victoria' Col- ther relatives here this welek, eui. ipiyo ap tumes hssseMs .R oe,"re 22, Couev. Alfred H. ReCÏ rman'sM.hAsLLiereunMs. E. R.cyolericeGane egToronto, in his 8s-t year. Mr. and Mrs. Her vrIgr -atCubJonon& remn court", GILL-At his late rEcsidence, 'Ingle soîl, bave been visiting her aunt, ryandSMtrs. A J. Srageelle sn oMr nto, spent thaenekae neuk", Brockville, on TtuIesdaY, Sept. 27, 1Mrs. W.dD. ShortJ.and otherBerein- John MacLeod Gn, etged 73 years. tivsber. Dville, ndanderMrla-and MrsorotoJos, O'Neiilk-e Father of Major R. J. G9111l,Bowmanville. tvshee il'lwithnMr.randnMrp. W. H.COrNeiCoi CHANNON-In Bowmý.ni1Ie, Sept., 25, Rev. G. S. Gervan of Ottawa, wiil Bowmanville, are guests'of Mr. and wt r n r.W .Cr, o satrah Geogina Channon, dnughter of the ibe inducted as Minister of Milibrook' rsWJhnto, Frncswtre.-cesin-t late Samuel Channon, -icyrýone, aged 65LidaPot Mr. and Mrs. C.W.Dwya years. Interred at Betl1mesda. Çemeery. and Garden Hill, Presbyterian Church- Linday ost Havelock, spent the week-en __________________________es September 30tb. C. G. Armstrong, Orono, bas a witb ber brother, Mr. A. E. Mathisor Homemadecookag, andy andfine young team of chestaut horses,CriseA. PROBATIONERS W.ANTED FOR fancy and useful articles -for sale at wigbot raboue t 200issl hrdy . p dcac to be soand tbe Bazaar Friday, October 13, in hall wtotrsrea i aeTus a rtAilendiom-dhac o buy fc.,a BOWM,,ANVILLE 1-HOSPITAL oe cutr' tr.October 6tb. atces1oe-aecokn,1 t. overMeMutrys Stre.the Bazaar over McMurtry's Stor( Capbleyoug ldie toentr te.Mr. Gordon Nichol, Montreal, and Mr. Thos. Lord and Mr. and Mrs. Fi C.ýa1Je oun ldie toener heMr. H. Coppin and Mr. Graham, Bel- Willard Lord, Campbellcroft, Mr. Fiay, October 1,3th. Training School for N-urses. Apply leville, wr ekedget ' r Thos. Yellowlees, Toronto, were Mrs. (Dr.) E. E. Meek, Reginî to the Supei-intendent, Bowmanvillead wrwekndgstofD guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lord, Sask., and Mrs. G .A. Willoughb3 Hospital. 36-tf and Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood. on Fair Day. Coiborne, are visiting'Mrs. A Mtcheý Mrs. D. DeLeury and. daugbteran Mrs .A utn ___________________________Anna, Walker, Mina., and Miss Sadie M. R. H. Nott, Toronto, was guest adMs..A utn Allin, Port Perry, were recent guests of bis brotber-in-law, Mr. W. H. Dust- Mr. L. S. Dumas, Oshawa, Mr. an TO LET of their aunt, Mrs. Jane Alun, Centre an on Fair Day. He met a number Mrs. R. Dumas and Mr. R. Herma: O ' of ld friendsg and renewed the Westaway visited friends la Toroni Four unfurnished roor-mS, suitable for St. Wm. Fley epi lington- st, Bwmil.avll. Pr a ured on onfriendship of bis boybood days. last week and attended the Sovereig ,Wm Flle, \,ý(,iiigtn-t, owanvll. r. Pri.lMuredtw . o Jack Miner, the bird specialist, wîîî Grand Lodge 1. O. O. F. demonstro 39-t: 3rd prize la tne 440 yards open at tion. ____________________________the Oddfeliows' Field Day at Exhi-, give a lecture illustrated by slides, bitin PrkTorntoon hurdayla the Royal Theatre on October 13, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Alger, Oshawi WANED iton ar, Trotoonunder auspices of Women's Canadian announce the engagement, of thei last. . la.t. Club. Particulars next week. eldest daughter, Elsie Marlon, to M FIIG AINT WArIlTED-elther Wib is celebratîng the pnn eua etn fwavle LinconEltsnofM.adr.5 wvood or metal, 21 b 4 dra.-wers, lbIter SiZe; of its new pavement to-day (Thur%- RgS. etigoEBwavil laEliott, sonedof Mr. ars.a also typewritingý desk anid chair. State day). The announicement says: No Women's Institute will be heid on Fri- wl aepae ce The ara rsoet* charge. No.tagtday.mEveryticng day afternoon at the home of Mrs. 13 3-t* hare. ,No tg dy. Eery'ingE. R. Bounsali, Programn will be A quiet weddîng took place la th 7,ý7 r 1aM l'. rýAT P-O.-FQOV waiting clients, free. Srsne ytemridlde.LtMtoitCucBwavle mutbe goodk sonl and good building Mr. Arthur J. Saunders of the peey e bertbe pred lades. e nedayt, Sep1, Bem anv 21, 19 weereasonabIe cash paymeiits would eeymme epeet enedy eýnbr2,12 h, accePted. Send ail information to i Metbodist Book Room, Toronto, was M n rS T osnadwben Miss Annle Louise Jackman an' F. W - E3ecock, Heal Estate, 114 Broad- 1iii town Wenesdlay atteading the Mran sST.Dwo ad viw~ Toronto, phone Gerrard 1720OJ ý Fair. He was guest of Mrs, Thos. family Miss Mabel and Master Alvin, James, W. Burgess botb of Toronti 392Woodley. Providence, attended Lindsay f£air on were united la' the bonds of ho] ISaturday, and journeyed on to Vic- wedlock, Rev. W. H. Spargo, officia LOST Mrs. Anale Ellilott and son, Mr. W. tori Rond to viit ber sister Miss]in in the absence of the pasto A. Eliott, wif e anid two children, 105 Lytle, returning Sunday aight. 1 May their if e be happy and. prospe: LOST-A smali note bock containing Gvn tTrno eeSna ous. After the ceremoay lunche< narres of members cf Methodist Congre- Gva tTrno eeSna gaif.Wil finder kindly leave atStates- guests of the former's sister, Mrs. J. Mr. E. Weiler bas leased the'Dur- was served at the home of the bride main Of. -f Eb.Coe amn Flax Co's. plant at Bowman- aunt, Mrs. Wesley Mathews, King-s1 LOTAring set with round red Cam- A peia business meeting of the ville for the year commencing July after which the happy couple left li e lOtA A specn te t.-ad-wfonperoallyke-oyerai-lC.P-R -for a-trip týo-Detroit. Rewaru for return to Statesman Office or Women's Hospital Auxiliry wilFbè t Phone 39-2- heid on Moaday, Octo 1ber 3 at3.0 contracts and agreements and oper- strayed from1 lot 5, con 5, Darlington, p. m., in the Council Room to arrange aeteml o h er 91MSCTAHR about Ai,ust 20 a red Durham o ne year- for the nanuai meeting. Mrs. A. N. McMillan and Miss Mac- MSCTAHR old 11eif et. Information cf her where- abouts 'iibe rewarded. John R. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Ltt, Mr. Neil were the bostesses of a very de- SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION~ . .4, Bowmanville. Phone 146-r5. William Devllyn, London, Mrs. Walt- ligtful bridge and tea on Fridlay mRS .B ELAKCBA,(o 35-tf. SJ.B E EAKCBAHo ~0S-Wgo wee tie n uectyer Lott and daughters Florence and afterno.oný in bonor of the former's pupil of Sir Charles Santley, the~ worhd AugsI 30 betweemlae nd Hamp-y Bernice, Oshawa, were recent guesîs sisters-in-law, Mrs. A. Maury, Seattle, grentest Baritone, and Madame An to Ide las éur oJn's, Ore., Mrs. Fred W. Cowan and Miss Sherwin, the eminent vocalist, wili ta] Finerplas reur t en , at Mr. William Founds.W a limited number of pupils at ber studi mton anobieWJ.Crnn, o ayatce ar the Ada MeMilian, Oshawa, and Mrs. W. 'Berneval" Bcwmanviiie, and at Mrs.1 RR6 Bcwmanville. 37-tf Ho ay atce r hr C. Phillips, Kingston. About forty 1R. MoriosCnein-tPhe1 arond ourboue, hopor armyouother guests were present and enjoy-Clses will start Tuesday, Sept. 20t BADADhave no use f or? A smail advt, laeinnxedîgyplaat iora Students prepared for ail eaiai OADADR MWATD this paper will put la touch witb some th-irbeatifui home on bet-. of the Toronto Conservatcry cf MUSIC. We will shortly require board and one who wants just sncb articles. aîeu-u room for a number of our maIe and' Mrs. L. E. Ellison, mother of Rev. - female emnployees coming from Toronto. H. V. Ellison of Sutton West, who bas Citizens wishing good désirable perman- ent laoa.rders please advise Thomson1 been visiting, for neariy four weeks Kntting Co., Ltd., temporary office King witb Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carýr of st .Bowmanville. 29-t Concession St., bas gone to Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. I., Y. Fitzpatnick, ____RopEprTyFOR_ SALE_ _ Chicago, Eli., Miss T'homson, Miss I Janet and iissVai-rjofïë -A11isoïn. 120 acrOa-oton, spent las y4yrarhy tgood buildings about 31/e miles from unaîn pn sTwsa Bowflalvîle,1ýmles from Tyrone guests of Mr. and Mrs. G, A. Gilles- Station C. N. R. For further particulars pie. ppYte Frank Werry, R. R.5. Bwman- Mr. Sam Clarke, M. P. P., Cobourg, vil.?foe196 -rS5. 17-2w. J-s mentioned as Liberal candidate for the House of Commons f or West -i-LiP WANTED Northuamber]and. He is an old - H;,(ln ampton boy, brother of Mr. J. T. HL~P WANTED-Gir 1 aseut ,da-Clarke. ing-rcoom. Good wage. fppY to tS J r n Mrs. J.r iholW Lunfley, GoodlyEar Hotel, Bowmyanviii. CHar ihoî,Ws 38tf leyville, Mrs. E. W. Rundle and MAN WANTED-Wor farm w-,ok, sing- dagtrOhwM.nd rsJ. le man preferred. Man aible to handie agtrOhw, rn r.J horses.6_Aply to J. L. Parsons, Phone, H. Pethick and son George, Newton- 176 r 6 r Bowmanville R. R1 2. 38 If! ville, were recent guests of Mr. and *1 WORK WANTED-Experienced (mar-j Mrs. J. T. Bragg. M eiz S oes ried) requires positio% 9as manager on; C. N. R. station at Tyrone was en- mxdfarm, can furni hl helper. State wages and particulars in first letter. Ad- tered on September 15, and 2 bags II o arahpycmiaino tl,~ dress Drawer B, Bowmaflville. 38tf of rolled onts, 4 pails of lard, and a 1 IfN ou an sepycminto o tle , Bight gzirls 10 learn knitting previeus quntiy f rbbr bot and seoscrfrvice in your next pair of shoes, Lewars, Bo'-wmanv!iie, x. R . .o-~i nvited to i4spect this beauiful fash- tOn Rome, hous Seoisator- n dmsplay. On.ur genial assistant Mr. Claude W. Ives is a graduate practi- ner of ChR-1an George Streets, Bow- - Capt. G. C. Dupre, Ordnance offli- pidist and is baving great succesla correcting foot troubles ananvillo. \What off ers please? P1!erMltyH.QKnsow i D>an D., at statesraanOffice, piyIceMiiar . . Knsta wsi vile. 38-tltown Monday making an inspectioni REF WDCW O AE-on f the clotbing. equipment of "(A" or cAif by beR S A WLE-ounig oncate ) ( J~FR D K F L Y Dnrhamr Cow, renoewed Sept, 27, with Co. DuPham Regiment, Major G. C. . reasonabli f laiçen before Satrday, Oct. Duure waofobisitC. 1s1t. Appy bStatesmý,an Office, or phoniegesofbsbte-n-aM.C ýeo.- t2 a1FyManager Dmiii ýrs ON THE SUNNY S10E BOWMANVILLE xg I THERE'S A THOUGHT OF To-motRow IN )n,Il THE SERVICE WE RENDER YOU TO-DAY HEADQUARTERS FOR: SI LVERWARE: 1847 Rogers Bros, Communlty Plate Standard Silver CO. Holmes & Edwards Can. Wm, Rogers Co. WATCH ES: Elgin Omega lngersol Waitham High-Grade Swlss CHINA: Indien Tree Other Odd Pieces Royal Crown Derby SAFETY RAZORS: Guiette Auto-Strop OTHER GOODS: Ebony Jewelry Diamnonda; Cut Glass Frenchir vory Leather Goeds W,.fèLr ,1-t Warenow shoôwing a full assor tment of Heir- I loom Plate in the Devonshire design, which is the perfection of beauty and good taste. We cordially invite you to corne in and examine this silverware -which must be exarnined and weighed tg be fully appreciated. To grace your own table or for gifts, we recommiend Jleirloom Plate and shall be pleased to supply it i assortnients, in cIiests, or iby the, single piece. See Special Window Display of Heirloom Plate JEWELER-WATCHMAKER"-ENGRAVER King St. E. Phong 207 Bowmasivîlle BOWMANVILL.E'S OLDEST JEWELRIY STQRE ESTABLISHED 1865, MI ~i1 - . -.t ~,, . - - - t We are putting on this sale to clear, out our entire stock of FLOOR OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, AND CONGOLEUM RUGS EVery yard must go and we have cut the prices very 10W to make a quick clearing. Lt is years since you have had such a chance to buy floor cov- erings at these money-saving prices. EVERY PURCHASE MEANS DOLLARS SAVED Linoleum, good quality and 'attractive designs 2 yard and 4 yard widths, clearing at per sq. yd 90c Floor Oilcloths, iu i yard and 2 yard widths, spe-, cialIly priced for this sale at per sq. yd. 35C CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS I Linoleum JRug, 3 x,,3 yds, reg. $15.50, clear $11.50 Ïi noleum Rug, 3 x* 3½/, reg $20.00, clear $14.85, I Linoleum Rug 3 x 4, reg. $20.00, clear $14.85 I LinoleumRug, 3 x 1/, reg., $30.00, clear,, $14-85 1 Linoleum Rug, M/½ x 4, xreg. $25.75, clear $19.35 1 Cong'oleum Rug, 2 x 3, reg. $i0.50, clear $ 7.95 1 Congoleum Rug, 21/2 x, 3, reg. $ 12.75 clear $ 9.75 1 Congoleum Rug, 11½ x 3, reg. $7.75 clear $ 5.75 1 Congoleum Rug, 1, x 3, runner $5.25, clear $ 3.85 FALL AND WINTER APPAREL Ladies are invited to inspect our beautiful dis- play of Faîl and Winter Coats and Suits before making your purchase. SW. Mason & So'n' Opposite the Standard Bank Bowmanvîlîe Phone 106 SPECIAL SALE 0F FLOOR COVERINGS MMUMrd