Ha~y - ever' SUMMED COLD, ASTUMA, r.pn! fi ,.y a&holiday. RAZ «. MAHI positively stopa these troubles' Saneezing, weezing, cQughing, weepIag eyes aren't aecessary- mness you like boing th&* way *lmOOMt yomr druggwst'a, or write TimpmroOS Toronto. for a free trial. Sold by Jury & Lovel TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALg $8500 wlU buy 8 roomed brick 'bouse &Bd office attached, opposite Town Hall. $2800 wlll purchase 7 room tramne house en Church Street, waýter, sewer. electric llght and furnace. 8-roomed brick house on Ontario-et., -Bownianvllle good lot. every convenîence. UflWhAUfl1., reasOunau, *tn $3000 wilU purchase 2 story brick boune on Concession Street, water, sewer. elect- rie Ilght, furnace, garage and every con- venience. $7000 wiIl purchase 170 acresotii Tovrnshlp of Clarke fine buildings, well fenced and watered, about 3 miles eaut of Nêewcastle Wharf. $ 6, 700 wifl pu rchase 116 acres; parts iots î: con. 1, and 6 con., 2, Cartwright, kn-owu as the Bruce Farm.i4 well fenced, eau dcay loamn, good buildings. Ternms easy. $20.000 will purchase the Semers Fanm, eontaining 150 acres, just outaide the cor- poration of the Town of Bowmianvllle, on county road, on whlch are erected an 8- roomed brick bouse' commodious ot- buildings, tone stabling for 40 head of cattie; the soui l a rich dlay Ioaza, well fenced and watered; this la considered one of the best fanms ln the county. Terme to suit the punchaser. McLaughlin Farm, consisting of 150 acres, Joins village, of Tyrone wth three stores, Biacksmlth shop, achools, church and grlst mnlii ail wthin hait a mile of fer=. The sou le a rch clay loam, there A oves. three miles of tle drains. The land la level but rollng, well fenced, about 8 acres of hardwood bush, and one acre of good cedar. Good 'farm bouse and barns wlth atone stabllng under. neath. Over twenty-four hundred bush- ele of grain threshed on It this year. The mîat tenanit on thila tari rnade enough nioney Il ilve yeara ta purchase a fanm for hiniselt. This la one of, the best bargaîna in the County and muet be old to wnd up Estate. L. A. W. TOLE. REAL 8ESTATE AGENr 35-tf BwnnvlePhone 41. STENOGRÀPHIC AND BOOKKEEPING Complete commercial and general lm- provement courses. Our Faîl terrn i wll commence Sept.- ith. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto and Oshawa. Chiropractic (Spinal Adjustesnts) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knife, Chir- opractors have remarkable eu. ceas la regauving the cause o!L Appendicitis, Deafness, Anthma, Rheumatiam, Lumbago, Lamne Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseaees, Stoniach and. Kidney Troubles., Nervouiness in many forma respond readily ta Chiro- practie., IExamînation- Free at Office. DR,~.M.JONES. 86 Siescoe St. -N.O Ohawa Phone 224,1 THE "LIFTUP" (patented) ALL BIAS FÏLLEID CORSETS are designed in conformity wth the science of ntMy. The c LIFTUP " ptnted invention with non-slip elastic insde bet, =atî.supports the abdomen and la vr.bnefcial for use ai ter an oper- atiln involving an abdominal incision. IMont effective in releving those physical afiments fromt wich maiîy women suffer. WRITE formseful inte ofin end aelf-msasuranwzý nFRM l'ho gonin"' poeUn,1ted "LIFT'UP" In a DAOSuEsT made onIY by F T.P PHONE MAIN 3700 COQSETSL. vv Ili uu Oulu Osborne, M. Wight. Stark-M. Wight, J. F. Osborne, F. Tamblyn. ,, Baldwin-J. PFOsborne, Squaim & Son. M. Wight. Northein S)y-Squaîs. & Son, Os- borne & Son, F. Tamblyn. Ben Davis--Melboumne Wight, Os- borne & Son, Squair & Son. Crabe--Mme. M/j. J. Eliott, Squair & Son. Table Peare--F. Alun & Son. Bartlett-F. Allia & Son, Squair - M-.- --. 1 BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 29th., 1921 WEST DURHAM FAIR PRIZE LIST (Cont-inued frorn page 3) & 2. R. C. Brown Leghorn, lien- A. Dilling, J. Aldread. Cokerel- J. Aldread 1 & 2. Pullet-J. AI- dread 1 & 2. Buf Leghorn, Coek- A.'Dilling 1 & 2. lien-A. Dîlling 1 & 2. Cockerel-A. Dilling, C. F. Rice. Pullet-C. F. Rice,> A .Dilling. Black Leghor.n, Cock-M. & J. Nokes 1i&2.- Hen-M. &J. Nokesi1& 2. Cockeel-M. & J. Nokes 1 & 2. Pul- let-M. & J, Nokes l & 2. An- dalusian, Cockerel-A. Dilling. Pul- lt-A. Dilling. Minorea, Cok- C. A. Chapman. lien-C. A. Chap- man .1 & 2. Cokre-C. A. Chap- man. Pullet-C. A. Ohapman, Black Spanîsh, Cock-C. F. Rice. Hn-C. F. lice 1 & 2. Caekeel- C. F. Rice 1 & 2. Pullet-C. F. Rîce 1 & 2. Poland, lien-M. & J. Nokes. A. O. V., Cok-R, Foster, A. Dilling. lion-R, Fastes., A. Dilk ling. Coe erel-"'A.Dilling, R7--Y-s- tes.. Pullet-R. Fostor. Five Coekes.els, any-H. Brock, E. Fastes.. Beet Cock in American Class-E. Poster. B .or B. Red Came Bantams -T. Bottrell & Son., Chicks-T. BottrelI & Son. A. O. V. Came Ban- tam-Bottrell & Son~. Chicks- Bttreli & Son 1 & 2. Black Cochin, Batams-L. B. Nichols 1 & 2. Chicks-L. B. Nichols. A. O. V. Coehin Bantams-L. B. Niehals 1 &ý 2. Chicks-Bottrell & Son 1 & 2. B. R. C. Bantams-Botts.ell & Son, L. B. Niehols. Chiks-L. B. NichoIs, BottrelI & Son, Mes.sitt & Son. A. O. V. Bantam-Bottreil & Son. Chicks -Bottreli & Son 1 & 2 TURKEYS ~Bronze Turkey Cock-J. D. Br.own, lCawker & Jones. Do Hen-Cawker & Jones, J. D. Brown.,lDo Coek un- des. 1 year-J. Br.own. Do lien under 1 yea---J. Brown. 1 A. O. V. Turk- ey Cbk-A. Ayre. -Do lien-A. Ays.e. -Do Cock, under 1 yoas-A. Ayre, GEESE Grey Ceese, Male-C3awker & Jones, C.,A. Chapmau. , Do Female -Cawker & Jones, 'C. A. Cjiapman. Do, Male under 1 yeas.-Caw-kes. & Jones. Do Female-Cawker & Jones., VnI'te Gýeese, Mae- J. D. Brown, C. A. Chapmnan. Do Female! -.Tamblyni, C. A. Chapman. Do uaeiner 1 year-C. A. Chap- man, J. D. Brown. Do Female, un- des. 1 year--C. A. Cbapman, J. D. Brown. DUCKS Rouen Drake-C. A. Chapman. Rouen Duck-C. A. Chapman, J. D. Brown. -Do-Drae,- nder -1yeas- C. A. Chapman 1 & 2. Do Duek, under i year-C. A. Chapman i &ý 2. Pekin Drake, undes. i year-F.1 blyn i & 2. Indian Runner Drake- A. Dilling. Do Duck-A .Dilling./ Do Drake, under 1 year-A. Dilling.! Do Duck-A. Dilling. PIGEONS Collection Pigeons-Bottrell & Son, E. G. Jennings. IIRDS Canary, Plumage-M. & J. Nokes. Singer-M. & J. Nokes. DAIRY AND APIARY Buttes., 10 lbs.-Miss Skinner. 5 lbs.-Olive Skinner,, Mrs. F. B. Love- kmn, Mrs. W. Coucli. 5 lbs. Prints -Mme. W. H. Nichols, Olive Skinner. 3 lbs.. by girl under I 6-. Couch.1 Claver Honey, Sections-- Miss C. Allen. Dozea liens Eggs, 1White-Ms.s. A. Taylor, A. Tubb.,ý D oz. liens Eggs, Brown--A. W. Annis»' GRAIN White Paîl Wheat-A. E. Belîman, A. W. Annis.. Spring Wheat liard-A. Campbell. Spring Wheat Soft-C. Blanchard, Smnll Peas 'S. D. Souch. 6-Rowed Barey-A. Campbell. White Oats-A. Campbell, A. W. Annis. 'White Beans-S. D. Souch, M. J. Elliott. Cor.n 8-Rowed-A. Ayre, A. Tay- lor.. FRUIT Col. Apples, 15 varietes-R. Col- lacott, F. L. Squair & Sons, W. H. Tonkin. Dessert Apples, 10 varieties-Robt. Collactt, F.* B. Lovekin. Cooking Apples, 10 varieties-R. Cllacontt, W. H. Tonkin-,PF.PB. Love- & Son, M. Nokeès. Sheldon.iL-F. Allun & Son, A. E. Belîman, W. H. Tonkin. Duchess D'Angoulime-W. H. Ton- kmn, M. Nokes, J. Nokes. Beurre Clairgeau-M. Nokes, J.. Seckel-W.,H. Tonkin, W. H. Nîchols., Beurre D'Anjou-J. Nokes, M. Nokes. Flemisb Beauty-F. Allin & Son. PLUMS Ponds Seedling-Mrs. W. Coucli. Vale's Seedling-W. H. Tonkin. Reine Claude-F. Tamblyn, Mrs. W. Couch, F. B. Lovekin. Moore's Diamond Grapes-Miss C. Allen. Niagara Grapes-Miss C. Allen, Bottreil & Son, W. H. Tonkin. Lindley-A. Taylor,,Miss C. Allen, Moore's Early-A. Taylor. Worden-A. Taylor, Miss Allen. Watermelons-Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, F. Symonus. VEGETABLES W. H. Tonkin. Early Cabbage-M. Nokes, Bot- trell & Son. Red Cabbage-Bottrell & Son, W. H. Tonkin. Savoy Cabbage-F. Symons, Bot- trell & Son. White Celery-Geo. Richards, Bot- treli & Son. jRed Celery-Geo. Richards, Bot- trell & Son. 'Winter Celery-Geo. Richards, Bottrell &Son. Cauliflower-Bottrell & Son, W. H. Tonkin. Red Onions-J.- Nokes, Bottrell & Son. Yellow Onions-M. Nokes, Bot- treil & Son. Pickling Onons-J. Nokes, W. H. Tonkin. 11 Blood Beets,Long-Bottrell & Son Blood Turnip Beets-F. Syrnons, J. Nokes. Parsnips-Bottrell & Son, W. H. Tonkin. Red Peppers-J. Nokes, G. C. Bon- nycastle, M. N'okes. Green Peppers-Bott-rell & Son. jLong Scarlet Radish-Bottte1i & Son, M. Nokes. Red' Tornatoes-A. Campbell, F. Allin & Son.- Yeflow Tomatoes-J. Nokes, M. Nokes. Sweet Corn-A. E. Belîman, W. H. Tonkin. Long Red Mangolds-Bottrell & Son, G. H. Richards. Yellow Mangolds-A. E. Belîrnan, G. Richards. Sugar Mangolds-G. Richards. White Carrots-Geo. Richards.. Long Red Carrots Bottrell & Son, F. Symons. Short, Red Table Carrots-M. Nokes, W. H. Toýnn. Table Squash-M. Nokes, J. Nokes. Hubbard Squash-Bottrell & Son. fCitrons-W. Ayre, Bottrell & Son. Large Squash-Bottrell & Son, G. Riehards. Irish Cobbler Potatoes-H. C. Os. borne, F. Symons. A. O. V. Early'Potatoes-S. D. Souch. Green Mountain Potatoes-Geo. Richards- Assortrnent Vegetabes-J. Nokes. FLOWERS Greenhouse Plants-S. J. Jaekman & Sons 1 and 2. Window Plants-Jaekman & Sons 1 and 2. Dahlias-Jaekman & Sons 1 and 2. Cactus-Jackrnan & Sons 1 and 2. Show Dablias-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Â. 0. V. Dahlias--Tackmýan & Sons 1 and 2. Aster's, Cornet and Chry-W. H.J Tonkin, S. J. Jackrnan. 4 Astêrg, A. .-S J. Jaekman,~ A. lillinig. Cosmnos-Jackman & Soni 2. Delphnuim-S. J, Jaekman. -Dianthus--Jaekman &-Son -1-&__2. Baisams--Mrs. F.' Symons, S. J. Jackmnn. Stocks-Mrs. Symons, S. J. Jack- man. Roses-W. H. Tonkin, S. R. Jaek- man. Rose Bush in pot-Mrs. Symons. Veirbenas--Jackrnan & Sons 1 & 2 Pansies-W. Il. Tonkin, S. J. Jackman. Single Petunias-A. Dilling, S. R. Jackman. Double Petunias-Mrs., Symon's, S. R. Jackman. Phlox Perennial-Miss C. Allen. S. J. Jackman. P"1oxDr__on-JAckmn_ r I and 2. Hydrangea-S. J. Jackmnan, A. Taylor. Window Box-S. J. Jackman, S.! R. Jaekman. Foliage Plants-S. R. Jackman, Mrs. Symons. Ivy Geranium-S. J. Jackmian. Scented Geranun-J. Nokes, M. Nokes. # Hand Bouquet-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Bouquet, eut foliage-Jackman & Son 1 and 2. Table Bouquet-Jaekman & Son 1 and 2. Bridai Bouquet-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Floral Design-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Floral Design-Ja&rnan & Sons and 2. Lawn Ornarent-Jackrnan & Sons 1 and 2. Funeral Design-Jackrnan & Sons 1 and 2. LADIES' DEPARTMENT MisR. Perey. Centre -Pieces and Doylies-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. W. Caldwell. rLingerie Set-Mrs. T. Perey. Embroidered Pillow Slips & Sheet1 -Mrs. Caldwell. Tea Wagoni Set, erbroidered- Mrs. Perey. Tea Cloth, drawn thread work- Mrs. Perey, Miss R. Perey. .Tea Cloth, embroidered and cro- chet trimmed-Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Caldwell. Colored Silk Embroidery-Mrs. Percy, Miss A. Caldwell. Infant's Dress-Mrs. T. Perey. Tea Pot Holder-Mrs. T. Perey, Mrs. W. Couch. Laundry Bag-Mrs. Perey, Mrs. J. Bell. Work Apron-Mrs. Bell. Infant's Jacket% and Bootees- Mrs. Couch, Miss McClellan. Infant's B onnett-Mrs. Perey, Mrs. Bell. Ladies' Convalescing Jacket-Miss MeClellan, Mrs. Perey. Ladies' Night Robe, Ernbroidered -Mrs. Perey, Mrs. Bell. Ladies' Night Robe, Crochet-Mrs. Perey. Handkerehîefs, hand-trimmred- Miss A. Caldwell, Miss MeClellan.- Towe1ls, Sweedish Darning=R. Percy,' Mrs. Percy. Towels, Crochet Insertion-Mrs. Jos, Lancaster's farm buildings, Work bas started on the new rink Cavan were burned September. 21 bY at Port Perry. Reeognized as a leading specific Only the uninformed endure the ifor the destruction of worms, Mother agony of corns, The knowing ones Graves' Worm Exterminator bas appîy Holloway's Corn Remnover and proved a' boon to suffering children getrelef.everywhere, It seldom f£ails. Perey, A. Perey. Chiffonette Searf and Cushion, Embroidered-Mrs. Perey. Do, any other-Mrs. Perey, Mrs. Caldwell. Bedwroom Slipp*s-14$ss -MeClel- Iln Misb G. Cawker. Do, any other-Aura Caldwell. Tray Cloths-Mrs. O,. R. Jones, Mrs. Perey. Service Tray, Filet Croehet-Mr Bell, Mrs. Caldwell. Serviettes, Initialed-Mrs. Perey, Mrs. J. Nokes. Librnry Table Runner, Embroider-1 ed-Mrs W. Coueli. Do, any other-Mrs.Perey, A. Caldwell. Buffet Searf-Mrs. Caldwell, Aura Caldwell, Italian Relief, Emibroidered-Mrs. Perey. (Continued on page 7.) WANT'ED AT ONCE TWO HUNDRED MEN Aut-Gas-TratorMehne---fr VulcanizersIl-Battery Repairing- Oxy Acetylene Welding.. Mechanica earn $5 to $15 per day. Train for these at our big modem school-lar- gest and best equip>ped in Eastern Canada, Big new equipments of all kinds, including aero engines. Act- ual practical systematie training, very best instructions; only few weeks me- quired. We train you, day and evening classes without extra charge Board and room $7.00 up.; Caîl or write, beautiful frl catalogue. Seventeen years expêrience, %sehools from coast to coast. HemphiIls Big Auto Gas Tractas. School, 163 King st. West, Toronto. 37-4. Important CHANGE 0F TIME Effective Sunday, October 2nd. Particulars obtainabie from near. est Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL 39-2 The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto Is a Sehool with a Splendid Re- cd. Wheii---superiority --of- training is considered this college ranks among the best on the con- tinent. Many business collegzes in 13ada -aniFUnteiU-States em- jploy our former students as teachers. AIl business Colleges are not alike. They differ in many tresleets. Write to-day for catalogue, and you will soon be convinced of this fact. Stu- dents admitted at any tume. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. SUFFERINO 0F YOUNGWiOMEN This Letter Tells How It May be Overrcorne-All Mothers Interested. Toronto, Ont. - "I have suffemed since 1 was a sehool girwth pain in ny left sideandwitheramps, growing worse eacb yeruntil I was aI ruar don.Iwasào bad at times that 1 was unfit for work. 1 tried several doc- tors and patent S medicines, but was only mehieved for a short tinie. Soma ofthe doctors wanted ta perforrn Jan operation, but myfathier objectedc. FinallylIlearned thmough my niother of Lydia E. Pink- harn's Vegetable Compound, and how thankful 1 amn that 1 tried it. I arn relieved fromn pain and cramps, and feal as if it has saved my life. You may. use my lettes. ta help other women as I arn glad ta mecommend the Medicine."-Mias. H.ý A. GOODMAN, 14 Itockvale Ave., Toronto. Those who are troubled. as Ms Goodman was should, îmmeciiately seek restoration ta health by taking Lydia E.- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Those who need epecial advice may write ta Lydia E. Pinkham Medieine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. These letters will be opened, mead and answered by n womnn and held in strict confidence. Hiealthy Digestion means easy digestion. Ever persans with stnong digestions often suifer fromn effeets of irreg- ularities, An ideal agent for many demangemnents of stomach, liven, kidneys and bowejs, as a corrective and cleanser ie BEE",mmCHAM'S Sold everyhr inocs2c~0,PULLS Bowmanville Cream Wanted Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yoursl If We fail to eall on you We, would appreciate a phone cail or Write us. Orono Creame ry C-o4 ORONO What is a Recommendation Worth? That depends very rnuch upon who gives it. For instance, wc reeommcnd Ames Holden "Auto-Shoes" as the cheapest mleage you can buy. And we know a lot about tires. We have ta in aur business. Hence our recommendation shouldcarry sorne weight, apart from the fact that we are benefiting ta corne exteat by yous. customn. We know that if you buy on'ce, you will buy again-because you will fiad that our recommendation saves you money on mileage. We will give you a guanantee with Ames Holden "Auto-Shoes " taa-a guarantee that protects you againer any defeet in material on wonknianship which may anise at any time in the life of the tire. And we will get yau an adjustnient on that basic should necessity arise, without quibble on red-tape. Drap in and let us show you Ames liolden "Auto-Shae" to-day if you can. 6. W. HeMpage ealtiy Condiion' G,~~se w. nunaine¶ E R ESdy. r~Eeep yoyeuClean, Clear and Healtby. 1 nt for Free Eve Care Beok. THE REPAIR MAN KING-ST E Fp!a !îsteRdy C,.9 Esi Olo Siecg.Ccago ithé Green Tea The ricli yet delicate flavour o1 the pere lectly pepared-&green' 1 a laways be !ound ini the sealed Salada packet. NE"ILS'"ON'S ICE CREAM PURITY, ALWAYS PURITY The many gallons of Neilson's Ice Cream whîch we seil every year only serve to make us more and more mindful of our standard, "Absolute Purity", not only now and then butalways. TAKE A BRICK HOME1 CHRISTIE'S BAKERY I Fffý- Fuesia~ sngl-.J NoesS. J. Jackrnan. Fuchsia, double-M. Nokes, J. Nokes. Asparagus Fen-Jackman & Son 1 and 2. Boston Fern--Jackman & Son 1 and 2. Plant in Bloom-J. Nokes,_ M. Nokes, Hanging Basket-J. Nokes, M. Nokes. Floral Basket-Jackinan & Son 1. the Heart Frequently pains about the- heart are caused by the forma- tion of gas arising from indi-î Relief £rom this codiUùkn la obtained by the use clf Dr. Chase's Kidney-Lîver Pills. Chronic indigestion resulta from sluggish liver action, con- stipation of the bowe and inactive kidneys. Because Dr. ChaW ae' Kdey-L4ver Pills arouse these organe te actIvitY they afford lasting relief for Inlg" tion and overcome the many anuoy ing symptoms. Price-.s Change-% GET YOUR, BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED Men's Soled and Heeled .... $1 75 Men's Sewed Soles and Heels. . 2 10 Men's Heels Rubber or Leather 50 Women's Soled and Heeled nailed ..................i 25 Women's Soled and Heeled sewed ..................i 50 ,Women's Heels, Leather....... 40 Women's Heels, Rubber....... 40 Boys' Soled and Heeled, nailed 9-13 ...................125 Boys' Soled and Heeled 13 to 5 i 50 Girls' soled and heeled 8 to 13 60 Girls' soled and heeled 13 ta 5 60 Girls' Heels '75c. Patches 15e Up. Toe Capsfrom 50e up, sewing by Machine 50e per hour. 1