Rubber, Iuati penctea uov~o~ battery ~gEm z of wood-sqaao That Wvjo ffse uem chea eteati but insulatâ S î oin the éln4d That ca~r res you lasts as 1oniz as le iserice. That the Wù1la Rubber Battz-ry i We're Lherel LUKE-ý B ON-ÉAR1O 0BATrE-7 Yeriends Tell StopsNie Pive years ago ZUTOI gpknown lu Canada. To-day, thousands andl r dwomen depend oi esa tablets for quick è Their famne bas gonc frîend-fromn towa to tj to coast. WMherever there are1 'i ld be ZUTOO Tab 20z minutes. 2s50aDL, or by mail ostPlUe, X Ceo.ticook, putlact ,theexp ioace ,eglr r bat ehig The Do)ubý1 Track Toron',- Chicago Urexcelled dining car Sleeping cars on night Parlor cars on tbe principcal Full information fromi Trunk Ticket Agent or C. 1 District Passenger Agenlt,' ------J.--H. -H. JURY, A W DSPHOSPHO The Ereat English .~Tones aniri('vigorale p[rvous sytem. miake mn old Veina. Used Debilfty, Menta andi Desoîdency, Loss of Energ,,fP iheHqeazr, aiing Memo7. Price for iS 5e Sol d by al dru99ists. or M; %.Or FINE ARTS le ChIina, four pieces-Mrs. J. Nokes. Wood Carving Relief-Miss C. AI- tica1hYlen IWood Carving Cip-Miss M. F., of neu i en. harm-.n_,' vi' Tray-Miss M. F. Allen, iia-Mrs. P(rey. né o Oi Painting Portrait-E. Waddeli. dto Do, Animal-E. Waddell. 1 ýôD, Marine, local-E. Waddeil. Do:_Iaud'scape-Miss A. Irwin, E. th', Waddell. releve Do, Vegetables, Object-A. Irwin, Do, StiIlI Life-A. Irwiu, E. Wad- Do, AyA Irwin, E. Waddell. Waiter Colors, Figure-E.,Waddcll, D, Fish or Game-E. Waddell. îDo, Marine, Can. View-A. ýIrwiu, Oýt E.Waddell. Twn Fiowers-E. Waddcll, A. Iwn iOiignal-A.. Irwin, E. Waddel1, ýýrs. M. J. Flliott. Sepia-A. Irwin, Mrs. Elliott. Crayon Drawig-A. Irwiu, E. Waddell. I Uarcal ketch A f r T nr-- Pasitel, Scene-A. Irwin, E. Wad- tns ýn2 Pastel, Figure-E. Waddell, A. Jr ~ IPenceil Drawing-E. Waddell, A. Stencil Design-A. Irwîn. Design forPublic Park -A Irwin. Peumanship-W. -H.- Nichols. SOLDIERS' WORK Embroidery-G. L. King, Basketry-C. P. Ellcgett. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Bread--Mrs. J. Nokes. $Raisin-Mrs. Lovekiu, Mrs. W. H. _Buns'-Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. Nokes. Vancy Buns-Mrs. Nokes., ~Baking Powdcr Biscuits-Mrs. A. - ylor, Mrs. eI~cl. Geham Muffns--Mrs. F. -SymnuIs, No'kes. Ginger Cooies-Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Snons. .,v Oatmeal Cookis-Mrs, Taylor, ýugar Cooki2s-Mrs. Symous, Mrs. 'D 4,te Cookies-Mrs. Symons, Mrs. ~aihBun-Mrs.Symons. hbort Bread-lurs. Nokes, Mrs. ne Bao Laer Bad-r. oeinm ®r ervu, rs. 'Nichols. via Layer Cake,DkMr.Nks . ""r' Lovekin. ieý . eeeSrasMs Nokes. - pp ie-Mrs. J. Lyle, Mrs. Bell. emnPie-Mrs. Lyie, Mrs, Nicb- rN vILVILE, SEPT. 29th., 1921 WEST DURHAM FAIR PRIZE LIST (continued from page 6) Mount Miflick, Emnbroidered-Mrs. Perey. HaIýrdanger Embreoidery, Colors- Mrs. 1. Be!l S Embroide(ry, White, not listed- ~jEmbi-roidjery Colored Silk, not list- Sed-Mrs. Percy. f Lactýe Work-G. Cawker, A. Cald- , well. FancyCrochet, white or coloed-, Mrs. Caidwell, Mrs. Percy. Fancy Knitting-Mrs. Percy. ILadies' Enve-lope Combination- Mrs. Percy. iTatting-R. Percy, Mrs. Bell. 1Handmade Cran-r.Couch, Mrs. Bell. Beadwork-Mrs. Percy. Shoulder Shawl-Mrs. Percy, Mrs. A. Welsh. Verandah Jacket-Mrs. Percy, Miss McClellan. Sofa Cushion, SilkT Embroidered- A. (Caldwell. Sofa Cushion, Crochet .Top-Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Bell. Sofa Cushion, othdr style-Mtrs. M. J. Elliott, Mrs. Caldwell. Tuxedo Sweater Coat, Knitted- Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. Percy. Handkerchief, Crochet Trimmed- IMrs. -Percy, A .tJaldwvell. D)o, Tattinig Trimmi-el--G. Cawker, M rs. Percy. 1 ýo .ther styles-A. Percy, Mrs. Percy. New and Original Fancy Wok- MrYs. T. Perey, Mrs. Bell. iCamisle-Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Couch., Beaded Blouse-Aura Caldwell, Mrs. Percy., add Fancy Hand Bag-Mrs. Percy, A. mddCaldwell. ýO de- Guest Towels, Tatted Trimmng- teA. Percy. Guest Towels, Colored Embroider- Pes ed-Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Couch. el. Bath Towels, Initialed-Mrs. Per- cey, R. Percy. IPillow Cases, Hemstitched and In- itialed.-Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Bell. wlng fl Do, any o)thr-Mrs. Percy, R. bo.iPerey. Tea Cosey, Wool-Miss McClel- lan. mrdee Mr Do, EbddrdM "Prey, Do, any other-G. Cawker, Mrs. Bell. Towels, Scalloped Edge-Mrs. C.puch. adcd, Fudge Apron-Mrs. Bell. Crochet Work, Cotton-Mrs. Bell, ýghest, Mrs. Couch. ment. HCouc chifsHeristitched-Mrs. :Ut Ît Fancv Work, Colored Tread- gRna& Mrs. Bell. Dressed Doll-Mrs. Couch. Button Holes-Mrs. Bell, Mrs. BY Couch. Couch Cver-Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Bell.* Pieced QitMs W. R. Cawker. Quilt, Applique-Mrs. Caldwell. Com-forter, Silk--#Mrs. Bell. Bed Spread-Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Bell. CE Socks- -Mrs. Couch. aw. Mitts--Mîss McClellan, Mrs. Perey Machine Made Garment-Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Percy. Childs Dress-Mrs. Bell. ýdis Houý-e Dress-Mrs. Bell. n Rand Sewing-Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. kUPerey. barn yeard until he snatched a club and drove hlm off, after which, as- sisted by Mr. Wm. Jackson, carried bis brother into the bouse.-Orono' News. Exhausted from Asthma. Many wbo read these words know the ter- ribtë' drain upon hcaltb and strength, wbich cornes in the train of asthmatic troubles. Many do not realize, how- ever, that there is one remcdy wbich will relieve this drain, Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Asthma Remedy is a check to this cnervating aliment. It bas a countless record of relief to its credit. It is sold almost everywhere. E I Carbon Removed While You Wait. Is your car knocking on the hlis? Bring it to us and we wiil make it run like new again. Howabout the bandis on your Ford? 'Does your car q4uiver and shake when you Stýop start or, reverse? Corne in and let us stop it for you at a very low charge, FOR SALE 1 Ford Car, last year, model with starter, shock absorbers, etc., in first-ciass condition. If you are in the market for a car, see-this before you buy. Luke, Bîoys & Cryderman i ~fi Saison T, ractor The Samson Ti actor is buit for Service-real liard rugged service-year after year and does it without expensive repairs. It xiii save rnoney in neariy evéry operation on your f arm and ovn- ers--are-no-usin-4bern ,n vwork-the, year-round. Rtis a real potb power plant and unequaiied for heavy duty beit work. The 'Sanmson line, also includes heavy and light Farm Trucks and both horse drawn and powv- er type impiements. Calil at our Show iRoors an-d înspect the Samson uine or con)-'suit WM. CHALLIS, Bowmanivilte Representative of Mof fatt Motor Sales, The New Garage 88 Simcoe-st. North, Osha-wa Phone 188 W Bowrnanville I -- A ICemecly tor I±~aracne.-1o nave OISPe-r. e. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Chocolate Pie-Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. Prof. K. R. Grant, Brantford, îs Nokes. new Principal of Oshawa Missionary Raspberry Pie-Mr.s. Nokes, Mrs. College. Only 75 pupils are enroll-I Bell. ed against 165 last year. More are! Tart Pie-Mrs. Nokes, Mrs. Bell. expected soon.. Drop Cakes-Mrs., Nichols, Mrs. A Ford runabout the property of Nokes. Mr. J. F. McMillan, Cobourg, was! Fruit Turnovers-Mrs. Nokes, Mrs. sb-olcn from the garage at the ilousel Bell. of Refuge and at the time of going Dcvii Cake-Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. to press hîad flot been located. Nokes. Mrs. A. G. Blake, 243 Waverly Cocoanut Cake-Mrs. Nichols, Road, Toronto, announces the en- Mrs. Lyle. gagement of her eider daughter, Sour Pickles-Mrs. Nokes, Mrs.1 Mary A., (Nan) Sheeban, to Mr. S. Taylor. , Alex. Taylor, Winnipeg, son of Mr. Sweet Pîckles-Mrs Taylor, Mrs. and Mrs, S. O. Taylor, Morrish. The Nokes. marriage to take place quietly ln Tomato Catsup-Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Winnipeg on September 28th. Cli ac-rs .C Obre "I shahl continue to be interested CiiueMrs. in Bowmanville and old Darhington. CneeresMrs. Nokes, Mrs y pleasant experiences as a resid- Taylor. eut of your good town and the friend- Peachs-~Ms. Nkes.sbip formed while there have devel- Stawerriesaud ed asbrre oped the feeling that I amn almost a Strwb Mris. TayR. sperisDurham Old Boy myself,"' writes ex- -Mrs. Nokes, Ms alr Principal John Elliott, B. A., 766 Citron aud Pineapple-Mrs. ýLove- Waterloo St., London, Ont. kmýi, Mrs. Nokes. Tomatoes and Corn-Mrs. Symons, Miller's Worm Powders will eradi-1 Mrs. Couch. cate the worm cvii that bears sol Beaus aud Peas-Mrs. Taylor. heavily on children and is bciieved to1 Asparague and Grecus--Mrs. Tay-, cause many f atalities. Thcy are an lor. acceptable medicine to children and Plums-Mrs. Tayloýr, Mrs. Caldwell can be fully rclied upon to clear the Pears and Quince-Mrs. Taylor.1 food chaunels thoroughly of these Marmaladc-Mrs. Couch, Mrs.!I destructive parasites and restore the Nokes. 1 inflamed and painful surfaces to Apple Jelly-Mrs. Coudh, Mrs. bealthfulncss. They are an excel- Taylor. lent remedy for these evils. Currant Jelly Mrs. Couch, Mrs. A vicious bull owned by Mr. Wm. Nokes., Carscadden, Kcnda'l, tackled Fletcher Other Native Jelly-Mrs. Lovekin, Carscadden in the stable, knocking Mrs. Nokes. hlm down with injuries to hîs spine. Dispiay of Bakiug-Mrs. Nokes. His brother John coming to his as- Special Jar Fruit or Vegetable- sistance the bull turned on hilm run- Mrs. Lovekin. ning hlm out of the stable rolling the earacbe is to endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and few care to deal witb it, consîdering it work for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil offers a simple remedy. A f ew drops upon a piece of lint or medicated ootton and placed in the ear will do much in relieving pain. Everybody knows that ini Canada there are more Temnpletorit- Rheumatic asue Sold than ail otluer Rhumatic Remedies cornbined for Rhr-u- rnatism, Neuritia, Neur2algi, Sciatica, Lunbag.-c, etc. Many dcý prcscribe thjý, rnost duViriditen.Wte for frce triaýl te Temnpleton, Toronto. Sold by Jury & Lovel REBUILT FOR SALE The surface has been saved and in consequence al has been preserved-and Time, that gteat tester of quality, has igiven the stamp of approval. B.IB. -White Lead has held its world' 's supremacy for almost two hundred years. Mixed with tur-pentine and pure linseed oil, as in B-H " English " Paint, it is a most satisfactory paint. For those who prefer to mix their own, Brandram's Genuine B.B. White Lead while more, expensive in first cost, yet considered from the standpoint of covering capacity and permanence easily outcl asses ail other white leads and is therefore the most economical in final cost. For those who prefer a prepared paint, Brandram's Genuine B.B. White Lead can only be secured in B-H ý"Epiglish " Paint. FOR SALE BY Ontario., AM.MENDER _ MOWTREAL. NlAL~I P~AX 8?,'DOM" .ronoedTO wNNa.-t M'EDICINE MAT CALGAMY EDMONTON EAR OIL RZELIE VES DEAFNESS anid STOPS HEAD NOISES. Simply Rub it Back of the Ears aud R Insert in Nostrils. Proof of uc- cess wiil be given by the druggist. MADE .ý CANADA -ARTUR SALES D.Sales Agents, Toronto A. 0. Loaard, In.. 1fre., 70 5*1v Ave., M. Y. City yoSaein 7ýawmanville by cUjRY &LOVELL MASON & DALE Bowmanville' VANCOU VER ,~ I Har ry Allun Just west Royal Theatre Bread bas dropped to 10 cents lu Peterboro-So cost of livinig is com- iug down. The Many Purpose Oil.-Botb in tbe bouse and stable thiere are scores of uses for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oïl, Use it for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, the pains of rheumatism and sciatica, sore throat and ch est. Horses are hiable very largcly to similar ailments and mîsbaps as afflict mankiud, and are equally amenable to the healing influence af this fine old remedy whichi bas made tbousands of firm friends during the past fifty years. "C»MREAL. 3T.,JoDtN