Royal Theatrei Bowmanville THURSDAY, OCT. 27TH 'THE SAGEBRUSHER' From the novel by Emerson Hough, ail star cast, also Booth Tarkington's. The adventures and emotions of Ed- gar Pomeroy. 'EDGAR AND THE TEACHER'S 1PET' Admission. 16e FRIDAY, OCT. 28TH AI Christie 6-reel comedy 'SEE MY LAWYER' Lecture and special films in the in- terest of the Navy League by Capt. Morris. Admission 25c. SATURDAY, OCT. 29TH Wm. S. Hart in 'SAND' From the story 'Dan Kurrie's Inning' by Russell A. Boggs. 'Sand' is the finest of Hart productions and scored~ a tremendous ht at the Regent Theatre, Toronto. Matinee at 3.30 p. m. Admission 16c and 11c. Evening 7.30 16e to ail. MONDAY & TUESDAY- OCT. 31 AND NOV. 1. 'LOVE, HONOR AND OBEY' One of the biggest successes of the year. The thrill of vital dramaen- livens every moment. Also, Mon- day: ýTwo Reel Comedy; Tuesday: Serial 'The Purple Riders' with Joe Ryan. - Admission 20e and loc. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY-1 NOV. 2 and 3. Mary Miles Minter in 'ALL SOULS ByE', This picture needs no further com-1 ment with such a star as Mary Miles Minter. Also, Wednesday: Two Reel Comedy; Thursday: Serial 'The Diamond Queen' with Eileen Sedg- wick. Admission 20c and 10c. COMING SOON Clara Kimbaîl Young in 'STRAIGHT FROM PARIS' N. B.-Kindly note change in serial nights. TO LET Pour unfurnîshed rooms, suitable for housekeeping for smali family. Apply Wm. Foliey, Wellingtofl-5t, Bowmanville. 39-t .TO LET-Three unfuruished roims, heated and lighted, hardwood floors and fireplace. Suitable for light housekeeping. Apply Box 500, Bowmanville. 41-tf LOST LOST-Fountain Pen on Fridây, Oct. 11, betweeu Jas. G. Rickard's, Centre-st., and Post Office, Bowmanville. Finder ptase leave at Statesman Office . 42-tf I.OST-A long logging chain on Sat- urday eveniug, October 8, between Bow- manvilie and Roy Tril's, lot 25 and 26, Base Line, Darlington. Reward for re- turn te Statesmian office. . 41-tf. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED We will shortiy require board and room for -a number of our maie and female emplayees coming from Toronto, Citizens wishing good desirable perman- ent boarders please advise Thomson Knittlng Ca., Ltd., tçmporary office King St. W. Bawmanville. 29-t HEL? WANTED WANTED-A good cook, at once.1 References required. Good wages. Apply ta Mrs. R. j. Ciii, Kingston Rd., R. R. 4 Bowmanville. 142-tf. Bright girls ta learn knitting previous experience nt neceSsary, good workiug conditions. This is an opportunity to learu aý high class occupation paying good wages. Apply' Thomson Knttîng Co., Bowmanville. 29-t ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-i Daveuport. Apply te G. A. Knight, ConceSSion-s1., Bowmanville. 42-2 FOR'SALE-QuantitY of corn iu stock. Appiy te J. K. Valleau, Base Uine, Bow- mauville, phone 311. 40-tf FOR SALE-Kitchen Table and Small Beln Coali Heater. Apply toMrs. C. Mc- Feeters, Church-st., Bowmailile. 42-tf WINDMILL-in good condition. No further use for same. Wiil seil choap. Apply F. C. Vanstone, Bowmauville. 41-3 FOR SALE-Six-year old heavy mare. :.pply to C. M. Lowden, lot 7, con. 8, BUY COAL NOW Now i. the tUrne ta buy coai. Plenty of Nut and Furnace Coai et C. N. R. Tyrans Station. R. H. Claot Pharies 146-rS, 181 -r12, Bowrnanville ,l 29-tf BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 27th., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Edith Bennett is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. D. W. Shearer, Toronto, visited hier mother ,Mrs. M. Holland. Miss Fern Mclntyre, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. D. Davis', Beech Ave. 'Mîs. Herb. Jamieson has returned from a pleasanit visit with friends at Tara. Mis. C. H. Mathews, Cedardale, was recent guest of Mis. Geo, Cornîsh, Salem. Mis. Lewis Jollow has returned from two weeks' visit with relatives at Blairton. Miss J. E. Rundie is visiting lher cousin, Mis. F. G. Cowle, New York City, N. Y. The Church of Christ will hld its annual Bazaar 'on Wednesday, No- vember 30th. Mr. Harley Percy, Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Percy. Watch for supper menu-5t. Pnul's lecture raom,-Thursday, No- vember i th. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Westaway have been visiting at Mr. Rager Fîsh- leigh's, Toronto. Mrs. G. M. Trewin and son Bill, Oshawa, has been visiting Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. Miss Ida Weekes, Toronto, is visit- ing hier brother and sister, Mr. Geo. and Miss Edith Weekes. 1 1 Mi. and Mrs. John Lyle and Mr. R. H. Elliott visited Mr. John Cowan Cartwright, ou Sunday. Visit the roQms of the "Hanse Beautiful" in St. Paul's lecture îoom, Thursday, November i th. Mrs. Thos. Bottreli has been visit- iug hier dauglter, Mrs. Eugene Dopp, Toronto, who has been very ill. A Rummage Sale will be held on Friday, Nov. 4th at 3 p. m. at St. John's Parish Hall. Afteruoon tea 1 5c. Mrs. J. H. Cavanagli and son Wil- liams, Toronto, speut the week-end1 with hier aunt, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st. Mr. and Mis. R. H. Elliott, Jean1 and Jack, and Miss Bertha Osborne,; Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr.i. John Lyle's. Thë' talk of the town is the- veryi stylish stock of ladies' coats at Couch,Ï Johnston & Crydermans. Be sure and see them. Mrs. W. Hobbs has handed us a1 raspberry bîauch on October 25 with five ripe bernies. How's that'for Ontario climate? Rev. L. E. Zavitz, pastor of the Churých of Christ, is attending the meeting of the Ontario Religious Council at Brantford. 1AIl pensons, maie or female,, 21 years of age and British subjects, de- siîing ta vote-must attend in persan before the Registrar, Miss Elva Virtue is visiting hier mother,,Mrs. John W. Vintue sister and brothers, at the old farmstead1 northeast of Tyrone. Members of True Blue Lodge wl hold a Euchre Party on Friday, Nov. 4th., in the Foresters', Hall. Good prizes and good lunch. Admission 2 5c. Mr. and Mrs Cf. J. Rundie and family, Mrs. Alun and Mrs. Witheî- idge motored to Valentia and spent the week-end with Mi. and Mrs. Howard Grills. Dr. and Mrs. F C Trebîlcock and Miss Mari orie Trebilc'ock and Mi. Arthur J. Tiebilcock, Toronto, spent the week-end wîth their parents, Mr. and Mis, P. C. Trebilcock. Next regular meeting of Bowman- ville Women's Institute wîll be heid on Friday, October 28 at 3.30 p. m., at the home of Mis. Frank Oke, King- st. Eveîy member tîy ta be present. Meeting in charge of Mis. F. Jack- man aud Mrs. G. A. Gillespie. Miss Annie Reddon, Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss Mary Hume. Mr. and Mis. Hilton, Bagleson and babe of Cobourg ,Miss Myrtle and Mi. Ray Eagleson, Cold Springs, spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. H. Brock and other frends. The Woman's Guild of St. John's Church are having a bazani and sup- per on Fîiday Ot 28. Lantoîns and faces for sale for. the children. Menu:- Ham and Veal, Meshed Potatoos, jellies, cake ,bread and butter, tea. Pumpkin and apple pies, ice creamn, Aduits 50 cents, Childion, 35 cents. 41-3w. Mi.- H. A. Chamberlain, the well- known coal and minhng mian, eccomp- anied by his broker Mr. N. S. McGib- bon, Toronto, were in town this weok. Whihe, no0 definite information was given it is apparent that their mission was of importance and they expeet ta ho in town again in the course of a woek when details of thoir visit -will be made public. KING'S PRINTER'S VERDICT Point worthy of attention, has been brought before the public in the past few weeks by the announcement from the King's Printer at Ottawa, that boththe Provincial and Domin- ion ruling was to eff ect a change in the charge f or legal advertising of al kinds. Henceforth the charge is ta be twelve cents and eight cents per hune instead of ten cents and five ~cents as previausly used. The an- nouncement comes thraugh the Cana- dian Weekly Newspapers Association. BIEN HO 1KEA (0f Honolulu Hawaii) and lis HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA at the SKATING RINK, OSHAWA MONDAY, OCTOBER 31st Concert and Dance Dancing fromn 8.30 to 1 a. m. Concert During Intermission ADMISSION $1.00 No extra charge for dancing Special CAPT. G. F. MORRIS 1 who will tell of the Leebîugge Raid in picture and'staîy ut the Royal Theatre, Bowmanvilhe, Fniday nîglit.1 For Saturday Only. We will show in our window on Saturday, October 29th only, a number of Kitchen Chairs, regular price $1,25 Special1 at $1000 each. Also a quantity of Kitchen Chairs, regular price $1.40 Special Sale $1.1 5 each. These are not old stock or in any way dam- aged, but bright new goods just in from the f act- ory, away below f actory prices of to-day, FOR CASH AND SATURDAY 'ONLY F".9F9 mORRI&VSCO Furrâture; Dealers & Funeral Directors Bowmanville And Orono WITH THE COMMUNITY NURSE Caîl and see the now silk dresses and wool dressop just receivod at "How do I keep busy?" iiWhy that Couch, Johuston & Crydenmau's.- is net difficut", reports the nurse this week. "One of the busiest Progressive Euchrç. wihl be held i times of the day is betwoen 1 and 2 the Fonestor's Hall, Bowmanville, on p. m., when I am in my office, receiv- Friday, November 4th., under the ing mothers or any who wish te con- auspices of Beaver Loyal True Blue sult me about themselves or their Lodge. Refreshments, good prizos. childien". Admission 25c. 41-4w Many mothers visited that littie office last week, and the nurse was FRENCH CONVERSATIONAL able to give advicoeand help in var- CLASSESý ious ways. Mrs. Jones, was very wornied about about five year old Will those desiriaus of learning ta Mary being so small and thin. After pronounce and speak the Frenchý tahking it over, a plan was formed language send in their naines ta T. and it was arranged that Mary wasI. Bruce, B.A., who is starting classes ta be fed regular meal times only, in French Conversation Address: and for the present she is to do with- Bowmànville. 43-t out pie, ice cream and candy between meals. For breakfast aie is to ho givýen mihk, ajnd oatmeaýî porridge CARD 0F THANKS witl same bread and butter. For dinner in the middle of the day, sie Mis. John Cale has returned home is ta have a nice bowl of soup made froni Bowmanvihle Haspital after a with all kinds of vegetablos, carrots, vry seiaus aperation. 'She is im- onions, turnipa, beans and peaul ban- proving nicehy and desires ta thank loy and perhaps a little meat. Thon her many fîieuds for their kind en- she cen have sen ice pudding made quinies and for the beautiful fiowers with milk and a drink of milk or received. Alsa ta thank the Supt. water. Sometimes instead of soup, and nuises of the Hospital and Nurse Mary wîhl have a nice soft hailed egg Howard, the spocial niglit nurse, for and a baked potato with butter an their very great kinduesses and at- it, somtimes it wilho a little meat tentions. instead of egg. For tee, bread and butter, beked ANNOUNCEMENT apple, some cereal or milk toast and_____ a cup of mlk. Mary's mother is I wish ta annaunce that I have sold going ta cook the porridge averninght My business knawa as "The Repair because it testes se much nicer when Shop", Tompeiance-st., ta Mr. F. J. it has been caoking for thîee or foui Ratcliff of Stouffville, the change ta louis than if it is made in a hurry, take place November ist. Mr, Rat- and besides it is much more digest- cliff cames very iigly necommended ible. and will carry an a Machine Shop and Anothen motier las a baby aine goneral 'ropair business. I take this montîs aid and wants ta wean it, se oppartunity of thanking my many she came ta ask the nurse about it. customers for their liberal patronage Muny mothers think that it is a very and bespeak for my successor a con- quick and easy thing ta wean a baby tinuance 'of your trade. and that as soon as the bab'y sees1 A. E. Gives, and wants the food that grown ups BoWvmanville, Oct. 25, 1921., 43-i eat, that it is quito alright ta givo ________ it ta him. Mothers should net for- get tînt Baby's digestioa is a very HOME NURSING CLASS deicate ittle machine thet will oas- ily get out of aider, se tînt many Monday evoning a Home Nursingi things. that are good food for adultsitJlass was formed by Miss Heeley. are very harniful taei, nthough The aim is ta gain elementary know- ho may like tho tuste and appear te Iedge in nursing, ta be of service in digest theni. cases -of accident on illnesg, or siglit- Semi-salid and solid food should ness of aliment. To be prepared in be given very gredually, bis chief . time of ueed ta render assistance ta article of food, until le is eigîteen the cammunity and ta be spieaders montis ohd being milk. of gospel of Public Health. Thes area fw oftheprobems Mis. Oliver was chosen President Thes ar a ew f te poblnisand Miss Matha Jurvis, Secretaîy. presented in tint hour fromi 1 ta 2 Next two week's meetings will be p. m. daihy. held Tuesday eveuing in Council Thon, of course, the regular wark Rooni. Miss Hleehey will give taiks at school, and the visiting- in the and pructical demonstrations in bed- homes go on as usuel. In tuis con- side nursing. nection too, every day brings new Dr. Hazhewood wilh give a short work, and new friends for "Publice'lecture oaci week, Young ladies HealtI" and the Cammunity Nurse.1wishing ta join attend November i u t 8 P. ni. IN MEMORIAM In loviug momory of my dear busbaud and father, WJliamt E. Jew.ell, who pass- ed awuy on October 25, 1920. Our family circle is broken A8aither our happy home, A a le ear, a husband true Front loving ones bavd gane. Lifes golden card is severedl, Ris soul from eartb bas fled, That faithfui ane sa dear toa ah Ts uumberod with the doad. Now ail within aur happy home is still, Yet fast the moments dv:; This lifo bs but a passing dreamn, He'll welcome us ou high . Ever remembered. Wife and Famlly.. DEATHS PLAIN-Iu Toronto, October 19th, Elilas Plain, aged 87 years. ARKG UE-In Cartwright, aon Saturday, Oct. 22, Robert Argue, agefi 70 yeare. BURR-At Cosara, October 19, Myrtle, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burr. WORPEN-At the Lakeview Hospitai, Ceveland, ou Sept. 30, Nellie VanCamp, widow of the late W. H.- Worden, lu her 67th year. SYE R-At Janetville, Oct. 18, Charlotte, beloved wif e of the late Thomas Syer, lu her 85th year. Mother of Mrs. John Lane, Bowmanville. WATSO N-In Thurlow township, neari Belleville, Oct. 23, Richard D. Wvatson,' aged 82 years. Father of Mrs. (Rev.) E. W. Tink, Newtonxoille. K NICH T-At Lake View Farm, Dari- ingtou, on Thursday, Octabor 2th, 1921, Mary Colwill, widow of the late James Kuigbt, lu ber 93rd year. A LLIN-At Corbetton, on Sunday, Oct. 16, 1921, Nathaniel B. Allun, lu bis 74th year, brother of Mrs. Anna Elford and Mrs. Kate- Wight, Bownianvîlle. JAMES-In Oshawa, ou Mon ~, Oct. 24, Sylvia Eyrlene, infant dauZhter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oke James. Iu- terredidn Bowmanviile Cemnetery. GRAHAM-At Cairn Brogie Farm, Claremout, Oct. 24, Mary Armstrong, widow of the late Richard Graham, lu ber 57th year. Mther of Graham Bras., the well-kuowu horsemeu. $2.90 each, $5.60 per pair $3.50 each, $6.,50 per paîr Khaki Flanuel Shirts $2,00 to $2.75, ahi wooh underwear, $1.00 per ganmont, Shoots 3 yards and 2 yards, $2.50 each, Single Bed Spreuds $1,50 oach, Socks 30e per pair, Fatigue Breeches $2.00 ta $3.00, Putties, Great Coats, Hayer Sacks, Modal Ribban and Brooches. ALL GENUINE ARMY GOOZPS NOTE THE ADDRESS F.'E. 21 PRINCE-ST. Wonderful DUR ILU, OSHAWA 1 mi -'- Coats In Suede Velour and Super Suede ]EXCEPTIONALLY 'LOW PRICED Another large shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Coats just arrived for your approval. These coats are of the newest materials with fur trimmings, lined throughout with fancy and plain linings. They are ,the newest in style and many are individual models. You will flnd every coat wonderful values, exceptionally low priced from $2P5u,00,, to $65,00) SPECIALS FROM THE DRESS GOODS DEPT Shepherd Check, 40 inches wide for kiddies - dresses, Verý special ...................89c a yard Swiss Muslin in small check and embroidered dot, 27 inches wide, for tea aprons, special 49c'yd A newr assortment of Val and'11orchon Laces and Insertions, from.......................... 5c to 25c yd. Madras for Draperies, just a f ew pieces left, clearing at...................................... $1.25 yd Chenelle Trimming in ahl the newest at ............................................. .... 8c ayd Special shipment of Prints to clear this week at.......................... 23c yd Fiann elette Blankets in best quality and- low priced .......1214, $3.00, I1144, $2.50, 1014, $2.00 Our Linoleums and Oilcloths are steadily clear- ing at exceptionally low prices. Linoleum at90c sq., yd. and Oilcloth ...................55c sq. yd. Ladies' Ail Wool Vests and Drawers, special this week to clear at ...........................49c each Flannelette in dark, stripped and white, to clear at ......... _................................... ..... 20c ydI 1Heather Hose, in ahl mixtures, best quality, all sizes, ......................................... $1,25 pair Ladies' Chamois Gauntlet Gloves, very dressy - and the newest thing, price $3.75 pair, and finer quality .......................................... $4.50 pr Grey Gauntlet Chamoisette Gloves, ah sizes, to clear at... ................................. $1.25 pr S>. W. 'Mason & Son OPPOSi ite the Standard Bank Bowmanville PhO-ne los6 BIRTH3 HOAR-In Bowmanvîile Hospital, Oct, 24. ta. Mr. aud Mrs. Everett V. H-oar, Deor- lington, a sou. CA NN-At Campbelicroft, October 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Caun, a daugbter, (Wilma), Olive Xean. MARRIAGES JOHNSTON-MATTRAM-In St. John's Church, Bowmanville, Oct. 18, by Rev. C. P. Muirhead. Mr. Welford.Johnston and Miss Mattram of Winslow, Cheshire, Eug- land. ;loi BRAND NEW i Ai Wool Army Blanketsj Weigh over 4 lbs. each, treble the warmth and wear of an I ordinary Blanket and' haîf the cost. I Christmas Cheer Will Soon 'Be Here Already people are coming ito rny store, al- rnost daily, looking around for gifts suitable for Christmas presents. Sorne are rnaking selections 110W and having the gifts laid aside to be called for later. Nearly every day new goods are arriving, so corne in as often as you like. We are always pleased to show you the goods even if you'are flot just ready to buy. Alex, Elliot JEWELER.-WATCHMAKER-ENGRAVER King St. E. Phone 207 Bowrnanville -m'la zzv- 1