TheDouble Track Route- betwedn Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parler cars on the principal day trains Pull information fromn any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hornlng District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 3. 1-L. H. JURY, Azent Phone 78 Bwail DJuoctorsov Give Un Mits Case of Eczema Woridarful recePer>' of a very ich man This la one of the rnany striking stories we are publiqhing ofwhat the D. D. D. prescription hccrpishing arnong C4nadian sufferers. Cases frorn your own neighborhood will be sent em application. ..j was laid up Il winter with weep-. ing eczerna. 1 tried every doctor in reach. Both hands, arms and legs to my lusses were a sight. I have used several botties of D. D. D. and arn well of the terrible disease. D. D. D. is certainly cbeap after the doctors."-Peter Mer cer, Pt. Burwel. Ont. TU e lrst drop of D. D. D. and the itch iei 0oae. Yourmroney bacis if the ir;t bottie dees mlot relieve vo. 51.00 a bottie. Try D. D. D 5oap, too. IME totioh fôbr Skin t'isease JURY & LOVELL DRUGGISTS BOWMANVILLE ARE YOU A TIRED, WORN-OU3T WOMAN? Every Womnan Needs a Torde and Nervine at SomIe Period of Her Life Toronto, Ont. - "As a tonicý and bujideýr 1 cati bighly recommend Dr. Pierce's' Favorite SPrescription to tired and n- down women. 1 asm the mother of s"ght children and tave freque*itly iad need of such a tonic but did et kiccv what to ~ "~take until îny sis- ter gave me some " -t~ of the 'Favorite Prescripti on,e which she herself had found to be good. It was exa ' nty the tonic mny system requIrýed and one tottie did, wonders for Ime, s ttci te pleasure ttn teliing othr lie b , that they wi give the 'IYu a trial and b<' henelitedbeen."-Mrs. Elizaber i r* 1M Guario st. 1IEALTH IS N . -~AL TO YOU HL arVl '~ Lond , Ct[nytgivrecon-m mend Dr. Fîres)avorite Prescrip- tion to C t teceîmoth r. 1 was in a teibl u x, state, Was very we k aLnd îie'vous and suffcred withn ~i a-, i, ~ab1euntîl I bgantaitîî .ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, batit ny rrength re- turned x mik1 y ard my general health e as e te Gr taking I. My baby wi s sh-ri ,ý bealthy, too, and bas never s cri a sick day."- Mrs. H-arry MarruIs 1% Williamn St. Go ta ý oui D eJ' hborbeod drug store at once and obt, iin this Prescription of Dr. Pýerae's tiar or lquid, or send 10c, te Dr. }icee's Labora-Iory ia Bridgeburg, Onýt., for trial pkg. tablets and rlüe fom free confidential medicai î' o THE "LIFTUP" (Patented) ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in conformity with the science of Anatomy. Tlhe"LIFTUP " a patented invention wth non-slip elatîc inside belt. gently supports the abdomen and is very beneficial for use aiter an oper- ation involving an abdominal incision, Most effective in relieving those physical alments froim which many women auffer. WRITE for useful hints on fi' ad elf.meusuremenî, FREE, Tise genaine piatented «'LIPTUP" JLa DIAS5 CORSET made only l'y WISAS CORS1ETS-8-8-- OarP PHONE MAIN 3700 CORSETS ORONO FAIR PRIZE LIST (Continued from Oct. l4th.) SHORTHORNS Judge-John Baker, Hampton. Bull, 3 years and over-J. F. Os- borne, W. F. Rickard, Thos. Harness. Bull, one year-S. C. Alliai. Bull Calf-W. F. Rickard, S. C. Allîn. Bull Caîf jr.-W. F. Riekard, J. F. Osborne, Ervin Rainey. Milch Cow-J. F. Osborne 1,2,3, W. F. Rickard. Heifer one year-W. F. Rickard, J. F. Osborne. 2 and 3. Heifer Calf-J. F. Osborne, S. C. Allin, W. F. Rickard. Heifer Caif jr.-S. C. Allia, W. F. Rickard. llerd-J. F. Osborne, W. F. Rick- ard. BEEF GRADE MilcIt Cow-F. Allun & Son, i & 2, Howard Allun. Heifer, 2 years-J. F. Osborne, H. Allin 2 and 3. Heifer 1 year-J. F. Osborne. Heifer Calf-F. Allun &, Son, C. A. Chapman, F. Allun & Son. Steer 1 year-F. Osborne 1 and 2. Steer 2 years-F. J. Osborne. HOLSTEINS' Judge-A. J. Tamblyn, Orono. Bull 3 years-A. A. Gibson. Bull 1 year-R .H. Brown. Bull Calf-R. H. Brown 1 & 2, A. Gibson, F. Tamblyn. Bull Caîf jr.-F. Tamblyn, R. H. Brown, D. J. Gibson. Milch Cow-R. H. Brown, F. Tam- blyn, R. H. B. Brown, A, Gibson. MilcIt Cow, 3 years-R. H. Brown, A. Gibson, S. D. Yeo. Heifer 2 years-A. Gibson, F. Tamblyn. Heifer 1 year-A. Gibson,, F. Tamblyn. Heifer Calf-R. H. Brown 1, 2, F. Tamblyn. Heifer Calf jr.-R. Hl. Brown, W. Watsoa, R-. H. Brown, Geo. Robin- son. Herd-R. Brown, A. Gibson, F. TIamblya. JERSEYS MilcIt Cow-H. G. McDonald, E. Rainey, John Noden. Heifer 1 year-Jas. Branch. Heifer Caf-Jas. Branch, Mrs. D. Robb. DAIRY GRADE Heifer 1 year-Jas. Lycett & Sons Heifer Calf-S. D. Yeo. SHEEP Judge-Mr. C. Blackburn, Newcastle SHROPSHIREDOWNS Aged Ram-L.,Skinner & Son 1, 2, Jas. Lycett & Sons. Shearling Ram-L. Skinner & Son 1 and 2. Ram Lamb-L. Skinner and Son 1, 2, 3.1 Aged Ewe-L. Sknner & Sonl,2, Jas. Lycett & Sons. Shearilng Ewe-L. Skinner & Son, Jas. Lycett & Sons. Ewe Lamb-L. Skinner & Sons 1,2 Balson & Son, won aIl prizes. Any other breed, fine wool-J. W. Balson won nîl prizes. N. Allia won ail prizes in Leicesters F. B. Glaspeil, Hampton, won al prîzes in Cotswolds. SWINE Judge-J. Allun, Newcastle YORKSHIRE Boar-Reg. Lovekin, C. L. Pow- ers, S. D. Souch. Sow i year-Reg. Lovekin 1 $ 2. Boar 1 year-C. L. Powers. Boar under 6 monts-C. A. Cbap- man, Reg. Lovekin. Sow under 6 months-N. ,Allia, S. D. Souch. Brood Sow-N. Allun, Geo, Cain, Reg. Lovekin. BERKSHIRE Boar-Lloyd Snowdena Bownian- -ville. Boar 1 year--Jas. Lycett & Sons. Sow 1 year-L. Snowden 1 and 2. Boar under 6 nionths-D. J. Gib- son 1 and 2. Sow do-L. Snowden, D. J. Gib- son. Brood Sow-L. Snowden 1 and 2. TAM WORTH Boar-il. Johns, Orono., dnA.lwiAll.1ý _ thma has no bold upon those wbc have learned to rely upon Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma- Remedy. Sc safe do they feel that complets re- liance is placed on this trus specific with the certainty that it will do aIl that its niakers dlaim. If you have not yst lsarned how safs you are witlh this preparation at hand get it to. day and know for yourself., PRIZE W INNER IN DEBATING CONTESTS J. STANLEY DIX, Little Britain We have pleasure la noting that Mr. J. Stanley Dix of Little Britain, who was recently niarried to Miss Candace Claree elder daughtelr od Rev. G. R. Clare ,a former pastor of Newcastle Methodist Church, was ons of the prize winners in a series of debating contests held last winter in South Victoria. There are four townships la the rid- ing. Mr. F. G. Saudy, M. P. P., for South Victoria, and father of the "Sandy Bill", was desirous of developing the public speaking abil- ities of the young mien of bis constit- uency he eacouraged and promoted a series of debates by townsbips, the waenrs la eacb, debating finally for the county cbampionship. The two county prize winners won $10 in gold each, aad a fountaîn pen, and the townsbip prize winers eacb won a valuable fountaîn pen. Mr. Sandy the public spirited pro- moter of these eries of debates and donor of the prizeg is an uncîs of Mrs. Howard Cook of this village. --Wh-y-nct -ha-urr eries-next- winter la Durbam? The education- ai advantages of debating cannot be overestimated ,the search for know-- ledge, the accumulating of facts, the arranging of the subject matter and then, standing up and speaking to an audience is splendid intellectual ex- ercise for any young man. Physical training is good but the intellectual should not be neglected by anyone in this age of democracy. No mat- ter how much knowledge a man may have, or how strong bis convctions on any subie ct may be, it avails littie if he cannot convince others. Let's bave more debates and develop some local speakers of force and fiuency. TO MAKE A DAY HAPPY littie smile, some cheerful words, A happy greeting to the sun; A thought of growing things and birds Whose ail-day song is just begun. A kindly word for fellers who You pass a-strugglin' on the road, A hunt fer lîttie thîngs to do An' mehbe highten ail their load. A psalm a-swellin' in your heart, When tapers in the west of day- Plumb glad that you have played your part- Content with your humble way. Some praise to God for restful sleep, Fer things thats gone, a thought o' sorrow- A hope for tender things that peep- An' hobin' for the same to-morrow. RAILWAY TIME TABLEb FOR BOWMANVILLE. Glrand Trunk Railway. Going East. Going West D Express 12.33 a. m. x Express 8.42 a. m. Express 4.22 D *Express,9.18 a. m. Express 5.38 D D Express 10.35 a m Pass'ngr 10.02 x x Passenger 3.09 p m Passenger 7.06* x Local 7.14 p. m. Passenger 7.13* D Mail 9.58 p nm. Passenger 8.16 x x Passenger 1.18 p mi Passenger 1.56* * Sundays only; x Daily except Sun- day; ! Flagged. Canadian Pacifie Railway Going East Going West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. m Express 2.36 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. m.* Local 10.08 p. m.* Express 4.40 p. mi. Express 12.20 a. m Express 7.42 p m* *Daily except. Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. Canadiau Ntional Railway. West Bound East Bound *8.15 a. m. *5.04 p. m. *Daily except Sunday. PITY THE POOR FARMIERS! Who Can Beat This for Production? Just to let the people outside this district sec what the farmers around here are doing we will give a rough estimate of the chie£ production on three adjoining farms of this locality. No. 1-600 bbls. of Pears, 300 bbls Spies, 500 baskets Cherries. No. 2-182,000 lbs beef, cattle, 140 tons of hay, 800 bbls apples. No. 3-8000 bbls. apples, 1000 bas- kets cherries, 2000 boxes bernies, 200 bbls pears. Besîdes the items mentioned there was the usual amount of grain, live stock, etc., produced. Surely this would not make a very good comparison picture for that dark drah one as pictured in the report of a certain Goiîernment man re the conditions of, Newcastle. LOST-THE SUMMER Where has the summer gone She was here just a minute ago With the roses and daisies To wbisper her praises And everyone loved her 50, Has anyone seen ber about? She must have gone off in the night And she took the best fiowers And the happiest hours And asked no, one's leave for the 1fight. Have you noticed ber steps in the grass? The gardens look red wbere she went By the side of the hedge There's a golden rod edge And the -rose vines are' broken and bent. Don't you think she is sorry she went? ~It seenis but a minute since May 1 was scarcely half through What 1 wanted to do 1 wished she had waited a day. Do you think she will ever corne back? I shall watch every day at the gate ~For, the robins and clover ,Saying -over- and OVr- 1 know she will corne if I wait. KENDAL (Received too late for last week) The King's Daughters entertaîned the Trail Rangers to a Hallowe'en party on Friday, October 28th. We are sorry to hear of the deatb of Mrs. (Rev.) E. W. Tink's father 1and extend our sympathy to ber in ber bereavement. We are pleased to welcome to our village and church Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son of Cobourg. We hope they will decide to make their permanent resi- deace here. Mr. S. Bryson is a cheerful and popular patient and his visitors are beginning to- think that a broken leg is not such a bad thing after al- not haîf as bad as a broken heart. The church service last Sunday morning was well attended and the missionary subscription list which was passed amound received a ready re- sponse froni the members of the con- gregation. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Mont Bickle, Canton, mot- ored to Orono and Keadal last Sun- day. They were especially taken with the picturesque his and valleys of North Clarke. .There was quite a blockade on the rond just west of Kendal, Sunday evening wben Mr. Harry Mercer of Orono broke an axie of his caàr and had to be assisted by Mr. William Jackson and Mr. Lorne Bell in re- moving the car from the ro4dway to the ditch. Dunbar aad Smith, apple-buyers, are shippiag, apples from 'Starkville Station tItis week and Mr. Blanchard is sbîpping potatoes from Osaca, on Friday and Saturday. The C. N. R. is certainly a great convenience to the people of this vicinity, MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Rev. Ge.o. W. Sparling who is home from China, will speak at the three Sunday School Institutes in this Dis- trict on November, 15, 16 and 17 and at the District Epworth League Con- vention in Orgno on Nov. 18 and will visit the indîvidual Leagues later. -Arrangen4-t-f&rane-m-be-made thru Rev. S. C. Moore, Bowmanville. T 7HE confidence which is universally reposed in theé Sun Life is proven by the fact that the Company now has Assurance in Force to the amount ofover rFive Hundred illions SURN il,4uLAzm HEADOFFIE-MNT A ,.DR CH SE Hias T aught the PGpie, T ME was when the family physician was the most prominent character in the community. A man of intelligence and ability, he commanded confidence and respect, and sacrifîced lis time, strength and pleas- ure for those who needed bis care and skill. These were the conditions when, after graduating from the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Dr. A. W. Chase settled down to practise bis pro- fession in that well.known college town. Every Man His Own Physician But the doctor soon got tbe idea that people should kaow bow to look after their own common Ills, and set about iu a large way to supply tbem witb the necassary informa- tion. By nieas of bis Receipt Book, tbe cir- culation of wbicb bas since rua into millions, and bis well-knowa Almanac and bookiets of many kiuds, Dr. Cbase bas spread tbrough- out the -civilized world tbe gospel of "Every Mass Ris Own Pihyscian." This plan enabled tbe doctor te devote bhis attention te more selous cases, and be soon became known fan and wide as a specialistinl the tneatment of diseases of the kidaeys, tbe liver, the beart and other vital organs of the buman system. The Dr. Chase Plan of Health To reacb patienta at a distance, the doctor had bis most successful prescriptions put up la bandy f ormfor mailing. aIn ie the deian d became so great that the doctor decided to give these great medicines to the public, and arranged for their sale tbnough the drug trade tbmougbout Canada and Use -United States. 1la this way Dr. Chasels, Kidaey-Liver Pilîs, Nerve Food, Ointment, Linseed aad Tupeatine, Catarrb Powder, and other medicines feunrd their way into general use, until now one or more of them is found lu almest every home In the land. Home Medicine& With these time-tried medicines at baud, you can feel that you are proteeted agaiast the common ilus of life by the most effective treatments wblcb Dr. Chase was a ble to dis- cover during a long lîfe of diligent study and research. Confidence in Dr. Chase Founded on Fis integrlty of Character ansd the Unusual Merits of Ris Medicines. If there was ever 'a physician who com- mnanded the confid ence of bis patients that physician was DR. CRASE. No one could mneet hlm and converse wltb him without realiag that bie was a man of skîll, wbo was lu love witli his profession aad enly aaxious to relieve the sufferîng and dis- ease of bis fellowmen. You cannot read the famnous Dr. Chase's Recelpt Book witbout appneciating the unUir- ing zeal of its author la seancbing out the best receipts and prescriptions which were known to the medical 'profession. 'Wbea bis attention was tumned to selectîng medicines to be placed on the market for public sale it was witb wbole-souled effort tbat hie tssted out the prescriptions wbicb hli considered most suitable for this purpose. And s0 it is that tfe îutsgrity of char- acter wbicb marked the efforts of DR. CHASE are indelibly stamped on every medi- dune wbich bears bis portrait and signature, and people bave leamasd to bave the utmnost confidence la theni because of the splendid resuits wbich tbey bave accomplisbed. Free Samples After long experience wîtb Dr. Chase's Medicines, we have found that people who try theni are soon convinced of their sxcep- tional mnits. We bave publlsbed thousands of letters to give you an idea of the benefits others bave obtained by their use, but If you are stili skeptical we shahi be glad to send you oun Free Combination Package. HORSE AILMENTS of many kinds quickly rernedied with DOUGLAS" EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. PREVENTS aLooD POISONING. CURES TIJEUSIt, FISTULA, SPRAINS AND BRUISES. The best ail around Liniment for the stable as well as for household use. KEEP IT HANDY. At ail Dealers and Druggists, Manufactured only by DOU GLAS & CO., NAPANBEE.Ont. r-- - -- - - - -- J FREE COMBINATION PACKAGE iEDMANSON, BATES& CO., ILrD., Dr. Chase BIdg., Toronto: J You wMf please send me free- One sample box Dr. Chase's Kiclney-Liver Pill. One sample box Dr. Chase'â Ointment.Ï J One copy Dr. Cbase's Recipes. ............................... Addres.............. ....... ............ tlM Name of this Paper.......... .................... Prov............... ........I le% stor