to preserve yoî1r health -- - best asset for rnaking life suçcessful1. Good digestion is al. important. The best way to insure it is Be,-echam's Pis. When the digestive organs fail, nu- trition is interfered with; blood is tainted, nerves suifer, headaches and minor ailments'multiply. A rel jable cleansing, corrective agent that acts quickly and with highly satisfactory resuits is ,,tI' S.ld everywhere in * Canada. P l In Boxes,25c., SOc. Zutoonu W )D'S PMOSPHODINEýI me Great fSnglish Preparatton. *Tones andI invigoratea the whole *nervous system. inakes nr Blopcd ýIn oid Veina. Used for ervous ,& ,e-Defrility, Mental andI Brain Worry, for $5., SoltI by nil druggists, or mailed in plain pk. on receipt of priçe. New pamphlt maileil freTNZ WGOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO,ONT. - I Makemww,-.,M-ý,mýa 1 De ndonthe Conditiona ofAï-Tn Winter layinr;b the mont profitable. To insure your pullets and brds iaying throUgh the Winter peiod otartfeeding -ODEHOUSE POULTRY INVIGORATOR N'OW. la addition to increaed egg production i ats as a spendid tonic and w111 tnaloe turdy, lealthy bird. Manufactured by WODEHOUSE INVIGORATOR LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONT. Sold mnd guaranteed by HARRY ALLIN, Bowmanville, Ont. Soine Aie Exlremely Necessaîy, Others May Net De Evety Woman Shoulcl Give Lydia E. Pinkhamn's Vegetable C'ompound a Trial First ChIcaof111-"I was in <'i ~ bedwitha femnale trouble and ~;* Inflammation and had four \ m aygood. *Theyal sai "l~~~ \ would have to have an oper- me to take Lydia E. Pink. S harn'$Vegetable Conipourd S and 1 took 22 botties, neyer *missing adose and atthe er of that tîrle 1 was perfeet1y well. 1 have neyer fiad occa- , sonit, take it again as 1 bave been so weil. I have a ~ ~ ~ six rooni flat and do al 'm' wr.My tWo sisters nic taking the Compound p) m-he gommpaitthand I wsl may pubiish my letter. It is *write to anv one wieo wnisr ' Il SAi"C'< St. t~ estirnony ea t;sý ont Une of tiiosa fortnate worneu Who Sh,-ve been restoredi ta Ilealihb y Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable doctors who ;,sd tbat I eto . s rever be aily btter until 1 had an. operas.ion. Apple 'tree Point Farm, Burlings.on, Vt. In miany aterarhave ben warcv ,e fr womenwho hera eaùtored by Lydianga E.omPnnhadmrve tabe tCoughpofnd ftoperation haTe long aeaby tto eng pysianrsoairt teghi ti ucsfi we E. peai them's PreaourTe, tBosofkthepon Aments Pecw.n ,i Woe r o e il e tte youare o cuon y reuat itcë LydidituýýýgaîlmE. P irsa Medicie C.Ly .nk ms Vachatt t 1 eatok Lcnta CPin varn s b1etrae omputlan.oprtoshv %JP Mind as a silage crop. The coin advocate said bu had coin 18 feet high, but the champion of the clover came rigbt back by stating that some of has sweet clo ver grew so big that one morning when he went to the field to get his cows be found Duncan's tur-- keys îoosting lu it. This was toc mucb for the corn advocate and bu took: to the coin field forthwitb. Apples Wanted We are prepared to re- ceive Peeling Apples at our plant iii Bowmanville for evaporating. Jno. A. Holgate & Son. rQUALIT-Y-FOODÎR It's flot volume, but quality in diet that aids healthful growthI Scott's Emulsion is a quality-food that many need to help tide over times of weak- ness. It's rich in the precious vitamines. AT AL.L DRUG STORES PRICE. $1 .30 and 65«:. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. -ALSO MAKERS 0F- tK1J1&N105' (TÊab3lets orGrnl) FOR 1N DI1G ESTIO10N CaDk's' COtton 1uot Compoun& A s afe, relia7le reuating mnedicine. Sold in three de- - grees of strength-No. 1, SI; No- 2, $3;- No- 2. $5 per box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent ppaid on reoeipt of puice. Fr7ee. pamphlet. Address. THE COOK< MrDlcîNE Go,, TORONTO. ONT. (Fouraeriy Windsr.) ~flVRNig t andMrnng. RaeCIoan. HuaIthy 11~ Eyas. Il they Tire, ~OR Itch, Smart or Burn. ifSore, Irr'tated, Ini- YOJR UEfiamed orGIranulated, useMurineoftel. Soothes,Refresles. Safefor Infant ormAuit.At ailDruggistm. Write NEWCASTLEt Miss S. A. Thonipson, Newtonvîile, is visiting with the Misses Drummond. Mrs, E. W. Rundie, Oshawa, visit- ed Mrs. H. S. Britton Monday after- noon. Mr. G. A. lloney is now sporting a new Ford purcisased in Toronto iast week. Mr. Davidson, Toronto, spent the week-end intown, guest of Miss Eva Deline. Mrs. Jos. Couison was called to Toronto owing to the serious ilîness of hier cousin, Mrs. Taylor. Miss Snively,, Supt. Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, is spending a f ew holi- days with the Misses Drummond. Mr. and Mrs. P.. Ranson, (nee Eliza Hunter), Belleville, spent the week-end wth hier mother, Mrs. Win. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs, E. T. Brittain, Tor- onto, spent Sunday at Mr. John Doug- las'. Mis. Brittain remaîned for a few days' visit. 1Mr. L. W. Thomas took arespitet froni his studies at Trinity College,1 Toronto, and ýisited bis parents, Mr.t and Mrs. W. F. Thomas, Beaver-st. The many friends of Mrs. J. L. O'Donnell (nee Noreene Quinlan) of Hlearst, Ont., are pleased to se ber in town this week. She, is spending a short holiday with bier uncle and aunt, Mix Pat Kunefick and Miss An- nie Kenefick. Dr. Coleman of Ontario, Ladies' Coliege, Whitby, accompanied, by Misses Coleman, Maxwell and M. E. Addison, motoîed down fîomn Whit- by and spent Sunday witb the Misses Drummond. Miss Addison remained over f or a f ew days' visit witb bier friend, Mis. W. E. Beman. The Higli Scbool Literary Society is busy at work on a good drama and expeet to be ready to present it to the public before Christmas. The Literary Society is a real live organi- zation and tbe public can Test as- sured that a treat la lu store when- ever they announce their play. Mr. D. J. Galbraith was in Tor- onto on business regarding the selI- ing of bis splendid di ove of beef cat- tie. He bas about 140 bead-many of which will weigb 1500 lbs. They are reported to bu tbe finest lot of beef produced in tbe Banner Town- ship of Clarke lu many a day. Mr. and Mis. W. H., Pearcu and family and Master Kennetb Peare motoîed to Oshawa Sunday and en- joyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Branton, f ormerly of Newcastle. Accoîding to report Newcastle is about to loose tbree bighly estuemed families in the near future. Mr. A. Gerry and Mi. Dell Cook are moving to Oshawa and Sid Holland is go- ing to Bowmanville. Messrs. W. H. Anderson andi Am- berson Gerry bave been appoîntefi to register tbe voters of Newcastle for tbe comîng Dominion Electors. if in doubt consuit either of the above gentlemen and they will give you ful inf ormation. Mrs.' Geo, Deline was called to Cloyne on Wednesday on account of the very sudden deatb of lier sister, Mrs. Aun Cuddy of tbat place. The community extend their sincere syni- patby to Mrs. Deline and ber fam- ily in their bereavement. Recent visitors at Mr. W. H. Pearce's were Mi. and Mrs. Russell Colwill and son Roy, Mr. and Mis. Harda and Mr. and Mrs. Howard al of Toronto. Mrs. Amos. MeMulIlen, Oshawa, ac- companied by bier daugbter, Mrs. Les- lie Harris and Mr. Harris of Toronto, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mis, Walter Rîckard. Max Stapleton wbile employed on tbe Provincial Bigbway with bis team, had tbe misfortune to bave one of his boises badly injured by being struck by an auto driven by the son of oui South Ward Alderman. Lest some of our readers would make a mistake wve will add that tbe acci- dent did not occur near "Shaws" but at "Law's". 1ev. J. E. Fenning had a sligbt mishap with bis car while attending bis flock in the northein part of the township. He was retuîning bome and on turning a corner bis, front wheel struck a large tone wbich cauaed "Lizzie" and the purson to land in the ditcb. Reut-a brok- en wind shiuld, and a badly frigbt- ened preacber. Mi. Norman Allin bas returned home from tbe "Show Circuit" witb bis fine flock of Leicester Sbeep. Norman reports that lie had except- ional succcesa in tbe Show Ring es- peciaily t Ottawa and aune tof tIhe larger shows. He, reports some ORONO NEWTONVILLE Prof. Sisson and famiiy are mak- iMr. W. J. Ovena is under the doct- ing arrangem-ents to move to their or's care. winter home lu Toronto this weuk. Glad to sue Mi. James Nesbitt ont Mr. and Mis. Loftus Bellumy and again afteî bis severe ilineas. chiid, Newtouville, were Sunday vis- Mis. Brock Pethick was calhing on htors ut Mi. and Mis. Guo. Wannan's. frienda on Monday ufternoon. We regret to report that Editor Mis. Milligan and Mis, Charlotte Cutteli feul from an applu true and Burluy continue in very poor health. dislocated bis left elbow.1 We hope Methodisrn la flourishing lu New- for a speedy recoveîy. tonvilie, 69 buing present ut Sunday Oui Gun Club bas arrangud for a School. camp in a Manvers woods for a rab- Mi. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Bow- bit bunt this wuek. We trust the mianville, are visiting bier' mother. Boys wili bave a good outing and lots Mis. Geo. Bancock. of gume. Villagurs were shocked on Tues-1 Miss McCutchuon, a bigh achool day morning to huai of the sudden! pupil, was operated on recently for death of Mi. Archie McNeil. appendicites. A week ugo she pie- We extend oui congratulations to sided ut tbe organ ut the Engiisb Mi Alfred Wesley Grabami, son of Church anniversary. We ail wish Mis. John Graham,. wbo was recent- bier a speedy recovury.1 ly presented to the court and bas been Whîle returning froni bis fathur' 5 called to the Bar by Convocation bu- home late Sunday night Mr. Harryj ing on the fiat of the judge sworn lu Mercer met thîee men in noîtb end and enîolled as Baîrister-ut-Law. of the towu motoring slowly. As1 The sincere sympatby of this com- they lookud like suspicious characteismniyluxnddtMr.(ev)E Harry kept close tub on thum untilimnt seeddtoM.(Rv)E theyleftoui urg.W. Tink of this village in the deatb Mi. M. C. urbal'snugom.i ortlerb thrRichard D. Watson, a Mr.M. . alls ew om inNoth el-knwn resident of Thurlow Ward is rapidly taking shape, roof Township wbo died on Sunday, Oct. now on and being rushefi ut top 23. Decuased was 82 years of age speed by contractor Jno. Green. and passud away in the family home This hc(use lasi beautifully (ituated in wbich bue was boru. 1He was f or overlooking our town and when coni- somne time a member of Thurlow piete Mi. Hall wili have a fice 10- Township Council and a trustee of cation for bis home. the school section in whicbh le ru- In ternai parasites lu the shape of .sided. A yeur ugo Mi. and Mis. woîms in the stomach and bowuls of Watson commemoîuted thuir golden childien sap their vitality and retard wudding. A widow and thrue daughi- physîcal development., Tbey kuep turs, Mrs. J. G. Silis, of Foxboro; Mia. the child in a constant stute of unreat Tink of Nuwtonviile, and Miss Olivia and, if not attended to, endanger 1f e. ut home, survive. The child cun bu spared mmdl sufer -________ ing and the mother mucb aeuiety by uaing a ruliable worm remedy, such as MilIr's Worm Powders, which are Mother Graves' Worm Exterminat- sure deatb to woims. or will drive worms fîom the system without injury to the child, because Mr. Elias Plain who recently left its action, while fully effective, la oui village tu spend the winteî witb miîd. bis childien lu Toronto diud very suddenly in that city on October 19. Be died ut theu ripe old age of 87 yuuîs. Be raised a large fumily who live in diff erent parts of the Domin- ion. Bis remains were bîougbt bure 'for interment Friday ufturnoon. An other ruai estute deal took place exan ed hen ord Standard-h plac exuawek wben Mi.SWndaCr- r i Bank building whîcb bue bud recently bougbt, with C. G. Armstron fi h What we have to present miliiuery store whc wilyseofhsco make fine property for Mi. Cornish'yte whofe questiow in bis business. We congratulatu h hleqeto Mr. Cornish lu aecuîîng this splendid ini this counîtry fro location. he or she is decidi Mi. C. G. Armnstrong who bas beun poorly of lute we are pluased to re- port is gaining lu flesh and spirit. Charle la a citizen we cunnot aford 7 ~HE vital issue in the cor to bau uand we hope bue wili be spared .~ in fact, the only issue- f or many years to corne. Bis joilyan oeryca ti arnile and jovial humor makes us ail sol ad toeveriy cleari fuel btter to sue hlmi around us us-itsodburalypar ual on oui street, tective Fiscal Policy is abso' Youî Borne Medicine Chet- to stability, progress and de Arnong the standard bousehold reme- vr imotncuty dies that sbouud always -bu un landEvr imotn cutr in your home medicinu chuat, none upholds Protection as an is more important thun' Dr. Thomnas' flomic principle. Even Gie Eciectric 011. Its manifold useful- long the stronghold of FrE nesa in rulieving pain and bealing now adopted laws that s sickness la known by muny thousands tection of the mnost effectivs tbroughout the land. Alwuys use Dr. Thomas' Eclectîic 011 for reliev- the present policy amongr iug rbeumatic andi sciatîc pains, treat- towards raising their tariff % ing soie throats and chesta, cougha, ing themn. In the face of buins, scalds, cuts, bruises and would be suicidai for Canad spiains. the reverse and discard thE This culuar thiuving for wet goods' hc a enr-pnil ha bucome quitu a £ad, but the f uî- wihhsbe epni low wbo imbibes too mucb and gets durlng the past forty-three uncborud there and bis pals bave to Fiee Trade would mean corne to drag hlm out gives tbe whoie adian Industry. It woukd busine~ss uwuy. This huppened ath imeaecosgdo f uw weeksaugo when the chief suai-th m eaeclsgdo ud some of thu long green ont of a plants of foreign firmns, w. victim for eeteing bis bosom friend's additional unemployment. T cellur on a.cider bunt. 650 Amnerican factoîles al( Mussis. Win. and Burry Thoînton Simnilar proposed venturesi were in town caîling on oid fîlenda doned. New capital wouic last week. Barry lives lu Vancouv- er, B. C., and Bihlu Peturboro. They' visited Mr. O. A. Gurnsby ut Linton- Meighen stands four hurat, us 1Bill suid bue could not go the people--and asks home without hearing Caspur, sing and agriculture thai hlm one of bis populai sluctions. We weie piuused to sue the boys look- vidual prosperity depq iug so wuIl and prosperous. and Canada's very ei Fresh Supplies lu Dumand.-i Wbeîever Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie' 010 bas buen introduced iecieusud aup-1 plies bave buen oîderud, sboweng thut wbeîever it gous this excellent 011 imprussus its power on the people. No mtter in wbat latitude it ntay bu fouud its potuncy la neyer impâired. it la put up la most portable shape lu botties and eau bu cuiried witbout M fear of brueakage. F inancial Adviser'ý- ASan inistitution with fin't hand kr" iaca akt thm u ~sA îc~ s Managers of broad experience an.J ment, this Bank ia in a position toîre 1î---u,- advice on investment and other me.jïey xmadýers L its patrons. STANDARD 5FR Vl CE j, Comrkoasîve Financial Service THE STANDAmnlRD BANKI2% or CANAD& s TOTAL ASSETS OVER1 Bowmanviile Branch: Blackstock Brauch: NINETY MILLIONS Geo. L Hall, Managea. E. A. Preston, Manager. R. F. AITCHISON, Manager. 9decide îs this-Are we going t continue the protecticvet wntry or are we npt PTht is te question and that is ). And the great, big, necessar thing is that every ivoter rom the Yukon to Halifax knows that this is the question ding when he or she votes in this great contest."- -ARTH UR MEIGHEN -on d be tion. by a' ato ntly ida's Itin i în. iore lme irm, and 'Will :ade 9by rmer ient 9t. lDm0 esuit The National Liberal and Conservative Party Publicity Oommitteej Dming election- to a Country lacking adequate proteci e-is the Tariff, and preseut industrial enterprise would Inking Canadian promptîy strangled by foreign competit -nt that a Pro- lutely essentli The preservation of the home market 1 levelopment. Reasonable'Protective Tariff is vital both city -dweller and agrarian alike-r îin the world as neyer before. More capital is urgei r essential e'o.- needed for'the development of Canai reat Britain-so enormous resources, which will resul ree Trade-has a lessening of unemployment and an ionstitute Pro- creased population. More work andidri re kind. In fact, workers wlll produce an enlarged ht most nations îs mar'ket for products of both city and fa wvalls, flot lower- and the exodus of Canadian, mon )f these facts it women-and the dollars they earn- ida to do exactly be precluded. se fiscal system e for its progress Th'e United States has slammed her ti ayears. door in the face of Canadian farmers deat ~ an- adopting the Fordney Bill, and the far dv lo resuit in is consequently now even more depenh Canadian upon the home market than in the pas xith consequent Yet Crerar asks you to destroy that hg rhere are to-day market by voting for Fiee Trade. lone in Cafada. wouid be aban- King's policy-if he bas on.-will re i refuse to come in the destruction of the Tarif!. r square for Reasonable Protectîon-Protec,ion for Ai .s for an overwhelmiîng mandate to, give b~oth industry ýt assurance which will speil prosperlty for ,%IL Imi. pends upon National prosperity. Yo6ur personalhinteresfs Bxistence hang upon your vote. "MARSHALL"' The MattressLuros 'VOh. What a Difference in the Cong The, deepest, most refreshing, sleep, that makes you meet the morning mentally and physically refreshed, is gained only by com- plete relaxation on a "Marshall." It yields ta every curve of the body, supporting every part of the ana- tomy gently but firmly. Marshall Products are Sanitary and Guaranteed .Marshall Hair Top Mattress Marshall Cotton Top Mattress Marshaldown Mattress Marshalfelt Mattress Dandy-ly-on Mattress Fleur-de-lis Mattress I Bowmanville - Ontario PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES SIf -kept in your home, fire or thieves myrob you of them. you about the protection afforded by THE ROYAL BA"NK 0FOr"CANADA 1 oý YOur F. F. MORRIS CO.