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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1921, p. 12

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SCHOOL COMMUNITY WORK. its surroundings. Hie will enjoy, too, a certain responsibility in this respect. Miss Hazel Clark Gave one of the A school which is the pride of the Most Outstanding Addresses at the children is sure to be the pride of the Recent Teachers' Convention ini Bow- parents, and it will not be long before manville. even the, children will be forming ________plans to beautify their school. Editor's Note: Few subi ects are . found them intensely interested more timely nt the present period than in the question of remodelling and lias a far f ier Iavouri oQr China Green. Tea? be convin.ced. Add Yo W Ail kinds of fresh n ity at the very lowest pric àof your patronage is soli HOME-MADE1 WTe have again star Head Cheese for which demnand. WilbertJ Horsey Block Plione 225 Your lleating; The scientifie heating., the Pipeless Furnace. your house in the same w earth-by natural circul,- the same amount of woc4 to heat.two or three roon culates from its one sing' of warrnth, and maintair mosphere ail over the hc Easy to Instaill No Plur ESTI MATES GI Greenawal Consulting, Phone 18 day or night McCLELLAN & King St. E. BUY COAL NOW Now la the time to buy coal. Ple nty of Nut and Furnace Coal at C, N. R. TyTone Station. R. H. ÏCollacott, 1 ?hones 146-rg, 181-r12, Bowmanville 29-tf1 Thisddrss dalswit actal er: hatgren, being one of Nature's fav- formances in S. S. No. 21, Stewart's orite colours, is very restful to the School, Clarke Township, and is wor- eye. But on the interior decorating 886 thy of attention of ail persons inter- of our school-room where green walls, ested in the people's welfare in every green ceiling and green chairs glared îcommunity. Read it carefully. at one from morning until night, we Miss larksaîdfail to recail any very pleasing effect on our part. th--an that 01 an.y Japan Madame President, Major Saider AfrhodnacnetadCri- Sedfor a sample ad adflo-eces uhhsbe mas Bazaar we found we had enough Send ~~~said regardîng the schoolasacmtbu -uiycentre and the part that it mne epitncsaya Eress-Salada, Toronto. mutT well as a contribution towards the should play in the if e of the commun-mki ooune cpoasan ity. 1 believe that we cannot over- aigooune cpordad estimate the value of such a school a-ai eietiw a nve It is the training-ground of the men nwbakorswil eesrl -morowan . s sehneeded. Our wants seemed, great and women of to-mro n ssc and f ar from being suppied, unleasb should have but one aim-the pro- very gradualîy. MJRAE.C EI V-OWk lob ~duction of good citizens., rl tsee htwhahic- MJRLE.CÉWI Mathematices, geography,, spelling,edTuyiseedtawehdich Toronto, Seceetary-'freasurer, Can- writing, history and other subjects of of our chariot to a star, but la proof adian Deep Waterways and Power the curriculum, whiie flot an end la o the wisdom of that old adage the Association. taugt i orer hateac mayconanc an pu innew blackeboards, - bugh luberforour cupboards, ai- and boys each gave a separate wand -rbt t hr twr hsam though we were able to pay for the drill. The girls' wands were pret- The ra social principies, however, work done, and hired a painter to tily decorated la bine and gold. The intricate in aduit 1f e have their sim- .. aeats and of the best quai- ple beginings in the life of the child. paint the walls and celling of the music was supplied by our school and the interests of children widen school-room, which we had done la phonograph. YCi-cream. There stili remained the lob- The smaller children gave some cesat y sore A hare out gradually into the endlesslycm by and cloak rooms and then the win- simple but pretty f olk dances, while ýce 1 t m sore A,,'plex interests of men and womnen. dow-frames, cuphoards, chairs, desk the primary class dramatized a story icited.To be a truc citizen one must be a and three ànd a haif feet of wains- they had just taken from their prim- cî being with public responsîbîl- cotting which we dccidcd to grain in ers. ities, and respect for the rights of oak. We had some recitations and songs HEAD CHEESE others. The ladies of the community now by the dhildren, and as it was at The orîin of a nation is found in showcd that they wishcd to have a Easter closing, we wrotc the words rted to make Horne-made its home and community life, thus part in the renovation and very kindly of some familiar Easter hyrnns on~ from the community we are able to offered to come on Saturdays to fin- the blackb'oard, that all mîght join ia, thr sar ayaget leara many lessons 0f citizenship. ishth ok The resuit a that which they did most heartily. of the comunity bie such that will was complcted and our school took "William Tell and His Son" la the teach abiding principles of friend- on a decidedly new appearance, We third reader. If you have a phono- ship, sympathy and industry. have some very good pictures which graph la the sehool you will flnd the The time and training of the child always add to the àttractiveness of "Overture to William Tell" will add is divided betwcen the school and the a room. much to the interest of this lesson. Je D4 udleqy home, thus there must necessarily be The timc-worn desks were made It is also sure to foster an apprecia- the closest co-operation bctween the quite respectible by a f cw coats of tbon of good music. I f ound that after bu e 72 Bomavile two. We teachers in the sacred task varnish while the stove and pipes, hearing the story and the interpreta- 1 Hose 22 13wmanille entrusted to us need the help and which doubtiess had scen polish in tion of the music they iistened with sympathy of the ýhome, and we shah d(ays gone by, reccived a coat of al- keen. enjoyment and even took picas- see how the schood can be of real uminum paint which added to the ure la writing out their own descip- value to the community. dlean, cheerful appearance of the tion of the scenes depicted. Ia rural districts the school-house room Two of the best of these which des- cribed two different scenes we had la usually the oniy building that can Thea to correspond with improve- read hy the authors and then the mus- be used as a community centre. Per- ments inside, the old board fence ic piayed on the phonograph. haps we could choose none better, as around the school-yard was taken It wouîci not he weli to omit the L1this serves to bring into dloser contact down and a substantial wîrc one put short intermission when ail might f Y ir % b 1 m SO vçe dthc home and the school, or in other in its place. ca neevdy-n xmn h words it is bringing the community While the community entertaipa- pupil's work in Art and Nature Study to the school. ment is the first means of ad-vcrtisc- collections, which nias cxbibited along One of the prcsent-day problems is ment, there are pcrhaps no subjects thc nialîs. It was aiso an opportune how to keep the people of rural dis- of the school course wbich aid la this time for the older girls to put the acheve en ofto-ayis tricts from flocking to the cities and so much as Agriculture and Domestic kettie on and arrange for serving the [t il het vey romin overcrowding our urban centres, Science. The teaching of these sub- lunch aftcr the programn. It wll eat ver roo in when the if e of the nation is de- jeets can scarcely be made a success It was during this little social time ,vay that the sun heats the pending upon the development of our unless they have the hearty support that we are able to show the ad- rich national resources-the f arm, the of thc community. vantage of having a separate room lation of air. Consurning forest, the mine, the river, and the When it became known that we wbich wonld serve as rest room andj lake. were trying to purchasc an oilstove kitchenette. d or coal that is required This is a problem for the school. the Women's Institute immediately The mca also became interestcd in J as, this thrifty furnace cir- flhurches are denominational, even voted enough money for this purpose. the possibilities of'a new cernent walk ),le register an abundance have certain ciass distinctions. But ways have, provcd a decided success. terior of the schoolhoÙs, with thei ns a halthfu, balry at- the school is democratic. People who Each child hrought acup, soup bowl: dh a h nhl rga us.chances for entertainment and coin The expense of the cooking utensils chenette complcted, ineluding the, ,ouse.panionship than those who lîve inul be covcred by the grant. purchase of a nice'couch, the cernenti tona and cities. Could our country Milk, butter, vegetabies and other nialk laid and the other necessary re-! imDlng. No Alterations. then have awiy better investmennt supplie.s were'libOra:lly contributed pairs made. than schools which would supply these throughout the winter. On two dif-~ The work was ail donc by the unît- 'eLA LY GVENneeds, keep the boys and girls on the ferent occasions ne had a large soup- cd voluntary effort of thc ladies and LA LY GIENfarm, and provide dlean, healtbfui bone sent us, witb ment enough to be men nibile the necessary rnoncy cx- and instructive entertainrnent for aIl? used the next day in a stew which was penditure nas almost entirely met T~'.One of the firat requirements of alnnys very popular with the children. without an appeal to the Secretary- this' schoool la a gymnasiars for the Parents have toli me that after Treasurer for funds. y & fl1llltt 1 en fit of the young. While the the introduction of bot lunches thc In conclusion, I niould say that Iý ,r Eninees chidmninstead of bringipg home shahl consider it worth while if rny En0er o for our ladrger entertainnmenta half their lunch, brougbt back empty paper bas been thc menas of suggcst-, Bowmanville, and debating clubs, a cosy roors of dinner pails because of the better ap- ing to teachers or scbool boards anyî the gymnasium, nihicb, Of course, petite produced by a bot disb. plan which nl belp to promote that' must contain a fire-place, could be We bave found the coal oil stove spirit of comradesbip so0 nccessary to' ___________________________ urtine of fo analer roua ~boand untensils very useful to provide every communut that hopes to bave gather for a chat or community sing. tea or coff ee at Our community gatb- a real part in the making of a great À Here, also the farmers migbt meet eringa, sncb as Hallowe'cn parties or nation. to discuss varions problems of the picaica at our school house. Our -farm and state, and the mothers' club Hlollowe'cn Masqucrade party at hold concourse over their cnp of tea. autuma bronght the people of the e A dream, yon say, yet one that section together for a social tirne. can be reahizcd la cvcry rural district. The members of one family, nibo Ia many parts onr consolidated nere present and had lately moved achools are bcing fnlly equippcd for into the neigbborbood spoke apprec- this work.iatively of sncb an excellent plan of 5" -Then the question may arise ,By being made to feel at borne amongatL wbat means are ne to accomplisb this new neigbbors. lau' dcsircd end?" 1 can' only recount The annuai achool pci 5bl nWeaing rubbers a .tîght l 4. oe of the tbings that have been the school grounds and ejydb h ltwa m - donc la our onin section. 0f course, young and old niitb basebali, racesth leswegtw thttev-it la only a arnali beginning but, I- and games, witb suitable prizes telatwih i Slab thingle believe, the school bas the genuine awarded. Tis longer ife 18 bufit ù intrea, ampahyandsericeof he Agriculture being the chief occupa- purs- ubber, p re saure itely weather- whole community. tion of the people is sure to gàip their tethw r he ea ~il easily resist Our schooi, possibly like rnany an- intereat. This interest nias expres- te't w.rehe er other, nias, to say the leat nnattract- sed la many ninys. One parent gen- heavy ribbing under the lai s or the most ive. It la too often truc that as littie erously supplied us witb tomato one of the miany special féal It null keep rnoney as possible is expcnded upon plants, nihile others sent seed potat,- possible for us to back u nd snug ail of the school. While the borne may be oea, and almost every other kind of it is alwaym la need of repairîng, decorating and seed reqnired, including floners and guarcuitee on every pair. rer the entire improving and these niants are attend- bîulbs. Always plants niere sent to ed to, tbey aremore often than not decorate the nindonis of our school- negletced la achool. room, and a number of trees niere Look for the Âmes Holden jIndeed, parents are often ignorant given and planted by one of the trus- mark on evtry pair wfllfindthatof the reai condition under whîcb. the tees interestcd la re-foresting. Leanite shingle cbild spends tbe greater part of bis The school garden dan bie used to timerUnoubedly thn, he irat heip nitb the bot lunches. The po- aberof o.step la to advertise our achool and tatoes and vegetables can be storedFoSa gain the interest of the parent and for ninter use and the tornatoca can-FrS rat-paer.nedforthe eve-poula toat r-, Foreign Exchange The wiclespread organization and ample faciities of the Bank of Montreal enable jr er.ot dlose rates on Americmn, En- glish, and ail foreign exchanges. By Meansof is private wire connections and Foreign Ex- change Departmen4th te Bank la lu constant connection with central exchange mnarkets. IBANK 0F MONTREAL ESTALISHED MORE THAN 100 YBARS À TOUKL AssBT IN ExcEss 0F $500,000,000 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCLELLAN Manager,. Too usy t Bke If you are too busy to bake why flot corne to our'shop where you will find a large and attractive assortment of fancy cakes, cookies, pies, buns and bread-baked fresh every day. We are Bowmanville agents for Neilson's Ie Crearn. The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanvîlle ea eterValue all day is tiresonie, but since rubbers are necessary, es Holden Rubber Footwear? Each pair combines ith the longest possible wear. înto eaeh pair with The mca who, design and malte these s1 cured, and extra have been working out your footwear proble rcornes. See thc for years. Their knowledge of materiais aces. This la oniy rubber shoc-making makes Ames Holîý atures that makeit Rubber Footwear the greatest value you UP the sweeping buy. Let us fit you with hoes lems and Men caný L-

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