~Dominion Stores Ltd BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 3rd., 1921. DURHAM'S FIGHTING POLITICIAN As Thrown on "The Spotlight" in The.Toronto Star. THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES 0 F CANADA I W. T. R. Preston, Liberat Candidate. BOWMANVILLE 16OCESTO THE POUND, run vfli i ýFT IT ' YOU DO WHE$ VOU BUY AT A DOMINION STORE. Choice Creamery Choice Breakfast BACON 35c lb1 BUTTER 40e lb Machine Sliced Special the best value jBlend TEA in town 33c Amîmonia Powder CastileSoap 7 bars.25c 3 for .............23c Palmolice Soap Pearline.............. 8c 3 bars ............24c Rinso, 2 for ...... 15c Inf ants Delight ...10c ILux ................12c Fairy Soap, 3 bars..25c Str121bs....19c Lif éYuoy So-ap. ÀPrincess Soap Castýle,,Soap, Flakes, lb .......20c long bar .........18c 71 »IObs. 'St. Lawrence 100 lbs. 89C SUGAR $8.49 4 tigPure ICampbell's BROOMS LARD SOUPS 39c each f2 Ibs. 35c 16C Fresh Rolled BRUNSWICK 2 Tins fOATS 10 lbs. 40c SARDINES 15c 24 lb. sack ' 4 lb. tins Sun flower White Satin Sheriff's Pink PASTRY MARMALADE SALMON 1LOUR$l.! j75 j 1 b tins 17c Fînest Canadian CHEESE 22c A T~RIAL ORDER WILL CON VINCE YOU THAT YOU SAVE MONEY SHOPPING HERE BACN 3 2c'lb If you are out to get the most for your money Ît wiIl pay you handsomely to read our advt. every week and also watch our windows. Ilere's some specials for this week:- Fînest Smoked Breakfast Bacon, by piece 32c lb Finest Smoked Breakfast Bacon, sliced ....35c lb Picnic Hams ................................... ...20c lb Best Smoked Hams ..............................32c lb 20 lb. pail Pure Lard ...........................$3.75 CHOICE DAIRY AND CREAMERY BUTTER G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Go. Phone 21 Bowmanville I BeLa u ty & Service ar ot always found in perfect combination, but 1 wnen yop use BEAVER VULCANITE RQOFING you have a combination that is both pleasing to the eye and satisfactory as to service. We have a variety of styles. TO SUIT EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PURSE Cail and see this material before you cover your new building or renew your old roof We have a fulll une of other Building Material at prices considerably lower than last season Fresh Stock of Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal ready for delivery at Summer Prices. McCI.eIIan & Company Limited King Street Bust Bowm anville ~Office Phonle 15.- Residences 228 and 274 Once regarded as the stormy petrel of Ontario politics; now buzzing tbrouoeh bis wife's native cnr-v-i, with mnuch stormy-petol, in sure and certain hope that hie will be the suc- cessor at Ottawa of Edward Blake, N. W. Rowell, and Jonas Thornton. Blake is dead. Rowell is devoted to law and the League of Nations. Thornton, who sometimës spoke to Ithe flouse of Gommons like a right Ireverend father who supported Row- ell and then damned hlm altogether, is returning officer for Durham. Hie is, therefore, removed fromn participa- tion in strif e, which bas been dis- tasteful to him, ever sînce, a genera- tion ago, when lie left the Libemal party, hie discovered, to his pained surprise, that George Brown was a practical politician as well as a self- denying patriot. Preston bas been denounced by many of those who have feit bis hand; but bis conscience is clear. If he didn't always wasb bis hands in pol- itical innocency, hie always rînsed tbem in political orthodoxy. During ten years of Liberal government in Ontarioolbe was chief organizer for -tle-party. 1MA-tells--hoi- Bk eï-- when bie became such, spoke mag- nîficently to'bim about the imperious necessity for doing nothing that would not pass muster before him- self and the Judgment Day. It is twenty odd years since Preston ceased to direct by-elections la this province. The fashions of those days, hie blesses Providlence, are not, quite the modes of is Wbiat bie could tell is not pertinent to bis candidature for Durham-a candidature whîch lhe was confident would be successful, while it was thought it would be tested by a by- election, instead of being ln the wel- ter of a general melee. Hie bas a- poicy of his own, whicb is designed to revolutionize the export apple trade; and which, competent judges say, is as good as Ontario apples tbemselves. Yesterday, at Orono, old Jonas's homne, and Bowmanville, wbere Sena- trBith retains a goodly ifune Preston had the help of bis leader; and you may be surethat this morn- ing thougb in the midst of a bard fight he's as frisky as the horse whose neck is clothed wîth thunder, and Whbo sniffs the battle from afar, For a man past 70-50 daysast- --enton is .t-eoungest thing extant. Not one jot or tittle of bis natural force is abated. At 54 a Londont dotor put him on an operating able, punched hlm in wind and limb; and pronounced himi to be ia a more per- fect state of preservation than any specimen of old or new world ana- tomy lie bad ever seen. fie used to wear a short beard;, but for some years lie bas been content witb a short moustache-laying aside every1 weigbt, you know, so that lie ray bet-1 ter ruxi the rage ýset bef ore him. Elections to hlm are like water to ar duck. Not even government jobs1 could keep him out of a scrap. While1 provincial organizer lie had a crack at1 East Durhamý for the Gommons la 1885. Then baving transferred tor the otîum cum dignitate of the Lib- rarîansbip la Queen's Park, hie took a canter in West Toronto la the Lib- emal annus mîrabilis of 1896. Even that wasn't enough; for that winter hie became a Toronto aldermnan; andu 50 remained tili 1898. Clifford Sifton sent hlm to Europe as inspector of immigration agenciest la 1899; and tbree years inter made hlmn Commissioner of Immigration ind London. Sir Clifford, an -infallible t judge of capacity, always speaks ofC hlm as a very capable and efficientu public servant. The London phaseq of bis career was deeply interesting to ahl who participated in it; and most of all to the 111gb Commissioner, Lord Strathcona., A sequel to it wâs Preston's book on Stmathcona. Re- commending ît a present-day pro-F vincial libarian wrote that it is not C only as informative as it is frank, n but it is distinguished by an admiÏ-r- able lterary style-which is' true. f Preston used to run a paper la Port Hope, wbere lie now resides and F where bie married Miss Harris, a4 Iovely girl, as she is a charming grandmother. fiHe also represented- the London Advertiser, Montreal fier- ald and other Libemal papers in the Ottawa gallery., fis own phraseh about that phase of a life that could, no more belp being strenuous thanq an umbrella can help getting wet,' is that bie "gave himself to journal- isma" Whatever lie does be does quickly and wbole-heartedly. fils decisionsT may be wrong; but tbey are reachedv wth refresbing celerity. fie keeps, bis pledges. fie bas that courage-p wbicb Lloyd George says is the T greatest of all political qualities. fie1 doesn't mmid being bit, partly be- -h As Prestori's iiveiy volume shlows, ail the trutb about Stratbcona could- n't be cbanted to the mensure of de mortuis nil nisi bonura. The Emi- gration Commissioner was made offi- cially subordinate to the fiigb Corn- missioner. No. fi. C. bas yet been a hemo to bis E. C. The Old M,,arvel was the greatest stickler for bis su- premacy over aIl the lesser Cana- dian ligbts wbich shone in London.ý Agents.-Genemal of Canadian provin- ces la bis day did not receive the officiai invitations tbat the Ag-ents- Genemal'of Australian states did. The Old Marvel would invite agenits genemal and emigration commission- ers to Knelwot-tbe bired anices- tral home of Lord Lytton; or to Glen- coe, bis noble place in Argyllshire; bUs iie ugil. i.iI-iujCy: on enance musti'i ghlae upon tbem. When be would reqluest the Preston- ian attendance at Victoria street, be wvould leara from Griffith that Mr. Preston would be witb b-is lordsbip, la due tim-e. if bis engagements per- mitted. The Old Main was a model MUSIC NECESSARY AS FOOD Music is the universal Ianguage, the most widespread form of enter- tainment in the world. The savage hardly knows why it pleases hlm, but it 15 as necessary to hidm gs eating. TIn our modern civilization music marks its devotees with a culture given only in a lesser degree by the other arts. Its charm. to the leamned or the ignorant is not ephemeral, but is as enduring as the human race !t- THE EDITOR 'TALKS. We devote considerable space in fthis issue to particulars of Bowman- ville Hiospital as brought out la. re- ports at the annual meeting on Wed- nesday of last week. It was very disappointing to citizens wbo give so much time,,thougbt and attention to the institution to see the littie Inter- est manifested by the other citizens. Few were present ehsides the mem- bers of the Hiospital and Ladies' Aux- ilîariary Boards. ýPossibly no instit- ution in town deserves the support and voluntary efforts of cîtizens to Areater degiree than 'the fibsp*tal., Its wasvmest friends are those who' bave been under treatment there Wic is the best kind of ýtestiomony to its worth to the community. The report of the numbers of inates.for the past year shows that the sur- roundîng country shares in its ben- efits. We Erbould lîke to folloxv up art- icles published ia this family journal last week to young people about doing something wôrtb while la their youth. something that will tell iný their char- acter and life la the days of their working activities. Bowmanville hms this, Fali and Winter a. good nîght school conducted by Miss Coma Fulton wbich sbould be attended by- scores of young folk ofboth sexes.> Educ- n--tion-is--a very-vnltMleaset-în-the- life of person and youth is the time for acquiring it. The Adolescent School Act is framed to benefit Can- adian youth. Get ail the schooling possible. Who can tell wbat is. a- bead --any boy la this world? Ev- ery boy sbould have the advantage of at'least as much schooling as will enable hlm to know the meaning and value of education and leave him witb the'desire and the ability. to continue the work of educaton after bis school days are over. This ap- plies equallyý to the girls as well as boys. OBiTUARIES Mrs. (Capt.) Mihigan, Newtonville. An old and highly respected ci ti - zen of Newtonville, Margaret Hiarvey,j widow of the late Capt. W. P. K. Milligan, was called home Tuesday, October 25, after an illness of tbree weeks. The late Mrs. Milligan was after ber marriage la 1884 moved to Newtonville, where she bas resided member and an active worker la the Presbyterian Chut-ch and was one of the village's most estimable ladies. One son William and one daughter Loraine, botb of Newtonville, sur- vive. Mrs. Phîpps la Toronto, on Friday, October 21, 1921, the death occurred of Mary Rice, widow of the late StiIlwell Phipps. The funeral took place from the residence of ber sister, Mrs. Coolidge, Whîtby, on October 24th. After a brief service at the bouse, conducted by Rev. F. fi. Howard, pastor of the Metbodist Tabernacle, interment took place la the Union Cemetery. Messrs. A. W. Jackson, Geo. M., Rice, Geo. Stericker and Wm. Ayres were the paîl-bearers. Deceased was born in Toronto, but after ber marriage lived ln Wbitby ui) tilI a few montbs before ber deatb. She was a sister of the late John Rice. She is survived býy five cbildren: three sons, two of wlom live la the West, and one in Toronto, and, ,two daugbters, Mrs. J. R. Bumnet, Toron- to, and Mrs. Frank Swa]low, Maple Grove. Tbree brothers, James, Samn- uel and Robert Rice live la Manitoba,' Saskatchewan and Vancouver. Mrs. Pbipps was la ber 8lst year. Richard Richarde, At the home of bis daughter, Mrs. P. J. Clemens, '65 King Street East, Oshawa, the deatb occurred Tuesday riigbt of Richard Richards, at the age of 80 years. Deaceased, while ailing for some moatbs, was seriously 111 only two weeks. Hie was bora in England, and came to Canada about 41 vears ago, taking up farmiag in Darlington township, and for a nuni- ber of years lived in Bowmanville, Hie retired a few years ago, and of late years bas made bis home wîtb is daugbters la Oshawa and Walker- ville, fie bad been bere for four manville cemetery. tof courtesy; but be neyer f orgot a slight, as the citizens of Winnipeg, wbo once refused te re-elect him te the Hlouse of Commons, very well 'kn ow. After London Preston served bis country in Japan, -of wbicb an im-j peril vase is a treasuredmeoal in Sýoutb Africa, and at Amtrai Ie, worked like a galley Slave for Canadlian trade; for he is a devotedl Canadian. fHe looked after thie Laurier interest overseats during th-e general election; and broug,,-ht back, stories that sbould have mlade tbe flouse of Commons hair arise. Sir Wilfrid was bis frîend, to the last. iaitbfuî; none isý really better seized' of true ULbemal principles; and none1 bas, more zealously served a party in whic, hbe belleves, and for wbicb he IR w k Ite hiraself, and, on every ue.m"y necasioll, to s-ee ft o&g ea eoes'vm suifer.1 Sti"lAnother FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER S ONLY We are offering these goods just from the factories, good reliable make, and our guarantee behind it ail. 1 White Ename1lled Bedstead, 410 size $7.00 Spring to fit $7.00) i Mattress $6.0 $20.00 This outfit compilete for $12.00. require a pair of pillows we will give pair, ail feathers for Should you you a good $2.50 self. it appuais equaiiy 'tu trie minel, the imagination and the émotions. It is a science as well as an art. To understand and appreciate it, to teach it to one's children, is a duty everyone owes to his own happiness. Music to-day isflot a luxury, it is a necessity< for every one of us, and should b e taught to every boy and girl in this great Domin-ioni. It Ws not a fr111 but almost as necessary as food. Tanlac, that celebrated medicine, makes you eat better, feel better, sleep better and work better. Sold by Jury & Loveli. PARISIAN Maker of High Grade Ladies' Gents' Garments. j We can fumnish you with best material, Serges and indigo dye,' guarantee neyer to -fade, nowhere else can you buy at our lowýest price. Ahl work done by' exp er- ienced tailor. Fit guaranteed. L.4,COu'WVTE L L Llorsey Block Bowmanville Furniture Dealers & Funeral Directors, Biowmnanville And Orono I - ~IM~ E t 4 STr'sVoIcL FOR NOVEMBER NOW ON SALE There's something for you among the new November oflerings esecially if you are one of the many wxho have been waiting forsa Pau, Jones. It is really a wonderful tist and one that witl surety satisfy the most varied demands., DANCE RECORDS Paul .ones-Dance Medley Metropolitan Dance Band~250 The ast altzMetropolîtan Dance Band' Sunshine-One Step (Simons) Sjcott's Orchestra 216337 Jabberwocky-Fox Trot Scott's Orchestrai Say It With Music-Fox Trot Raderman's Novelry Orchestra 216338 Just Because-Fox Trot VanEps Quartet Dangerous Blues-Fox Trot (Brown) Original Dixieland jazz Bd. 18798 Royal Garden Blues-Fox Trot Original Dixieland jazz Ban(d South Sea Isles-Medley Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orch. 18801 Rosy Cheeks-Fox Trot Ail Star Trio and Their Orchestra VOCAL RECORDS The Church's One Foundation Trinity Quartet 262 There is a Green Hill Far Away Tfrinity Quarter 162 Why Dear P (Cohen) Crescent Trio 2133 Down in Happy Valley Charles Hart-Lewis Jantps 263 ,When Old Mm. Toad Was Puffed Up Frank Orr 263 Uncle Wîggily and the Birds Frank Orr 263 Mother, 1 Didn't Understand Lewis James 263 Down at the Old Swimming fiole Chartes Hart-Lewis James 263 Bring Back My Btushing Rose Chartes Harrison Daisy Days Shannon fu 216334 Remember the Rose Chartes tHart f216335 Sleepy Head Charles Harrison Ma! (Ctare-Conrad) Bitty Jones(21633, Mimi (Conrad) Billy Jonef Cohen ait the Weddiùg Monroe Sitver~263 Cohen's New Automobile Mýoniroe Silver 263 Whenthe Honeymoon Was Over Henry Burr 185 Jealous of You (Freedman-Ingham-Johnson) Wittiam Robynf Twickenham Ferry' Lucy isajbelle Mar5hJý INSTRUMENTAL RECORD Badinage (Piccolo Solo), etc.' Victor Orchestra Menuett (Viola Solo) Gavotte (Violin), etc. Victor Orchestra J RED SEAL RECORDS Mattinata (Morning Song) (In Italian) Giuseppe de Luca Quartet in A Major-Assai agitato. Flonzatey Q(uartet Lovels Messenger Waltz (Mesiýagero Amoroso) Amnetita Gahti-Curci' Sérénade Mélancolique (Tschaikowsky) Jascha Hieifetz -To Spring (Greig) (Violin Solo with Piano) Fritz Kreisler Eugene Onégin-Air di Lenski Giovanni Martinelti Little Town in the' Outd Counrty Down Jo4n McCormnack4 Symphonie Pathétique---March-Scherzo Philadelphia Orchestra", 12 $1.65 10 1.00 10 1.00 10 1.00 10 1.00 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 45253 10 1.25 A 64990 10 $1.25 74710 12 2.00 64991 10 1.25 74711 12 2.00 64993 10 1.25 74712 12 2.00 49410 1.25 74713 12 2.00 Ask to heur them plaged on the victrol at any "lHis Master's Voice" dealers Mlanufactured by Berliner Grama-o-phone Co., Lntd otra If you want to furnish the room complete, we can suppl a nice dresser iwg Ien flinis bevelled- mirror for $$0 A1sQ stand to match for $ 7.00 If you require any of these goods buy on Sat- urday, one day only, you save mnoney and we loose. F, F. MORRIS CO. -t- -t ni le- -0 %il 1 t m zt- - wi-t