DARLINGTON MAN DIES Late Jesse Arnot, Hampton. Two-in-One .Souvenir After several months' illness a life- long resident of Darlington, ia the person of Mr. Jesse Arnot, passed away on Thursday, October 27, at bis - home in Hampton. Deceased was a son of the late y Daniel M~. and Mary McDougall Arn- ot and was born on February 10, 1848, on the Arnot homestead near Zion- where on this and the farm ad- joining he iived ail his 1f e until he retired from farming about 18 years ago and settled, in -the village of Hampton The fun eral took place on Satur- day afteraoon to Bowmanvllle Cerne- --ONEtery, service being coaductedby Rev. W. H. Spargo of Bowmaaville, assist- ed by Rev. W. W. Jones of Hampton. Thfe bearers were Messrs. Chas. Ston- house, J. J. Virtue, Alfred Hlogarth, -0 Sydney Trevail, Albert RIllis and James Sulley. Besides bis widow he leaves, two daughters, Mrs., L. T. Pascoe, Sol- ina, and Mrs. James McDougnll, Bowmanvîlle, and four grandchildrea ail of whom were present at the fua- eral. Also four brothers, John of Ebenezer, Daniel of- Solina, Robert and Archie of Park River, Dakota. Among the relatives present were Mr. and Mrs. John Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Il. A. Saunders and sons Edward Saunders, Oshawa; Mr. Earl Duthie, Miss Duthie and Miss Edith Duthie, _ frs.Abr ArntDr.aa rs L. B. Williams and daughter,, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. S. Trevail, East Whit- by, Mr. Jesse Arnot, Taunton, Mr. John Arnot and Mr. and Mrs. Blake For, Heating, Cooking and Baking Stove for Ok e, Ebenezer. coali and wood. Cail and see it. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Jesse Arnot, Hampton, and daughters wish to thank their neigh- R I C iE & ~bors and friends for the many kind- OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BOWMANVILLE nasses -and zympathy exteaded ta them during the illness and death of ________________________________________________ the husband and father. Lad ie.s' Seas"onable Readyto=Wear, It is necessary to clear out the entire stock of merchandise now on hand, and in order to accomplish this every garment in the store will be reduced to below cost price. This will be one of the greatest selling events ever conducted in Oshawa. The goods m-ust go and thxe public will get the benefit of these remarkable values. Store Closed Ail Day Friday To Arrange For The Sale. Sale Starts Saturday, Nov. 5th to Nov. 2h to2h SUITS 1 dozen -Suits, Velour, Navy and Black Serges, ail sizes $12.99. 1 dozen Tricotine Suits, made up in this season' s Iatest styles, ahl silk lin- ed, also a few Broad- cloths, a wonderful bar- gain. Regular $45 to $50, Sale Price $19.99. Velour Suits, fur col lar, trimmed with embroid- ery, fancy silk lined, Regular $75.00 for SKIRTS A Il Wool Botany Serge Skirts, Navy only, pleat- ed, Regular $T.00 for 3.99. DRESSES 25 Tricotine Dresses, a $35.00 dress to seil at less than wholesale prices. Trimmed with beads and embroidery. Sale Price $19.99. 25 Tricottie and Dresses, Black Navy, trimmed embroidery and b ail this season'sg Regular $25.00, Price $12-99. Silk and with beads, goods, Sale SKIRtS AIl Wool Botany Serge Skirts, Navy, Regular $9.00 for $4.99. COATS Ail Wooi Silvertone and Plaid Coats, latest styles $12.99. Only 1 dozen Velour Coats, a great clearing bargain $15.99, 1 dozen Coats, Bolivia, American Velour, with Beaverine and Oppos- sum collars, the very newest styles, Regular $65-00 to $75.00 for $39.99. Velour Coats, Regular $45.00 for $29.99. ~1 SKIRTS Ail Wool1 Botany Serge Skirts, large sizes, Navy and Black, Reg- ular,$10 for $6.99. Cý-orne eryo auda y Oshaw r a BENTHAMS SCHOOL Report for October: Form III- Rowena Avery, Irene Ferguson. Forrn II-Mildred Avery, Myrtle Webben. Fom I-Barbara Wotten : Roy Avery, Verna Griffan and Mary C oul tvr, equal Form 1 Jr. A. M1,1abp: Webber, B-Clarence Avery, C 'îladys Wot- ten, Vera Grifria. Scl-ool open 19 days. Douglas D. Barton, $eacher. ENNISKILLEN Clare and son Alfred, Toronto, visit- ing with the Stainton familles; Mn. N. Byers with friends ia the city; Miss Reta Ashton with Miss P. Beech, Haydoa; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sleamon, Toronto, at bis fatber's, Mr. John Siemon; Mr. and Mns. Will Stainton Suadayed at Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Grifria visited at Mr. Stinson's, Cart- wright; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morri- son, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bow- manville, Miss Irene Werry, Oshawa, Miss Hazel Werry, Tyrone, at Mrs. H-. J. Werry's; Mrs. H-. J. Werry vis- ited at Dr. C. W. Slemon's, Bowmaa- ville. Mn. and Mrs. John Slemon, gave a tbanksgiving dinner la honor of, the first visit home of the Dr. siace bis severe illness. AUl the family with some near-ftiends were present and had, a pleasant time together.... Those who attended League Wednes- day evening were amply repaid by an excellent program. Bible lesson was read by Miss Mae Werry; read- ing "Mhat About the Federal Elect- ion"? by Mrs. Hugh Annis; Mrs. W. Ashtoa's and Mrs. R. ^ Ormiston's _1dët"Inh the ade",was appreciat7 ed. Mr. W. J. Monrison, Bowman- ville, gave a very interesting and in- structive address on "Citizenship'" wbich made everyone feel their re- spoasibility as citizens. Ina a veny effective manner a duet "O the Touch of His Hand on Mine", was sung by Mrs. W. J. Morrison, and Mrs., (Dr.) Slemon. Our Leaguers appreciated their kindness very mucb and we will be glad, to welcome tbem on future occasions. Social baîf bour was en- joyed and meeting closed with the League Benediction. TYRONE Mr. C. Hooper's sale on Tuesday was largely attended. At'the close those present were celled to order and Mrs. S. T. Hoar read a aiceiy worded address to Mrs. Hooper mak- ing ber a lîfe member of the W. M. S.] Mrs. Brent pinned on ber a if e mem-, bersbip pin. Rev. W. T. Wickett read an apprco,priate address to Mr. Hooper whileý Mrs. W. R. Clemens presented him with a beautiful rend- iag lemp. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper have lived here most of tbeir lives and have been very bighly esteemed not only for their pleasing personalities but for thein generosity and sterling Christian chenacter and %the cbunch and community bave sustained a greet loss la thein gong ... . League attendance was still on the increase on Thursday with Mn. Charlie Stinton la the chair. Stewardship was taken up by Miss Edythe Clemens. The topie by Mn. M. J. Werry, with a splendid tlk on "The value of the social balf boun'" by Mr. Elgin Tay- lon, Solîne, a duet by Messrs. W. S. Staples and A. H. Brent and a piano solo by Miss Velma Staples. Yeu are requested to be present this week. .... Througb the kiadness of Mn. and Mrs. C. A. Bigelow Leaguers bad e most enjoyable time Halloween nigbt. Those la mesquerade sbowed consid- enable genius la their various dost- urnes and caused much merriment, the orchestra adding to the interest and pleasune of the evening. Rev. W. T. Wickett moved a hearty vote of thanks to bost and bostesses sec- rnided by Mn. Floyd Dudley.. Temperence Sunday wes observed at School Mn. M. J. Werry la change. Reading by Mn. Hanry Hatherly, duet by Kathleen Gibbs mcd Fred Goodman and a splendid talk hy Mn. Albent Hilîs nmade an intenesting prograim. Rev. W. T. Wickett gave a splendid sermon on "Love" on Sunday morn- HAMPTON 'Dr. J. L. Hughes lectures' here on Thursday, December 8th. 1Visitons: Mn. L. Williamson, Lind- say, Miss Bateman, Cnesswell, et E. L. Williamson's; Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Base LUne, visited, ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. Tnenoùth; Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Edger, Oshawa, et H. Wilcox, Jr; Miss Lottie Horn returned frorn Peterboro on'Sunday accompanied by Misse§ Jean and Agnes Honsfield, Mn. A. Horsfield and Miss Aloha Horn; Mrs. C. P. Sparling and Mrs. (Dr.) shor, reading,; vocal solo b n Theodore Salitee. Meigcoe with League Benediction.1 Thanksgiviag Concert MÎ11 lbe held la the basement of the churcb on WedaIesday, November 'i et 8 p. ni. It will consis t of choruses, recitations,i duets and trio. Admlission-child- rea 10(-, adulIts 20c. Refreshaients extra. part of the proceeds fer Park Committee. Another Wo nderful One Cent Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. lOth, llth and l2th. No matter how far away you live do flot fail to attend'. Huadreds of people within fifty or sixty miles of Bowmanville look forward each year to Our wonderful Anniversary Sale. Our business was established in 1856, and we are now celebrating our 65th Anniversaiy. This will be the biggest money-saviag event that we, have ever offered- No, matter how far away from Bownianville you live, it will pay you well to take a day off and visit the towa one of'these days. You will be surprised at the wonderful improvement la our streets and the general appearance of the town, since. our last Anniversary Sale. Most readers of the Statesman know the general plan of this sale. 'It is put on by the Rexaîl Drug Store organîzation to introduce their remedies. Instead of gîving away smnll samples they seil you a full size package of aay remedy for lc, providiag you buy another of the samne kiad at the regular price. For instance, you buy a $2.50 Hot Water Bottie at the regular price and you get another one for le; you buy a $1.00 bottle of perfume at the regular price and you get another one for le; you buy a 25e package, of Aspiria Tablets at regular price and you get another package for lc; and so on, 'for huadreds of items. DROP US A CARD AND WE WILL MAIL YOU A FULL LIST OF THE AR.. TICLES for sale, and do aot let aaything prevent you from visiting the town on one Ofhethree-ayr.- "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED" This is the most wonderful SERVICE GIVING id;ea the world bas ever had. Just imagine 10,000 of the most promineat Druggists la Canada, United States aad Great Britain, ail enithused with this Rexal idea and ail co-operating flot oaly to gîve possible service to the public, but also to supply a line of Household Rem- ediles of such positive, unexcelled menit that eacb and everyoae of these 10,000 Druggists wîll unhesîtatîngly and gladly return the cash on aay Rexall remedy that fails to give ý perfect satisfaction. FOR INSTANCE If you purchase any RexaIl product from us and then move to ýa distant part of Canada, U. S., or Great Brittain, any Rexaîl dnuggist anywhere will hand back your, aoney if you are flot satisfled with'your purchase. Or, ta.ke the Hot Waten Bottles we are selliag la this sale-If la a year's time you fiad a weakness or 6mlai any one of tbem, any Rexaîl store anywhere will replace il free of ail change, and WILL BE GLAD TO DO IT. That is why the Rexaîl plan bas been such a tremeadous success. Ju ry&LovI When we test eyes it is done properly. Higb Grade Oxfords la Black and Wh s Brown Kid aad ,Ca]f Skia with Welt- -~ ed Soles, Military Heel..$9.00OOe SAME QUALITY LAST YEAR $11 __ Will, H-igb Sboes-Vassar and Onyx, two of Canada'sleadiag trade mark Sboes in Brown Caîf and Black Kid, witb Welted 'Soles, Leather or Rubben Heels. ....................$1.00 SAME QUALITY LAST YEAR. $14 Smart New Sboes-But-one pour ing wet day will crack and stain tbem. Our Lif e Buoy Brand is un- Ssurpassed. The, new price lb reduced 10 per cent. On the Sunnyside Mrs. R. O. Jolliff e esked a f ew people interested ina missions to corne la on Saturday aflennoon, to have a cup of tee with Mrs. G. M. Jackson, Winaipeg, wbo gave sncb a deligbtful illustnmted addness et Queen Street Church on Friçlay evening. Mrs. H. A. Levell made the tee and bbe pleasant informiai bour was mucb enjoyed by Mns. Jolliffe's guests.- Kingston Whig. ENFIELD The Executive Committee of Dan- lingtoa Sunday Scbool visite ,d the school on October 23 and ne-organ- ized witb followiag teachers: Adult Clssý-Rev. G. T. McKenzie; Girls' Clmass-Mý,rs. Frank Gilbert; Boys ClessMr, oskia Smith; Primary ClmssMrs.L. C. Pascoe; Presidenit Adult Class-Mr. Geo. Ormiston; Vice-Pesdet --Mr. F. Gilbert; Sec- retmtry--Mrs. W. ... .... Miss Maggie Stiason bas had erysipelas ..Mn. W. Prescot bas started plo-wiag on bis new fmrmi... . Mn. Jas. Starks bave got nîcely settled la their new home.... Mn. Jas. Pari, is erectiag a commodioius drivinig shed . .Major E. E. Saiden inspected Our school hast Mweek. Taalac bas tfui, kngest sale of aay medicine la the world. Over Twenty Million botlles have been sold la six y7ears. NO other Medicine basi evexr aPproachied it as a seller. Jury & Loveli. See You Right Through The Fail AndA- Winter FRr"ED R. FOLE yBwanil 2 '~. Owing to the change in the management of the Ladies' Ready-to- Wearbusiness carried on formerly by Sam UelS chwart 7 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa Rememba hePlaRce 7 LSimcoe St. South Hiurry! Hurry! MR@. FARMER Here's. what you have been waiting for-big drop in prices of machinery. Fairbanks Engines SPECIALLY PRICED FOR ONE MONTH ONLY We are making this big drop in prices of thiese weii knrown engines just to see if the farmers xviii realliy snap up a genuine bargain when offered to them. There is only a iimited number of.these engines we xiii offer at this reduction so investigate eariy and you wiii save money. 3 ~and 6 H. P. Engines in stock. WM. j. CHALIS,' Phone 205-31 Manvers Road Bowmanville