Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1921, p. 5

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Royal Theatre Bowmanville Ta-URsDAY, NOV. 3RD Mdary Miles Minter in ALL SOUL'S EYE' Also serial 'The Diamond Queen'. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOV. 4 & 5 Bryant WaWhburni 'AN'AMATEUR DEVIL' The hilarious tale of a "spotless youth" and his scan 'dalous quest of a blemish. Corne laugh tili you ache while the amateur Devil goes to the bad and cornes back with a reputa-' tion. 1 Story 'from "Wanted-a Blemish" in Ainslee's Magazine. Also Bringing up Father comedy by Geo. MeManus. 'JIGGS IN SOCIETY' Special Matinee Saturday at 3,30 p. m., Children wll not be admitted Saturday night unless accompanied by an aduit. MONDAY & TUESDAY, NOV. 7 & 8 Charles Ray ini HOMER COMES HOME' Also Mgck Sennett Comedy Mon- day, in 'It's a Boy', ànd Tuesday ser- ial 'The Purpie Eiders'., WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOV. 9TH AND 1OTH. 'THE SAPHIEAD' Co-starring Wm. H. Crane and BUSTER KEATON Afthrilling story of love and high finar.ce, interpreted by a brilliant'en- semble of players. Also 2-reel comedy Wednesday and serial 'The Diamond Queen' ,Thurs- day. Admission: Adults 20c; children loc. Doors open 7.30 p. m., show starts 8 o'clock sharp., Saturday inights open 7 and start 7.30. COMING SOON-'THE GREAT REDEEMER' WANTED WANTEO-Poor woring mnan's wif e would like to buy cbeap, a winter over- coat for boy ten. S. S. Drawer B., Bow- manville. 42-1w' TO) LET .TO LET-Tbree unfurnished rooms, heated and ligbted, hardwood floors and 11re'placeý Suitable for light housekeeping. -Apply Bvx)ç-SO ov, emaniviuea. 41-1,1 LOST TIRE LOST-33 x 4, tube and rim with black tire cover. Lost on the Kingston Re~d in September. Reward for return to Statesn On ffice, Iowmianville. 44-t LOST-A long loggiflg chain on Sat- urday evening, October 8, between Bow- nianille and Roy Truilis, lot 25 and 26, Basçý Line. Darlington. Reward for re- turu1-ostatesmn Office. .. 41-tf. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED We will shortly require board and room for a number ci our maie and f emale employees comîflg from Toronto. Citizens wshing good desirable perman- ent boarders please advlse Thomson Knittlng Co., Ltd-, tempors.ry ofie King st. W. BowmanVille. 29-t HELP WANTED WAN TED-A. g00 cook, at once. References raýQuired. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. R. J. Gill, IKingston Rd., R. R. 4 Bowmanville. 42-tf. Brighit girls to learn kntting previaus experience ùot necessary, good worklng conditions. This le an opportunltY to learn a high clse occupation paying good wages. ApplY Thomsonl Knttlng Co., Bowmnville. 29-t- ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-First class baby carniage, cheap. Apply at Statesman Office, 1. W. FOR SALE-Ritchen Table and Small Bell Coal Reater. Apply toMrs. C. Me- Feeters, Church-st., Bowmanville., 42-tf FOR SALEF-Six-year old heavy'mare. .Apply to 0. M. Lowden, lot 7, con. 8, Darlington (Long Sault) Tyrone P. 0. 42-tf HONEY FOR SALE-Good quality, dark boney, sold in 5, 10, 30 and 60 lb. con- tainers. R. J. Smith, Ennjskillen, Phone 211-24. 41-tf FOR SALE-A number of young pigs from four to seven weeks' old. Prices reasonable. Apply to A. H. Clemens, R. ý1 6, Bowmanvllle, Phone 237-r3. 43-tf FORA SALE-Supreme Range, with i,-.ring loset and Reservoir, and ther- moter, in good condition. Apply to mrs. S. Stanley, Scugog-st., flowmanville. 43-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINAR'Y SURGEON. Day or -Night Caîls Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st W., Statesmnan Block, Bown-anville. Phone 243. M. A, JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EVROP--Canadlan nlie Whtestar Dominion, Cunard, Amer- lesu. Âmk for bnformation. Phone 5 8, Bow=UMsnl. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Neyer invest money in a hole ln the ground. Miss Edna Bottrell, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Compare this local newspaper with any other you see. Mr. Rose Stutt is at Owen Sound assisting in Jury & Leslie's Store. Mrs. Mort. Murdof and, daughter Borea, are visiting friende in Toron- to. Mrs. Wm. Trewin is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toron- to. Mrs. W. M. Ives has returned from two-weeks' visît with her daughter, at Castietan. Mr. Robt. D. Woods, Toronto, spenit Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Geo. W. James. Reader, beware of doubtful invest- ments when there are s0 many,,sure ones at your service. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sulley left on Tuesday to spend the winter on the East Coast of Florida. I Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell and Miss Frankie Jewell spent the week-end with frîends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dustan and sons spent the week-end ln Toronto. Mr. Darreli Shaw-Jonee sof, San Francisco, Cal., has been guest of Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood. Miss Marion McDougall and Mr. Chris. Cole, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. J .D. Car- ruthers. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Nott and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McNichol and Joan, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. W. H. Diustan's. Misses Lepha and Jean Doncaster entertained, a number of young people at a masquerade party at their home on Hallowe'en. Miss Jennie Henderson and sister, Mrs. Lenhardt and baby of Toronto, were guests of their sister, Mrs. Ver- non Coulter of Brighton, last week. Mr. J. A. Bickell, Oshawa, with Mr. Geo. Il. Bickeli motored to Lakefield to attend the funeral 'of their cousin, Mr. James Bickeli, Rebekah Lodge will hold a Pro- gressive Euchre in their lodge room on Tuesday, Nov. 15. Prizes and refreshments. Admission 2bc. 43-2 Members of True Blue Lodge will hold a Euchre Party on Friday, Nov. 4th., la the Foresters' Hall. Good p rizes and good lunch., Admission 25c. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly meeting on Friday, November 4 ýat 3.30 p. m. ln the Councîl Room. Ahl members attend. - Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle and family, Brighton_ spent Sunday with hie mother, Mrs, John Rundle, who celebrated her 82nd birthday on that day. Mrs. ichard Osborne has returned from visiting her daugliter, Mre. J. W. Hamilton, Mllbrook. Mr. Hamilton has recently undergone a very serious operation. Mrs. A. Hunter, Belleville, and her dnughter, Mrs. (Rev,) D. M. Perley, and caughter Helen, Penticton, B. C., visited their cousin, Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washington.. Great Bargains in hats at Miss Harnden's on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 4th and 5th. Hats marked at haîf-price. Nothing over $10.00 and ns low as $3.00. Caîl and inspect be- forebuying. The goverament has issued a pro- clamation caling on Canadians to ob- serve a two minutes silence at il a. m. on Friday, Nov. 11, the an- niversary of the signing of the Armis- tice. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. McLean -and daughter Carol, Toronto, Miss Sarah McLean, -V-an-ouv-e-r,-B.--C.,I matored here and spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, Bowmanville. Menu for supper in St. Paul's ?Lecture Room, Thursday, Nov. 10, at 5'p. m: Dressed Pork and Apple Sauce; Tangue; Scalloped Potatoes; Salade and Pickles; Pumpkin and Ap- ple Pie; Bread and Butter; Cake; Tea. 50C. A winter Chautauqua series of en- tertainmente will be held, in Opera 1bHuse, Bowmanville, the first being November 23rd.. Series of 5 con- certs for $1.75 adults; children $1.00; ;including war tax. More particu- lare next week. Mr. Sam Clarke, Cobourg, declined .the Liberal nomination for Northum- >berland for the Commons and the contest will be a traight fight be-, Eyve Efficiency Duil days, long evenings and artificial lights make a heavy de- mand on the eyes and only those having normal and healthy eyes can do their work with ýcomfort. DO YOU FEEL ANY STRAIN? HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED and be ready for the long winter ahead. R. M. MITCHELL Optometrist Regu-teýred hy Examination R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druzggits and Optoinetristis Phone 92 BowmanvWle LOCAL AND OTHERWISE This is a 1ltter from "home to thousands of. readers. See bargain hats at Miss Harnden's on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 4th and 5th. The Church of Christ will hold its annual Bazaar on Wednesday, No- vember 30th. A Rummage Sale will be held on Friday, Nov. 4th at 8 p. m.* at St. John's Parish Hall., Afternoon tea 1 5C. Tuesday, November 15 is the date of the Progressive Euchre under aus- pices of Rebekah Lodge. Prizes and Refreshments. Admission 25c. 43-2 Women's Association of St. Paul's will be "At Home" in their "house beautiful"l on Thursday afternoon, November 10, in the Lecture Room. Boaths open at 8.30 p. m. YOUNG PEOPLE TO MEET AT ORONO Banner to lie Presented to Most Act- ive League. A great rally of Young People's Societies will be held in Orona on Tuesday, November 15, at which Rev., G. W. Sparling, who represents this District in China, Rev. J. H. MeBain, B. A., Oshawa.. Rev, S. C. Moore, B. A., Bowmanville, and a numnber of local workers wili speak. ~n erc- ency Banner will be danated and pre- sented by Mr. M. A. James, Bowman- ville, to the League in Bowmaaville District reporting the most activity during the past year, on the finding of three judges. Afternoon and evening sessions. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Church of Christ-Rev. L.- E. Zavitz, minister. il a. m.-"Work- ers Together with God". 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School-Classes for ail. 7.00 p. m.-Young People's Sermon- "What it Means". .Methodist Church, Rev. S., C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor. Sunday services will be of a Thanksgiving character conducted by Rev. A. Forbes, Stilîman, of Omemee. Al should hear this popular preacher. Sunday School and Brotherhood at the usual hour. Leaguers and other young people of the Methodist Church celebrated the fifth Monday in October by a Hallowe'en social. The decorations were in keeping with the occasion. The receivers at the door were dis- guised in unique Hallowe'en cost- umes, the admission fee being based on the size of the wearer's boots-2 cents per sze. The »rogramn was in charge of the PresidentMISS Vestina Spargo, who conducted the devotional exercises and presented the following numbers: The littie folk very at- tractively ýcostumed sang the apening chorus very heartily; recitations by Jack Miller and Jean Morris; readings by Misses Annie Cox and Lena Had- dy; solo by Miss Leone Quinn and a chorus by the League Executive in costume. At the close a contest and Hallowe'en games with choice juicy apples as refreshments furnish- ed a social hour which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Members of Mrs. (Dr.) C. W. Slemon's Sunday School Class enjoy- ed a merry tîme at her home on Hal- lowe'en. Besides having a good stime themselves they carried a sweet 1remembrance to a number of shut-ins whom they called to see during the Bevening. BlIRTHS ROBE RTS-in Bowmianvilte, October 26, to Mr. and Mns. Oliver J. Roberts, a son. DÈATHS ARNOT-At Hampton, October 27, Jesse Arnot, in his 74th year. CLARK-Suddenly in Port Hlope, Oct. 29, M\4ary Lewis, widow of Robert Nelson Clark. CRAWFORD-At Blackstock, Oct. 22, William Robert' Crawford, in bis 33rd year. McNEI L-Suddenly, in Clarke Town- ship, October 25. Archibald'McNeil, aged 67 yeans. KIRBY-In Oshawa, Oct. 29, Kenneth Lorne, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Royden D. T<îrby. PH IP PS-In Toronto, October 21, Mary TPhipps, beloved wif e of the late Stillwell Phipps, in lier Slst year. BROWN-In Whltby, October 25, San- 1ford Leslie Brown, beloved husband of Emma Brown, in bis 69th year. MILLIGAN-At Newtonville, Oct. 25, Margaret Harvey, reliet of the late Capt. W. P. K. Milligan, in ber 69th year. GREER-At General H-1ospital, Toronto, Oct. 30, Elizabeth, widow of Samuel Greer, Manvers, in ber 54th year. In - terred ,at l3lackstock. NEAL-Buffalo, N. Y., October 26, Fan- nie Ann daugbter of John T. and Mary E. Neal, and sister of John R. M.- Olive and Monroe A. Neal. Funeral on Satur- day lafternoon at 2.30 fnom residence No. 256 Bryant St. POLITICAL MEETING HON. R. B. BENNETT, Minister of Justice Wladrss a meeting in týe inter- este of the Conservatives în the OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9THý at 8 P. M Mr. F. W. Bowen, Conservative Candidate f or Durham, will aiea ad- drese the meeting. DISC USSION INVITED I iThe Shop That Leads -I Flatware, For Holiday Festivities You will no doubt be entertaining friends and relatives next week-end and celebrate Thanks- giving Day in the good old-fashioned way. Gathering around the f estive board is one of the big events on this annual occasion. You will want your table to look its best. To do this you should have shining new flatware. Goodness knows you have made those old' knives, f orks and spouns hold out until you feel al- most ashamed to Jlet them get past the kitchen door. Decide now that you are going to have new flatware. You can buy your'favorite make and design here at the new lower prices. Alex. Elliott JEWELERj--WATCHMAKER-E NGRAVER ILHERE IS ALWAYS A MARKET FOR TH RIiTKIND 0(-F CGOO)DS We certainly have what is newest and most' sough't after by people who want the best and lat- est fashions. READ THIS LIST 0F BARGAINS Special Sale of Ladies' Men's and Children's Sweater Coats and Pullovers, ail sizes and shades. Now is your chance to get a good Sweater coat cheap., This week only 33 and a third ýper cent discount. WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES Women's Bouse Dresses, a new shipment, to clear at 20percent discounLt- GREAT VALUES IN UNDERWEAR W;omen's, Misses' and Children's ,Underwear,f5 big variety, complete assortment, excellent values from 25c to $8.00 garmnent. WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR A job lot of Women's Underwear, white only, goodquality, wool mixture, to clear at 2 for $1.00 or 50c each. BRUS HED WOOL SCARFS AND TAMS Brushed Wool Scarfs and Tams, in white, black, copen, navy, green., pink, old rose, and hem- na, to clear at 20 per cent discount. CASHMERE HOSE 98CJ 11 " Ladies' Cashmere Hose, very best il complete range of siies, $1.50 value to ' 98e pair. FAVORED FURS IN FÀVORED STYLES dddto'our thorough and artistie workmanship make our furs distinctly above the average. The value-seeking buyer will find his interest keyed to the highest pitch when he compares piece for piece and price for price. SHIRTS We have just received a wonderful variety of shirts. We think that they are better than we have ever shown. Fabrics that are more appeal- ing in design and more cleverly woven in permta- nent colors. G. N.OHRSO Bowmianvi11e s Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shiop. oE 1 - qualit Y, clear at Ladies' Hose, Mixture of Wool and Cotton, to clear at 69e pair. Ladies' Lisie Thread Hose,' to clear at 49ce pair. Kimona Cloths, excellent value, rnany differ- ent patterns and colors to choose from at $ 1.25 and $ 1.35 a yard. FROM READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT Women's Kimonas, 36 to, 40, to clear $.0 diff erent colors and patterns. Evening Dresses the very last t[hinýg in style. See these beautiful d1resses, SW. masonI&Son Opposite the Standard Bank Bowmanviîîe Phone' 106 bý-- mmumum maw King St. E. Phone 207 Bowmanville

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